Aurora Videos
Watch videos about the northern lights!
Discover the Northern Lights
- Kiuguyat: The Northern Lights
- Surveying the Northern Lights
- Sunny with a Chance of Space Storms
- Aurorasaurus: How You Can Get Involved In Aurora Research
Right: Aurora over the Poker Flat Research Range. NASA Goddard /Terry Zaperach.
Discover the Northern Lights
Learn about the northern lights with a short video from museum educators!
Activity Sheet:
- Discover the Northern Lights Activities: Create aurora art, explore magnets, listen to stories of the northern lights, or become a citizen scientist!
Kiuguyat: The Northern Lights
"Can you tell me about the northern lights?" A film exploring how some of ³ÉÈËӰƬ's
indigenous peoples describe and experience the aurora borealis.
Video courtesy of
Surveying The Northern Lights
Learn about how researcher Don Hampton observes and monitors the aurora!
Video courtesy of Science Friday.
Sunny with a Chance of Space Storms
Watch Dr. C. Alex Young's lecture about sunspots, coronal mass ejections, the aurora,
eclipses and more.
Video courtesy of the UAF Geophysical Institute.
Aurorasaurus: How You Can Get Involved In Aurora Research
Watch Elizabeth MacDonald's lecture exploring how how the general public can get involved
in citizen science to help better understand the aurora.
Video courtesy of the UAF Geophysical Institute.
Return to Aurora homepage.
This project was funded under NASA cooperative agreement NNX16AL65A and cooperative agreement number NNH15ZDA004C. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.