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Roll Call Members Present: Members Absent: Allen, Jane Bailey, ScottAnahita, Sine (Christine Cooper)Nakaneczny, MichaelAyagarak, NancyPrakash, AnumpaBarnhardt, Carol (Maria Reyes)Shur, YuriBarry, RonWisen, CraigBrown, LizBult-Ito, AbelCahill, CathyCockern, CliffCysewski, SteveOthers Present: Davis, MikeAllen, JimErickson, Karen (& Gary Holton)Deters, PamGenetti, JonEhrlander, MaryGray, Patty Henrichs, SusanHaugen, LeeKoverola, Catherine He'bert, MicheleLardon, CecileIken, KatrinLayral, SheriKawula, JohnLegaspi, AugustoKonar, BrendaMartin, WandaLan, PingMohatt, JerryLayer, PaulMorrison, JoyLeguard, JoanMulder, ChristaNewberry, RainerSmith, RogerPatil, Shirish (Debasmita Misra)Wilson, PaulineRoberts, LarrySmith, Jeannette Tannehill, LindaThompson, JosephWeber, JaneWies, RichZhang, Mingchu Non-Voting Members Present: Non-Voting Members Absent:Aspnes, John - Dean, CEMWalker, Thom - ASUAFMorrow, Phyllis (& C. Basham) - Dean, CLAGSO Student Steadman, Josh - Staff Council President Stickel, Tim - Registrar Approval of Minutes to Meeting #128 The minutes were approved as distributed. Adoption of Agenda Paul Layer spoke on the changes in the revised agenda, which included adding agenda item V.G. Motion to approve the joint Ph.D. program in Clinical-Community Psychology and dropping the discussion items. The revised agenda was approved. II Status of Chancellor's Office Actions A. Motions Approved: 1. Motion to amend the UAF Regulations for the Appointment and Evaluation of Faculty "Blue Book". 2. Motion to approve a Certificate and A.A.S. in Construction Trades Technology. B. Motions Pending: 1. Motion on the UAF Academic Calendar. III Public Comments/Questions - none IV A. President's Comments - Abel Bult-Ito Abel spoke about Doug Schamels contribution to UAF, the Faculty Senate, and the community stating: It was with great sadness and shock that I was made aware of Doug Schamel's passing. His family and friends have lost a kind and loving friend. If there was one thing that stood out in Doug's work it was his passion for ӰƬ. In everything that he did ӰƬ were foremost in his mind. Whether it was in his teaching, his work as an advisor, his 10-year service in the Faculty Senate, or his science education activities in the community, he tirelessly worked for the best interests of ӰƬ. Thousands of ӰƬ have benefited from his dedication and Doug will live on in these ӰƬ through what he gave to them. Doug was a roll model for all of us for more than 30 years and Doug will live on in all of us through what he taught us. We will miss Doug very much, but we also rejoice in what he gave us all. Abel then read the following resolution, which passed with unanimous consent. RESOLUTION: ======== WHEREAS, The UAF Faculty Senate wishes to express its most sincere condolences to the family and friends of our most distinguished colleague, Doug Schamel. His untimely passing has left a sorrowful void both in our hearts and on our campus. He will be remembered for many, many years by faculty, staff, ӰƬ, and the Fairbanks community; WHEREAS, The University of ӰƬ Fairbanks Faculty Senate wishes to offer our respect to the memory of Professor Doug Schamel for his thirty years of exemplary service to UAF; WHEREAS, Doug's many years of distinguished service to the University, his unavailing support of science instruction, and his participation in all aspects of University life will long be remembered; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, THAT as a small token of our respect, we dedicate a few moments of silence, to remember our friend, and also to reflect on the vocation of teaching and the importance to our lives of our colleagues in the community of scholars. **** Abel reported on action by the Faculty Alliance: The Regents policy on Assessment and the University regulation on transfer of credit will be forward to the Board of Regents for their meeting this month. The Regents policy and University regulation on residency requirement will also go to the BOR agenda. UAA had some reservation to changing the credit requirement so for now the requirements will simply be taken out of the policy and moved to regulation. Ginny Mulle and Abel have been working on a policy on identification and use of acceptable degree for a UA policy. It will be on the next Faculty Alliance agenda. Vice President Craig Dorman suggested that we do a UA Systemwide review of promotion/tenure regulations and policies. The Faculty Alliance members were adamant that it was an issue of the MAU and should go through MAU procedures. The motion on distinguished professor was approved by the Faculty Alliance and will be forwarded to the Board of Regents. There will be a grad. bash on Saturday, May 7, 2005 at the Wood Center Pub for graduating seniors and faculty are welcome. B. President-Elect's Comments - Paul Layer Paul Layer indicated that Jim Johnson has been trying to set up a meeting with the Faculty Alliance on issues regarding PERS/TRS and ORP. The VPAA search committee had two very strong candidates come to Fairbanks last week. There is another candidate on campus Thursday, April 8. He encouraged faculty to come to the open forum. Jane Weber asked what the VPAA position is. Paul Layer indicated that currently the three provosts form SAC. This is the voice of the academic unit to the president. This position will provide a voice for the academic programs and the academic mission of the university within statewide as a way of coordinating the efforts of the three campuses without much duplication. That has been lacking in statewide. V New Business A. Motion to establish a uniform procedure for UAF student registration, submitted by Curricular Affairs Rainer Newberry introduced the motion and indicated that over the past year there were difficulties in registering ӰƬ who didn't realize there were more options than the traditional drop off at Signer's Hall. What this motion does is a) make it available to all ӰƬ, and b) letting everyone know there are these options. Anyone with Banner access can become a pinner. The advisors signature is still needed. The motion passed unanimously. MOTION: ====== The UAF Faculty Senate moves to establish the following uniform procedure for UAF student registration: a. Every department at UAF will have at least one designated person that can use Banner to allow a student to register (pin a student). For small departments this person can be from a different department, but in a location convenient to the ӰƬ of the department. This person or persons agree to (1) not pin a student unless presented with a completed and signed registration form (2) to collect the registration form and (3) to send it to the registrars office. A faxed or other electronic copy of the advisors approval, attached to the registration form, is acceptable. b. A department that does not currently have a designated pinner will have one by April 2005. Any departmental faculty or staff with banner access can become a designated pinner by emailing the Registrars office (registrar@uaf.edu) with such a request. If/when a department-designated pinner permanently leaves the department that person must notify the department regarding the need for a new pinner. A department-designated pinner should be physically available during usual working hours at registration and pre-registration periods. c. All faculty in every department will be informed that there is a department-designated pinner and who that person is. During registration-related advising, advisors will inform ӰƬ that they have a choice between turning in the registration form at Signers' Hall and to the departmental pinner. EFFECTIVE: Immediately RATIONALE: Currently some ӰƬ know that they can register without going to the Registrar's Office; most do not. The purposes of this regulation are (a) to allow all ӰƬ the option of not going to the registrar's office, (b) to allow for flexibility in showing advisor's approval of courses (electronic approval is an option), and (c) to let all ӰƬ and undergraduate advisors know that ӰƬ have these options. * B. Motion on grades in prerequisite courses, submitted by Curricular Affairs Rainer Newberry indicated that this is to recognize that prerequisite courses needed to be completed with a passing grade. UA Online has a form that gives a list of ӰƬ in a course with prerequisite courses they have taken listed. This motion will clarify that a student may be dropped from the course if they have not met the prerequisite grade or talked with the instructor. Tim Stickel indicated his concern about the effective date given that the fall schedule is out and ӰƬ will be registering next week. There was additional discussion about the need for ӰƬ to pass courses with a grade of "C" and the mastering of material needed to succeed in advanced courses. This will give faculty an option of screening their classes of ӰƬ that are not prepared for them. John Aspnes indicated that the first line of defense is the academic advisory and the second line is the instructor. Faculty should be doing this already. The motion passed with 3 nays. MOTION: ====== The UAF Faculty Senate moves to establish the following policy on minimum grades needed for prerequisite courses. Undergraduate ӰƬ should not register for a course for which they have not taken--and received a grade of "C" or higher in--all the prerequisite courses, unless they have received the instructors explicit permission. Course instructors have the right to withdraw a student who has not received a grade of "C" or higher in all prerequisite classes for a given course, if that student has not received the instructors permission to register. EFFECTIVE: Immediately RATIONALE: Many undergraduate ӰƬ do not recognize the vital importance of mastering a particular subject before moving on to the next higher level of instruction. The most direct way of impressing ӰƬ with the importance of this concept is to publicize the threat of faculty withdrawal. Sufficient mastery can be demonstrated by a course grade or other means, but it is incumbent on a student to demonstrate such mastery. Although this regulation leaves the enforcement up to individual faculty members, the threat that it could be enforced will presumably motivate ӰƬ with questionable course qualifications to contact the instructor. Instructors can readily determine the academic qualifications of ӰƬ signed up for classes from the UA web site. *** C. Motion to amend the computation requirements for the Certificate and AAS degree, submitted by Curricular Affairs Rainer Newberry stated that this motion adds a course to the current list. The motion passed unanimously. MOTION: ====== The UAF Faculty Senate moves to amend the computation requirements for the Certificate and Associate of Applied Science degree as follows: EFFECTIVE: Fall 2005 RATIONALE: This amendment adds PRT 155 to the list of courses in the Related Instructional areas of Computation. [[ ]] = deletion CAPS = addition Computation Any course at the 100 level or above in mathematical sciences (math, computer science, statistics) (3) or ABUS 155 -- Business Math (3) or CIOS 116 -- Business Math Using Calculators (3) or DEVM 105 Intermediate Algebra (3) or ECE 117 Math Skills For Early Childhood Education (3) or HLTH 116 -- Mathematics In Health Care (3) or HSV 117 Math Skills For Human Services (3) or PRT 155 - MATHEMATICS FOR TECHNICIANS (3) or TTCH 131 -- Maintenance Mathematics (3) or other program approved discipline-based computation course or discipline-based courses with embedded computation content *** D. Resolution on Faculty Research Oversight Committee, submitted by Faculty Affairs Abel Bult-Ito spoke on the resolution. It asks for a committee or at least for a negotiation for a committee that both the Chancellor and the Faculty Senate can be happy with. It may be possible to work within the framework of the existing regulation. If not, then we might work with the Chancellor to suggest a change to the President. We'd like to move forward with this and have a resolution to indicated that we want to arrive at a resolution that is acceptable for all parties. The motion passed unanimously. RESOLUTION: ========= WHEREAS, Classified and Proprietary research is subject to Regents Policy 10.07.02, University Regulation, laws, regulations, and MAU rules and procedures applicable to research; and WHEREAS, Classified and Proprietary research will be conducted in a responsible and ethical manner consistent with the mission of the University of ӰƬ Fairbanks; and WHEREAS, The UAF Faculty Senate at its Meeting #116, unanimously passed a motion to establish a UAF policy on Classified and Proprietary Research; and WHEREAS, The UAF Faculty Senate at its Meeting #117, passed a motion to establish a Reconciliation Committee after a Chancellor's veto; and WHEREAS, The UAF Faculty Senate at its Meeting #122, unanimously passed a new motion based on recommendations from the Reconciliation Committee to establish a policy on Classified and Proprietary Research, which called for the formation of a Faculty Research Oversight Committee; and WHEREAS, The UAF Faculty Senate at its Meeting #124, unanimously passed a motion to amend Section 3 (Article V, Committees, Standing) of the Bylaws pertaining to membership and adding the Faculty Research Oversight Committee; and WHEREAS, The UAF Faculty Senate at its Meeting #128, adopted a motion to override the veto of the motion to amend Section 3 (Article V, Committees, Standing) of the Bylaws pertaining to membership and adding the Faculty Research Oversight Committee; and WHEREAS, The process laid out in the Board of Regents' regulation now supercedes the UAF Faculty Senate motion passed at its meeting #122; now THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That to fulfill and uphold the principles of shared governance and to recognize the expressed intent of Chancellor Jones towards the Faculty Senate position on Classified and Proprietary Research, the Faculty Senate recommends a process of mutual consultation that will lead to an amicable agreement about the composition of the committee. * E. Confirmation of Outstanding Senator of the Year Award, submitted by OSYA Screening Committee Paul Layer indicated that the screening committee felt that both individuals were very strong and contributed a lot to the Senate and agreed to forward both to be confirmed for the award. Rainer Newberry indicated that he wished to withdraw his name from consideration. Paul thanked Rainer for his service as chair of the Curricular Affairs Committee and the nomination speaks to the service he has given now and in the past. Abel indicated that to be confirmed a majority vote must be received. A vote was held by secret ballot and Shirish Patil was confirmed as Outstanding Senator of the Year. A formal resolution will be presented at the next Faculty Senate meeting. * F. President-Elect nomination & election Paul Layer indicated there was one nomination for President-Elect. He called for any additional nominations. With no additional nominations, the nominations were closed and the election of Shirish Patil by affirmation passed without objection. RESOLUTION: ========= BE IT RESOLVED, That the UAF Faculty Senate ratifies the election of Shirish Patil as President-Elect of the Senate for the year 2005-2006 by affirmation. * G. Motion to approve a Joint Ph.D. Program in Clinical-Community Psychology, submitted by Graduate Academic & Advisory Committee Mary Ehrlander spoke about the process that GAAC went through to approve the proposal for a joint Ph.D. in Psychology including the approval of each individual course and the full proposal. Everyone on the committee felt that the academic merits of the program were very strong and unanimously approved forwarding it to the Senate. Catherine Korvola gave an overview of the proposal. This proposal came about because a number of years ago there were two statewide needs assessments that were done that clearly indicated a pressing need for a Ph.D. program in these areas in ӰƬ. And specifically the areas of need in which doctorial trained psychologists are needed in ӰƬ are clinical psychology and community psychologists. There are many cross-cultural issues that are unmet in ӰƬ. What was very clear is that we need practitioners as well as scientists. Psychology Ph.D.s are trained to be both practitioners and scientists. The decision was made to develop a program that would train psychologists at the doctorial level to meet these three specific areas. The program was developed jointly. It became clear that UAF alone would not be able to develop this program, so they collaborated with colleagues from UAA. From the beginning the program has been jointly planned. The planning and conception of the program has been faculty driven. They have had statewide support and encouragement in terms of potential funding. Statewide is very aware of the state needs. The curriculum has been developed to meeting APA accreditation needs. Graduates would be able to be licensed for independent practice. The program fits with the UAF mission. They will be graduating eight Ph.D.s a year once they are fully up and running. Another strong benefit is that there will be another Ph.D. granting department at UAF, which will allow significantly more interdisciplinary Ph.D.s. Another significant benefit is that there will be increased research funding that will be sought from NIH and other federally funded agencies. Susan Henrichs indicated that it is important to look at Paul Reichardts memo in support of the proposal. He and Chancellor Jones agree, that of any new graduate program that might come forward at this university in the immediate future, this is a top priority. To recap the three reasons for the program are: 1) the very serious state needs for both research and clinical practice in the field of behavioral health; 2) the fact that this is a collaboration between UAA and UAF where we are combining resources to meet the need, and 3) this is something that statewide is very strongly behind and is prepared to support in terms of getting additional funding from the state legislature. The other aspect of Pauls remarks is how do we fund this. Both statewide and UAF have collaborated to produce a detailed and specific financial plan for how this will be funded. Given reasonable levels of state support we should be able to fund this out of the discretionary money available to central administration. If our financial picture is much worst then we will have to adjust. But we should not act as if the worst-case scenario is what we are going to deal with. We need to make an effort to go forward to improve the university, to meet state needs, with a reasonable degree of optimism about what our future financial picture is going to be. Jane Weber asked about the discretionary funds available for other programs. Phyllis Morrow indicated her support and spoke about the level of detail given to this proposal. Michelle Hebert spoke about the level of funding in her department and the university. Susan Henrichs spoke about funding cuts and are we going to approach them a little bit more strategically, a little bit more with regard to where can we put our efforts that will do the most good. Its important to us to make the effort to grow and change, as well as just trying to survive. Karen Erickson spoke about the benefits of having a new program that is rooted in the needs of the state. This is a high quality program that is well thought out and has the possibility of national distinction. Patty Gray spoke in favor of the program. Christa Mulder spoke about the collaboration between the faculty of UAA and UAF. This is a model for the future. Larry Roberts indicated that he works in a program that is a feeder program to this degree. This sets the tone for statewide delivered programs. This service is very important to the state of ӰƬ. It is a very well developed program. The motion passed with 1 abstention. Abel thanked GAAC for their hard work on reviewing this program. MOTION: ======= The UAF Faculty Senate moves to approve the Joint UAA-UAF Ph.D. Program in Clinical-Community Psychology. EFFECTIVE: Fall 2005 and/or Upon Board of Regents' Approval. RATIONALE: See full program proposal #72 and course proposals #40-71 from the Fall 2004 review cycle on file in the Governance Office, 312 Signers' Hall. Brief Statement of the Proposed Program Ph.D., Clinical-Community Psychology The proposed joint Ph.D. Program in Clinical-Community Psychology with a Rural Indigenous Emphasis will be a partnership between the Departments of Psychology at UAA and UAF. The program focus will include clinical, community, and cross-cultural psychology with an emphasis on indigenous, ӰƬ Native, and American Indian psychology. This UA partnership will integrate the strengths and resources of both departments to advance academic excellence, promote innovative and practical research, and provide solid graduate training in clinical-community psychology. The five-year program will have a single curriculum, joint governance, and program faculty at each of the two MAUs. The program will seek accreditation from the American Psychological Association, ensuring that graduates have obtained the full range of clinical training mandated for doctoral-level clinical psychologists and providing assurance that graduates will be adequately prepared for licensure as psychologists. The program will graduate six to eight Ph.D.-level psychologists annually. The primary objectives of the proposed program are as follows: To train doctoral-level psychologists with integrated expertise in clinical, community, and cross-cultural psychology with an emphasis in indigenous, ӰƬ Native, and American Indian psychology. To increase significantly the number of doctoral-level psychologists with expertise and sensitivity to cross-cultural issues who will practice clinical-community psychology throughout ӰƬ, in particular, but also in isolated rural communities in the Circumpolar North and the Lower 48 U.S. states. To increase significantly the number of doctoral-level psychologists who will conduct research on clinical, community, and cross-cultural issues relevant to ӰƬ, underserved ethnic minorities, and rural communities in ӰƬ and the Circumpolar North. To increase significantly the number of doctoral-level psychologists who are of ӰƬ Native and American Indian descent. * VI Guest Speaker A. Roger Smith - Strategic Planning Committee Roger Smith indicated that this is a process that will be going on for approximately a year and was started by Chancellor Jones. In giving a charge to the committee, the Chancellor stated that the strategic planning activity and the plan itself will shape the university in the coming years. This is a crucial activity to be done. The plan should be related to the current plan, it needs to form subsidiary plans, it should be a living documentone that can be changedit has to look at the next five years and see that the current mission statement will be appropriate, it has to deal with the UAF paradoxthat is we are most comprehensive university from GED to PH.D., we are a research university most focused on the arctic, and we use our location and focus to attract faculty. We need a way to work this out. What is happening is that through several meetings of the committee we have evolved a new mission statement. It is a working version. They would like reactions. There is a website:  HYPERLINK "http://www.uaf.edu/strategic" www.uaf.edu/strategic. Respond to whether there needs to be a change to the mission statement. Right now the current topic of discussion is under #2. Consideration of what drives new thinking for a strategic plan. Roger reviewed some of the questions in the handout. The university has to look at its financial and fiscal limitations and how it will impact us. Where else can we go for funds? These are the things that are before the committee. What the committee would like is to invite input. You can do it through the website or directly to  HYPERLINK "mailto:roger.smith@gi.alaska.edu" roger.smith@gi.alaska.edu or any one on the committee. Paul Layer indicated that Shirish Patil is on the committee. Roger indicated that comments should be sent soon as the committee has been charged to come up with a strategic plan by December. UAF Strategic Planning Update and consultation with Faculty Senate April 4 2005 Consideration of the UAF Mission Statement. a. Current mission statement: The University of ӰƬ Fairbanks, as the nations northernmost Land, Sea and Space Grant university and international research center, advances and disseminates knowledge through creative teaching, research, and public service with an emphasis on ӰƬ, the North and their diverse peoples. b. Proposed revision: The University of ӰƬ Fairbanks, the nations northernmost Land, Sea and Space Grant university and international research center, advances and disseminates knowledge through innovative teaching, research, and public service with an emphasis on the needs of ӰƬ, the circumpolar North, and their diverse peoples. UAF promotes academic excellence, student success, and lifelong learning through a broad array of certificate, associate, baccalaureate, masters and doctoral programs. Consideration of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Questions to outside stakeholders What forces or trends are going on in your organization outside the university that will influence the direction of the university in the next five years? Who do you believe are UAFs chief competitors and why? What is the relationship of UAF to your organization? How would you like to see that relationship change? What role does UAF play in the State of ӰƬ? What are UAFs strongest programs? How is UAF doing in meeting the needs of the State of ӰƬ? How does your organization influence the university? What suggestions can you give that will help make UAF for successful? Questions to inside stakeholders What financial and fiscal changes in the next 3-5 years will have the most significant impact on the university? Which programs offered at UAF are the strongest? Which new programs are needed? What infrastructure is needed to maintain those strengths? What does UAF need to do to recruit more ӰƬ? What does UAF need to do to retain ӰƬ? What are UAFs fundraising opportunities? How does your organization or unit influence the university? How is UAF doing as a university? What can UAF do to become more successful? VII Governance Reports A. Staff Council - Josh Steadman, President Josh Steadman spoke about the legislative support of the university and the upcoming Cookie Brigade by the Staff Alliance. Tuesday and Wednesday the Staff Alliance members will be visiting the legislature and distributing cookies. Staff Council is opening nominations for president-elect at their next meeting on April 13. The deadline for the Chancellors Recognition Award and the Outstanding Staff Council award will be soon. The UAF-North Pole Day will be held on April 16, 2005 in conjunction with A Taste of North Pole. This is a good opportunity to show off what the university has to offer. B. ASUAF -Thom Walker / GSO - No report was available. VIII Committee Reports A. Curricular Affairs - Rainer Newberry A report was attached to the agenda. B. Faculty Affairs - Shirish Patil A report was attached to the agenda. C. Committee on the Status of Women - Jane Weber A report was attached to the agenda. Jane indicated they still need surveys and would like senators to encourage their faculty to complete the survey. D. Core Review - Jin Brown No report was available. E. Curriculum Review - Rainer Newberry No report was available. F. Developmental Studies - Joe Mason/Cindy Hardy No report was available. G. Faculty Appeals & Oversight - Larry Duffy No report was available. H. Faculty Development, Assessment & Improvement Lee Haugen The following report was distributed as a handout. Faculty Development, Assessment, & Improvement Committee Meeting on March 11, 2005 Minutes submitted by Lee Haugen & Corky Cockern In Attendance: Corky Cockern, Susan Henrichs, Tom Robinson, John Kawula, Christie Cooper, Mike Nakaneczny, Joy Morrison, Mike Davis, Lee Haugen New Business FDAI discussed the issue of a no cell phone in the classroom policy. Several faculty have expressed a concern. Tom suggested that a policy statement be drafted and submitted to Administrative Committee for further discussion. FDAI discussed the advantages of an outcomes assessment on the web. Grade Inflation Sub-Committee After presenting background information regarding grade distribution and grade inflation to the Senate, it was determined that a better definition of the problem needs to be presented. Considering that the data we presented was for 2000-2001, we feel a serious study is necessary before we proceed with action. The committee agreed to take the next step, a longitudinal study (1997-2004) to determine if grade inflation exists at UAF and to what extent. UAFs liberal policies regarding Is and Ws was discussed as a potential distortion of our actual academic situation. Susan and Lee agreed to meet and discuss the necessary parameters for the data and to contact Institutional Research to initiate the study. Susan will contact Institutional Research, Lee will investigate the national literature for comparison to determine if UAF is experiencing similar patterns. The committee agreed that once the new data is available, comparisons to national trends should offer a clearer picture of the issue at UAF. At that time the committee will bring the issue to the Senate again for further discussion. Perhaps at a later time an on line campus wide survey could be useful for collecting information on faculty perceptions of the issue. From a resource standpoint, the suggestion was that the Provosts office might have more time and other resources to apply to the survey; and that the FDAI committee and Senate might best provide guidance for the information to be surveyed and analyzed SOI Assessment Sub-Committee: This sub committee had no report. Professional Development Sub-Committee FDAI discussed upcoming events being offered through PD Office in March. Committee members were encouraged to participate in a joint meeting with the Committee on the Status of Women regarding conflict resolution. Next FDAI Committee meeting is to be 4/15. Adjournment 2pm * I. Graduate Academic & Advisory Committee Mary Ehrlander A report was attached to the agenda. J. Unit Criteria - Gary Holton No report was available. ** XI Members' Comments/Questions - Tim Stickel indicated that the fall schedules are out today and registration starts next Monday. Commencement is May 15. They need a count of faculty attending commencement by the end of the month so they can make seating arrangements. XII Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 2:50 p.m. Tapes of this Faculty Senate meeting are in the Governance Office, 312 Signers' Hall if anyone wishes to listen to the complete tapes. Submitted by Sheri Layral, Faculty Senate Secretary. 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