Current Graduate Students

Physics student looking at telescope



Your To-Do's

Students initially enter the graduate program under the advisorship of the department chair and would typically not have an established research project. Salary support is provided via a teaching assistantship position. During the first year, ³ÉÈËӰƬ are expected to explore the research opportunities and faculty mentorship provided by the department so that they can transition to a funded research assistant position and commence the research component of their studies. For Ph.D. ³ÉÈËӰƬ, the first two years are also used to prepare academically to sit the Ph.D. comprehensive exam, which is typically taken at the end of the second year.

Specific tasks to be undertaken include the following:


Appointment of Advisory Committee

Deadline: End of your first year
Objective: To form your advisory committee. Use this form when changing your committee members as well.


Graduate Study Plan

Deadline: End of your first year
Objective: To outline your course plan and show that it meets the requirements of your degree.


Report of Advisory Committee


  • May 15 â€” for ³ÉÈËӰƬ admitted during fall and summer terms
  • December 15 — for ³ÉÈËӰƬ admitted during spring terms

Objective: To report on your progress throughout your degree program and receive direction or advice from your committee and/or advisor. This form needs to be completed every year until degree completion.

During the second year, Pd.D. ³ÉÈËӰƬ continue to prepare for the comprehensive exam, which is offered in late summer each year. Coursework is typically undertaken during the first two to three years (depending upon whether the student is pursuing an M.Sc. or Ph.D. degree).

Students in the Ph.D. programs must also complete an oral comprehensive exam within one year of passing their written comprehensive exam. The purpose of this exam is to establish that the student has achieved sufficient proficiency in their research field to allow them to prepare and defend their final dissertation.

In some cases, advisory committees may recommend additional coursework, depending on the individual student’s career goals. Ongoing milestones to be completed include the following:


Report on Comprehensive Exam

Deadline: within 10 days of the exam's completion
Objective: Required for qualifying exams and/or programs with written or oral comprehensive exams.


Advancement to Candidacy

Deadline: at least 1 semester before graduation
Objective: PhD ³ÉÈËӰƬ must pass their comprehensive exam before submitting the form. 


Report of Advisory Committee


  • May 15 â€” for ³ÉÈËӰƬ admitted during fall and summer terms
  • December 15 — for ³ÉÈËӰƬ admitted during spring terms

Objective: To report on your progress throughout your degree program and receive direction or advice from your committee and/or advisor. This form needs to be completed every year until degree completion.



Project, Dissertation and Thesis

Graduate dissertation/thesis defenses consist of a public lecture summarizing the work, followed by a closed-door examination from the student’s advisory committee, along with an outside examiner. The lectures are public events and open to the university and wider community. The student should submit their name and project, thesis, or dissertation title and the date, time, and location of their defense examination to the Graduate School at least two weeks prior to their defense examination date. The Graduate School, along with the home program, department, college, or school, will advertise the examination. The defense examination includes a public presentation of the dissertation/thesis/project moderated by the chair of the graduate advisory committee, followed by a private executive examination by the committee. Students may submit their Public Defense Announcement to the Graduate School using the submission form found on the Forms webpage. Submit Report on Dissertation/Thesis/Project Defense form to the Graduate School within 10 days of the defense completion.


Fall : November 28
Spring  : April 7
Summer  : August 1 

Accepted theses and dissertations are submitted to the Rasmusson Library and made available online.


Request for Outside Examiner

Required for all PhD student oral comprehensive exams and PhD dissertation defenses. The request must be submitted to the Graduate School at least 10 working days prior to the exam or 15 if exam or defense occurs during summer break.

As an alternative to a Thesis, ³ÉÈËӰƬ in the Master’s program may elect to complete a project instead. Students will work together with their committee to determine which option is right for them.

The graduate school has some specific formatting requirements for projects. While the content of projects may consist of photos, software, or other non-text materials that can be formatted in a variety of ways, the graduate school does require the project to have a specifically formatted title page and abstract. The formatting requirements for the content of the projects are established by the home departments/programs.


Fall : December 15
Spring : April 24
Summer : August 10





Committees and ³ÉÈËӰƬ should determine together if a dissertation, thesis or project is ready to be defended and decide when to schedule the defense exam. It is important to determine when the committee members are available. If necessary and if approved by the department chair, committee members may attend by audio or videoconference. Ph.D. ³ÉÈËӰƬ must submit a Request for Outside Examiner a minimum of two weeks prior to the dissertation defense.

The defense exam will be conducted by the committee chair, who should work with the student to set up the exam (e.g, reserving rooms etc.). The exam should follow the format established in the department/program/discipline.

The university is committed to public dissemination of research and scholarly activity and the examination should be publicized with the time and location announced. The student should submit their name and project, thesis, or dissertation title and the date, time, and location of their defense examination to the Graduate School at least two weeks prior to their defense examination date. The Graduate School, along with the home program, department, college, or school, will advertise the examination.



Post-Defense To-Do's

Following the defense, a student’s advisory committee may request some minor additions or revisions to the examined version of the thesis/dissertation. Students should work with committee members to reconcile any required modifications as expeditiously as possible. Final approval of the work is contingent upon these remediations being accepted by the committee. Following this step, the thesis/dissertation is then forwarded to the department chair and CNSM dean for approval. It is then submitted to the Graduate School, after which the degree can be conferred.


Report of Defense

Deadline: Must be completed within 10 days of defense.
Objective: Required for ALL ³ÉÈËӰƬ who are completing a thesis, dissertation, or project. If the defense and comprehensive exam are combined, you must also fill out a


Approval of Dissertation/Thesis/Project

Deadline: Must be completed AFTER you defend and have approval from your committee, department chair, and Dean. 
Objective: This form is used to signify that you have passed your defense and the final draft has been approved.