
There are many scholarship opportunities for psychology ³ÉÈËӰƬ at UAF.

The first step in the scholarship process is to visit the UAF Financial Aid website and begin the paperwork process. The deadline for this is February 15.



Psychology Scholarships

Scholarship opportunities within the department



Minimum $1,000 per academic year

This scholarship is awarded to an outstanding undergraduate student who will be returning to UAF, as an undergraduate major in Psychology. The intention of the award is to assist/offset the cost of the ³ÉÈËӰƬ academic expenses (tuition/books/lab fee's, etc) .

Dr. Art Buswell
Dr. Art Buswell
, a University of ³ÉÈËӰƬ administrator and agriculture professor was a faculty member for a 20-year tenure here at UAF. He served as vice president for public service, dean of the Division of Statewide Services, director of the Cooperative Extension Service, and as the UA agriculture department head. He and his late wife, Frances, were ardent supporters of the university. Dr. Buswell was one of the university's finest champions, as a teacher, leader, volunteer and a friend. He understood the university's potential and helped lay the groundwork for many of our programs that are still flourishing today.

Dr. Buswell help to expand the cooperative extension, mining programs, add a sea grant program and extend academic credit programs to military personnel at installations through distance options. He worked to make post-secondary education available to a wide range of ³ÉÈËӰƬ, using radio, television, correspondence courses and traveling professors to provide learning opportunities throughout the state. He received an honorary doctor of laws degree from UAF in 2001.

Dr. Buswell served as the president of the University of Maine at Machias from 1971-1981 where he retired as president emeritus. He and his wife returned to ³ÉÈËӰƬ in 1984 where he remained active in the Fairbanks volunteer community including the UAF College of Fellows, Friends of the Museum and the University of ³ÉÈËӰƬ Foundation, Board of Trustees until his passing in 2005.  After his wife's death in 1999, Dr. Buswell established the Arthur and Frances Buswell Scholarship for UAF ³ÉÈËӰƬ whose major is in Psychology.

Minimum $500 per academic year

This endowment is awarded to an undergraduate student who is, or has already, conducted active research related to the field of Psychology. The intention of the award is to assist the student with purchases related to travel, conference registration and other items to present their research findings at a recognized professional gathering, such as state, national or international conference.

Dr. Richard Possenti
Dr. Richard G. Possenti
 was a faculty member of the Department of Psychology at UAF for 31 years, from 1967 through 1998. He originally came to ³ÉÈËӰƬ in 1958 with the Aero-Medical Lab at Ladd Air Force Base and conducted research throughout ³ÉÈËӰƬ at remote military installations before joining UAF.

Dr. Possenti dedicated himself to education and learning and had a great joy of life. A strong, generous, and kind man, he was always willing to help anyone who had an impossible task to tackle, and always seemed to have time for his ³ÉÈËӰƬ. The endowment was established by the Possenti family as a memorial to Dr. Possenti.  His widow, Wynola, continues to take an active role in the processes of this award and is always delighted to meet the student recipient and to learn of their projects first hand.

Minimum $500 per academic year (when awarded)

Purpose: To provide general support to the Clinical Community Psychology program, currently housed in the College of Liberal Arts at the University of ³ÉÈËӰƬ Fairbanks, in its core mission to create and train psychologists for the diverse mental health needs of the community.




CLA has been the beneficiary of some truly generous gifts from alumni, friends, former professors and staff and other donors. The College of Liberal Arts has many scholarships to offer, from department-specific to college-wide. Why don't you see if there's another here for you?


Ready to apply for scholarships?