Classroom Scheduling Protocols



To carry out the mission of the University of 成人影片 Fairbanks, the general-use classrooms are primarily for use by 成人影片, faculty, staff and public service for activities and programs that are directly related to the basic educational functions of teaching, research, and preparation of scholarly material. Every effort is made to ensure that classrooms are assigned fairly, used appropriately, and accommodate the university's academic and instructional needs.

These protocols are designed to ensure that course offerings are scheduled in a manner that permits access to available offerings by the greatest number of 成人影片 and that allows the best match between the specific instructional needs of the faculty and courses being offered and the existing facilities.

Teaching facilities are a finite resource, and the goal of these policies is to maximize room and seat utilization as well as apply scheduling policies in a consistent and equitable manner. These objectives and classroom utilization expectations apply to all academic departments and classroom space.

Classroom scheduling is a dynamic process requiring reevaluation of class size, equipment specifications, and pedagogical changes each term. The assignment of a specific room at a specific time in a given term will not automatically guarantee a continuing assignment of that space, even if the room was used efficiently. Faculty members should not expect to use the same space on a continuing basis.



Registrar's Office Responsibilities

The Office of the Registrar has the responsibility for the utilization and scheduling of general classroom space. After each semester, Facilities Services maintains an inventory of all general-use classroom space and works with Design and Construction and Nanook Technology Services with upgrades in furniture, technology and other maintenance of general-use classrooms.

Each academic department has a department admin with whom all course requests and classroom requests should be coordinated. Requests from individual instructors can now be made in CLSS, but instructors should still coordinate with their department admin.

Each department is also required to immediately enter changes into CLSS for course cancellations, changes in locations, and instructor assignments no later than the end of the second week of classes. It is ideal to receive instructor assignments prior to the first day of instruction for public knowledge, immediate access to Blackboard, faculty services access of the class roster and information of 成人影片 enrolled in the class on UAOnline, and to receive workload credit for the opening statistical report.

Scheduling of non-academic events such as department meetings, conferences, training programs or workshops, recitations, study sessions, faculty presentations, etc., are to be scheduled through 25Live. You may contact UAF University Relations if you have any questions.

Requests for non-academic use of general classrooms will not be scheduled until after a week into any given semester with the exception of Summer Sessions.

To reserve a general classroom for non-academic events you may submit a request via the Event Scheduling Office website.

Wood Center Event Scheduling office hours are Monday through Friday 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM. Normal turnaround time Monday-Friday is 24 hours. If you have not received your confirmation in 24 hours, please call the Event Scheduling Office at 907-474-6726 or e-mail at



General-Use Classroom Assignments

Credit-bearing classes will take precedence over all non-class related seminars or events. Non-credit events, study groups, breakout sessions, etc, will be scheduled after all credit classes have been assigned a room.

When scheduling general-use classrooms every effort will be made by Academic Scheduling to provide the accommodations requested with the space utilization requirements of the whole university as the objective.

Assignments of general-use classrooms for sections are done during the class schedule production. Initial scheduling priority will be considered to those classes requiring specific equipment or seating configurations. Building preference may be noted and specific attributes for classes which require special features, i.e. audio conference capability, video, seating, smart equipment, etc. must be noted by the department in the comment section of CLSS.

Enrollment history or anticipated increases for a particular course will be used by Academic Scheduling to determine classroom size, so enrollment limits should be carefully reviewed and adjusted. Departments should base enrollments on the actual enrollment during the previous corresponding term, with an estimated increase no more than 15%. In cases where the department projects a greater than 15% increase, justification must be provided in writing.



Resolution of Conflicts

Class size and equipment requirements will be determining factors in disputes involving credit-granting academic classes.

Academic Scheduling will make every attempt to mediate room conflicts and develop a solution. However, in the event that conflicts can not be resolved at this level, the Deans, Registrar and/or the Provost"s Office may become involved.

Instructors are responsible for sharing the 15-minute "pass time" between classes. Every effort should be made to vacate the classroom in a timely manner, allowing 成人影片 to get to their next class and the following instructor to set-up and prepare, as well as allow the finishing instructor to make final remarks and gather materials. There is no "ownership" at this time. Students should be encouraged to meet with the instructor during office hours for questions. Should conflicts develop, instructors should first attempt to resolve the concerns between themselves. If the result is unsatisfactory, conflicts must be mediated by department chairs.



Accommodations for Disabled Students

Classroom assignments may be changed when the room is determined to be inadequate for a disabled student or instructor. The decision on which room is inappropriate for a student with a disability will be made by the Director of Disability Services and Academic Scheduling will make every effort to relocate the class to an accessible room.



Changes in Classroom Assignments

Instructors/departments may not move their class from an assigned room without making that change in CLSS.

All schedule changes affecting class meeting time/days or classrooms assignments must be entered into CLSS.

Please do not relocate your class without following the procedures listed above. The University utilizes two systems to track where classes are taken place. The Office of the Registrar personnel and security staff rely on these systems to locate faculty and 成人影片 in the event of an emergency. If the class has been "unofficially" relocated to another room, it may be difficult or impossible to locate the faculty member or student. This delay during an emergency could place the University in a liable position. UAF is required to be in compliance with the  and could face fines up to $62,689 per violation.

In the event of an emergency evacuation of a classroom or building, Academic Scheduling will attempt to relocate classes to temporary meeting rooms if desired.

If an assigned room is no longer needed, please remove the location for a course in CLSS immediately. For non-academic events contact Wood Center Events for any event reservation as soon as possible, as the demand for space on campus is high.



Room Size and Configuration

Seating capacity has been determined in accordance with state and city regulations. Departments are not to over-enroll 成人影片 beyond the maximum classroom size. If it appears that student demand will surpass the scheduled room, departments are required to make a location change in CLSS immediately, before the class grows too large, to determine if alternate space is available. Waitlist numbers will also be taken into consideration for classroom size when assigning classroom space. It is unacceptable for 成人影片 not to have appropriate seating. Inappropriate seating violates building codes and provides a poor image of the University and its ability to manage enrollment.

Departments/faculty should review the capacities of general-use classrooms when determining the appropriate number of release seats. Scheduling based on room capacities will prevent under-utilization as well as over enrollment of classrooms.

Sections that are under utilizing the assigned space based on past enrollments may be relocated. Room assignments will be reviewed 1 week prior to start of class.

Removal or displacement of classroom furniture affects all sections and gives the false impression that the official room capacities are incorrect and is prohibited.

If a room does not contain adequate facilities to meet the scheduled maximum enrollment or equipment needs, the instructor should contact their department admin for assistance. Academic Scheduling will attempt to locate alternative available space, if necessary.



Appropriate Use of Facilities

Food service is not permitted in general-use classrooms.

Certain events may be denied use of classroom space if the event is inappropriate for the purpose of the classroom.

The possession, consumption, or furnishings of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances are prohibited in the any classroom.



Classroom Maintenance

Concerns about cleanliness and supply for markers/chalks -Custodial Superintendent 907-474-6772.

Damage, lighting, seating, overhead screens, requests for lecterns, podiums or additional tables - .

Seating will not be increased beyond the approved capacity of the classroom.

Smart Equipment / Smart Carts