
Summer Camps at the Museum


Space Camp 2025

A child jumps onto a stomp rocket launcher in front of the museum.

Learn  about space science through hands-on activities.  Topics include the aurora, rockets, our Solar System, and more. Experience the wonder of outer space with us this summer!

Session I: May 28-30, 2025. 9 am-noon. For 5-7 year olds.
$90 (non-member),  $75 (UAMN member)

Session II: June 2-6, 2025. 9 am-noon. For 8-12 year olds. 
$150 (non-member), $115 (UAMN member)

Taught by UAMN educators.

Register online:

  • Session I, May 28-30 (5-7 year olds)
  • Session II, June 2-6 (8-12 year olds)
Registration will open on April 7, 2025.
Scholarships available. Inquire at or call 907-474-6948.


Space Camp is proudly presented by Dr. Walt & Marita Babula and by NASA HEAT.

UAMN image by J.Arseneau

NASA partner logoNASA HEAT logo


UAMN is a partner in the NASA Heliophysics Education  Activation Team (HEAT). NASA HEAT supported under cooperative agreement number NNH15ZDA004C.



UAF Summer Sessions Camps

Museum curators and staff teach several camps through UAF Summer Sessions. Discover museum science with them!  Register through UAF Summer Sessions.

2025 Offerings:

    • July 14-18: grades 7-12
    • July 14-18: grades 3-7
    • July 28-Aug 1: grades 3-7
    • July 28-Aug 1: grades 4-6 & grades 2-3

    Register through UAF Summer Sessions.

    Purple Bug IconDino icon


    Check the calendar for other upcoming events.