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\red192\green192\blue192;}{\stylesheet{\widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid \snext0 Normal;}{\*\cs10 \additive Default Paragraph Font;}{\*\cs15 \additive \sbasedon10 page number;}{\s16\widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid \sbasedon0 \snext16 sp3;}{ \s17\qc\sl480\slmult0\widctlpar\adjustright \b\f12\fs28\cgrid \sbasedon0 \snext17 Headings;}{\s18\qj\fi360\sl480\slmult0\widctlpar\adjustright \f12\fs28\cgrid \sbasedon0 \snext18 Paragraph;}{\s19\ri-800\widctlpar\tx980\tx1800\tx5760\adjustright \f12\cgrid \sbasedon0 \snext19 senate minutes;}{\s20\widctlpar\adjustright \f2\fs20\cgrid \sbasedon0 \snext20 Plain Text;}{\s21\qj\widctlpar\adjustright \f4\cgrid \sbasedon0 \snext21 Body Text;}}{\info{\title MINUTES}{\author Governance Office} {\operator Governance}{\creatim\yr2002\mo5\dy15\hr8\min38}{\revtim\yr2002\mo5\dy15\hr8\min38}{\version2}{\edmins1}{\nofpages18}{\nofwords4440}{\nofchars25311}{\*\company U of A}{\nofcharsws31083}{\vern115}}\margb720 \widowctrl\ftnbj\aenddoc\hyphhotz0\sprstsp\otblrul\brkfrm\sprstsm\truncex\nolead\msmcap\lytprtmet\hyphcaps0\viewkind4\viewscale100\pgbrdrhead\pgbrdrfoot \fet0\sectd \linex-32767\endnhere\sectdefaultcl {\*\pnseclvl1\pnucrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl2\pnucltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl3\pndec\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl4\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl5\pndec\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (} {\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl6\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl7\pnlcrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl8\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl9 \pnlcrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid {MINUTES \par UAF FACULTY SENATE MEETING #108 \par MONDAY, APRIL 8, 2002 \par 109 Butrovich Building \par \par }\pard\plain \s19\widctlpar\adjustright \f12\cgrid {\f7 I\tab The meeting was called to order by President Swazo at 1:30 p.m. \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid { \par \tab A.\tab ROLL CALL \par \tab \par \tab }{\caps Members Present:\tab \tab Members Absent:}{ \par \tab Barnhardt, C.\tab \tab \tab Curda, L. \par \tab Bond, S. \tab \tab \tab \tab Davis, M. \par \tab Bristow, W. \tab \tab \tab Metz, P. \par \tab Bruder, J. \tab \tab \tab Roth, M. \par \tab Bueler, E. \tab \tab \tab Schatz, M. \par \tab Bult, A. \tab \tab \tab \tab Whiteledge, T. \par \tab Chukwu, G. \tab \tab \tab \par \tab Eicken, H. \tab \tab \tab \par \tab Gladden, J. \par \tab Holton, G. \tab \tab \tab OTHERS PRESENT: \par \tab Illingworth, R. \tab \tab \tab Charles, G. \par \tab Kramer, D. \tab \tab \tab Gregory, G. \par \tab Leguard, J. \tab \tab \tab Johnson, C. \par \tab Lin, C. \tab \tab \tab \tab Layral, S. \par \tab Lincoln, T. \tab \tab \tab Lind, M. \par \tab Mason, J. \tab \tab \tab Mulder, C. \par \tab McBeath, J. \tab \tab \tab Reichardt, P. \par \tab McLean-Nelson, D. \tab \tab Schamel, D. \par \tab McRoy, P. \par \tab Murray, M. \par \tab Pinney, P.\tab \tab \tab \tab \par \tab Swazo, N. \tab \tab \tab \tab \par \tab Weber, J.\tab \tab \tab \tab \par \tab Zilberkant, E.\tab \tab \tab \par \par }\pard\plain \s19\ri-450\widctlpar\adjustright \f12\cgrid {\f7 \tab NON-VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT:\tab NON-VOTING MEMBERS ABSENT: \par }\pard \s19\widctlpar\adjustright {\f7 \tab Miller, D. - President, ASUAF \tab Graduate Student, GSO \par \tab McCrea, S. - President, UAFSC\tab Collins, J. - Dean, SOM \par \tab Leipzig, J. - Dean, CLA (Eric Heyne) \par \tab Tremarello, A - University Registrar \par \par \tab B.\tab The minutes to Meeting #107 (March 4, 2002) were approved as distributed via e-mail. \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid { \par \tab C.\tab The agenda was approved as distributed via e-mail. \par \par \par II\tab Status of Chancellor's Office Actions \par }{\b \tab }{A.\tab Motions approved: \par \tab B.\tab Motions pending: \par \tab \tab 1.\tab Motion to approve the M.A. degree \par \tab \tab \tab program in Applied Linguistics. \par \par \par III\tab Comments from Chancellor, Marshall Lind - \par \par Chancellor Lind spoke about the UA Foundation Board of Trustees meeting in Juneau last week. Members took advantage of the opportunity to lobby the legislature. There was a lot of mixed signals coming from the legislature. The Senate has chosen a funding figure which would be a reduction in the operating budget. The House budget is for flat funding. This would essentially be a reductio n of $ 2.3 million less than what we have this year. It is less because $4.6 million comes from different sources. The Board of Trustees will try to get $10 million (may be closer to $6) but doesn't indicate the source. There are challenges ahead. Chancellor Lind encourages everyone to let the state Senate know how important the funding is for the University. Funding from the state is about 33% of the total revenue. The rest comes from tuition, grants, etc. \par \par The UA Foundation has a lot of endowed scholarships. They will be looking at some reductions in the scholarships because of decline in the stock market. The impact will be for Fall 2003. A lot of 成人影片 depend on the endowed scholarships. \par \par Chancellor Lind mentioned two visits in the past few weeks. The UA Trade School was held in Juneau and highlighted departments from the three campuses. The presentations were well received. Last week the three Chancellors spoke to the Joint State Chamber and Juneau Chamber of Commerce. Discussion centered around joint programs and other cooperative ventures. The message was to keep the momentum going forward for the university. \par \par Chancellor Lind indicated that Mark Neumayr will hold an interim position as the Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services for six months. The Dean of Student Services, Carla Kirts, will retire in August and return to Virginia. There may possibly be a reorganization of Student Affairs and an interim dean while they conduct a national search. \par \par For the Athletic Director position, the committee is looking at the 33 applications. They will reducing the pool to 15-16, then be prepared to bring candidates to campus by the end of April. \par \par Two searches for a Dean of Enrollment Management have not been productive. They will be looking at restructuring the position and advertising it internally. \par \par Chancellor Lind spoke with Peter McRoy about Faculty Affairs concerns on the Master Plan. \par \par Peter McRoy asked how the 33% state funding compares with the other campuses. Chancellor Lind indicated that overall UA is approximately 35%. \par \par \par \tab Comments from Provost, Paul Reichardt - \par }\pard \fi-720\li720\widctlpar\adjustright { \par }\pard \widctlpar\tx0\adjustright {Provost Reichardt provided some follow up on the current dean searches. He expects results from the SALRM dean search shortly. The search for a director of IAB is a failed sear ch. There will be a national search for the position of University Registrar. \par \par \par The University of 成人影片 System has asked a team of experienced educational and administrative leaders to study the System's approach to academ ic decision-making. The review team will examine the structure and processes now in place, analyze their advantages and disadvantages and suggest alternatives that may better serve the System, the universities and the state. They are interested in heari ng about the collaboration between MAU's. }{One question is}{,}{ how is SAC doing? The second question is}{,}{ how are we doing within the system in}{ coordination and collaboration?}{ Other areas of discussion will include distance education, etc. }{ The team will visit UAF on Tuesday, April 9. \par \par Legislature - encourage you and friends to contact legislators. The legislature reports silence on the UA budget. \par \par For the past two years the undergraduate research and competition has been supported by the Provost and Vice Provost for Research. Williams Petroleum has agreed to invest $40,000. George Happ has also put in $40,000. More funds will come from Ted DeLaca. \par \par MA in Applied Linguistics. Hajo Eicken asked if the questions revolved around resources. It may be tied into the lack of full funding for FY02 and FY03. The Provost is looking for answers from CLA. \par \par Provost Reichardt spoke about the proposals under consideration concerning registration status. Currently we ha ve a category for undeclared 成人影片 and associate degree 成人影片. The associate degree category has both AA 成人影片 and those who want to be a BA student but lack the admission qualifications for the BA. There are two proposals considered. One is to change the name of undeclared to general studies. The second option is to create a pre-major status for those who don't qualify as BA 成人影片. The student would have the choice of entering as an AA student or with a pre-major status. This gives the depa rtment the opportunity to give assistance to the 成人影片. Ann Tremarello indicated that currently each school/college has a non-major status that is reserved for those who meet the admissions qualifications, but do not have a specific major in mind. Ro n Illingworth indicated that Curricular Affairs has begun initial discussion on the issue. \par \par Jenifer McBeath expressed her support of the idea to change the titles of admission status. \par \par }\pard \fi-720\li720\widctlpar\adjustright { \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {IV\tab Governance Reports \par \par \tab A.\tab ASUAF - D. Miller \par \par ASUAF has been busy. One of the items they have been discussing is the requirement for an advisor signature. They support a required signature for the freshmen year and those in poor standing. They would like to eliminate the need for an advisor's signature for all other st udents. A resolution will be forwarded to the Faculty Senate at the next meeting. \par \par ASUAF hosted a rally for full funding for the university. They cooked up 400 hamburgers and 100 hot dogs. A couple of 成人影片 put together a large 成人影片 flag which was availa ble for signatures. There was opportunity to fill out Public Opinion Messages (POM's) to send down to the legislature. The rally received good publicity and made the local news. \par \par Other activities coming up are the ASUAF fair about student government opportunities and a TVC fair with displays about their programs and courses. An open forum on discrimination will be held later in the month. \par \par The student senate will have a discussion with Carla Kirts, ASUAF and GSO. They will be looking at a new structure to get the graduate 成人影片 more involved. \par \par On April 27th there will be a march and rally to end sexual assault. We hope to have a student team representing the 成人影片 from UAF. We want to show the UAF and community that 成人影片 will not tolerate sexual assaults on campus. \par \par A big item coming up for ASUAF is the budget for student government. \par Derek Miller has been re-elected as ASUAF President. \par \par \par \tab B.\tab Staff Council - S. McCrea \par \par Scott McCrea indicated that Staff Council is trying to wrap up some issues before the end of the year. One item is a statewide effort to finalize the plan for the community service outreach program. This would add another staff benefit category to allow employees to be involved in community service volunteer projects. An ad ho c committee will meet with President Hamilton at the end of the month. \par \par Another committee within Staff Council is an ad hoc committee on staff training to see what kinds of training there are for new employees. The idea is to make some recommendations to Human Resources that can go toward the creation of a staff handbook. \par \par Staff Council, with the Office of Multicultural Affairs, will sponsor an open forum on discrimination and campus climate. We will continue dialogue on this issue. \par \par They are in the planning stages for the 2nd annual UAF day at the Southside Community Center. This is an outreach effort to take UAF to the community. If your department wishes to participate, please contact him. \par \par Nominations for the Chancellor's recognition award deadline is April 19. Information can be found on the governance web site. Staff Alliance will be meeting next week in Juneau. Scott McCrea will be making the rounds of the legislature. \par \par Eric Heyne indicated that some of the liability issues for the community service benefit are also being discussed in connection with service learning. There may be some benefit to coordinate the discussions. \par \par \par \tab C.\tab President's Comments - N. Swazo \par \par The next Faculty Senate meeting will be held in the Wood Center Carol Brown Ballroom on May 6. \par \par Hild Peters, Sheri Layral and Norm Swazo have been working on changes to the UAF policies and regulations for the evaluation of faculty. The Administrative Committee will have that for review prior to it being on the next Senate agenda. \par \par Norm Swazo presented a certificate of appreciation plaque to Ann Tremarello in recognition of her contributions to the Faculty Senate over the past 20 years. \par \par Norm Swazo indicated that on April 9 there will be a meeting of the administrative committee with the statewide academic review team. \par \par \par V\tab Public Comments/Questions \par \par George Charles, member of the Chancellor's Advisory Committee on 成人影片 Native Education (CACNE), spoke about the proposal from CACNE on the Master Plan. CACNE is especially co ncerned about the open space between the Natural Science Facility and the Museum. They want to support the open space and add the component of erecting culturally relevant symbols representing 成人影片's First Nations. Each Native group could determine th e form of that representation. This university has the opportunity to make a collaborative plan for more visibility of the Native cultures. Clara Johnson, chair of CACNE, also spoke about the CACNE recommendation. CACNE is made up of members of the un iversity and the Fairbanks community. They try to do positive things to contribute to the university community. Last spring they hosted the Gathering of Wisdom Keepers. Next fall there will be a week long celebration of the opening of the Brooks Buildi ng. CACNE has been very interested in the Master Plan. The idea for the open space has caught their imagination and the culturally relevant symbols would be a nice addition to the campus. \par \par \par VI\tab New Business \par \par \tab A.\tab Motion to amend the Certificate Program requirements, submitted by Curricular Affairs \par \par Ron Illingworth indicated that during the accreditation review it was noted that the catalog had no reference to the requirements for the related instruction in communication, computation, and human relations f or certificate programs. Their recommendation was that addition be made to the catalog to incorporate that information. This motion changes the description in the catalog under the requirements for Certificate Programs. It cleans up some wording and ad ds a section relating to the requirement to include communication, computation, and human relations. There was a friendly amendment to add cumulative in front of the grade point average requirement. The motion passed unanimously. \par \par MOTION: \par ====== \par \par The UAF Faculty Senate moves to amend the Certificate Program requirements (page 27 of the 2001-02 UAF catalog) as follows: \par \par [[ ]] = Deletion \par CAPS = Addition \par \par \par }\pard\plain \s21\qj\widctlpar\adjustright \f4\cgrid {\b\f7 CERTIFICATE PROGRAMS \par }{ \par }\pard \s21\widctlpar\adjustright {\f7 Certificate programs vary in length; however, you can usually complete them in one year. \par }\pard \s21\qj\widctlpar\adjustright { \par }{\b\f7 Requirements \par }\pard \s21\widctlpar\adjustright { \par }{\f7 [[To enroll in a certificate program, and]] Before receiving a certificate, you must formally be admitted. [[To earn a certificate,]] You may enroll in any course for which you are eligible. To earn a certificate, you must earn at least 30 credits, including transfer credit. Fifteen semester hours must be residence credits. You must have a CUMULATIVE grade point average of }{\caps\f7 at least}{\f7 2.0 [[in all work, as well as in your major]]. PROGRAMS OF STUDY FOR WHICH CERTIFICATES A RE GRANTED MUST CONTAIN A RECOGNIZABLE BODY OF INSTRUCTION IN THE PROGRAM-RELATED AREAS OF 1) COMMUNICATION, 2) COMPUTATION, AND 3) HUMAN RELATIONS. ADDITIONAL TOPICS WHICH MAY BE COVERED AS APPROPRIATE INCLUDE SAFETY, INDUSTRIAL SAFETY, AND ENVIRONMENTA L AWARENESS. INSTRUCTION IN THE RELATED INSTRUCTIONAL AREAS MAY BE EITHER EMBEDDED WITHIN THE PROGRAM CURRICULUM OR TAUGHT IN BLOCKS OF SPECIALIZED INSTRUCTION. EACH APPROACH, HOWEVER, WILL HAVE CLEARLY IDENTIFIED CONTENT THAT IS PERTINENT TO THE GENERAL PROGRAM OF STUDY. \par \par Only degree requirements in effect within five academic years prior to your graduation date for a certificate may be used. You are considered enrolled in your degree program when you complete the appropriate degree student registration procedure. If you do not enroll for a semester or more, or if you enroll through the non-degree process, you are not considered enrolled as a degree student during that time. IF YOUR DEGREE PROGRAM IS DELIVERED COLLABORATIVELY WITHIN THE UA SYSTEM THEN THE CREDITS YOU EARN FROM EACH UA INSTITUTION WILL BE COUNTED TOWARD FULFILLMENT OF THE DEGREE REQUIREMENTS AND FULFILLMENT OF THE MINIMUM INSTITUTIONAL RESIDENCY REQUIREMENTS. \par }\pard\plain \qj\widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid { \par \tab EFFECTIVE: \tab Fall 2002 \par \par \tab RATIONALE: \tab The accreditation self-study and the \par \tab \tab subsequent accreditation visit identified that UAF has no \par \tab \tab stated certificate requirements in the catalogue for \par \tab \tab related instruction nor any statement of a standard for \par \tab \tab the inclusion of related instruction in certificate programs \par \tab \tab to guide the design of curricula. Consequently, it has not \par \tab \tab been widely recognized that there is such a requirement. \par \tab \tab This motion corrects that deficiency. \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright { \par \par **** \par \par \tab B.\tab Motion to amend the Master's Degree residency requirement, submitted by Graduate Academic & Advisory Committee \par \par Hajo Eicken indicated that this motion strikes the requirement of being in residence for the master's degree. This would effectively remove the requirement that master degree student would have to be present on campus in r esidence for nine semester credits. This requirement is not present for the Ph.D. There is at least one master's degree program at UAF (e.g., the criminal justice program) that does not require such a residency requirement as a result of the courses being distance delivered. With the addition of more on-line courses and degree programs delivered on the web, this part of the policy is obsolete. Individual programs can still require additional residency requirements for their degrees. \par \par Godwin Chukwu questioned the need to address defici ency credits. He proposed a friendly amendment. It was not accepted. A formal amendment failed for a lack of a second. Ann Tremarello indicated that this advancement to candidacy was further along the student's program and deficiencies would be better addressed elsewhere. The committee will review deficiency credits under another area of degree requirements. \par \par Jenifer McBeath raised the concern that 成人影片 could receive a degree without ever being on campus especially those who transfer to UAF. Hajo Eicken stated that there is currently one degree that is delivered on the web and does not require a full semester on campus. Carol Gold stated that this change addresses new kinds of delivery systems. Jenifer McBeath asked how important is it to have s tudents on campus. The philosophical question of requiring 成人影片 to be on campus falls to the program level. This change allows individual programs to make the decision on the need for 成人影片 to be on campus. Peter McRoy also noted that in effect this moves the responsibility of residency from the university level to the department or program level. The motion passed with no objection. \par \par MOTION: \par ====== \par \par The UAF Faculty Senate moves to amend the Master's Degree residency requirement (page 41 of the 2001-02 UAF catalog) as follows: \par \par [[ ]] = Deletion \par CAPS = Addition \par \par \par Master's Degree \par \par You may apply for advancement to candidacy for a specific master's degree if you are in good standing and have satisfied the following requirements: \par \par }\pard \fi-720\li720\widctlpar\adjustright {\tab 1.\tab satisfactorily completed at least 9 semester credits \par \tab \tab of graduate study [[in residence]] at the University of \par \tab \tab 成人影片 Fairbanks (i.e., study after admission to a \par \tab \tab specific degree program) \par \tab 2.\tab received approval of a provisional thesis or project topic \par \tab 3.\tab received approval of the finalized Graduate Study Plan, \par \tab \tab including specific coursework to be completed and any \par \tab \tab other requirements \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright { \par \tab EFFECTIVE: \tab Fall 2002 \par \par \tab RATIONALE: \tab This motion brings the residency requirement \par \tab \tab into compliance with the offering of UAF web-based \par \tab \tab degrees and supports UAF's statewide mission of \par \tab \tab Graduate Education. \par \par \par **** \par \par \tab C.\tab Motion to amend the New Program Request Form to require the completion of a Resource Commitment Form, submitted by Graduate Academic & Advisory Committee and the Curricular Affairs Committee \par \par Hajo Eicken indicated that this motion has been discussed over a long period of time. It addresses a problem that the committee has faced this year. This motion requires the completion of a resource form to be signed by the dean and would include information on resources necessary for a new program to be viable and successful. Hajo Eicken noted that more than half of the recent proposals for new degrees have not addressed resource needs and it has r e sulted in many proposals being sent back for more detail. The M.A. in Applied Linguistics is a good example of the need for this form. Ron Illingworth indicated that this motion and the following motion have been discussed and approved by the Curricular Affairs Committee as well. \par \par Tamara Lincoln spoke about the need to add research resources and Library resources to the listing. Jenifer McBeath asked that we look at this form to be expanded to be required of all existing programs. Norm Swazo noted that th e policy in place for academic program review is designed to address resource needs for existing programs. The motion passed with no objection. \par \par MOTION: \par ====== \par \par The UAF Faculty Senate moves to amend the New Degree Program Request (Format 3) in the Academic Course and Degree Procedures Manual to require the completion of a Resource Commitment Form, to be signed by the program proponents and the respective Dean. \par \par }\pard \nowidctlpar\adjustright {\tab EFFECTIVE: \tab Fall 2002 \par \par \tab RATIONALE: \tab The introduction of the Resource Commitment \par \tab \tab Form encourages new-degree program proponents to \par \tab \tab adequately consider the issue of existing and future \par \tab \tab resources required for the program as well as providing \par \tab \tab a record of the current and additional amount of support \par \tab \tab committed to the program in order to ensure its viability. \par \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright { \par **** \par \par \tab D.\tab Motion to amend the New Course Request and the Change Course Request forms to include a question on the impact of proposed action, submitted by Graduate Academic & Advisory Committee and Curricular Affairs Committee \par \par Hajo Eicken indicated that based on the experience over the past few years the committee noticed that about one-third of the requests for new courses or course changes made no comment on the impact of the proposed action on other courses, progr ams, and departments. Ron Illingworth said that his committee also supported this motion as there is a distinct need for this question. This would be an additional question added to the forms. The motion passed without objection. \par \par MOTION: \par ====== \par \par The UAF Faculty Senate moves to amend the New Course Request (Format 1) and the Change Course Request (Format 2) in the Academic Course and Degree Procedures Manual to include a question on the impact of proposed action as follows: \par \par }\pard \ri-180\widctlpar\adjustright {\caps Please specify positive and negative impacts on other courses, programs and departments resulting from the proposed action.}{ \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright { \par \tab EFFECTIVE: \tab Fall 2002 \par \par }\pard \nowidctlpar\adjustright {\tab RATIONALE: \tab This motion is aimed to improve the current \par \tab \tab forms, requiring a more focused and constructive \par \tab \tab response on a question that in the past often has not \par \tab \tab been considered by proponents. \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright { \par **** \par \par \tab E.\tab Motion to amend the Mathematics Literacy component of the Core Curriculum, submitted by Core Review \par \par Doug Schamel indicated that Math 107X and Math 161 are ver y similar, however, 成人影片 are not allowed to receive credit for both. Over the past several years 成人影片 have been allowed to use Math 161 in lieu of Math 107. The Mathematics Department have now approved this course as fulfilling the Core math r equirement. A friendly amendment was proposed to pair Math 107/Math 161 in the motion. The statement at the end was changed to reflect the equivalent nature of the courses. The motion passed with no objection. \par \par MOTION: \par ====== \par \par The UAF Faculty Senate moves to accept Math 161 as a Mathematics Literacy component of the Core Curriculum and that it be included in the list of math courses that will satisfy the Core Math requirement. \par \par \tab EFFECTIVE: \tab Fall 2002 \par \par \tab RATIONALE: \tab The Math department has recommended that \par \tab \tab Math 161 be included in the list of math classes that will \par \tab \tab satisfy the core math requirement. \par \par \par \tab \tab \tab \tab \par \par [[ ]] = \tab Deletions \par CAPS = \tab Additions \par \par \par }{\b Baccalaureate Core \par }{ \par Courses used to meet core requirements may not be used to meet any other requirements for a degree. \par \par }{\b Requirements \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab Credits \par }{ \par }{\b Mathematics (3 credits) \u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9........\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9.\tab 3 \par }{MATH 107X-Functions of Calculus/MATH 161X-ALGEBRA FOR \par BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS \par OR MATH 131X-Concepts and Contemporary Applications of \par Mathematics \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab 3 \par \par OR MATH 200X, 201X, 202X, 262X, 272X or any math \par course having one of these as a prerequisite \par \par * MATH 161 is [[not]] an equivalent course to MATH 107X. \par }{\caps \par }{ \par **** \par \par \tab F.\tab Motion to endorse the Core Review Committee's recommendation for a university's Writing-Across-the Curriculum Program and curriculum specialist, submitted by Core Review \par \par Doug Schamel indicated that the Core Review Committee is reviewing the courses that have been approved as a "W" or ""O" de signated course. A review of course syllabi indicate there is confusion on the part of the faculty identifying to their 成人影片 what makes the course a "W" or "O" course and what is required. Due to the large turnover in faculty teaching these courses, many faculty are not familiar with what is required. It would be very helpful to have a faculty member who is able to provide workshops on what it means to have a writing intensive courses and to help those faculty who are new to the process to make sure we insure the intent of the core and the quality of these courses. The English Department has submitted a memo in support of this program. \par \par Abel Bult stated that scientific writing is quite different from other writing and he would like to see some inp ut from the science faculty. Doug Schamel stated that there is a process involved with writing. Part of that process is that: 1) there would be a writing sample early on to see the 成人影片 current skill level; 2) the professor would be able to assess whether the student needs extra assistance; 3) the student submits drafts which are reviewed by the professor; and 4) there is a one-on-one conversation with the student. This would be true regardless of the field. \par \par Eric Heyne, acting as a representative as Dean of CLA, expressed concern about the payment of such a program. This would tax the College. Doug Schamel said the committee talked about the cost and felt that they could work with the administration to find a way to fund the program. Housing th e program in the English Department will provide leadership for the program. After more discussion Norm Swazo suggested a friendly amendment adding a statement recommending that the Provost Council explore implementation of the proposal. The motion as am ended passed with no objection. \par \par MOTION: \par ====== \par \par The UAF Faculty Senate moves to endorse the Core Review Committee's recommendation for a university's Writing-Across-the Curriculum Program and curriculum specialist and recommends that the Provost Council explore implementation of this proposal. \par \par EFFECTIVE: \tab FY 2003 \par \par RATIONALE: \tab There has been a very high turnover of faculty \par \tab \tab teaching Writing Intensive courses, especially in the \par \tab \tab aftermath of the RIP program. Examination of course \par \tab \tab syllabi this spring indicated that about half the "W" courses \par \tab \tab did not meet the minimum expectations for "W" \endash at least \par \tab \tab not on paper. Transitioning between instructors (passing \par \tab \tab of the baton) in these courses apparently has not gone \par \tab \tab smoothly. The Core Review Committee believes quite \par \tab \tab strongly that 成人影片 and instructors should not be \par \tab \tab punished for this oversight. Instead, UAF needs to nurture \par \tab \tab faculty who are new to "W" requirements. The best way \par \tab \tab to do this is through faculty development. The \par \tab \tab establishment of this position would help mitigate the \par \tab \tab problem we have identified. \par \par \par \tab \tab \tab \tab * \par \par \tab WRITING-ACROSS -THE-CURRICULUM PROGRAM PROPOSAL \par \par \par The Core Curriculum Review Committee recognizes the importance of the university's Writing-Across-the-Curriculum program and the need f or 成人影片 to work on their writing in all disciplines and at all grade levels. Thus, to improve the effectiveness of this program, the Core Review Committee proposes that a faculty member from the English Department specifically be designated as the Wr i ting-Across-the-Curriculum specialist. This individual will receive a course-load reduction for coordinating the Writing Intensive courses (W), promoting Writing-Across-the-Curriculum on a university-wide basis, and providing workshops to faculty teachin g these courses. \par \par \par **** \par \par \tab G.\tab Resolution to ratify the election of Pete Pinney as President-Elect by acclamation, submitted by Administrative Committee \par \par The resolution passed unanimously. \par \par RESOLUTION \par ========= \par \par BE IT RESOLVED, That the UAF Faculty Senate ratifies the election of \par Pete Pinney as President-Elect of the UAF Faculty Senate for 2002- \par 2003 by acclamation. \par \par }{\caps \par }{**** \par \par VII\tab Discussion Items \par \tab A.\tab Center for Faculty Development \par \par Debi McLean-Nelson indicated that this draft motion was in response to the faculty professional development needs assessment performed by Dan Wheeler. The committee wi ll be working on a draft budget and asked that a formal motion be delayed until that is completed. Carol Gold wished to convey support from statewide for any kind of faculty development that is linked with evaluation. Ron Illingworth proposed that the same statement be added as above. \par \par DRAFT MOTION FOR DISCUSSION \par \par The UAF Faculty Senate moves to endorse a fully-funded Center for Faculty Development. Funds would be provided for a full-time director, a budget for faculty travel and external speakers, release time for several associates, a part-time staff member , and a room would be allocated to permanently house the Center. \par \par EFFECTIVE: \tab FY 2003 \par \par RATIONALE: \tab The Faculty Development, Assessment, and \par \tab \tab Improvement Committee reviewed the Report on Faculty \par \tab \tab Development Needs submitted by Dan Wheeler. A \par \tab \tab primary recommendation of the report is a fully \par \tab \tab developed Faculty Development Center. Designed \par \tab \tab in the same spirit as the University of 成人影片 \par \tab \tab Anchorage CAFE model, a Center for Faculty \par \tab \tab Development would provide a program for continued \par \tab \tab growth and creativity to meet the needs of a \par \tab \tab diversified faculty. \par \par \par **** \par \par \tab B.\tab The proposal of CACNE on the Master Plan. \par \par Ron Illingworth indicated his support of a resolution supporting the CACNE proposal. Peter McRoy said he did not support use of that particular piece of open land. Gary Holton spoke with George Charles and Clara Johnson and what they are looking at is the need to provide recognition of the importance of Native cultures on campus. He will work with the committee to draft a motion. \par \par \par VIII\tab Members' Comments/Questions \par \par Hajo Eicken asked for comments about a possible move of the Graduate School offices from it's current location on the 3rd floor of Signers' to the 2nd floor of the Bunnell Building. \par \par Norm Swazo gave a status report on the evaluations of administrators that are currently underway. \par \par \par IX\tab Committee Reports \par \par \tab A.\tab Curricular Affairs - R. Illingworth \par \par A report was attached to the agenda. \par \par \par \tab B.\tab Faculty Affairs - P. McRoy \par \par A report was attached to the agenda. They hope to have a motion on classified research for the May meeting. The committee is also discussing ways the Senate conducts business and how to involve the senate members in more discussion. A final item is the Parking Advisory Committee. \par \par \par \tab C.\tab Graduate Academic & Advisory Committee \endash H. Eicken \par \par A report was attached to the agenda. \par \par \par \tab D.\tab Core Review - D. Schamel \par \par Doug Schmael spoke about the role of the Core Review Committee and the expectations of the faculty in teaching the "O" and "W" courses. The committee is working on motions that will provide information on what should be included in syllabi for cours es with a "W" or "O" designator. \par \par \par \tab E.\tab Curriculum Review - P. Pinney \par \par No report was available. \par \par \par \tab F.\tab Developmental Studies - J. Weber \par \par A report was attached to the agenda. \par \par \par \tab G.\tab Faculty Appeals & Oversight - J. Moessner \par \par A report was attached to the agenda. \par \par \par \tab H.\tab Faculty Development, Assessment & Improvement \endash \par }\pard \fi720\li720\widctlpar\adjustright {D. McLean-Nelson \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright { \par A report was attached to the agenda. \par \par \par X\tab Adjournment \par \par }\pard\plain \s19\fi-720\li720\widctlpar\adjustright \f12\cgrid {\f7 \tab The meeting was adjourned at 4:15 p.m. \par }\pard \s19\fi-1800\li1800\widctlpar\adjustright {\f7 \par }\pard \s19\fi-720\li720\widctlpar\adjustright {\f7 \tab Tapes of this Faculty Senate meeting are in the Governance \par \tab Office, 312 Signers' Hall if anyone wishes to listen to the \par \tab complete tapes. \par \par \tab Submitted by Sheri Layral, Faculty Senate Secretary. \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid { \par \par }}