Faculty and staff resources


Learn more about Graduate Assistantships (TA and RA) and their process and eligibility requirements (i.e. GPA and registration) for domestic and international 成人影片 hoping to apply for a research or teaching assistantship at UAF.

UAF 成人影片 work with teaching assistant Sophie Chowdhury during their anatomy and physiology lab


2024-25 RA/TA/Fellow Health Insurance Rates

Please note:  The rates listed are the minimum rates that apply to all Graduate Assistantships (including Teaching Assistants (TAs), Research Assistants (RAs), and Engagement Assistants (EAs)). Departments are welcome to exceed these amounts where desired. 

Assistantship rate category Hourly rate

You cannot work over 20 hours per week and remain in non-taxable status. (International 成人影片 cannot work over 20 hours/week under ANY circumstances).

If you anticipate regularly* working over 20 hours/week during your position (or find yourself doing so) you must submit a Graduate Student Workload Exception Request form (PDF).

* "Regularly" is defined by our office as working over 20hrs/week more than 1.5 pay periods (3 weeks) out of a any 4 week period). Yes, that includes 21/hours week.

Master's student $24.50/hr
Ph.D. student, before advancement to candidacy, no prior Master's degree $29/hr

Find a list of grad student forms for committees and advisors, research and compliance, petitions, advancements, study plans, registration, program status, competency, degree completion and assistantships.

A UAF Ph.D. student sits with a laptop at a picnic table outside the Arctic Health Research Building