ࡱ> ` Wsjbjb ddWl6666666ڑڑڑڑ4ةv6(^^^^^TΓ7999999,NRHe-6ޓ^^ޓޓe66^^ޓ6^6^7JN6666ޓ7ӣ66* cJڑ c0ةw(6FKFKMINUTES UAF FACULTY SENATE MEETING #126 Monday, February 7, 2005 1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Wood Center Conference Room C/D I Call to Order Abel Bult-Ito Faculty Senate President Abel Bult-Ito called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m. A. Roll Call Members Present: Members Absent: Anahita, SineAllen, JaneAyagarak, NancyGenetti, JonBailey, ScottKonar, BrendaBarnhardt, CarolBarry, RonBrown, LizOthers Present: Bult-Ito, AbelBoggs, J.J. Cahill, CathyEhrlander, MaryCockern, CliffIllingworth, RonCysewski, SteveJones, SteveDavis, MikeLayral, SheriErickson, KarenMadison, CurtGray, Patty Martin, WandaHaugen, LeeMorrison, JoyHe'bert, MicheleReichardt, PaulIken, KatrinVeazey, DaveKawula, JohnLan, PingLayer, PaulLeguard, JoanNakaneczny, MichaelNewberry, RainerPrakash, AnumpaPatil, ShirishRoberts, LarryShur, YuriSmith, Jeannette (Gary Holton)Tannehill, LindaThompson, Joseph (& Michael Jennings)Weber, JaneWies, RichWisen, CraigZhang, Mingchu Non-Voting Members Present: Non-Voting Members Absent:Aspnes, John - Dean, CEMWalker, Thom (J. Blanchard)-ASUAFMorrow, Phyllis (C. Basham) - Dean, CLAGSO Student Steadman, Josh - Staff Council President Stickel, Tim - Registrar Approval of Minutes to Meeting #126 The minutes were approved as distributed. Adoption of Agenda Shirish Patil asked that the motion on change to the Regents policy be moved to discussion item with the addition of a new version as distributed prior to the meeting. II Status of Chancellor's Office Actions A. Motions Approved: 1. Motion to establish Policy on Identification and Use of Acceptable Academic Degrees. 2. Motion to amend the BBA degree requirements. 3. Motion to approve a Certificate in Medical Assisting. 4. Motion to approve a Certificate in Instrumentation Technology. 5. Motion to approve a Certificate in Safety, Health, and Environmental Awareness Technology. 6. Motion to amend the UAF Faculty Senate Constitution (Article III and IV). 7. Motion to recommend the amendment of Regents' Policy 04.04.040. 8. Motion to approve the Unit Criteria for the Marine Advisory Program (MAP). 9. Motion to approve the deletion of the Engineer of Mines (E.M.) degree. 10. Motion to amend the policy on Special or Reserved Numbers. B. Motions Pending: 1. Motion to amend the UAF Regulations for the Appointment and Evaluation of Faculty "Blue Book". Abel Bult-Ito announced that the motion to amend the constitution did not have a first and second reading and asked that this motion be approved in accordance with Senate bylaws. The motion passes without objection. MOTION: ====== The UAF Faculty Senate moves to amend Article III and IV of the UAF Faculty Senate Constitution as follows: [[ ]] - Deletions CAPS - Additions ARTICLE III - Membership Sec. 1 The Senate shall be constituted according to the provisions specified in the bylaws. Sec. 2 Voting members of the Senate must either hold academic rank with full-time continuing appointment at the University of ӰƬ Fairbanks or hold special academic rank with title preceded by "research" or "term". Sec. 3 Senate members shall be elected from and by the faculty of their respective units, as set forth in the bylaws, to two-year terms which shall be staggered to ensure continuity. Sec. 4 The terms of the newly elected and appointed members shall commence at the beginning of "New Business" of the last regularly scheduled Senate meeting of the academic year. Sec. 5 Any ELECTED OFFICER OR voting member of the Senate may be recalled according to the provisions of the by-laws. Sec. 6 Non-voting members of the Senate shall have voting privileges on any Senate committee on which they serve. ARTICLE IV - Officers Sect. 1 The two officers of the Senate shall be the President and the President-Elect. Sect. 2 The President and President-Elect shall be elected by the elected representatives of the Senate for one-year terms. Eligible nominees for the offices of President and President-Elect shall be elected representatives and/or chairs of standing and permanent committees of the Senate. Sect. 3 The President-Elect, after serving for one year in this position, subject to Sections 4, [[ and]] 5, AND 6, will automatically become President for one year. Sect. 4 The term of the President may be extended for one additional year by a two-thirds majority vote of the entire voting membership of the Senate. The vote will be by secret ballot and, if passed, the term of the President and the current President-Elect will be extended for no more than one additional year. Sect. 5 If for any reason the President should relinquish or be recalled from office, the President-Elect will automatically and immediately assume the Presidency. The Senate shall elect a Vice President to fill out the remainder of the year at which time a new election for President-Elect will be held [[as outlined in ARTICLE III, Section 6]]. The previously elevated President-Elect will complete the next academic year as President. SECT. 6 IF FOR ANY REASON THE PRESIDENT-ELECT SHOULD RELINQUISH OR BE RECALLED FROM OFFICE, THE SENATE SHALL ELECT A PRESIDENT-ELECT TO FILL OUT THE REMAINDER OF THE YEAR AT WHICH TIME A NEW ELECTION FOR PRESIDENT-ELECT WILL BE HELD. SECT. 7 The terms of the newly elected President and President-Elect shall commence at the beginning of "New Business" of the last regularly scheduled Senate meeting of the academic year. EFFECTIVE: Immediate, Upon Chancellor Approval RATIONALE: To preserve Faculty Senate's integrity and to assure that the members and/or officers of the Senate are held at highest professional, academic, and ethical standards. **** III Public Comments/Questions - none IV A. President's Comments - Abel Bult-Ito AbelBult-Ito indicated that he would be traveling to Bethel February 17-19 where he will meet with faculty. Pete Pinney and JoJo Ducharme will also be traveling to Bethel at that time. Abel attended a UACN organization meeting last week in Anchorage. In attendance were members from the UAA and UAS governance group and the union. The purpose of the meeting was to improve communication between the groups. Abel asked Shirish Patil to consider adding union members to the Faculty Affairs committee as ex-officio members. Michael Jennings briefly spoke about the meeting. Abel indicated the Chancellor was currently reviewing a charge statement for the Diversity Action Committee. The committee has organized a meeting with Tim Wise, a pro activist on March 28, 2005. Norm Swazo sent an announcement from the Department of Energy that they will impose stiff new civil penalties on contractors who violate regulations on the safeguarding of classified information. The Office of Post-Secondary Education has published a search tool for accredited institutions.  HYPERLINK "http://www,ope.cd.gov/accreditation/Search.asp" http://www,ope.cd.gov/accreditation/Search.asp Rainer Newberry indicated that one problem with this is that it does not include areas of accreditation and overseas institutions. Abel asked the chancellor or provost to comment on the proposed shuttle bus fee. Paul Reichardt indicated that parking is supposed to be self-support. For faculty and staff that park on campus the parking fee will go up next year. The parking fee for ӰƬ will remain the same, however, they will be asked to pay a campus transportation fee. B. President-Elect's Comments - Paul Layer Paul Layer thanked the Senate for electing him as president-elect. He anticipates a steep learning curve. He would like to use the spring semester to meet with various groups to learn about parts of campus he is unfamiliar with and their concerns. Paul indicated that he is on the search committee for the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Carol Gold is the chair of the committee. The committee has two faculty members from each campus. Provost Reichardt is also on the committee. V A. Remarks by Chancellor Steve Jones Chancellor Jones indicated that he recently attend the UAA chancellor installation. He asked if faculty felt a need to have a similar installation at UAF. The chancellor spoke about classified and proprietary research. There is keen interest in this motion. It has prompted statewide to draft a regulation. The draft regulation addresses many of the items in the senate's motion. The regulation would: - Establish uniform review statewide, but implements chancellor discretion; - Define classified and proprietary research; - Require consultation between chancellor and president before consideration of classified/proprietary research; - Establish ex-officio membership for the VPAA, MAU vice provost for reseach/provost; - Allow appointment of three tenured faculty; - Set out a number of factors that review committees and chancellors must consider in making a determination to proceed. the MAU wishing to conduct review to establish committees Chancellor Jones asks for a delay of the veto to see if this regulation works. Michael Jennings asked about how this would affect promotion/tenure. Abel Bult-Ito asked about faculty input into regulation. Chancellor Jones indicated that Mike Hostina viewed the senate's motion as faculty input. Proprietary research does take place within the university. Joan Leguard spoke about fines that can be assessed for violation of classified material. Cathy Cahill spoke about the need of faculty to be very aware of the needs and risks going into classified research. Chancellor Jones mentioned Cathy Cahill's upcoming science lecture on Tuesday night. Chancellor Jones spoke about the need to look at way to set targets for enrollment retention and recruitment. The short version is that UAF needs to move from enrollment services to enrollment management. Abel Bult-Ito hopes that Tim Barnett will present their findings at the next meeting. Chancellor Jones indicated that the dial up data from Dillingham was not accurate. For the remainder of this year CRA will continue to cover the cost of dial-up service for those in Dillingham. B. Remarks by Provost P. Reichardt Provost Reichardt talked about the academic degree programs projected for the next five years. It includes programs that have already been proposed and approved by the Senate, as well as new programs in various stages of planning. Provost Reichardt also spoke about the proposed Regents Policy 10.06.01 and expressed concern over why a performance based budgeting system was included. VI Guest Speaker A. David Veazey, Asst. Vice President for Academic Affairs Dave Veazey talked about a draft electronic interactive database system to record faculty workloads and activity reports. This is a result of recommendations by the ad hoc committee on Accountability and Sustainability (ACAS). It tracks information on faculty workload and activities. The School of Management uses a similar system; John Blake is looking at one for research compliance. This is basically an IT operation. Another question is the relationship with union. Do they have some say in this project? Third, do faculty want to do this. The goal is if this makes sense and do you want to be part of the process. B. Curt Madison, Director, CDE The President's Ad hoc Committee on Distance Education has compiled a report, which recommended the committee disband, and the formation of two permanent committees--the Steering Board and Educational Technology Team. The Steering Board met with faculty and staff at seven campuses. A list of 26 critical issues to address before distance education can be adequately deployed throughout the UA system was identified. Curt Madison indicated that he has traveled to various campuses to talk with directors about distance education. Comments and recommendation from those meeting are included in the report. His task over the next two months will be to finish up the reports. There will be a meeting in Anchorage March 28-29 to discuss distance education. A complete copy of all the reports can be found at: (http://distance.uaf.edu/steeringboard/documents.html) Send comments to  HYPERLINK "mailto:curt.Madison@uaf.edu" curt.Madison@uaf.edu C. J.J. Boggs, Leadership Development Coordinator J.J. Boggs spoke about the leadership development program on campus. It started as a grassroots project. Last year it became a fully staffed position. The UAF Leadership Program is located in Wood Center and is a division of Student Affairs. Its mission is to cultivate fully functional ӰƬ by creating and supporting a variety of student leadership development opportunities, partnering with academic department and the community, and to recognize successful student leadership. Programs include a fall student leadership conference and a "Leaders for ӰƬ Institute" in the spring. UAF has over 85 active clubs which are spearheaded by ӰƬ. UAF LEAD is a series of leadership education and development workshops. Working with Northern Studies Department in promoting a new minor in Leadership and Civic Engagement. They also take ӰƬ to national student leadership conferences. Recognition includes Graduation with Leadership Honors (GLH). J.J. encouraged faculty to get involved. Co-curricular partnership--they have ӰƬ who can give information to your ӰƬ. Contact information is: 474-1170 or leadership@uaf.edu. Jane Weber asked about rural ӰƬ. J.J. indicated that currently they have scholarships available to bring ӰƬ in for the conference. VII Governance Reports A. Staff Council - Josh Steadman Josh Steadman reported on Staff Council's new member orientation. They have 10-14 new members recently elected to Staff Council. Josh indicated that governance works. Staff will receive a two percent cost of living increase. This was a recommendation from the ACAS report. It all started through staff governance. B. ASUAF -Thom Walker / GSO - Joseph Blanchard, ASUAF Senate chair, attended the meeting and spoke about ASUAFs activities. There is a group of ӰƬ going down to Juneau to lobby. Paul Layer asked if the student were aware of the new fee for the shuttle. VIII New Business A. Motion on Freshman Progress Reports, submitted by Curricular Affairs Rainer Newberry indicated there was no regulation requiring submission of freshman progress reports. This motion would remedy that situation. The motion passed with one abstention. MOTION: ====== The UAF Faculty Senate moves to enhance the Freshmen Progress Reports system to include the following: All faculty and instructors teaching 100- and 200-level classes must submit a progress report for all freshmen indicating the grade being earned by the fifth week of the semester. All new courses that permit freshmen enrollment must explicitly include the method(s) used to determine freshman mid-semester grades in the syllabus. The freshmen reporting requirement will be evaluated as part of the curriculum review process. EFFECTIVE: Fall 2005 RATIONALE: Freshmen Progress Reports are a crucial part of our student retention plan. UAF is committed to the success of its ӰƬ by providing an environment conducive to teaching and learning. The Freshmen Progress Report system (formerly Low Grade Report) was intended to serve as a retention tool to improve ӰƬ persistence and promote survival skills. It is based on a model that the faculty will be proactive, supportive and involved in facilitating the academic components of student retention. Faculty awareness of potential student problems constitutes the foundation of this retention program by assisting with the early detection and intervention of ӰƬ who are doing poorly in class, chronically absent from class (since attendance is an integral part of the learning process), or experiencing other kinds of problems that affect academic performance. As L. Noel stated in Increasing Student Retention (1985), It is the people who come face-to-face with ӰƬ on a regular basis who provide the positive growth experiences for ӰƬ that enable them to identify their goals and talents and learn how to put them to use. The caring attitude of college personnel is viewed as the most potent retention force on a campus (p. 17). To augment this important function, incorporating the grading policy and time frame in the syllabus will indicate to ӰƬ the commitment faculty and instructors have to the success and persistence of UAF ӰƬ. * B. Motion to approve a Certificate and A.A.S. in Construction Trades Technology, submitted by Curricular Affairs Rainer Newberry introduced the motion. Jane Weber asked how this compares with the ASTAC program. Ron Illingworth commented about the delivery of the program to various sites and locations. Michele Hebert asked about partnerships. Ron indicated it includes partnerships with communities, HUD, and other industries. They are also working with Native Corporations. They will use the same training process as national recognized--the same as the union follow. The motion passed unanimously. MOTION: ====== The UAF Faculty Senate moves to approve a Certificate and A.A.S. in Construction Trades Technology. EFFECTIVE: Fall 2005 and/or Upon Board of Regents' Approval. RATIONALE: See full program proposals #74 & 75 and course proposals #57-73 & 146 from the Fall 2004 review cycle on file in the Governance Office, 312 Signers' Hall. Certificate, Construction Trades Technology - Nine credits of general certificate requirements including CTT 106 or TTCH 131; CTT core requirements of CTT 100, 110, 115, HLT 122, and CTT 199 for a total of 38.5 credits; effective Upon BOR approval. A.A.S., Construction Trades Technology - General AAS degree requirement of 15 credits including CTT 106 or TTCH 131; completion of certificate requirements (CTT 100, 110, 115, HLTH 122 and CTT 199); and additional courses CTT 170, 175, 150, 155, 299 for a total of 76.5 credits; effective Upon BOR approval. Brief Statement of the Proposed Program Certificate and A.A.S. in Construction Trades Technology Overview: Responding to the construction industry and rural Native organizations, the Interior-Aleutians Campus supported by the Northwest Campus and the College of Rural ӰƬ (CRA) is proposing the Construction Trades Technology (CTT) consisting of a 38.5-credit certificate program, which articulates into an AAS degree program requiring 76.5 credits. The Certificate and AAS Program is based upon the National Center for Construction Education and Research requirements for National Certification which provides ӰƬ the opportunity to enter apprenticeship programs. The certificate graduate will know construction terminology and have entry-level skills in carpentry. The AAS Degree will further develop their skills. Upon completion of the AAS Degree, the student will have basic skills in plumbing and electrical. Career paths developed and under going development include plumbing, electrical, carpentry, heavy equipment operations, pipeline management, insulating, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC), and instrumentation. The CTT Program was developed in consultation with Native Non-profits and rural organizations, rural campuses and College of Rural ӰƬ Vocational faculty. The program responds to the unique vocational educational needs of ӰƬs workforce and the needs of employers. Currently, each rural region of the state has 20-30 million dollars worth of construction projects. The rural workforce is not prepared to participate in these projects beyond the general laborer position. The CTT program offers new opportunities for ӰƬs rural and urban-based ӰƬ. To address the years of construction experience held by many village residents, the CTT program offers opportunities of credit for prior training and experience. CRA is working with the Council of Athabascan Governments, an Approved Training Sponsor for the National Center for Construction Education & Research (NCCER). Through CATG, the ӰƬ will eligible for entry into the national database. NCCER is a national organization of construction trade organizations and businesses, which promote training through a nationally standardized and certified curriculum. This curriculum is constantly reviewed and revised by industry professionals to keep it current with industry standards. There are several trade organizations in ӰƬ that endorse this curriculum and promote its use in their training. For ӰƬ to be entered on the national registry, they must pass written and hands-on competency tests. The instructors providing the training must be certified by NCCER as craft proficient in their respective trades. The mission of the CTT Program is to provide vocational, skill-based education to ӰƬ through flexible course delivery methods to meet the needs of college and rural ӰƬ ӰƬ. Objectives of the Proposed CTT Program: To prepare a cadre of skilled ӰƬn workers that meet current workforce deficiencies in construction trades, focusing on the rural worker. To contribute to our vocational educated ӰƬn Workforce by providing a program that links work-based skills and hands-on learning to postsecondary education, particularly in rural ӰƬ in keeping with the university mission. To provide a career ladder beyond entry-level to an underemployed rural workforce, particularly ӰƬ Native men, who are also under-represented at the university. * C. Motion to amend the UAF Faculty Senate By-Laws, Section 1 (ART III: Membership) concerning recall, submitted by Faculty Affairs Shirish Patil introduced the motion. The motion passed unanimously. MOTION: ======= The UAF Faculty Senate moves to amend Section 1 (ART III: Membership) of the UAF Faculty Senate By-laws to add a paragraph on recall as follows: [[ ]] - Deletions CAPS - Additions F. RECALL 1. UNETHICAL AND/OR UNPROFESSIONAL CONDUCT BY ANY ELECTED OFFICER OR MEMBER OF THE SENATE MAY CONSTITUTE A CAUSE FOR A VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE AND HENCE A RECALL. IN ORDER TO RECALL AN ELECTED OFFICER OR MEMBER, A TWO-THIRDS VOTE IS REQUIRED AND CANNOT OCCUR SOONER THAN 28 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF THE MEETING AT WHICH THE RECALL WAS FIRST READ AND DISCUSSED. EFFECTIVE: Immediate, Upon Chancellor Approval RATIONALE: To preserve Faculty Senate's integrity and to assure that the members and/or officers of the Senate are held at highest professional, academic, and ethical standards. * D. Motion to recommend the amendment of Regents' Policy 10.06.01 regarding Assessment, submitted by Faculty Affairs This item was moved to discussion. *** E. Motion to approve the Unit Criteria for Natural Sciences (CNSM), submitted by Unit Criteria Gary Holton indicated these were exemplary criteria. The unit criteria cover only the Natural Sciences under the new College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. Math has own criteria. The motion passed unanimously. MOTION: ====== The UAF Faculty Senate moves to approve the Unit Criteria for Natural Sciences (CNSM). EFFECTIVE: Immediately Upon Chancellor Approval RATIONALE: The committee assessed the unit criteria submitted by the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. With some changes, agreed upon by the school representative the unit criteria were found to be consistent with UAF guidelines. *** F. Motion to override the veto of the amend to the Faculty Senate Bylaws, Section 3, (Article V, Committee, Standing) to establish a "Research Oversight Committee", submitted by Administrative Committee Cathy Cahill asked that we hold off on the veto override until statewide passes their regulation. Rainer Newberry stated that we should make sure there is something in it for us. Paul Layer spoke about the need to keep the pressure on. A motion to table the veto override motion passed. MOTION TABLED: ============ The UAF Faculty Senate moves to override the veto of the motion to amend Section 3, (Article V, Committees, Standing) of the Bylaws pertaining to membership and adding the Faculty Research Oversight Committee. EFFECTIVE: Immediately * IX Committee Reports A. Curricular Affairs - Rainer Newberry A report was attached to the agenda. B. Faculty Affairs - Shirish Patil A report was attached to the agenda. No additional comments. C. Committee on the Status of Women - Jane Weber A report was attached to the agenda. The committee is working on a survey that will be completed in January and sent out February 15, 2005. D. Core Review - Doug Schamel A report was attached to the agenda. E. Curriculum Review - Rainer Newberry No report was available. F. Developmental Studies - Joe Mason/Cindy Hardy No report was available. G. Faculty Appeals & Oversight - Steve Cysewski indicated there is a need for those elected to attend and there is a new chair needed. H. Faculty Development, Assessment & Improvement Lee Haugen Lee Haugen indicated there was nothing to report. I. Graduate Academic & Advisory Committee Mary Ehrlander A report was attached to the agenda. J. Unit Criteria - Gary Holton No report was available. X Discussion Item Regents policy 10.06.01 Shirish Patil spoke about the SAC version of the policy. Dave Veazey indicated that as late as Wednesday SAC was worked on the policy. It is still in discussion at SAC. They have not discussed performance based budgeting as a link to academic assessment. Paul Reichardt indicated they would like to get this to the BOR by mid-March. The new proposal was approved with the deletion of the performance based budgeting reference, with one abstention. MOTION: ======= The UAF Faculty Senate moves to recommend the amendment of Regents' Policy 10.06.01 (Assessment) as recommended by SAC and the Faculty Affairs Committee with deletions as noted. [[ ]] - Deletions Proposed Policy Regents' Policy PART X - Academic Policy CHAPTER VI Assessment Program Assessment P10.06.01 Each MAU will conduct regular assessments of all instructional, research, and service programs with respect to quality, efficiency, and contribution to mission and goals. Assessments of instructional programs will stress outcomes as an essential part of the ongoing institutional self-study and accreditation processes. The President [[will establish a Performance Based Budgeting system based on measures derived from assessments,]] will require each Chancellor to include program assessment results in program planning and operational reviews, and will provide an annual report on the implementation and results of assessment practices to the Board of Regents. (04-02-85; renumbered 02-16-96) ** XI Members' Comments/Questions Tim Stickel spoke about the freshmen progress reports. They are experimenting with on-line submission. The deadline for progress reports to be submitted is February 25. Patty Gray asked about the mid-term reports. This led to a discussion on the value of an accurate measure of grades. XII Adjournment Adjourned at 3:20 p.m. Submitted by Sheri Layral, Faculty Senate Secretary. '(wy*FL:@gmKRw~!(dk'. 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