Contract letter templates

All graduate assistantship letters must be routed through the NextGen platform. If a letter has been processed in NextGen and requires changes, please use the templates listed below as a change request to HR.

  • AY 24-25:
  • AY 23-24: 
    (*As a reminder, Summer 2024 contract letters should be submitted using the CBA Contract if they are being submitted for after July 1, 2024.*)



Fee Payment Memos

Fee Payment Memos must be submitted whenever the department would like to cover a cost that is not listed in the student's contract, or the student is not on an Assistantship. For example, if an instructor would like to cover a student's course cost and that course is not covered with an assistantship. Payment Memos are submitted through . Please include the following: Student information, tuition/fee award $ amount, detail/exemption codes, and indicate whether insurance should be provided/covered. Please attach proof to the Payment Memo. This can include an email chain confirming the coverage, an offer letter, or a scholarship/fellowship award letter. Payment Memos must be submitted prior to the fee payment deadline of the semester in which it should be posted.


International 成人影片

Immigration requirements contain very strict rules regarding 成人影片 working past their program completion date and working over 20 hours a week.

The program completion rules may impact the student's ability to finish out their job duties in their final semester.  As such, it is critical that the department issuing the assistantship is familiar with these requirements and is prepared to find a substitute for the RA or TA in the event that the student's program completion date falls before their contract letter end date.

Exceeding 20 hours per week is not allowed under ANY circumstances (even during midterms or finals). The impact of being out of compliance could be catastrophic for the student, so please take this into consideration when assigning work.

Questions about immigration compliance should be directed to Reija Shnoro in the Office of International Student and Scholar Services.