ࡱ> FHE XbjbjT~T~ 4.66Q8,;,3gg(33333335h8X33'3hhhp3h3hh6/o2y,k&d0s33030888o28o2h33h38 : Staff Affairs Committee October 6, 2010 10:00-11:30 a.m. Joint Conference Room, Rasmuson 341 Audio Conferencing: Toll-free #: 1-800-893-8850 Participant PIN: 8244236 Welcome Roll Call Members Present: Deb Hao, Heather Leavengood, Robert Mackey, Carol Shafford, Kayt Sunwood Dawn Dearinger, Maria Russell. Also present: Nichole Kloepfer Members Absent: Forrest Kuiper, Pips Veazey Members Excused: Amy Bristor, Jennifer Elhard, Mary Sue Dates, Brad Havel Approval of 10/6 Agenda Agenda approved as presented New Business Copyright policy (input needed) In June, a staff member was told she was in violation of copyright infringement. She tracked down the computers. The staff member received a forward of a forward of the email incriminating her. The complaint was ccd to her personnel file as well as several other people. It did turn out however that she had 6 Netreg computers with her name on them. The netregs accounts live out the entire life of the university members employment. OITs solution was to discontinue all of netregs. That may have fixed the solution for the one person but it still doesnt cover the problem with other staff and faculty being unaware of the process. Staff Affairs recommends that a motion be made stating: HR be involved in the process and; Should be incorporated into supervisory training, since the supervisors are first to encounter the problem in the department and; Should be incorporated into new employee orientation and ; And staff, ӰƬ and faculty should be aware of the issue. Skill soft custom training (input needed) Carol noted that statewide is looking at whether they want to keep Skill soft or not. Heather asked Maria to see if input is still needed for the two custom skill soft classes. Maria noted that it was a pilot program for the university to build two of their own programs. Statewide was looking for feedback on what course should be built. Maria will ask Ann if there is any input needed at this point in time. The pilot programs were originally pitched in August. Soft closure discussion There is a soft closure over Christmas. Staff Affairs unanimously agreed that there needs to be earlier action and awareness of the closure. The committee moves to make a motion to address Council stating: Staff Affairs motions to request early notification of the Christmas soft closure. Staff Affairs requests that notification be given at least 11 months in advance. Rational is to give staff more opportunity to plan travel. Union status (not completely withdrawn) Maria noted ASEA withdrew their petition from last April. This signifies that ASEA isnt going though with their vote. This also means that APEA can step in and start a unionizing effort as well. ASEA will have to get new cards and start the organizing process again. Some unofficial emails from ASEA felt they were treated unfairly and statewide put out information that ASEA didnt have time to counteract. ASEA claims they needed more time to address staff issues. There was a concise memo that came out from Beth Behner outlying the current situation. Heather requested the memo from Maria to send out to Council for further clarification. Non-retention, where are we now? The university has not taken a stance on the Yauna Taylor case at this time. It is not a class action so it does not set presentence. It is still in limbo. There are two other non retention cases out of Anchorage that lost against the UA system. Yauna Taylor is open to speaking to anyone about the case. Non retention needs to stay on our radar and should continue to be a discussion topic. Discussion Employee Handbook What additions would you like to see? Staff Affairs would like to see an addition of the OIT copyright infringement information added to the employee handbook. Nichole is looking into the process. She also noted that the page is update to date and she checks the links regularly. Goals for 2010-2011? Item has been postponed until November meeting. 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