Virtual Junior Curators: Marine Mammals

May 2021's theme was Marine Mammals!

Sea otter floating on its back in water.

Discover diverse mammals that call the ocean home!

Explore how animals such as whales, walruses, and sea otters are adapted to marine life, the importance of marine mammals in ³ÉÈËӰƬ cultures, and more.


At Home Activities:

The links are all PDF documents. 


                       Kelp forest collage made of blue paper, green tissue paper, and colored cutouts of marine animals.                  Person wearing a walrus mask made from a paper plate, tissue paper, and construction paper.             Model umiak made out of paper and decorated to look like walrus hide. Cutouts of two people are glued inside the boat.

Left to Right: Kelp Forest Collage, Walrus Mask, and Model Umiak examples.


Person holding up a small whale bone to compare it to a larger whale vertebrae mounted on a metal rod.


In Spring 2021, the UA Museum of the North suspended a bowhead whale skeleton in the lobby. Watch behind-the-scenes videos of museum staff preparing the skeleton on






For activities designed for kids ages 5 and under, go to our Virtual Early Explorers page.



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