
Permanent Committees of Staff Council

The Executive Committee is one of six permanent Staff Council Committees. This committee was formerly known as the Administrative Committee. It was renamed in May 2015. According to Staff Council Bylaws, this board is structured as follows:

Section 5. A. I. Executive Board
  1. The Vice-President shall be the chairperson.
  2. Other members of the committee shall be:
    1. Chairpersons of the permanent committees.
    2. President of Staff Council
    3. Past President of Staff Council as an ex-officio member
    4. Special appointments of the President or Vice President.
  3. The committee shall have the following responsibilities:
    1. Prepare for approval the draft agenda for Staff Council meetings
    2. Report on any activities taken on behalf of Staff Council at the next scheduled Staff Council meeting
    3. Represent and act on behalf of the Staff Council between Staff Council meetings
  4. The chairperson of the committee may establish subcommittees for specific issues.

This committee was established on Sept. 1, 2013. Prior to this, 'Membership' & 'Rules' were part of the 'Elections, Membership, and Rules Committee' (EMR). According to Staff Council Bylaws, the committee's charge is as follows:

Section 5. A. III. Membership and Rules Committee
  1. The chairperson shall be elected from the committee members.
  2. The committee shall have the following responsibilities:
    1. Review and maintain the Bylaws and Constitution to reflect the needs of the body.
    2. Review unit designation and compositions, and generate petitions for unit designation changes as required; where Unit 'designations' refers to the organizational units making up a Staff Council Unit, and 'composition' refers to individuals within a unit.
    3. Accept petitions for proposed changes to unit designations and unit compositions from constituents.
    4. Based upon guidelines set forth in the Staff Council Constitution and elsewhere in these Bylaws, review unit change petitions prior to forwarding them to the Staff Council Body as motions for formal action
      1. It will be subject to formal action in the presence of a quorum
      2. Shall be approved upon receiving a two-thirds affirmative vote.
      3. There is no limit to the number of original or revised unit designation change petitions submitted to Membership and Rules for consideration by a group eligible constituents.
    5. Responsible for parliamentary procedure of the Staff Council meetings.
  3. The chairperson of the committee may establish subcommittees for specific issues.



The Elections Committee was established on Sept. 1, 2013. Prior to this, it was part of the 'Elections, Membership, and Rules Committee' (EMR). On Sept. 10, 2019 the Elections Committee merged back in to the 'Membership and Rules Committee'. The Elections Committee archives can be found here:

According to Staff Council Bylaws, the committee's charge is as follows:

Section 5. A. V. Rural Affairs Committee
  1. The chairperson shall be elected from the committee members.
  2. As an ex-officio member of the committee, the President is charged with communicating concerns of the Rural Affairs Committee to the Chancellor and Governance Coordinating Committee.
  3. The committee shall have the following responsibilities:
    1. Oversee the general welfare of the UAF community not residing on the Fairbanks campus.
    2. Monitor all activities affecting compliance with the College of Rural and Community Development mission statement of the University of 成人影片 Fairbanks.
  4. The chairperson of the committee may establish subcommittees for specific issues.

According to Staff Council Bylaws, the committee's charge is as follows:

Section 5. A. IV.  Staff Affairs Committee
  1. The chairperson shall be elected from the committee members.
  2. The committee shall work on policies related to the following:
    1. Benefits
    2. Compensation
    3. Grievance procedures
    4. Position evaluation and hiring procedures
    5. Other human resources issues pertaining to staff
    6. Any matters which affect the health and welfare of the staff as outlined in the UAF Staff Council Bylaws Section 2, Article C.
  3. The chairperson of the committee may establish subcommittees for specific issues.

According to Staff Council Bylaws, the committee's charge is as follows:

Section 5. A. VI. University Advocacy Committee
  1. Chairperson shall be elected from the committee members.
  2. The committee shall have the following responsibilities:
    1. Organize events and functions to help make the public aware of the value of University staff, as well as 成人影片 and faculty
    2. Organize events and functions that increase staff morale and awareness of the University
    3. Focus on on-boarding, mentoring, and communications within Staff Council and public relations with the UAF community
  3. The chairperson of the committee may establish subcommittees for specific issues.

External Committees

UAF Staff Council has a limited number of seats on 'external committees,' which are committees owned by other organizations and groups. These include two primary types:

  1. 'External UAF Committees'  - Committees owned and run by any UAF based group other than Staff Council (Example: UAF Master Planning Committee)
  2. 'External Statewide Committees' - Committees owned and run by a UA Statewide group. (Example: UA Staff Alliance's Staff Health Care Committee (SHCC))

When volunteering to serve as a representative or alternate to an external committee, you serve as the link between all UAF staff and that committee. In doing so, you are agreeing to certain responsibilities and expectations:


By volunteering to serve as a representative or alternate of UAF Staff Council on any external committee (a committee not owned by Staff Council), you agree to the following:

  • Represent UAF Staff Council in all committee matters, and not individual interests.
  • Keep UAF Staff Council up-to-date on the committee's activities.
  • Bring issues and concerns from UAF Staff Council to the committee.
  • Collect feedback from Staff Council to assist you with decision making at the committee level.
  • Notify the Staff Council Office at least one week prior to a Staff Council meeting if you will need time on the meeting agenda to discuss items related to the committee.


  • Representatives are expected to attend all committee meetings.
  • If a representative cannot attend a meeting, they shall notify one of UAF Staff Council's alternates on the committee, so that the alternate may attend in their place.
  • Representatives who miss meetings shall contact either the committee convener or the other UAF Staff Council representatives or alternates to the committee to receive an update on the missed meeting.
  • Representatives shall work with other UAF Staff Council representatives and alternates on committee to coordinate and submit a committee report prior to each Staff Council meeting. If the committee did not meet recently, that information shall be submitted in place of a report.


  • Alternate should work with representatives to ensure that UAF Staff Council is fully represented at all committee meetings.
  • Alternates should remain up to date on the committee's work.
  • Alternates attending a committee meeting in place of a representative are responsible for working with the representatives to ensure that a report is submitted to Staff Council.
Derek Bastille & Tara Borland
Representation through Staff Alliance
Rachel Potter