Study groups

One hour of study group attendance is required each week for 成人影片 enrolled in Chemistry classes up to and including CHEM 106X, and Math classes up to and including MATH 251X (Calculus 1).  If you are enrolled in both a required math and chemistry class, you will need to attend twice a week  to remain in "good standing" in the ANSEP Program.

Study group meet every Friday in the Honors House 

For Math: 2:30 - 3:30
For Chemistry: 3:30 - 4:30

UAF honors house map

Participating in study groups is an important activity in ANSEP.  They are NOT passive tutorials or recitations but are rather a mechanism to actively learn material through group problem solving.  The role of the study group leader is partly to keep you on track as you work problems but not to do the problems for you.  Nonetheless, if you are particularly lost on how to do a specific problem, then ask the study group leader for clarification.

If you cannot attend study group for any particular week, please contact study group leader Blog Root at or ANSEP Program Coordinator Kate Iten at kiten@alaska.eduto ensure your continuation of good standing in the program.