
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #60 on 
December 4, 1995:


The UAF Faculty Senate moves to amend the UAF Governance 
Coordinating Procedures as indicated below.

	EFFECTIVE:  	Immediately

	RATIONALE:  	The actions of the Budget Council and the 
		budget process have changed over the last few years.  
		As a result, the committee has been inactive.  The 
		individual governing bodies all have some type of budget 
		or fiscal committee to track information.  This 
		committee duplicates functions that are covered in 
		other areas and this duplication is deemed unnecessary.  

		To delete the Budget Committee from the UAF Governance 
		Coordinating Committee requires an amendment to the 
		Procedures.  The amendment requires a two-thirds vote 
		from each of the three governing bodies, ASUAF, Faculty 
		Senate, and Staff Council, and Chancellor's approval.  

				* * * * * * * * * * 

((   )) = Delete

ARTICLE V	Committees

Sect. 1 	The conference committees of the UAF Governance 
Coordinating Committee shall include:

		Academic Computer Users Committee
		((Budget Committee))
		Committee on Transportation and Campus Security
		Intercollegiate Athletics Committee
		Library and Information Technology Users Committee
		Rural Affairs Committee
		UAF Grievance Council
		Health Issues

Sect. 3	Conference Committees Charges

		((B.	Budget Committee

		The charge for the UAF budget Committee shall be:

		1.	follow and study the annual budget development 
including methods of determining budget 
allocations among and within the Major 
Administrative Units of the University of 成人影片.
		2.	conduct hearings on the UAF budget as deemed 
appropriate or necessary.))

Signed:  Eric Heyne, President, UAF Faculty Senate    Date:  12/6/95


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #60 on 
December 4, 1995:

MOTION PASSED (15 yes, 11 nays)

The UAF Faculty Senate moves to adopt a policy statement on 
"Consensual Sexual (Amorous) Relations between Faculty and 
Students" as formulated by the AAUP Council.

The UAF Faculty Senate so moves with the understanding that 
adoption of the AAUP statement does not preclude amendments 
consistent with the Faculty Affairs Committee's "Report on 
Rationale and Options."

			AAUP Policy Statement 


	Consensual Sexual Relations Between Faculty and Students

	Sexual relations between 成人影片 and faculty members with 
whom they also have an academic or evaluative relationship are 
fraught with the potential for exploitation.  The respect and trust 
accorded a professor by a student, as well as the power exercised by 
the professor in an academic or evaluative role, make voluntary 
consent by the student suspect.  Even when both parties have 
initially consented, the development of a sexual relationship renders 
both the faculty member and the institution vulnerable to possible 
later allegations of sexual harassment in light of the significant 
power differential that exists between faculty members and 

	In their relationships with 成人影片, members of the faculty 
are expected to be aware of their professional responsibilities and 
avoid apparent or actual conflict of interest, favoritism, or bias.  
When a sexual relationship exists, effective steps should be taken to 
ensure unbiased evaluation or supervision of the student.

	EFFECTIVE:  	Immediately
				Upon Chancellor Approval 

Signed:  Eric Heyne, President, UAF Faculty Senate    Date:  1/12/96

APPROVED:  Joan Wadlow, Chancellor   		Date:  12/22/95

Note:  This is an important statement.  I am now asking the deans to 
develop proposals regarding implementation of the policy.


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #60 on 
December 4, 1995:

MOTION PASSED (unanimous)

The UAF Faculty Senate recommends that American Sign Language be 
recognized as fulfilling the non-English language option of the 
"Perspectives on the Human Condition" as required by the 
Baccalaureate Core.  

The UAF Faculty Senate further recommends that given the structure 
and depth of ASL courses, that three semesters of ASL (9 hours) be 
counted as we presently count two semesters (10 hours) of other 

	EFFECTIVE:  	Fall 1996

	RATIONALE:	For an inordinately long time, voices of 
		reason within the UAF academic community have urged 
		that the University锟絪 Core Curriculum be extended in a 
		way that offers 成人影片 the opportunity of using 
		American Sign Language (ASL) courses to meet Core 
		Requirements in the same manner as other languages.  
		At the same time, vocal resistance to this minor change 
		has been forthcoming.  The reasons offered for this 
		resistance seem to emanate from a lack of awareness 
		in an educated community.

		In prefacing the motion from the Core Review Committee 
		urging acceptance of ASL as Core Curriculum credit, we 
		wish to address the specifics of the aforementioned 
		objections and to offer supporting reasons for the 
		Committee锟絪 recommendation.

		1.	It has been suggested that there is no "body of 
		literature" associated with ASL that would stand as 
		foundation for this language as a perspective on the 
		human condition.

		This objection is perhaps the most offensive to the 
		culture at the very center of which ASL stands as core.  
		First, the implication shows little understanding of the 
		concept of culture.  Many of us who actually teach the 
		concept of culture refer definitionally to Geertz (1973) 
		who says culture is a "design for living," or to 
		Goodenough (1970) who claims it is "whatever one has to 
		know or believe in order to operate in a manner 
		acceptable to its members."  However one chooses to 
		define culture, all cultures share the objectives of 
		adaptation and survival in a specific environment, and 
		maintenance of group identity and unity over time.  For 
		Deaf Americans, their families, friends, and authentic 
		associates, ASL, as the heart of their culture, functions 
		in exactly the same way.

		As a language in and of itself, ASL is not a 
		transformation of any oral language, but rather an 
		evolution of the need to communicate among and with 
		persons who have little or no access to sound.  The 
		language sets Deaf culture apart from others with 
		similar sensory loss (e.g., the blind).  ASL has its own  
		unique phonological, syntactic, and semantic structure, 
		with the flexibility required to develop new vocabulary 
		and new grammatical structures (Friedman, 1977).  It 
		serves the same social and intellectual functions as 
		spoken languages.  It also has regional dialects and slang.  
		All by way of explaining that ASL is a unique, evolving 
		language and not some manual/digital code for English.

		Note that identity comes not from being deaf per se, but 
		from the cultural matter of ASL use.  Further, cultural 
		matters (such as marriage patterns, societal structure, 
		and material artifacts) define ASL users, documentation 
		of which is extensive and available on request from Deaf 
		Community Services of Fairbanks or from the 
		Chairperson of the Core Curriculum Review Committee.

		In specifically addressing the matter of a "body of 
		literature," we speculate that such an objection seems to 
		be that there is no accumulation of written literature.  
		We hope that it is recognized that no native language 
		which is taught and accepted as Core Curriculum credit 
		has written literature.  Frishberg (1992) discusses Deaf 
		traditions of oratory, folklore, and performance art, and 
		notes that "...written forms of language are not required 
		for a community to possess a well-formed aesthetic in 
		poetry, narrative, humor, and rhetoric" (p. 45).  Please 
		become aware, however, that ASL culture has fostered an 
		extensive wealth of materials across a variety of genres.  
		There exists a body of ASL history, poetry, stories, 
		plays, and novels.  There are libraries of print, videotape, 
		and film (Please see: Gannon, 1981; Lane, 1984; Groce, 
		1980; Miles, 1975; Klima & Bellugi, 1975, 1979; 
		Eastman, 1974; Bragg & Bergman, 1981; Rutherford, 
		1983, 1984, 1985, 1987).  The folkloristic tradition of 
		Deaf America is over 175 years old, replete with 
		legends, tall tales, jokes, folkspeech, games, sign play, 
		folk poetry, customs, rituals, and celebrations 
		(Rutherford, 1984, 1987; Carmel, 1980).  The study of 
		American Deaf Culture has shown distinct differences 
		between that culture and the mainstream society in 
		social attitude, patterns for daily living, world view, 
		humor, and literature.  Additionally, the deaf community 
		in America has a long and extensive tradition in all 
		forms of the visual arts (Rutherford, 1992, pp. 32-33).

		There are Deaf publishers whose primary focus is the 
		publication of Deaf literature and related materials in 
		print and electronic media.  Among them are T.J. 
		Publishers, Inc.; Dawn Sign Press, Inc.; National 
		Association of the Deaf; and Gallaudet University Press/ 
		Linstok Press, Inc. focuses on scholarly publication.  
		Mainstream publishers, including Harvard University 
		Press, University of California Press, University of 
		Illinois Press, Alfred A. Knopf, and Random House, among 
		many others, have published major works on Deaf culture 
		and literature and are becoming increasingly interested 
		in the field.  National publishers focusing primarily on 
		videotape and film production of works in ASL include 
		D.E.A.F. Media, Inc., Sign Media, Inc., and Beyond Sound, 
		Inc.  Other producers of ASL videotape materials include 
		Gallaudet University, the National Technical Institute 
		the Deaf, and the San Francisco Public Library 
		(Rutherford, 1992).

		Persons with an interest to further their awareness of 
		ASL culture, literature, and tradition will find useful 
		bibliographic material attached to this background 
		material. (See especially Corwin and Wilcox, 1985).

		2.	It has been implied that ASL courses are taught 
		without standard syllabi and are taught by persons who 
		do not have "University-level credentials."

		The Core Review committee has requested and received 
		evidence that conclusively refutes the syllabus rumor.  
		ASL courses are conceived, organized, and taught with as 
		much or more care than many courses accepted by UAF.

		The matter of who teaches ASL is significant but 
		"university-level credentials" most certainly  are not.  
		Any University in which accredited courses in indigenous 
		languages are available (University of New Mexico, 
		University of Nebraska, University of Arizona, University 
		of Oklahoma, University of 成人影片 Fairbanks,) sensibly 
		recognizes that no better source of a language can exist 
		than native speakers.  Yet we know further that all ASL 
		teachers in the UAF system are either degreed or are 
		working to become so at this time.  Further interest in 
		the topic might be referred to "Who is Qualified to Teach 
		American Sign Language" (Kanda, J., and Fleischer, L., 

		As additional information, the Core Review Committee 
		would like to offer the following:
		  -	Modern Languages at UAF not only has no 
		objections, but endorses ASL for use in the core.
		  -	The State of 成人影片 recognizes ASL as a language.
		  -	The State of 成人影片 mandates ASL as foreign 
		language credit at the public school level.
		  -	Major Universities throughout the Lower 48 allow 
		成人影片 to satisfy foreign language requirements using 
		ASL (e.g. Iowa State University).
		  -	ASL is the fourth most commonly used language in 
		the United States of America.

		The Core Review Committee and others who endorse this 
		minor alteration of the UAF core recognize that changes 
		can be unsettling, particularly to persons comfortable 
		with the status quo.  We must understand, however, that 
		standing still puts us behind in the broad movement 
		towards better education as the central product of our 
		institution.  Lamb & Wilcox (1992), in discussing the 
		establishment of ASL as a baccalaureate degree program 
		at the University of New Mexico, say that " ... we were 
		aware of the rather cumbersome bureaucracy through 
		which any request of this nature would have to move" 
		(p. 165).  But there, too, the faculty and administration 
		came to understand the significance of Deaf culture to 
		the American plurality and moved toward a supportive 
		recognition of ASL as both language and as the central 
		feature of an extensive American culture.  Selover 
		(1992) tells us that in establishing ASL as a language in 
		the curriculum of higher education we will " ... meet with 
		opposition.  This largely stems from basic 
		misunderstanding of the language and culture of Deaf 
		persons.  Your job is to educate as you go - most people 
		will listen"  (p. 160).

		As members of the Core Review Committee, we certainly 
		hope so.

Signed:  Eric Heyne, President, UAF Faculty Senate    Date:  12/6/95

APPROVED:  Joan Wadlow, Chancellor   		Date:  12/15/95


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #60 on 
December 4, 1995:


The UAF Faculty Senate moves to request that Regent's Policy 
04.04.05 provide for inclusion of appropriate procedure in MAU rules 
and regulations for responding to any violation of the tenure and 
promotion process at any point prior to decision of either tenure or 

At UAF the Faculty Appeals & Oversight Committee shall be 
empowered to adjudicate any grievance prior to such time that the 
candidate's file is forwarded to the next level of review.

	EFFECTIVE:  	Immediately

	RATIONALE:  	There is currently no procedure for remedy
		of a violation of policy and/or regulations during the 
		process for tenure and promotion review, and such 
		procedure is sorely needed.  

Signed:  Eric Heyne, President, UAF Faculty Senate    Date:  12/12/95


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #60 on 
December 4, 1995:


Whereas, the Administrative Committee of the UAF Faculty Senate, 
	in a memorandum dated October 18, 1995 disagreed with the 
	Chancellor's action in setting aside "university policy for the 
	search committees for Deans/Directors" and requested 
	appointment of "a representative search committee"; and 

Whereas, the CRA Faculty Council, in a memorandum dated October 
	26, 1995, supported the request of the UAF Faculty Senate 
	Administrative Committee and additionally requested "that the 
	search not be limited to the UAF community but at least be 
	extended statewide"; and 

Whereas, the UAF Faculty Senate, at its Meeting #59 held on 
	November 13, 1995, passed a resolution, viz., "The UAF Faculty 
	Senate does not recognize the validity of the current selection 
	process for the Executive Dean of the College of Rural 成人影片 
	and directs the Chancellor to follow the established 
	procedure"; and 

Whereas, President Heyne, in a letter to President Komisar dated 
	November 14, 1995, expressed the Senate's position "that if 
	procedures developed through shared governance are to have 
	any credibility or validity at all, they must be followed by the 
	Chancellor"; and 

Whereas, the Chancellor has refused to follow to follow existing 
	procedure for the hiring of either a Vice-Chancellor or Dean;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the UAF Faculty Senate moves to 
	censure Chancellor Joan K. Wadlow.  

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, the UAF Faculty Senate moves to 
	direct Chancellor Joan K. Wadlow to follow both the spirit and 
	the letter of the procedures and policies for all hiring of a 
	Vice-Chancellor or Deans or any other positions with 
	responsibilities that include supervision of faculty.

Signed:  Eric Heyne, President, UAF Faculty Senate    Date:  12/12/95


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #60 on 
December 4, 1995:

MOTION PASSED (with 1 nay)

The UAF Faculty Senate moves to adopt a new class schedule with 15 
minutes between morning classes and Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 
early afternoon classes.  

	EFFECTIVE:  	Fall 1996

	RATIONALE:  	Students are having difficulty making their 
		classes on West Ridge and the Natural Science Facility.  
		The use of the campus shuttle bus will be facilitated by 
		this change.  The change preserves the 1:00 - 2:00 pm 
		Tuesday & Thursday "class free " time and the 
		instructional day is not lengthened.

Signed:  Eric Heyne, President, UAF Faculty Senate    Date:  1/12/96

APPROVED:  * Joan Wadlow, Chancellor   	Date:  1/15/96

* On 1 year trial basis, AY 96-97.


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #60 on 
December 4, 1995:


The UAF Faculty Senate moves to adopt the following Student 
Leadership Honors recognition policy developed by Steven Cole, 
ASUAF Director of Community Service.  The recognition would be 
conferable at graduation.  

	EFFECTIVE:  	Upon Chancellor Approval.

	RATIONALE:  	Much like academic graduation with honors 
		this recognition program provides the campus the 
		opportunity to recognize outstanding student leadership.  
		Such recognition would be noted in the graduation 

Signed:  Eric Heyne, President, UAF Faculty Senate    Date:  1/12/96

APPROVED:  Joan Wadlow, Chancellor      	Date:  1/12/96




Leadership Honors will be publicly awarded to individuals in order to 
recognize and honor student leadership contributions to the 
University of 成人影片 Fairbanks.  The leadership activities must 
enhance the Mission Statement of UAF and promote student life 
through individual and collective growth, and enhance the 
communities in which UAF campuses are located.


1.	Minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA.

2.	Must have had leadership involvement for four semesters at 
	UAF, this includes Rural Campuses, for a bachelor's degree or 
	two semesters for an associate's or master's degree.

3.	Involvement can be demonstrated by, but not limited to, the 
	A.	Elected or appointed office.  
	B.	Holding a leadership position, or a position of ultimate 
		responsibility, i.e., Chairperson, President, Figurehead, 
		Big Kahuna.
	C.	Participation in community events, club activities, 
		student government for the improvement of student life, 
		campus life, or university relations with the greater 

The 成人影片' involvement must have contributed to the improvement 
of student and campus life, either at the main or rural campus.  They 
saw a need and filled it!  They didn't just watch from the sidelines.  
There was a significant difference made by their involvement.


1.	Students must apply or be nominated for the award and show 
	proof of leadership by submitting letters of recommendation.  
	There must be at least two letters of recommendation along 
	with the Leadership Honors Form.  These are to be turned in to 
	the Dean of Student Services by date XXXX, time XXXX.  This 
	date must be at least two months before graduation.  Date to 
	be set by Leadership Honors Committee.

2.	A.	The Leadership Honors Committee will be composed of 
		a.	one designee from Faculty Senate,
		b.	one designee from the Student Services Office,
		c.	one student designee from ASUAF,
		d.	one designee from the Student Activities Office,
		e.	one other student and one other faculty/staff 
		f.	one student from a rural campus.
	B.	Students who sit on this committee cannot apply for 
		Leadership Honors during the semester in question.
	C.	The Leadership Honors Committee is the final authority 
		for all matters related to this award.

3.	Students will receive a crimson Leadership Honors cord at 
	graduation.  An explanation about the purpose of the honor will 
	be in the graduation program with the student's names 