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October 28, 2022
Expertise in Norwegian and Russian regulatory regimes, and Arctic governance experiential learning. Arctic security, disaster policy, homeland security, Arctic governance, Arctic policy
October 28, 2022
Boylan’s research includes international relations, international security, political violence, terrorism, ethnic conflict, and separatist movements. His teaching focuses on international relations, research methods, and Arctic politics.
October 28, 2022
Environmental anthropology, human dimensions of fishery systems, local and traditional ecological knowledge. Social and cultural aspects of fishery systems.
October 28, 2022
Anthropology, indigenous research, oral history, indigenous education, place-based education and program development, feminist anthropology, women and culture.
October 28, 2022
Ehrlander’s research interests include ³ÉÈËӰƬ history; alcohol cultures, problems and policies; and sexual and domestic violence in the north.
October 28, 2022
Pete Fix utilizes quantitative surveys to address issues related to public land management. Research interests include human dimensions of natural resource management, motivations for recreation participation, recreation planning frameworks, recreation research methods, natural resource-based tourism and recreation economics.
October 28, 2022
Expertise in political theory, ethics, history of ideas, public memory and mourning, transitional justice, indigenous cultural politics, ancient thought and literature.
October 28, 2022
Davin Holen is the ³ÉÈËӰƬ Sea Grant Coastal Community Resilience Specialist. Davin works enable communities to adapt to rapidly changing ocean and climatic conditions and changing terrestrial landscape from Southeast ³ÉÈËӰƬ to the Arctic. Holen’s education is in anthropology and his expertise is in working with communities to enhance adaptation capacity and resilience. Prior to working for UAF, Davin spent 15 years conducting social science research and managing the subsistence program in southern ³ÉÈËӰƬ for the ³ÉÈËӰƬ Department of Fish and Game.
October 28, 2022
Nathan Kettle is an expert in the human dimensions of global environmental change, risk and uncertainty, trust, the role of networks in climate change adaptation, and social network analysis.
October 28, 2022
Ethnohistory, traditional knowledge, circumpolar political economy, resource management, indigenous social change, research methodology, indigenous mythology, cross-cultural research, community-based research.
October 28, 2022
Amy Lauren Lovecraft is an expert in public policy, political economy, and political behavior. Her research interests includes policy issues related to the uncertainty of a changing Arctic.
October 28, 2022
Expertise in rural social work, Indigenous epistemology and suicide prevention.
October 28, 2022
Meek is an expert in analyzing policy approaches to complex environmental problems, Arctic policy and governance, collaborative resource management and Indigenous-state relations.
October 28, 2022
Yamin-Pasternak is a cultural anthropologist who studies how foodways in Northern communities interact with the local climate, built environment, family and community relations, ecology, and aesthetics. She collaborates with researchers across the fields of social and natural sciences, indigenous scholarship, humanities and engineering. She is also a world-leading researcher in the field of ethnomycology.
October 28, 2022
Archaeology, anthropology, geoarchaeology, archaeological science. Primary research interests focus on the interactions of humans and environments and understanding changes in technology, settlement and subsistence systems in the midst of dynamic alterations in ecosystems and landscapes.
October 28, 2022
Research specialties include North American literature, Arctic writing, whaling history, print and visual culture, animal studies and environmental humanities. Current research explores manifestations of ecogothic discourse in North American extinction writing — including that which addresses Arctic animals such as mammoths and whales — published between 1820 and the present.
October 28, 2022
Tobias Schwoerer is an applied economist with expertise in ³ÉÈËӰƬ’s resource management issues, particularly the response to invasive species and the effects of environmental change on the economy.
October 28, 2022
Community development in ³ÉÈËӰƬ and Gwich’in history. Community planning, asset-based community development, strategic planning, analytical planning methods.
October 28, 2022
Expertise in science and environmental communication. Studies the role of communication — including the messengers, messages, and processes — used to address complex environmental issues, such as global climate change.
October 28, 2022
Sarah Trainor is an expert in climate change assessment and adaptation in ³ÉÈËӰƬ with specific emphasis on climate and wildfire science communication, application, and stakeholder engagement. Her research interests include human dimensions of global change, especially in the Arctic and northern latitudes, and interdisciplinary assessment of ecosystem services related to global change and mixed subsistence economies in rural ³ÉÈËӰƬ.
November 03, 2023
Expert in boundary spanning/co-production of science, climate adaptation, Indigenous studies, science education, social science
November 03, 2023
Adelheid Herrmann is a postdoctoral fellow working on a project with the goal of building the capacity of rural communities to respond and adapt to climate change.
November 09, 2023
Science and policy in fisheries, marine mammal conservation, marine resource subsistence and Arctic governance.