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S.H. Mueller, R.J. Goldfarb, P.L. Verplanck, T.P. Trainor, R.F. Sanzolone, M. Adams (2010) Surface-Water, Ground-Water, and Sediment Geochemistry of Epizonal and Shear-Hosted Mineral Deposits in the Tintina Gold Province 鈥 Arsenic and Antimony Distribution and Mobility. In: Recent U.S. Geological Survey Studies in the Tintina Gold Province, 成人影片, United States, and Yukon, Canada 鈥 Results of a 5-Year Project. Ed. L.P. Gough and W.C. Day, Scientific Investigations Report 2007- 5289-G.

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Brown, R.J., N. Bickford, and K.P. Severin, 2007. Otolith Trace Element Chemistry as an Indicator of anadromy in Yukon River Drainage Coregonine Fishes. American Fisheries Society 136: 678-690.

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K.S. Tanwar, C.S. Lo, P.J. Eng, J.G. Catalano, D.A. Walko, G.E. Brown Jr., G.A. Waychunas, A.M
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>Trainor, T.P.; S.H. Mueller; V. Ritchie; R.J. Goldfarb; 2007. Controls on Antimony Speciation and Mobility in Legacy Mine Tailings Environments; University of 成人影片 Fairbanks, Dept of Chemistry and Biochemistry. Advanced Instrumentation Laboratory, University of 成人影片 Fairbanks.


Browne, B.L., J. Eichelberger, L.C. Patino, T.A. Vogel, J. Dehn, K. Uto, H. Hoshizumi (2006) Generation of porphyritic and equigranular enclaves during magma mingling at Unzen volcano, SW Japan. Journal of Petrology 47, p. 301-328

Browne, B.L., J. Eichelberger, L.C. Patino, T.A. Vogel, K. Uto, H. Hoshizumi (2006) Magma mingling as indicated by texture and geochemistry of plagioclase phenocrysts from Unzen volcano, SW Japan. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 154, p. 103-116

Browne, B.L., J.E. Gardner (2006) The Influence of Magma Ascent Path on the Texture, Mineralogy, and Formation of Hornblende Reaction Rims. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 246, 161-176

Tailandier, A. S., F. Domine, W. R. Simpson, M. Sturm, T. A. Douglas, and K. Severin. 2006. Evolution of the snow area index (SAI) of the subarctic snowpack in central 成人影片 over a whole season: Consequences to the air to snow transfer of pollutants. Environmental Science and Technology 40:7521-7527.


>Ken Severin:> Director, Advanced Instrumentation Laboratory, Box 5780, 2005, Introducing the New and Improved Capabilities of the UAF XRF (X-ray Fluorescence) Laboratory - Abstract, Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of 成人影片, Fairbanks, AK 99775-5780, Voice: 907-474-5821, Fax: 907-474-5163


Coombs, M., and Gardner, J., 2004, Reaction rim growth on olivine in silicic melt: Implications for magma mixing: American Mineralogist, v. 89, p. 748-759.

FitzGerald, J. L., S. R. Thorrold, K. M. Bailey, A. L. Brown, and K. P. Severin. Elemental signatures in otoliths of larval walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) from the northeast pacific ocean. FISHERY BULLETIN, 102(4):604鈥616, OCT 2004.

Izbekov, P.E., Eichelberger, J.C., and Ivanov B.V. (2004) The 1996 eruption of Karymsky volcano, Kamchatka: Historical record of basaltic replenishment of an andesite reservoir. Journal of Petrology, Vol. 45, No 11, p. 2325-2345.

Izbekov, P., Gardner, J., and Eichelberger, J. (2004) Comagmatic granophyre and dacite from Karymsky volcanic center, Kamchatka: experimental constraints for magma storage conditions, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 131 (1-2), p. 1-18.

Severin, K P. 2004. Energy dispersive spectrometry of common rock forming minerals. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecth, The Netherlands .


Coombs, M., Eichelberger, J., and Rutherford, M., 2003, Experimental and textural constraints on mafic enclave formation in volcanic rocks: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 119, p. 125-144.


Izbekov, P.E., Eichelberger, J.C., Patino, L.C., Vogel, T.A. and Ivanov, B.V. (2002) Calcic cores of plagioclase phenocrysts in andesite from Karymsky volcano: Evidence for rapid introduction by basaltic replenishment. Geology, Vol. 30, No. 9, p. 799-802.

Brown, R., and Severin, KP. 1999. Crystalline structure of polymorphic inconnu Stenodus leucichthys otoliths affects the distribution of elements within otoliths. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 56: 1898-1903.

Douglas, Thomas A.; Layer, Daniel W.; Newberry, Rainer J.; Kiskinen, Mary J.; 2002. Geochronologic and Thermobarometric constraints on the metamorphic history of the Fairbanks Mining District, Western Yukon-Tanana terrane 成人影片. Doi:10.1139

McCoy, D, R. Newberry, K. Severin, P. Marion, B. Flanigan, and C. Freeman. 2002. Paragenesis and metal associations in interior 成人影片 gold deposits: an example from the Fairbanks district. Mining Engineering January 2002:33-38.


Coombs, M., and Gardner, J., 2001, Shallow storage conditions for the rhyolite of the 1912 eruption of Katmai, 成人影片: Geology, v. 29, p. 775-778.


Coombs, M., Eichelberger, J., and Rutherford, M., 2000, Magma storage and mixing conditions for the 1953-1968 eruption of Southwest Trident volcano, Katmai National Park, 成人影片: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 140, p. 99-118.


Miller, T., Chertkoff, D., Eichelberger, J., and Coombs, M., 1999, Mount Dutton volcano, 成人影片: Aleutian Arc analog to Unzen Volcano, Japan: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 89, p. 275-301.

Tzeng, WN, Severin, KP, Wickstr枚m, H, and Wang. CH. 1999. Strontium bands in relation to age marks in otoliths of European eel Anguillaanguilla. Zoological Studies. 38: 452-457.


Beg茅t, JE, Keskinin, MJ, and Severin, KP. 1997. Tephrochronologic constraints on the Late Pleistocene history of the southern margin of the Cordilleran ice sheet, western Washington. Quaternary Research. 47: 140-146.

Campana, S. E. , S. R. Thorrold, C. M. Jones, D. G眉nther, M. Tubrett, H. Logerich, S. Jackson, N. M. Halden, J. M. Kalish, P. Piccoli, H. de Pontual, H. Troadec, J. Panfili, D. H. Secor, K P. Severin, S. H. Sie, R. Thresher, W. J. Teesdale, and J. L. Campbell. 1997. Comparison of accuracy, precision and sensitivity in elemental assays of fish otoliths using the electron microprobe, PIXE, and laser ablation ICPMS. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 54: 2068-2079.

Tzeng, WN, Severin, KP, and Wickstr枚m, H. 1997. Use of otolith microchemistry to investigate the environmental history of European eel Anguillaanguilla. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 149:73-81.


Severin, K. P., B. L. Norcross, and J. Carroll. 1995. Electron microprobe analysis of juvenile walleye pollock, Theragrachalcogramma, otoliths from 成人影片 : a pilot stock separation study. Environmental Biology of Fishes 43:269-283.


Sadovy, Y, and K. P. Severin. 1994. Elemental patterns in Red Hind (Epinephalusguttatus) otoliths from Bermuda and Puerto Rico : reflect growth rate, not temperature. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51:133-141.



Heinchon, S. Variability in Auriferous Pyrite from the Kensington orebody Kensington Mine, Berners Bay SE 成人影片. Arctic International Mining Symposium, April 7-13, 2014

Illig, P. 成人影片鈥檚 Newest Gold Deposit: Mineralization and Geochemistry Of the Peak Zone Distal Gold Skarn, Tetlin Project, Tok, 成人影片. Arctic International Mining Symposium, April 7-13, 2014

Maharrey, J.Z., J. E. Beget, and K.L. Wallace. Tephrachronologic and paleo-tsunami investigations into the volcanic history of Augustine Volcano on the southwest coast of the Kenai Peninsula in lower Cook Inlet 成人影片.. Tephra 2014 - Maximizing the potential of tephra for multidisciplinary science. Portland, OR.

Nelson, Mark A., and Quakenbush, Lori. (2014) Cook Inlet beluga whale diet using   未13C and 未15N values of bone and teeth. 成人影片 Marine Science Symposium. Oral Presentation. 23 January 2014.

Newberry, R. The Roy Creek U-REE prospect: weird anomaly or significant occurrence? Arctic International Mining Symposium, April 7-13, 2014

Severin, KP, and Newberry, R. Identification and abundance estimation using Energy-Dispersive analysis tools on the University of 成人影片 Fairbanks JEOL microprobe: a tool worth considering. Arctic International Mining Symposium, April 7-13, 2014

K.R. Sicard, A. Wypych, E. Twelker, L.K. Freeman, R.J. Newberry, E.N. Bachmann, D.A. Reioux, A.L. Tuzzolino and T.C. Wright. Geochemistry and Petrology of Igneous Rocks from the Styx River Map Area.  Arctic International Mining Symposium, April 7-13, 2014

A.L. Tuzzolino, R.J. Newberry, and L.K. Freeman. The No Name Pluton: An Important Resource in the Ruby Batholith Arctic International Mining Symposium, April 7-13, 2014

Vega, S. L., T. M. Sutton, M. D. Adkison and J. M. Murphy. Reconstruction of Ocean-Entry Timing and Growth Rates of Juvenile Chum Salmon in 成人影片n Waters of the Chukchi and Northern Bering Seas. 成人影片 Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting, October 2013, Fairbanks, 成人影片

Vega, S. L., T. M. Sutton, M. D. Adkison and J. M. Murphy. Reconstruction of Ocean-Entry Timing and Growth Rates of Juvenile Chum Salmon in 成人影片n Waters of the Chukchi and Northern Bering Seas. 成人影片 Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting, October 2013, Fairbanks, 成人影片


Vega, S. L., T. M. Sutton, M. D. Adkison and J. M. Murphy. Reconstruction of Ocean-Entry Timing and Growth Rates of Juvenile Chum Salmon in 成人影片n Waters of the Chukchi and Northern Bering Seas. 成人影片 Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting, October 2013, Fairbanks, 成人影片


Ickert-Bond, S.M., Rydin, C., J.S. Metzgar, and L. Raubeson. (2011) Integration of plastid phylogenomics, morphology and the fossil record to assess biogeographic patterns and divergence in Gnetales 鈥 the importance of sampling deep and broad. Invited talk. Symposium: Progress in Placing Gymnosperms On the Tree of Life. XVIII International Botanical Congress, Melbourne, Australia.


A.G. Ilgen, and T.P. Trainor (2010) As(III) Oxidation in the Presence of Reduced and Oxidized Nontronite NAu-1 Under O2 and N2 Atmosphere. Goldschmidt 2010, Knoxville, Tennessee, June 14-19, 2010.

Garroutte, M., Murray, D.F., and S.M. Ickert-Bond. (2010) The Systematics of 成人影片n Eritrichium (Alpine Forget- Me-Not, Boraginaceae). 1st Annual Graduate student Conference, University of 成人影片, Fairbanks.

Izbekov, P.E., Neill, O.K., Shipman, J.S., Turner, S.J., Shcherbakov, V.D. and Plechov, P. Yu. (2010) Silicic enclaves in products of 2009-2010 eruptions of Bezymianny Volcano, Kamchatka: implications for magma processes. EOS Trans. AGU, v.91, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V33D-01.

Merkulova, M.V., Neill, O.K.., Izbekov, P.E. and Dektyarev, A.V. (2010) Physical characteristics of the 17 December, 2009 and 1 June, 2010 explosive eruptions of Bezymianny volcano, Kamchatka, Russia. EOS Trans. AGU, v.91, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V21B-2322.

Neill, O.K., Hammer, J.E., Izbekov, P.E., Belousova, M.G., Belousov, A.B., Clarke, A.B, and Voight, B. (2010) Pre-eruptive crystallization and degassing processes associated with laterally directed volcanic explosions. EOS Trans. AGU, v.91, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V21B-2323.

Rydin, C. and S.M. Ickert-Bond. (2010) Benefits of an integrative approach to plant evolution 鈥 a case study of Ephedra (Gnetales). Invited talk. Symposium: Morphology and phylogeny of extinct and extant Gnetophytes. 8th European Palaeobotany 鈥 Palynology Conference, Budapest, Hungary.

Rydin, C., and Ickert-Bond, S.M. (2010) Ephedran evolution: re-radiation in the Cenozoic after a bottleneck effect. Colloquia: Emerging Results from Studies of Gymnosperms on the Tree of Life II. Botany 2010, Rhode Island.

Sliwinski, M.G., Whalen, M.T., Payne, J.H., and Day, J. Stable isotope variations (未13Ccarb, 未13Corg, 未15Norg) during the Late Devonian Punctata Event in Western Canada Sedimentary Basin. Second IGCP-580 Meeting, Guilin, China 28th November - 30th November 2010.

T.P. Trainor (2010) Structure and Reactivity of Geochemical Interfaces. Invited Talk, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe Germany, January 23, 2010.

Whalen, M.T., Sliwinski, M.G., Payne, J.H., and Day, J.E. A multi-proxy geochemical analysis of the Middle Fransnian Punctata Zone Event: Paleoenvironmental implications. 2010, GSA Denver Annual Meeting, 31 October - 3 November 2010.

Whalen, M.T., Sliwinski, M.G., Payne, J.H., and Day, J., 2010, Differential geochemical response during two Late Devonian mass extinction pulses: Implications for global change, IGCP 580 Meeting Program and Abstracts, Guilin, China, November 2010, p. 31.


A. Ilgen, M. Newville, T. P. Trainor (2009) Role of Dissolved Iron(II) and Structural Iron in Clay Mineral Mediated Redox Transformations of Arsenic and Antimony. Abstracts of Papers, 237th ACS National Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, March 22-26, 2009.

Brown, R., K. P. and Severin, 2009. Otolith chemistry analyses indicate that water Sr:Ca is the primary factor influencing otolith Sr:Ca for freshwater and diadromous fish but not for marine fish. 4th International Otolith Symposium, Monterey , California .

T. Douglas, M.E. Walsh, A. Jones, T. P. Trainor, C.J. McGrath, C. Weiss (2009) Fate of Nitroaromatic (TNT) and Nitramine (RDX and HMX) Explosives on Mineral Surfaces. Abstracts of Papers, 237th ACS National Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, March 22-26, 2009.

T. Douglas, M.E. Walsh, A. Jones, T.P. Trainor, C.J. McGrath, C. Weiss (2009) Interactions Between Nitroaromatic (TNT) and Nitramine (RDX) Explosives and Pure Minerals. Goldschmidt 2009, Davos, Switzerland, June 21-26, 2009.

Izbekov, P. (2009) Compositional trends At Bezymianny Volcano, 6th Biennial Workshop on Japan- Kamchatka-成人影片 Subduction Processes (JKASP-2009), p. 218.

Merkulova, M.V., Neill, O.K.., Izbekov, P.E. and Dektyarev, A.V. (2010) Physical characteristics of the 17 December, 2009 and 1 June, 2010 explosive eruptions of Bezymianny volcano, Kamchatka, Russia. EOS Trans. AGU, v.91, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V21B-2322.

Meyers, Z. and S.M. Ickert-Bond. (2009) Systematics of Oxytropis section Arctobia in a changing landscape context. 2009 成人影片 Botany Forum, November 12th-13th, Anchorage, AK. 

Meyers, Z.., Metzgar, J., and S.M. Ickert-Bond. (2009) Comparative Morphology and Distribution Patterns between Oxytropis sect. Arctobia and the Nigrescence Complex (Loco-weed, Fabaceae). 成人影片 EPSCoR
Second Annual All-Hands Meeting, Anchorage, 成人影片 May 13-15, 2009 - Millennium Hotel.

Neill, O.K., Hammer, J.E., Izbekov, P.E., Belousova, M.G., Belousov, A.B., Clarke, A.B, and Voight, B. (2009) Edifice pressure prior to the 30 March, 1956 eruption of Bezymianny Volcano, Kamchatka, Russia. 6th Biennial Workshop on Subduction Processes, Emphasizing the Kurile-Kamchatkan-Aleutian Arcs.

Payne, J.H., Whalen, M.T., and Day, J.E., 2009, Differential geochemical  response during two Late Devonian mass extinction pulses: Implications for global change, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 41, no. 7, p. 513.

S.C. Petitto, K. Tanwar, S.K. Ghose, P. Eng, R.J. Rowland, T. P. Trainor (2009) Magnetite (111) Surface Structure and Reactivity Under Environmentally Relevant Conditions. 2009 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, October 18-21, 2009.

S.C. Petitto, R.J. Rowland, K. Tanwar, S.K. Ghose, P. Eng, T. P. Trainor (2009) Surface Structure and Composition of Oxidized and Reduced Hydrated Magnetite (111). Abstracts of Papers, 237th ACS National Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, March 22-26, 2009.

T.P. Trainor (2009) MSA Award Lecture: Structure and Reactivity of Geochemical Interfaces. Invited Talk. 2009 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, October 18-21, 2009.

T.P. Trainor, C.R. Iceman, K. Tanwar, S.C. Petitto, P. Eng, S. Mason, A.M. Chaka (2009) Structure and Modification of Iron-Oxide Surfaces During Reaction With Dissolved Iron. Goldschmidt 2009, Davos, Switzerland, June 21-26, 2009.

Whalen, M., Sliwinski, M.G., and Day, J. Comparison of MS and other proxies from the Middle-Late Frasnian: Implications for paleoclimatic analyses. First IGCP - 580 Meeting, Liege, Belgiu, 2-6 December, 2009.


A. Ilgen, M. Newville, T. P. Trainor (2008) Arsenic and Antimony Interactions with Kaolinite, Montmorillonite and Nontronite Clays. Abstracts of Papers, 235th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, April 6-18, 2008.

A. Ilgen, M. Newville, T.P. Trainor (2008), Talk, Controls on Antimony and Arsenic Speciation via Sorption and Redox Chemistry at the Clay Mineral 鈥 Water Interface. 18th Annual Goldschmidt Conference, Vancouver, Canada, July 13-18, 2008.

A. Ilgen, S. Mueller, M. Newville, T. P. Trainor (2008) Arsenic and Antimony Speciation in Water and Bottom Sediments Associated with Geothermal Waste Fluids: Dachny Geothermal Field, Kamchatka, Russia. Abstracts of Papers, 235th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, April 6-18, 2008.

Farrington, R., Meyers, Z., and S.M. Ickert-Bond. (2008) Comparative study of seed coat micromorphology and seed anatomy in 成人影片n Oxytropis (Loco-weed, Fabaceae) using SEM, and their Taxonomic Significance. Poster Presentation. Botany 2008. Vancouver, Canada.

Ickert-Bond, S.M., Kurmann, M. H., and G. W. Rothwell. (2008) Utility of pollen characters in gymnosperm systematics and Assembling the Tree of Life (AToL). Invited talk. Colloquium: The Utility of Pollen in Systematic and Morphological Studies: A Celebration of the Life of John J. Skvarla. Botany 2008. Vancouver, Canada.

Ickert-Bond, S. M., Meyers, Z., and J. McElwain. (2008) Carbon isotope discrimination in New World Ephedra (Ephedraceae) and adaptive strategies to desert environments. Invited talk. Symposium: 鈥淕athering the twigs and branches: reconstructing the gymnosperm tree of life鈥. 12th International Palynological Congress and 8th International Organisation of Palaeobotany Conference in Bonn, Germany.

Izbekov, P.E. (2008) Petrology of the 2008 eruption of Kasatochi Volcano, 成人影片, Eos Trans. AGU, vol. 89, No 53, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract A53B-0263.

Kayzar, T.M., B.K. Nelson, P.E. Izbekov, M. Belousova (2008) Fine-scale source variations in time-series samples from Kamchatkan volcanoes recorded in high-precision Pb isotope ratios, Eos Trans. AGU, Vol. 89, No. 53, Fall Meet. Suppl. V43A-2146.

K. Tanwar, S.C. Petitto, S.K. Ghose, P. Eng, T. P. Trainor (2008) Structural Investigation of Fe(II) Adsorption on a-Fe2O3 (1-102) and (0001) Using Crystal Truncation Rod Diffraction. Abstracts of Papers, 235th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, April 6-18, 2008.

K. Tanwar, S.C. Petitto, S.K. Ghose, P.J. Eng, T.P. Trainor (2008), Talk, Structural Investigation of Fe(II) Adsorption on Hematite (0001) and (1-102). 18th Annual Goldschmidt Conference, Vancouver, Canada, July 13-18, 2008.

Larsen, J., P. Izbekov, E. Rader, J. Freymueller (2008) Magma storage and movement at Okmok and Westdahl volcanoes, 成人影片: Comparing experimental petrology with a geophysical model, IAVCEI 2008 Abstracts, August 17-22, Reykjavik, Iceland, p. 3.

Nye, C. J., M.L. Coombs, J. Larsen, P. Izbekov, M. Tilman, C. Cameron (2008) Augustine Volcano: Mg, Cr, & Ni rich; LILE, REE and HFSE-poor, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 72, Issue 12, Supplement 1, p.A692.

Payne, J.H., Whalen, M.T., and Day, J., 2008, Carbon and nutrient cycling during the Frasnian-Famennian extinction event, Rocky Mountains, Western Canada.  Abstracts and Program, AAPG-SEPM National Meeting, San Antonio, TX.

S.C. Petitto, K. Tanwar, S.K. Ghose, P. Eng, T. P. Trainor (2008) Surface Structure and Composition of Oxidized and Reduced Hydrated Magnetite (111). Abstracts of Papers, 235th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, April 6-18, 2008.

Shcherbakov, V., P. Izbekov, P. Pletchov, P., and the PIRE Team (2008) Petrological constraints on magma processes at Bezymianny Volcano, Kamchatka, Eos Trans. AGU, Vol. 89, No. 53, Fall Meet. Suppl. V43A-2145.

T. Douglas, M.E. Walsh, T. P. Trainor, A. Jones, C.J. McGrath, C. Weiss (2008) Breakdown of Nitramine (RDX,HMX) and Nitroaromatic (TNT) Explosives on Soil Surfaces. Abstracts of Papers, 235th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, April 6-18, 2008.

T.P. Trainor (2008). Structural Analysis of Geochemical Interfaces. Invited Talk, Advanced Photon Source Scientific Advisory Committee Cross-cut Review of Geological, Environmental and Planetary Science. Argonne, IL, July 9-10, 2008.

T.P. Trainor (2008). X-ray Scattering and Spectroscopic Studies of the Mineral-Water Interface. Invited Talk, Workshop on X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and Advanced Techniques, 2008. Paul Scherer Institute. PSI, Switzerland, October 7-8, 2008.


Bindeman, I., P. Izbekov, C. Chen, V. Ponomareva, I. Melekestsev (2007) Incremental formation, differentiation, and explosion of an arc magma chamber: Isotopic and physical study of multicaldera Ksudach Volcano, Kamchatka, Russia, Eos Trans. AGU, Vol. 88, No. 52, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V33C-1527.

Izbekov, P. and the PIRE team (2007) 2006-2007 eruptions of Bezymianny Volcano, Kamchatka: Petrological snapshots of the compositionally changing magma system, Eos Trans. AGU, Vol. 88, No. 52, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V22A-06.

S.C. Petitto, K.S. Tanwar, S.K. Ghose, P.J. Eng, M.A. Toney, T.P. Trainor (2007). Talk. Surface Structure of the hydrated Fe3O4 (111) surface under environmentally relevant conditions. Presented at the 5th International Workshop on Oxide Surfaces (IWOX V), Lake Tahoe, CA, January 7-12, 2007.

T. P. Trainor (2007). X-ray Scattering and Spectroscopic Studies of the Mineral-Water Interface. Invited Keynote Address. Materials Research Society National Meeting, Boston, MA, Nov 26-28, 2007

T. P. Trainor (2007). X-ray Scattering and Spectroscopic Studies of the Mineral-Water Interface. Invited Talk. Geological Society of America National Meeting, Denver, CO, Oct. 28-30, 2007

T.P. Trainor, S.H. Mueller, V. Ritchie, A. Ilgen, M. Newville (2007). Invited Keynote Address. Antimony Mobility Associated with the Oxidation of Stibnite-bearing Waste Rock from the Eastern Tintina Gold Province, 成人影片 and Yukon. Presented at Frontiers in Mineral Sciences 2007, Cambridge University, U.K., June 26-28, 2007.


K. Tanwar, C.S. Lo, P.J. Eng, S.K. Ghose, S.C. Petitto, T.P. Trainor (2006). Poster. An Assessment of Surface Structure and Reactivity Modification Induced by Fe(II) Sorption on 伪 -Fe2O3 (1-102). Abstracts of Papers, 232nd ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Sept. 10-14, 2006.

K. Tanwar, P.J. Eng, S.K. Ghose, S.C. Petitto, T.P. Trainor (2006). Talk. Structural Modification of 伪-Fe2O3 (1-102) by Fe(II) Sorption. Abstracts of Papers, 231st ACS National Meeting, Atlanta, GA, March 26-30, 2006.

S.C. Petitto, K. Tanwar, P.J. Eng, S.K. Ghose, M.F. Toney, T.P. Trainor (2006). Talk. Structure and Reactivity of Hydrated Magnetite (111) Surface. Abstracts of Papers, 231st ACS National Meeting, Atlanta, GA, March 26-30, 2006.

S.C. Petitto, K. Tanwar, S.K. Ghose, P.J. Eng, M.F. Toney, T.P. Trainor (2006). Poster. Surface Structure and Reactivity of Hydrated Magnetite (111) Under Environmentally Relevant Conditions. Abstracts of Papers, 232nd ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Sept. 10-14, 2006.

S.H. Mueller, T.P. Trainor, V. Ritchie, M. Newville (2006). Talk. Antimony Mobility Associated with the Oxidation of Stibnite-Bearing Waste Rock From the Eastern Tintina Gold Province, 成人影片 and Yukon. Geological Society of America Cordilleran Section 102nd Annual Meeting, Anchorage, AK, May 8-10, 2006.

T. P. Trainor (2006). X-ray Scattering and Spectroscopic Studies of the Mineral-Water Interface. Invited Keynote Address. Abstracts of Papers, 232nd ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Sept. 10-14, 2006

T.P. Trainor, P.J. Eng, A.M. Chaka, C.S. Lo, K. Tanwar, S.K. Ghose, S.C. Petitto (2006). Talk. Structure of the Iron-oxide Aqueous Solution Interface: Surface X-ray Diffraction and Density Functional Theory Studies. 16th Annual Goldschmidt Conference, Melbourne, Australia, Aug. 27-Sept. 1 2006.

T.P. Trainor, P.J. Eng, A.M. Chaka, G.E. Brown Jr., K. Tanwar, S.C. Petitto, C.S. Lo, S.K. Ghose, G.A. Waychunas (2006). Talk. Structure of the Iron-oxide Aqueous Solution Interface via Coupled Surface X-ray Diffraction and Density Functional Theory. Abstracts of Papers, 232nd ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Sept. 10-14, 2006.

Whalen, M.T., Kelly, L.N., Hulm, E., Burruss, R.C., and Dumoulin, J., 2006, Sequence Stratigraphy and Geochemistry of the Marine (late Early to Late) Triassic of Arctic 成人影片, Implications for Mesozoic Paleogeography and Paleoceanography, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs v. 38, No. 7, p. 86.


S.H. Mueller, T.P. Trainor, V. Ritchie, R.J. Goldfarb, C.J.R. Hart (2005). Poster. Antimony Speciation and Transport in Mine Tailings and Sediments from 成人影片 and the Yukon. American Geophysical Union 2005 Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA, December 5-9, 2005.


Kelly, L.N., and Whalen, M.T., 2003, High resolution sequence stratigraphy, geochemistry, and paleoenvironmental interpretation of Triassic upwelling zone deposits, northern, 成人影片: implications for paleoredox conditions and paleoceanography, 成人影片 Geological Society Technology Conference, Fairbanks, 成人影片, Abstracts Volume, p. 42.


Whalen, M.T., and Kelly, L.N., 2002, High resolution sequence stratigraphy, geochemistry, and paleoenvironmental interpretation of Triassic upwelling zone deposits, northern, 成人影片. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 34, p. 15-16.

White Papers

Instrumentation and Recovery of Marks on Fish Hard Parts (Particularly Otoliths). 2008 Herring Marking Workshop, December 11,12, 1008, Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trust Council, Anchorage , AK . White Paper and Talk



Clark, C.T., L. Horstmann, and N. Misarti. Reconstructing Pacific walrus population dynamics using trace elements in teeth. Oral presentation at the Midnight Sun Science Symposium, Fairbanks, AK. April 2018.

Starbuck, H., C.T. Clark, L. Horstmann, and N. Misarti. Stable isotopes and trace elements in walrus whiskers reflect different sources of variability. Oral presentation at the Midnight Sun Science Symposium, Fairbanks, AK. April 2018.

Clark, C.T., L. Horstmann, and N. Misarti. Tracking petroleum production-related contamination of the 成人影片n Arctic using trace elements in Pacific walrus teeth. Oral presentation at the Coastal Marine Institute Annual Research Review, Anchorage, AK. January 2018.

Starbuck, H., C.T. Clark, L. Horstmann, and N. Misarti. Stable isotopes and trace elements in walrus whiskers as potential indicators of seasonality. Poster presented the 成人影片 Marine Science Symposium, Anchorage, AK. January 2018.


Clark, C.T., L. Horstmann, and N. Misarti.  Investigating Pacific walrus life history using trace elements in teeth. Oral presentation at the 22nd Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Halifax, Canada. October 2017.

Clark, C.T., L. Horstmann, and N. Misarti. It鈥檚 elementary: Reconstructing Pacific walrus movements from trace elements in teeth. Oral presentation at the 成人影片 Anthropological Association, Fairbanks, AK. March 2017.

Clark, C.T., L. Horstmann, and N. Misarti. Like pulling teeth: Using trace elements to detect seasonality in Pacific walrus teeth. Poster presented at the 成人影片 Marine Science Symposiumc Anchorage, AK. January 2017.


Sliwinski, M.G., Whalen, M.T., Payne, J.H., and Day, J. Records of the 'Punctata Event' geochemical anomaly in the Late Devonian ocean from the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin [poster]. IGCP-580 Meeting, Guilin, China 28th November - 30th 2010.



Perrin Teal Sullivan, Solo Exhibition, Tiny Forms: an exploration of ceramic microstructure, Allied Arts/Keller Architecture, Fairbanks, AK