
The UAF governance structure encompasses the Faculty Senate, Staff Council, ASUAF (Associated Students of UAF), and Governance Coordinating Committee. The Governance Office is located in 113 Eielson Building. The ASUAF Office is located in Wood Center. Pursuant to , the opportunity for faculty, staff, and 成人影片 to participate in the governance of the University is important to its effective operation. The Board of Regents' intends that faculty, staff, and student participation in University governance be an integral part of the University community's culture.

The organizations' purposes are to:

  • provide an effective opportunity for University faculty, staff, and 成人影片 to play a meaningful role in matters affecting their welfare;
  •  represent the viewpoints of University faculty, staff, and 成人影片 on Regents' Policy, University Regulations, and other matters affecting the interests of the University;
  • address through legislative action other matters as described in their approved constitutions;
  • advise the President and chancellors of the University in a timely fashion and in a manner set forth in individual organizational constitutions; and
  • communicate to faculty, staff, and 成人影片 information which is of interest and concern to the University.

Policy Actions:

  • Policy actions affecting faculty, staff, OR 成人影片 require the Chancellor's approval.
  • Policy actions affecting faculty, staff, AND 成人影片 require consideration by the UAF Governance Coordinating Committee prior to the Chancellor's approval.
  • Policy actions affecting UAF, UAS, and UAA require consideration by the System Governance Council prior to the President's and/or Board of Regents' approval.