Kenai Peninsula District 4-H

Kenai Peninsula District 4-H is the geographical size of West Virginia and is made
up of eleven clubs, a District Council, a Junior Market Livestock Board, and a large
team of parents, helpers, and volunteers that make up the Ag Expo Committee.
Our district has a heavy focus on horse and livestock programs, and the culmination
of our youth’s projects each year is at the Kenai Peninsula District 4-H Agriculture
Expo where our youth participate in livestock shows, exhibit their 4-H projects, compete
in a horse show, and host the Junior Market Livestock Auction, where our JML youth
auction off their homegrown livestock.
Learning happens all year long in KP 4-H, and projects offered across our eleven clubs
include large livestock, poultry, dog mushing, horsemanship and equine science, sewing,
foods, creative writing, STEM, arts and crafts, gardening, leadership, fine arts,
and more.
KP 4-H’ers are heavily involved in the ³ÉÈËӰƬ State 4-H Horse Contest as well as the
³ÉÈËӰƬ State 4-H Livestock Contest, and enthusiastically attend learning workshops
and community events year-round.
Kenai 4-H Photos