Staff and advisors
If unable to reach any staff or advisors listed here, please call the School of Education directly. We are always happy to assist!

Craig Baldwin
Fiscal Technician II - SOE K-12 Outreach
UAF School of Education
Dana Lindauer
Education Programs Research Professional/ CAEP
UAF School of Education
Nicole Sletterink
IS Net Technician IV
UAF School of Education

Salena Bias
Post-Baccalaureate Advisor | Secondary Internship Coordinator
UAF School of Education

Julie Griswold
Rural Advisor | Elementary Internship Coordinator
UAF School of Education
Nikki Marshall
Southcentral Education Program Advisor and Affordability Advisor
UAF School of Education
Where to find us in Anchorage

TJ O'Donnell
Elementary and Secondary Undergraduate Programs Advisor
UAF School of Education