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\jclisttab\tx5760 }{\listlevel\levelnfc2\leveljc2\levelfollow0\levelstartat1\levelspace0\levelindent0{\leveltext\'02\'08.;}{\levelnumbers\'01;}\fi-180\li6480\jclisttab\tx6480 }{\listname ;}\listid1987394645}}{\*\listoverridetable {\listoverride\listid1987394645\listoverridecount0\ls1}}{\info{\title MINUTES}{\author Kathy Mosca}{\operator Governance}{\creatim\yr2003\mo10\dy6\hr16\min16}{\revtim\yr2003\mo10\dy6\hr16\min16} {\printim\yr2003\mo10\dy1\hr11\min35}{\version2}{\edmins1}{\nofpages21}{\nofwords5369}{\nofchars30604}{\*\company U of A}{\nofcharsws37583}{\vern115}}\margb720 \widowctrl\ftnbj\aenddoc\lytprtmet\formshade\viewkind4\viewscale100\pgbrdrhead\pgbrdrfoot \fet0 \sectd \linex-32767\endnhere\sectdefaultcl {\*\pnseclvl1\pnucrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl2\pnucltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl3\pndec\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl4 \pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl5\pndec\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl6\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl7\pnlcrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (} {\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl8\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl9\pnlcrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f4\cgrid {\f7\cf1 MINUTES \par UAF FACULTY SENATE MEETING #117 \par MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2003 \par Wood Center Carol Brown Ballroom \par \par \par }\pard \ri-540\widctlpar\adjustright {\f7\cf1 I\tab The meeting was called to order by President Pinney at 1:00 p.m. \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {\f7\cf1 \par \tab A.\tab ROLL CALL \par \tab \par \tab Members Present:\tab \tab Members Absent: \par \tab Allen, J.\tab \tab \tab \tab Box, M. \par \tab Barnhardt, C.\tab \tab \tab Dinstel, R. \par \tab Berman, G. \tab \tab \tab McBeath, J. \par \tab Bult-Ito, A. \tab \tab \tab Shur, Y. \par \tab Cysewski, S. \tab \tab \tab \par \tab Davis, M. \tab \tab \tab \par \tab Erickson, K. \tab \tab \tab \par \tab Gradinger, R. \tab \tab \tab OTHERS PRESENT: \par \tab Hannigan, M. \tab \tab \tab Anderson, J. \par \tab Haugen, L. \tab \tab \tab Jenny, P. \par \tab Herman, S. \tab \tab \tab Kopacz, E. \par \tab Kupries, M. \tab \tab \tab Layer, P. \par \tab Leguard, J. \tab \tab \tab Layral, S. \par \tab Luick, B. \tab \tab \tab \tab Lind, M. \par \tab Ma, Z. \tab \tab \tab \tab Martin, W. \par \tab McCarthy, P. \tab \tab \tab Reichardt, P. \par \tab McRoy, P. \tab \tab \tab Schamel, D. \par \tab Nakaneczny, M. \tab \tab Swazo, N. \par \tab Newberry, R. \tab \tab \tab Trabant, T. \par \tab Odess, D. \tab \tab \tab \tab \par \tab Patil, S. (Khataniar)\tab \tab \par \tab Pinney, P. \par \tab Reynolds, J. \par \tab Roberts, L. \par \tab Schneider, W. \par \tab Smith, J. \par \tab Weber, J. \par \tab Wisen, C. \par \tab Zilberkant, E. \par \tab Zhang, S. \par \par }\pard \ri-720\widctlpar\adjustright {\f7\cf1 \tab NON-VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT: \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {\f7\cf1 \tab Stickel, T. - Acting Registrar \par \par }\pard \ri-720\widctlpar\adjustright {\f7\cf1 \tab NON-VOTING MEMBERS ABSENT: \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {\f7\cf1 \tab Walker, T. - President, ASUAF \par \tab Andrews, B. - Graduate Student, GSO \par \tab O'Neill, R. - President, UAFSC \par \tab Joseph, B. - Dean, CRA \par \tab Collins, J. - Dean, CSEM \par \par \tab B.\tab The minutes to Meeting #115 (April 7, 2003) and #116 (May 5, 2003) were approved as distributed via e-mail. \par \par \tab C.\tab The agenda was approved as distributed via e-mail with the consent agenda item moved for discussion to the regular agenda and the addition of item VI. C, New Business - Motion on reconciliation committee. \par \par \par II\tab Status of Chancellor's Office Actions \par \tab A.\tab Motions Approved: \par \tab \tab 1.\tab Motion to approve the Unit Criteria for the \par \tab \tab \tab School of Management. \par \tab \tab 2.\tab Motion to amend the Reserving Courses for \par \tab \tab \tab Graduate Programs policy. \par \tab \tab 3.\tab Motion to delete the Emergency Services \par \tab \tab \tab (formerly Fire Science) Certificate. \par \tab \tab 4.\tab Motion on mandatory placement policy. \par \tab \tab 5.\tab Motion to approve a statement with the \par \tab \tab \tab IAS Student Evaluation package. \par \tab B.\tab Motion Denied: \par \tab \tab 1.\tab Motion to approve a UAF Policy on Classified and \par \tab \tab \tab Proprietary Research. \par \par \par III\tab Public Comments/Questions - \par \par Tonya Trabant spoke about the 4th annual Student Leadership Conference to be held on October 18th. The theme is "Leadership--What Does That Mean to You?" A guest speaker will be Ginger Stock. The conference will also feature a forum on campus activism. Tony a asked for faculty assistance in encouraging 成人影片 to participate in the conference. \par \par Norm Swazo spoke on the policy of classified research. During the time he was Senate president he initiated campuswide debate on the issue of classified researc h. Godwin Chukwu and Pete Pinney have continued that endeavor and moved it forward significantly. Faculty and administration learned from this process. The Faculty Affairs Committee and the Ad Hoc Committee on Classified Research both worked very dilig e ntly to put together a very constructive solution to what has been a difficult problem. He is concerned about the Chancellor's statement and the creation of a review committee without proper Senate oversight. His recommendation to the Faculty Senate is that you vote to establish a reconciliation committee that continues negotiation and reaches a settlement that adequately addresses the issue of a policy on classified research. \par \par \par IV\tab Governance Reports \par \par \tab A.\tab President's Comments - Pete Pinney \par \par Pete Pinney indicated that he had invited Pat Pitney to speak on the outcomes based budgeting. She was unable to attend and Paul Jenny will represent the Office of Budget and Institutional Research. That office is where most of the discussion on the outcomes based budgeting is being drafted into measures and metrics. Outcomes based budgeting will be a discussion later in the agenda. \par \par Pete Pinney indicated there are some matters of concern over rights of faculty under investigation that are being referred to Faculty Affairs and Facult y Appeals & Oversight. It may be good for the Senate to come up with clarification on Board of Regents' policy 04.07.010. \par \par The Senate has agreed to assist United Academics in promoting a visit of Jim Richardson from AAUP to speak on Academic Freedom on November 7th. \par \par Pete Pinney thanked Craig Wisen for taking on the task as Budget Liaison. He has visited most of the committees and appreciates the volunteerism and activity that is going on, as most of the Senate work is done in committee. He is al so working on one other issue that is before Curricular Affairs which deals with content for syllabi. \par \par \par \tab B.\tab President-Elect 's Comments - Abel Bult-Ito \par \par Abel Bult-Ito is working on the new Faculty Senate newsletter which will be distributed electronically. If you have anything you would like to include please let him know. The first issue should be out at the end of the month. \par \par He has agreed to channel faculty input on UAF metrics to the Provost's committee on metrics. A memo was sent out last week. He urged everyone to look at them carefully and to give him feedback within the next week or so. \par \par Abel is also working with Paul Jenny and Pat Pitney to get some information on the UA administrative budget over the last five years. Last year he did so me work on the UAF administrative budget. He is very happy that Craig Wisen will continue that work. \par \par \par \tab C.\tab Staff Council - Rory O'Neill \par \par Rory O'Neill was not available for comment. \par \par \par \tab D.\tab ASUAF - Thom Walker \par \par Thom Walker was not available for comment. \par \par \par \tab E.\tab Faculty Liaison - Eva Kopacz \par \par Eva Kopacz is the academic liaison in the president's office to the statewide administration. The purpose of the liaison is to represent faculty perspective to the statewide administration and to let faculty know about issues that are being discussed there that are important to have their input on. An item that is being addressed by the Curricular Affairs Committee is the GPA calculation for honors to include courses taken at all MAU's. Another issue you will be hearing more about is an academic freedom of speech policy to be presented to the Board of Regents' for inclusion in BOR policy. \par \par The Faculty Survey results are up on the web. (see: http://www.alaska.edu/hr/hractivities/index.xml) They generally found that the more senior faculty members were concerned about the direction of the university and communication. Staff were generally more positive. Preparedness of 成人影片 was perceived more negatively than the national average. There was a low perception of the effectiveness of governance. \par \par The Board of Regents' met last week and the actions of the board are available on their web site. She encouraged faculty to look at the actions of the Board. Of note was the approval of a 10% tuition rate increase; a change in residency policy; approval of the WRRB; increase to the staff salary grid. There are a number of discussions that you will want to follow regarding cost saving with the potential budget shortage coming up. \par \par Peter McRoy asked how the faculty survey will be used. \par \par \par V\tab A.\tab Remarks by Chancellor, Marshall Lind - \par \par Chancellor Lind followed up on the question on the faculty survey. They are looking at ways to use the results of the survey effectively. It comes down to improving communication. There are some things that can be improved. Obviously some unhappiness is related to salary. The parking mess is also reflected in the survey. Debra Damron in University Relations is taking on the communication issue. \par \par Chancellor Lind encouraged faculty to come to the Convocation on Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. An Ice Cream social will take place prior to the convocation. The program will include President Hamilton, Pete Pinney, Rory O'Neill, and Thom Walker. \par \par We are off to a very good start this semester. Across the MAU in enrollment there is a good growth, the head count will probably exceed 8%. Student credit hours will probably be a 65 % increase from last fall. Very likely at the end of the semester we will exceed 10,000 student headcount. There is an increase in housing with 98% utilization. We will have to accelerate our plans to look for additional housing. In addition they will be looking at a plan to examine all the student services provided. We need to look at the bookstore arrangement. There is a need to look at how we can expand food service in Wood Center and look at the Lola Tilly Commons to accommodate the bookstore and make that a center to provide services to 成人影片. \par \par Chancellor Lind suggested that faculty look at the actions of the Board of Regents meeting. They approved a funding mechanism to continue the West Ridge Research Building. It is on a fast track and the will be open in Spring 2004. The BICS building may be dependent on a general obligation bond. \par \par The budget will be the big issue this year. There are some things beyond our control. One is the increased cost of health care and insurance. The second is increases in the retirement funds. This will lead to an increase in the cos ts for the university. A number of things need to be worked out. There is a lot of momentum and enthusiasm for the University. A lot of very good things are happening. This will require efforts to be working together--various governance groups wit h the administration and statewide. \par \par Terry Vrabec, the chief of police, indicates there is a rash of thefts. People are walking into offices and taking loose items and going into unlocked cars. He cautioned everyone to keep things locked up and to report suspicious activity to security. \par \par Peter McRoy asked about the retirement of Chancellor Lind. Lind responded that in terms of replacement details are not out yet. There are two Chancellor positions open. There will be a search committee and there will probably be a search firm hired to assist with the process. \par \par Eva Kopacz indicated that the UAA process is a broad based committee that includes 50% faculty. The Senate president has worked closely with statewide in giving recommendations for groups of people to be involved in the search. \par \par \par \tab B.\tab Remarks by Provost, Paul Reichardt - \par \par Provost Reichardt indicated that another position that is open is the Vice Provost for Research. Ted DeLaca is leaving October 2004. They are looking at the current duties of that position and working on a job description. \par \par The summary report of the 2002-2003 faculty reviews is included in the agenda. Under observations is a comment on difficult cases. This refers to cases in which there is no consensus on a yes or no. It could be that at different levels there have been different recommendations or a each level there was uncertainty about which way to go. These were discussed with the University-wide committee after their deliberations were done. \par \par \par VI\tab Consent Agenda \par \par \tab A.\tab Motion to confirm membership on the Ad Hoc Committee on Unit Criteria, submitted by Administrative Committee \par \par The motion was moved off the consent agenda for further discussion. Abel Bult-Ito asked that the committees appoint an alternate that can serve if a committee member has criteria from their unit up for discussion. This will avoid any conflict of interest. Dan Odess indicated that half of the proposed membership is from Anthropology which will be forwarding criteria this year. The motion was approved as amended without objection. \par \par MOTION: \par ====== \par \par The UAF Faculty Senate moves to confirm the membership on the Ad Hoc Committee on Unit Criteria consisting of one member and alternate from each of the following committees: Curricular Affairs; Faculty Affairs; Faculty Development, Assessment, and Improvement; and Faculty Appeals & Oversight Committee. \par \par \par \tab EFFECTIVE: \tab Immediately \par \par \par \tab \tab \tab \tab \par \par AD HOC COMMITTEE ON UNIT CRITERIA \par \par Curricular Affairs - Jeannette Smith \par Faculty Affairs - Dan Odess \par Faculty Development, Assessment & Improvement - Shunpu Zhang \par Faculty Appeals & Oversight - Julie Riley \par \par \par ** \par \par VII\tab New Business \par \par \tab A.\tab Motion to amend the Academic Bankruptcy policy, submitted by Curricular Affairs \par \par Rainer Newberry indicated that this motion is to change the name so that it is not so offensive. The motion was approved without objection. \par \par MOTION: \par ====== \par \par The UAF Faculty Senate moves to amend the "Academic Bankruptcy for Returning Students" policy (Pg. 13-14, 2003-04 Catalog) as follows: \par \par \par CAPS = additions \par [[ ]] = deletions \par \par \par [[Academic Bankruptcy]] FRESH START for Returning Students \par \par If you per formed at an academic level that made you ineligible to continue your studies at UAF and dropped out or were dismissed from school, [[academic bankruptcy]] FRESH START can offer you a new undergraduate [[start]] BEGINNING. You may apply for readmission o n the basis that your prior academic record be disregarded. You begin your college study again with no credits attempted, no credits earned and no quality points reflected in subsequent grade point average calculations. You may use [[academic bankruptcy] ] FRESH START only once.\tab \par \par To declare [[academic bankruptcy]] FRESH START, you must submit an Application for [[Academic Bankruptcy]] FRESH START form. Before applying for admission on this basis, at least two years must have elapsed since the end of the l ast full-time semester you attended. [[Academic bankruptcy]] FRESH START application forms are available at the Admissions [[or Registrar's]] office. DISCUSSING THIS OPTION WITH AN ACADEMIC ADVISOR IS RECOMMENDED SHOULD OTHER COURSES OF ACTION BE APPROP RIATE. \par \par Your prior academic record remains a part of your overall academic record and appears on your transcript, but none of the credits you earned previously can be used in your new program. The only time these credits will be included in GPA calculation s is for graduation with honors (See Graduation with Honors). [[You may be allowed advanced standing or a waiver of requirements just as any non-bankrupt student, but you won't be allowed credit by examination for courses lost in bankruptcy]]. \par \par \par EFFECTIVE: \tab Fall 2004 \par \par RATIONALE: \tab The faculty committee who participated and \par \tab developed the Early Warning Program made several \par \tab recommendations for improving or simplifying terms and \par \tab procedures for UAF 成人影片. The intent with this motion is \par \tab to provide a more positive framework for a process that is \par \tab currently in place and support the "paradigm shift from a \par \tab punitive approach to customer service modality that \par \tab incorporates a commitment to developing a personal \par \tab connection to the student." \par \par \par ** \par \par \tab B.\tab Motion to establish a Faculty Travel Committee, submitted by Faculty Development, Assessment, & Improvement \par \par Paul McCarthy indicated that this motion is to assist the Faculty Development Office in approving the use of faculty development travel funds. Abel Bult-Ito proposed a friendly amendment to the motion to make the Faculty Travel Committee a subcommittee of the Faculty Development, Assessment, & Improvement Committee. Paul McCarthy indicated that was}{\f7\cf1 the intent of the motion}{\f7\cf1 . The motion as amended was unanimously approved. \par \par MOTION: \par ====== \par \par The UAF Faculty Senate, upon recommendation of the Faculty Development, Assessment, and Improvement Committee, moves to establish a Faculty Travel Committee AS A SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE FACULTY DEVELOPMENT, ASSESSMENT & IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE. This c ommittee will assist the Office of Faculty Development in the evaluation of faculty development travel funding requests, and will be charged with setting the procedures for submitting requests and the criteria for evaluating requests. \par \par \tab EFFECTIVE: Immediately \par \par \tab RATIONALE: Currently, faculty development travel requests \par \tab \tab are submitted to the Office of Faculty Development on \par \tab \tab an ad hoc basis and reviewed on a case-by-case basis. \par \tab \tab This is a very cumbersome process for the Office of \par \tab \tab Faculty Development Director and also does not allow for \par \tab \tab careful planning of the budget. This motion establishes \par \tab \tab a Faculty Travel Committee, which will set rules for \par \tab \tab submissions of travel funding requests, set guidelines by \par \tab \tab which those requests will be reviewed, and assist the \par \tab \tab Office of Faculty Development in the review of those \par \tab \tab requests. \par \par }{\f7\cf1 \par ** \par }{\f7\cf1 \par C.\tab Motion on reconciliation committee. \par \par Pete Pinney indicated that the process for reviewing any motion that is vetoed by the Chancellor is to submit it to a reconciliation committee for further review. This needs a two-thirds vote of the Senate. If the Senate feels strongly about a policy on classified research this review should follow Senate policy and include involvement of Senate members. \par \par Bill Schneider asked for clarification on the Chancellor's memo regarding restriction on disclosure and dissemination of research results. Chancellor Lind spoke about possible conflict due to restrictions of publication. The issue is that there is no University regulation that corresponds to existing Regents' policy. The proposed policy was submitted to General Council for a legal opinion. The Chancellor indicated that he was willing to work with a reconciliation committee. He wants a policy that will work for us. His concern is to get the matter resolved. \par \par Provost Reichardt indicated that the bigger question is the proprietary nature of any academic based research that has restrictions on publication. \par \par Abel Bult-Ito indicated that the difference in what the Chancellor recommends and what the Senate is asking is that there be Faculty Senate membership and oversight on a committee that reviews classified and proprietary research proposals. \par \par The motion passed with one nay and no other objection. \par \par MOTION: \par ====== \par \par The UAF Faculty Senate moves to refer to a Reconciliation Committee for further review the veto by the Chancellor of the Classified Research Policy passed at its May 5, 2003 meeting. \par \par \tab Effective: \tab Immediately \par \par }{\f7\cf1 \par ** \par }{\f7\cf1 \par \par VIII\tab Committee Reports \par \par \tab A.\tab Curricular Affairs - R. Newberry \par \par A report was attached to the agenda. The following additional minutes from the September 15th meeting were distributed as a handout. \par \par }{\f7 Minutes of Committee on Curricular Affairs, Sept. 15 2003, 2-3:30}{\f7\cf1 \par }{\f7 Woods Center Conference Room B \par \par Present: }{\f7\cf1 Carol Barnhardt, Eduard Zilberkant, Jeannette Smith, Mario Kupries, Rainer Newberry, Stephen Cysewski, Susan Herman, Bill Schneider, Gayle Gregory, Wanda Martin, Mike Hannigan (by phone), Yuri Shur, and Susan Blalock \par \par 1. Meeting began with prayer: "Oh God, let\rquote s get out of here by 3:30". \par \par 2. Susan Blalock introduced herself as the permanent substitute for Dean Phyllis Morrow of CLA, and ex-Officio (but voting?) member of the committee. Clarification sought. \par \par 3. Bill Schneider brought up problems w/ freshman athletes; issue postponed as part of agenda item 4 (excused absences). \par \par 4. Motion to change "Academic Bankruptcy" to "Fresh Start" unanimously passed. Actual motion as amended was submitted as a Senate agenda item. \par \par 5. Request to modify honors c alculation, as forwarded by Pete Pinney. The committee agreed in spirit (after 'affect' changed to 'effect') but recognized need for a specific motion to create the specific catalog changes. Gayle Gregory pointed out that there was some ambiguity in ho w specifically this should be done. Gayle agreed to communicate with Pete concerning precise proposed wording changes and then propose those catalog changes for the next meeting. \par \par 6. Syllabus template. The committee agreed that there was no obvious way to enforce syllabus \lquote minimum\rquote contents, but that an attempt should be made to at least bring the subject to faculty attention. Clear examples posted in some easily-accessible website was also proposed (education vs. threats). After discussion, the commit tee agree in principal to forwarding a motion to the Faculty senate of the form: \lquote a course syllabus at UAF should contain the following\u8230\'c9\rquote It also agreed that the following (kindly supplied by Susan Herman) was a good start for this list: \par \par }{\b\f7 Heading }{\f7 with name and number of course and semester the course is offered. \par }{\b\f7 Details:}{\f7 name of instructor, office address and phone number, e-mail address, office hours, time and place of course meeting. \par }\pard\plain \s1\keepn\widctlpar\outlinelevel0\adjustright \b\f1\fs20\cgrid {\f7\fs24 Required Reading \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f4\cgrid {\b\f7 Expected Student Outcomes }{\f7 (must be specific course goals) \par }{\b\f7 Grading scheme}{\f7 . How will grades be determined? \par }{\b\f7 Course Outline}{\f7 (activities and due dates for each class meeting) \par }{\b\f7 Students with Disabilities notice}{\f7 . Suggested text: Students with learning or other disabilities who may need classroom accommodations are encouraged to visit the Disabilities website at http://www.uaf.edu/chc/Disability.htm and make an appointment with the Office of Disability Services (474-7043). Please meet with me during office hours so that we can collaborate with the Office of Disabil ity Services to provide the appropriate accommodations and supports to assist you in meeting the goals of the course. \par }{\b\f7 UAF Honor Code}{\f7 . Suggested text: As a UAF student, you are subject to the student Code of Conduct. The university assumes that the inte grity of each student and of the student body as a whole will be upheld. It is your responsibility to help maintain the integrity of the student community. For additional information, contact the Dean of Student Services or web http://www.alaska.edu/bor/ regulation/9r/ r09-02.html/ or refer to the student handbook printed in the back of the class schedule for each semester. \par }{\f7\cf1 \par Finally, Carol Barnhardt agreed to speak to Pete Pinney about what other Faculty Senate committees were pursuing this topic and to serve as the liaison to these other committees. If possible, a formal motion would be brought forward for the next meeting. \par \par 7. Excused Absences. There were three major issues raised. The first was the draft change in catalog wording, as proposed at the end of last spring by the faculty oversight committee: "}{\f7 If you are required to participate in military or other mandatory activities, you must notify your instructor before your absence. You and your instructor should make a good faith effort to assure t hat you are permitted to make up any work you have missed and not be unduly penalized for your absence. If suitable arrangements cannot be made, you will be allowed to withdraw from the course without penalty." }{\f7\cf1 The committee agreed to the need for a cha nge and to the general thrust of the draft. They felt, however (1) 'other mandatory' needs clarification and (2) a sentence should be added to the effect that 'all scheduled absences should be brought to the instructor\rquote s attention during the first week of classes'. Rainer agreed to communicate these ideas to the chairman of the faculty oversight committee. \par \tab The second issue is that of 'good faith efforts' and 'not unduly penalized', which clearly are up to instructor\rquote s discretion. To what extent must co urse instructors make allowances for UAF-mandatory absences (e.g., athletes)? This is clearly an ugly gray area, and one that leads to the third issue, namely, how do athletes pick courses for which absences will be least problematic? \par \tab Bill and Wanda spo ke of several recent encounters with freshman student athletes that experienced course/advising difficulties. To avoid future problems, it would be best if course instructors knew considerably in advance that student athletes would be missing some/many c l asses in order to plan around such absences. It was unclear to the committee members exactly how the athletics department deals with such issues. Wanda indicated that Tavis MacMillan was the individual who dealt with such problems. Bill volunteered to ask Mr. MacMillan to our next meeting to hear his perspectives on the issue. The committee agreed to this proposal. \par \par 8. Listserv. Susan Herman brought this up as a potentially simpler way to communicate among committee members. The sense of the committee was 'sure, why not?' and informally asked Susan to approach the appropriate people to set things up. \par \par }\pard\plain \s15\widctlpar\adjustright \cf1\cgrid {\f7 9. Bookstore. Carol asked if other faculty experienced unusual difficulties with the Bookstore this semester. Some said yes. Rainer said he\rquote d check with Pete about what committee (if any) this issue should deal with this. \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f4\cgrid {\f7\cf1 \par 10. Late withdraw. Susan noted that she had received several requests this semester for 成人影片 requesting late withdraw from the previous (spring) semester. She was concerned that the system was being used improperly. We discussed the conditions under which such should be considered and how these ought to be stated somewhere\u8230\'c9 \par \par 11. With a few minutes to spare, we adjourned\u8230\'c9until\u8230\'c9 \par \par Next meeting to be held Monday, Sept 29, 2 p.m., Wood Center Conference Room B. \par \par \par \tab B.\tab Faculty Affairs - P. McRoy \par \par A report was attached to the agenda. Peter McRoy asked if Faculty Affairs should get involved in the faculty survey. \par \par \par \tab C.\tab Graduate Academic & Advisory Committee \endash C. Mulder \par \par A report was attached to the agenda. The following additional minutes from the September 19th meeting were distributed as a handout. \par \par }{\f7 GAAC Meeting, Sept. 19 2003, 3:35 pm-5:00 p.m. \par \par Present: C. Koverola, C. Mulder, D. Reynolds, D. Stephens, M. Erhlander, M. Murray, S. Henrichs, J. Ma, G. Gregory, C. McAlpin, R. Gradinger, A. Dandekar, J. Reynolds. \par \par 1)\tab Three course proposals for trial courses were distributed for evaluation : EE 694 (Topics in Wireless Communication), CHEM 494/694 (Molecular modeling), and GEOS 494/694 (Remote sensing of the cryosphere). \par \par 2)\tab Maribeth raised the issue of whether a graduate student registering for a stacked 400/600 level course could take the course at the 400 level. It was generally agreed that this was not the intent of stacked courses. This issue had been discussed before in the context of course costs (graduate student credits are more expensive than undergraduate ones). There was general agreement that there should be a line in the catalogue stating that a graduate student should take a stacked course at the grad uate level. However, since it was also felt that more input should be allowed, it was tabled until next week with the intention of developing a motion if no objections are received. \par }\pard \li360\widctlpar\adjustright {\f7 \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {\f7 3)\tab We discussed the issue of whether a graduate student who has a tuition waiver (usually for 9 credits) can take a course that is clearly outside of their main degree program. Points raised included: \par \par \tab a.\tab Would the university actually benefit financially if 成人影片 would not be allowed to take the course, or would 成人影片 simply not take the course if they had to pay for it themselves? \par \tab b.\tab Does being able to take the occasional course for pleasure or other personal goals increase retention? \par \tab c.\tab How big an issue is this? \par \tab d.\tab How does one decide which courses are reasonably considered part of the degree program, and who checks up on this? \par \par It was felt that it wasn't possible to decide whether this is a trivial issue that is not worth establishing new guidelines for until we have some hard data (how many 成人影片, how many credi ts, etc.). Crystal stated that the graduate school is working on getting that information, so further discussion was tabled until the information becomes available. \par }\pard \li720\widctlpar\adjustright {\f7 \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {\f7 4)\tab We discussed the discrepancy between the university catalogue requirements for the n umber of credits required for a project (6) versus those of several individual departments (3 or 3-6). Several people pointed out that in their program (e.g. Economics, Psychology), a 3-credit option was preferred because it allowed the 成人影片 to take a ll the recommended/desirable courses for that degree. Others argued that in their department a minimum of 6 would be considered necessary. We agreed that programs appeared to have different needs for the project, and that given that there are multiple p r ograms that are currently out of compliance with the university regulations, it would make more sense to change the university requirements to 3-6 credits. Christa will write up a draft recommendation to the Senate (with additional justification provided by others), to be circulated before the next meeting. \par \par 5)\tab We discussed the need for a consistent university-wide policy for graduate student "good standing" or "status". There are at least two separate issues: \par \par \tab a.\tab BCIS requires the university to report for each foreign student whether he/she is in good standing or not. \par \tab b.\tab There are currently problems with removing 成人影片 from programs even when they are clearly not progressing, because there is no clear written policy regarding under what conditions 成人影片 are no longer maintaining good status. There is also no clear procedure for how 成人影片 should be dismissed or a mechanism for appeal. University lawyers have stated that if any of the catalogue requirements are waived for anyone (e.g. the max imum 7 years for a master\rquote s degree) then it can no longer be used as grounds for dismissal. \par \par We discussed the CSEM draft policy, but failed to come to any quick agreement on what to do. We will continue to discuss this issue during the next meeting, with the aim of deciding whether the current catalogue requirements (3.0 GPA, continuous registration) should be changed, at least with respect to BCIS notification requirements. \par \par Our next meeting is scheduled for Oct 3, 2003. \par \par }{\f7\cf1 \par \tab D.\tab Core Review - D. Schamel \par \par The following report was distributed as a handout. \par \par }{\f7 Core Review Committee \par Report of activities \par Submitted by Douglas Schamel, Chair \par \par Members present: Jin Brown, Derick Burleson, Mary Goodwin, Paul McCarthy, Douglas Schamel, Jill Faudree, Rainer Newberry, Jonathan Rosenberg \par Ex-officio members present: Sukumar Bandopadhyay, Sue McHenry \par Visitors: Wanda Martin, Carol Gold, Pete Pinney \par \par The Core Review Committee met on 9 September and 22 September. I will combine the two meetings in this report. \par \par 1) Douglas Schamel was elected as Chair. \par \par 2) We acted on four petitions: one was approved and three were not approved. \par \par 3) A letter was sent to all deans and directors, requesting them to examine all "W" and "O" course syllabi for statements explaining how the course met the "O" or "W" requirements. We requested that flawed syllabi be corrected. \par \par 4) Assessment of Core science courses will be postponed from Fall to Spring semester. CSEM faculty representatives will work with Dean Henrichs to streamline assessment instruments. \par \par 5) The committee voted to begin a conversation about the philosophy of the UAF Core curriculum. Although it is desirable to discuss the entire Core, we will begin with a discussion of the "Perspectives on the Human Condition". The commi ttee felt strongly that the conversation should begin with representatives from departments currently offering "Perspectives" courses. We will discuss the logistics this issue at our next meeting, 6 October, 0915-1015. \par \par 6) We were reminded by ex-Chair Ji n Brown that information about the Core curriculum exists on the UAF website. This material should be required reading for faculty prior to entering into a conversation about the nature of the Core curriculum at UAF. Jin also pointed out that we need to work with the Provost's Office to update this website to reflect changes made to the Core. \par \par }{\f7\cf1 \par \tab E.\tab Curriculum Review - W. Schneider \par \par The committee has not yet met, no report was given. \par \par \par \tab F.\tab Developmental Studies - J. Weber \par \par The committee has not met, no report was given. \par \par \par \tab G.\tab Faculty Appeals & Oversight - P. Layer \par \par Two reports were attached to the agenda. There are five administrators in Group B to be reviewed this year and one administrator in Group A. }{\f7\cf1 They will be looking for volunteers to serve on the various administrator reviews.}{\f7\cf1 \par \par \par \tab H.\tab Faculty Development, Assessment & Improvement \endash P. McCarthy \par \par A report was attached to the agenda. \par \par \par \par IX\tab Discussion Items \par \par \tab A.\tab Outcomes Based Budgeting \par \par \tab Guest Speaker - Paul Jenny, Associate Director, SW Budget & Institutional Research \par \par Paul Jenny indicated that in general what we are looking at is a migration from our current budgeting process to more of an outcomes based approach across the system. It will allow an alignment of systemwide budget planning with the goals in t he Board of Regents' strategic plan. There are seven goals: student success, educational quality, research excellence, faculty and staff strength, technology and facilities improvement, responsiveness to state needs, and revenue diversification. What this process is trying to do is develop and recognize key outcomes to ensure the success that we can reach those goals. To get there is a long process. They are looking at a three year interim process as these outcomes are developed and reviewed by SAC, the Business Council, Faculty Senate, other governance groups, and up to the President's cabinet. Once those outcomes are approved by the President, there will be ann ual performance targets associated with each MAU. While it's appropriate for the President to set those outcomes and to work with the Chancellors to set those target, the activities of each MAU }{\f7\cf1 to achieve the }{\f7\cf1 outcomes is the p urview of the campus itself. There is no way that the system administrative office can dictate what activities a university should do to achieve its goals. Right now we are looking at five outcomes that are being reviewed: high demand job areas in responsiveness to state needs, diversification of revenue, student success, educational quality, and research. Those are five draft outcomes they are looking at now. In total a fully formed system would have no more than 20 outcomes. Those outcomes are really driven by what faculty, staff, and administration think. Faculty are in the best position to recognize what are those key outcomes we should do as a university system to ensure the success of the university. There is a lot of information on the web site which is referenced in the agenda. \par \par The State of 成人影片 is also migrating to a similar performance based approach. The decision for the university to look and to move in this direction were done well in advance of the state's decision. That p uts us in a position to steer and create our own agenda. The state is looking for our leadership. It's much better for the university to tell the state how we should be measured and how we should look at our outcomes. They have two stated philosophy's on their web site--results first; resources last, and a spin off what you measure is what you get or if it doesn't get measured, it doesn't get funded. \par \par Pete Pinney indicated that the Faculty Alliance and SAC have been working with Paul Jenny and Pat Pitney on these measures. While statewide is attempting to get a snapshot of the system to present to it's constituents, the MAU's do the work. What they see is that it's important to keep the language in at MAU level. We need to stay involved in the process or others will dictate what is going to come down. Eva Kopacz indicated that one outcome that will be critical for faculty to be involved in is educational quality. \par \par Peter McRoy spoke about the high demand job listing. He felt that it was nonsense. It did not include the low demand jobs or specialists that can only be created by a university. We have some very specialized kind of intellectual capabilities that can 't be done anywhere else. With respect to the increase in research funds, part of that is not in our hands. There are realities of funding. Paul Jenny asked what are the appropriate measures for research. This is why we need faculty, staff, and administrators involved in the process to measure the outcomes for the university. \par \par Bill Schneider stated what needs to drive this university is a closer look at what we are uniquely qualified to do and what we are in the position to do that other places are not in a position to do. And what do we have a track record in having done. That should be part of the equation whether the legislature buys it or not. \par \par Susan Herman indicated that as long as we are aware that our mission is to create intellectual faculty as well as human resources, we will probably be working in the right track. Brett Luick stated that this is a land grant college and as such we have an obligation as well as an outreach extension obligation. The list does not address those obligations. \par \par Abel Bult-Ito indicated that both him and Pete as part of the Faculty Alliance have fought hard to get faculty involved. The way the structure looks now is that the Faculty Alliance will initially look at th e proposals, get feedback to the appropriate administrative councils, and then the Faculty Senate will forward those documents to you for further comments. It will depend on faculty input whether we get a voice. He encouraged everyone to participate fully in the process. \par \par Dan Odess said that one problem is that the process can be time consuming. Paul Reichardt indicated that there is a 10-20% service component on most faculty workloads. We must decide what is the priority for that service obligation. \par \par Pete Pinney encouraged everyone to look at the web sites. Paul Jenny indicated that the current five outcomes are on the web site. You can see other ideas from faculty across the system and if you agree or disagree. Or if there is an oversight on something you think is key to the mission that needs to be addressed. An email comment is fine. Other institutions have developed systems like this within higher education. Berkeley has done something similar within parts of their campus. Pete Pinney asked that if you see something that would lead to unintended consequences by trying to measure something, that would be helpful to know. \par \par \par \par X\tab Members' Comments/Questions - none \par \par \par X\tab Adjournment \par \par \tab The meeting was adjourned at 2:55 p.m. \par \par \tab Tapes of this Faculty Senate meeting are in the Governance \par \tab Office, 312 Signers' Hall if anyone wishes to listen to the \par \tab complete tapes. \par \par \tab Submitted by Sheri Layral, Faculty Senate Secretary. \par \par }{ \par }}