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President-elect's Comments - Paul Layer 5 Min. 1:25 V A. Remarks by Chancellor S. Jones 10 Min. B. Remarks by Provost P. Reichardt 10 Min. 1:45 VI Consent Agenda A. Motion to approve the list of the 2004-2005 degree candidates, submitted by Administrative Committee (Attachment 130/1) B. Resolution of Recognition for Abel Bult-Ito, submitted by Administrative Committee (Attachment 130/2) ) C. Resolution for Outstanding Senator of the Year Award, submitted by OSYA Screening Committee (Attachment 130/3) 1:45 VII New Business 45 Min. A. Motion on Academic Calendar for 2006-2007, submitted by Curricular Affairs (Attachment 130/4) B. Motion on Facilitating a UA Academic Calendar with a Common Start Week, submitted by Curricular Affairs (Attachment 130/5) C. Motion on earning only one degree in a specific discipline, submitted by Curricular Affairs (Attachment 130/6) D. Motion to amend the Course Designation/Classification Criteria for Social Science "s" designators, submitted by Curricular Affairs (Attachment 130/7) E. Motion to amend the Table of Substitution: non-UA Institutions, submitted by Core Review (Attachment 130/8) F. Motion to amend the Section 1 (Article III: Membership) and Section 3 (Article V: Committees) of the Bylaws to add union representation to the Faculty Senate and Faculty Affairs Committee, submitted by Faculty Affairs Committee (Attachment 130/9) G. Motion to approve the Unit Criteria for the Fisheries Division (SFOS), submitted by Unit Criteria (Attachment 130/10) H. Motion to approve the Unit Criteria for the Institute of Marine Science (SFOS), submitted by Unit Criteria (Attachment 130/11) I. Motion to approve the Unit Criteria for the Fisheries Industrial Technology Center (SFOS), submitted by Unit Criteria (Attachment 130/12) 2:30 ***BREAK*** 10 Min. 2:40 VIII Governance Reports 10 Min. A. Staff Council Josh Steadman/Maya Salagnek B. ASUAF -Thom Walker Joe Blanchard & Dani Carlson (2005-2006) 2:50 IX Guest Speakers A. Michael Scott, UA CITO 10 Min. UAF/SW IT Consolidation (http://www.alaska.edu/itmerger/) 3:00 X Committee/Annual Reports 10 Min. A. Curricular Affairs - Rainer Newberry (Handout) B. Faculty Affairs - Shirish Patil (Attachment 130/13) C. Committee on the Status of Women - Jane Weber/Carol Gold (Attachment 130/14) D. Core Review - Jin Brown (Attachment 130/15)) E. Curriculum Review - Rainer Newberry (Handout) F. Developmental Studies - Cindy Hardy/Joe Mason (Handout) G. Faculty Appeals & Oversight - Larry Duffy (Handout) H. Faculty Development, Assessment & Improvement - Lee Haugen (Attachment 130/16) I. Graduate Academic & Advisory Committee - Mary Ehrlander/ Christa Mulder (Attachment 130/17) J. Unit Criteria - Gary Holton (Attachment 130/18) 3:10 XI Members' Comments/Questions 5 Min. 3:15 XII Announcement of Award Recipients 5 Min. A. Announcement of the Outstanding Senator of the Year Award B. Announcement of Usibelli Awards (Attachment 130/119) C. Announcement of Emeriti Faculty Awards (Attachment 130/20) D. Presentation of Resolution of Appreciation for Abel Bult-Ito 3:20 XIII Adjournment of the 2004-2005 Faculty Senate 3:25 XIV 2005-2006 Faculty Senate Members Take Their Seats A. Roll Call of 2005-2006 Members 5 Min. B President's Remarks - Paul Layer 5 Min. 3:35 XV. New Senate Business 15 Min. A. Motion to endorse 2005-2006 committee membership, submitted by Administrative Committee (Attachment 130/21) B. Motion to approve the 2005-2006 UAF Faculty Senate meeting calendar, submitted by Administrative Committee (Attachment 130/22) C. Motion to authorize the Administrative Committee to act on behalf of the Senate during the summer months, submitted by Administrative Committee (Attachment 130/23) 3:50 XVI Adjournment 3:45 Reception & Presentation of Awards Wood Center C/D 6:00 p.m. No-Host dinner with rural senate members at Pike's. Everyone welcome! (RSVP by Thursday, April 28 to Sheri at 474-7964 or fysenat@uaf.edu) ATTACHMENT 130/1 UAF Faculty Senate #130 MAY 2, 2005 SUBMITTED BY ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE MOTION: ====== The UAF Faculty Senate recommends to the Board of Regents that the attached list of individuals be awarded the appropriate UAF degrees pending completion of all University requirements. [Note: copy of the list is available in the Governance Office, 312 Signers' Hall.] EFFECTIVE: Immediately RATIONALE: These degrees are granted upon recommendation of the program faculty, as verified by the appropriate department head. As the representative governance group of the faculty, we are making that recommendation. ATTACHMENT 130/2 UAF Faculty Senate #130 MAY 2, 2005 SUBMITTED BY ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION FOR ABEL BULT-ITO WHEREAS, Abel Bult-Ito has served the UAF Faculty Senate in a manner deserving of the UAF Faculty Senate's greatest admiration and respect; and Whereas, Abel Bult-Ito has served as Senator to the UAF Faculty Senate from 2001-2004; and Whereas, Abel Bult-Ito has served as a member of the Faculty Development, Assessment, and Improvement Committee from 2001-2003 and as chair from 2002-2003, and as a member of the Faculty Affairs Committee and the Administrative Committee from 2002-2003; and Whereas, Abel Bult-Ito has served as Chair of the Administrative Committee and as President-Elect of the UAF Faculty Senate from 2003-2004; and Whereas, Abel Bult-Ito has served as a member of the UAF Governance Coordinating Committee from 2003-2005; and WHEREAS, Abel Bult-Ito has served as a member of the UA Faculty Alliance and the UA Systemwide Governance Council from 2003-2005; and WHEREAS, Abel Bult-Ito has served on various Task Forces, Search Committees, and other university and statewide committees representing the interests of faculty to the administration of UAF and statewide; and Whereas, Abel Bult-Ito has served as President of the UAF Faculty Senate from 2004-2005 and has effectively represented the interests of the UAF Faculty Senate to the administration of UAF; and WHEREAS, The UAF Faculty Senate wishes to acknowledge the outstanding service rendered the faculty and the University by the work of Abel Bult-Ito as he concludes his term as president; now THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the UAF Faculty Senate acknowledges the many contributions of Abel Bult-Ito and expresses its appreciation for his exemplary service. ATTACHMENT 130/3 UAF Faculty Senate # MAY 2, 2005 SUBMITTED BY OSYA SCREENING COMMITTEE OUTSTANDING SENATOR OF THE YEAR AWARD FOR SHIRISH PATIL WHEREAS, Shirish Patil has served the UAF Faculty Senate in numerous capacities, most notably as a member and chair of the Faculty Affairs Committee, since 2002; and WHEREAS, Shirish Patil, in service to the Faculty Senate, has made truly outstanding contributions to improving the quality of life at the university through his service on the Master Planning Committee and as chair of the Circulation and Parking Subcommittee; and WHEREAS, Shirish Patil, as committee chair, has worked with willingness, passion and dedication for issues related to the University of ӰƬ, and takes responsibilities well beyond what is expected from a faculty senator; and WHEREAS, Shirish Patil has handled very sensitive issues for the faculty through shared governance; now THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the UAF Faculty Senate recognizes Shirish Patil as Outstanding Senator of the Year for Academic Year 2004-2005. ATTACHMENT 130/4 UAF Faculty Senate #130 MAY 2, 2005 SUBMITTED BY CURRICULAR AFFAIRS MOTION: ====== The UAF Faculty Senate moves to accept an academic calendar for 2006-2007 for which the first day of classes for fall semester is on the Thursday before Labor Day (our traditional start date) and the first day of classes for spring semester is on the first Tuesday after Martin Luther King/ӰƬ Civil Rights Day. EFFECTIVE: Immediately RATIONALE: Several proposals have been floated concerning common start dates for the various UA Campuses. Forward planning requires that we set our academic calendar well in advance of the start of a given semester. Given a Thanksgiving Holiday, it is impossible to accommodate a 14-week schedule without starting on a Thursday: the semester will either be too long or too short otherwise. Spring semester isnt as constrained, and shifting to a different start day (from our traditional Thursday start) does not create schedule hassles. ATTACHMENT 130/5 UAF Faculty Senate #130 MAY 2, 2005 SUBMITTED BY CURRICULAR AFFAIRS MOTION: ======= The UAF Faculty Senate urges the UA administration to facilitate UA academic calendars to a common start week. We further urge the UA administration to facilitate changes in UA calendars to create common days for major financial and academic deadlines, including add/drop, fee payment, withdrawal with refund, and registration. EFFECTIVE: Immediately RATIONALE: We recognize the need for more uniformity in dates that effect ӰƬ' across-MAUs and feel that uniformity in critical academic and financial deadlines are the highest priority. ATTACHMENT 130/6 UAF Faculty Senate #130 MAY 2, 2005 SUBMITTED BY CURRICULAR AFFAIRS MOTION: ====== The UAF Faculty Senate moves to approve a policy that a student may only earn a specific UAF degree in a specific discipline once. Using different emphases or concentrations within a degree program to count as different degrees is not allowed. EFFECTIVE: Immediately RATIONALE: Currently the practice of awarding the same degree with a different concentration does not reflect significantly new knowledge or transferable accomplishment of the student within the discipline with multiple concentrations. ATTACHMENT 130/7 UAF Faculty Senate #130 MAY 2, 2005 SUBMITTED BY CURRICULAR AFFAIRS MOTION: ====== The UAF Faculty Senate moves to amend the Course Designation/ Classification Criteria policy as follows: [[ ]] - Deletion CAPS - Addition 2. Courses are designated Social Science according to the following criteria: [[a. Courses may be classified appropriately as Social Science if they exclusively address one or more of the following areas of study: --Models or theories of social phenomena. --Social processes and institutions. --The social framework of human existence. --The activities of the individual as a member of a group.]] A. CONTENT IS DIRECTLY DEFINED BY MAJOR MODELS OR THEORIES OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCE DISCIPLINES OF ANTHROPOLOGY, COMMUNICATION, ECONOMICS, GEOGRAPHY, HISTORY, JUSTICE, MILITARY SCIENCE, POLITICAL SCIENCE, PSYCHOLOGY, SOCIAL WORK, SOCIOLOGY OR INTERDISCIPLINARY SOCIAL SCIENCE DISCIPLINES. b. Excludes courses [[whose primary]] FOR WHICH A MAJORITY OF focus is on research skills or techniques, practicum experience, or professional or vocational skill development. C. COURSES APPROVED FOR "S" DESIGNATORS PRIOR TO MAY 2005 WILL RETAIN THEIR "S" DESIGNATOR. EFFECTIVE: Immediately RATIONALE: At one time, criteria for S, N, and H courses were all discipline-based. Several years ago the criteria for S courses were changed by attempting to define social science. Given the broad scale of the definition, however, virtually any course offered at UAF could quality. Subsequently, the Curricular review committee has received applications for S designators for courses well outside of social science as generally understood. The proposed change is to return to the better-defined discipline-based definition as still employed for N and H designators. Similarly, argument in Curricular Review Committee about how much focus constitutes a primary focus would be solved by using majority instead. The grandfather clause is to ensure continuity in s designated courses. ATTACHMENT 130/8 UAF Faculty Senate #130 MAY 2, 2005 SUBMITTED BY CORE REVIEW MOTION: ====== The Faculty Senate moves to amend the UAF catalog "Table of Substitutions: non-University of ӰƬ institutions" (page 31 of the 2004-05 catalog) as follows: [[ ]] = Deletion CAPS = Addition TABLE OF SUBSTITUTION: Non-University of ӰƬ institutions Perspectives on the Human Condition:Transfer CoursesHIST 100X: Modern World Historya Western or non-Western Civilization course at the 100-level or [[above]] 200 LEVEL (LOWER DIVISION), EXCLUDING INDIVIDUAL NATIONAL HISTORIESECON/PS 100X: Political Economy[[a foundation course in political science, economics or law]] A COURSE IN US OR COMPARATIVE POLITICAL ECONOMY, OR US ECONOMIC HISTORY, OR MACROECONOMICS AT THE 100-LEVEL OR HIGHERANTH/SOC 100X: Individual, Society and Culturea foundation course in [[sociology,]] social/cultural anthropology OR FOUR-FIELD ANTHROPOLOGY (CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY, ARCHEOLOGY, PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL LINGUISTICS), AT THE 100 OR 200 LEVEL (LOWER DIVISION) [[, social psychology; psychology, language and culture, or cultural geography at the 100level or above]] AN INTRODUCTORY LEVEL COURSE IN SOCIOLOGY, OR LOWER-DIVISION SOCIAL PROBLEMS COURSE. A COURSE IN CROSS-CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGY. ENGL/FL 200X: World Literaturesa literature course at the [[100-]] 200-level or above THAT STUDIES WORKS OF LITERATURE FROM WESTERN AND NON-WESTERN TRADITIONS, AN EARLIER AND A LATER PERIOD, MORE THAN ONE LITERARY GENRE, AND ISSUES OF GENDER, RACE, AND CLASS.ART/MUS/THR 200X: Aesthetic Appreciation or HUM 201X or ANS 202Xa history or appreciation course in art, theatre or music at the 100-level or abovePHIL 322X: Ethics (Values and Choices) or COMM 300X or JUST 300X or NRM 303X or PS 300Xan upper-division course in ethics, or, with approval of the philosophy department, a lower-division course in ethics.OtherTransfer CoursesForeign Language [[a minimum of two semesters in a single, non-English language.]] OR COMPLETE 12 CREDITS FROM THE PHC OPTIONS ABOVE, PLUS TWO SEMESTER-LENGTH COURSES IN A SINGLE ALASKA NATIVE LANGUAGE OR OTHER NON-ENGLISH LANGUAGE OR THREE SEMESTER-LENGTH COURSES (9 CREDITS) IN AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE AT THE UNIVERSITY LEVEL. EFFECTIVE: Immediately Upon approval of the Chancellor. This will appear in the 2006-07 catalog. RATIONALE: To align credit for transfer courses more closely with UAF core curriculum requirements. Currently, transfer ӰƬ can get core credit for courses that will not fulfill core requirements for UAF ӰƬ, which disadvantages UAF ӰƬ. These changes allow all ӰƬ, transfer and UAF, the same opportunities to fulfill the UAF core requirements We tell our ӰƬ, their parents, and the world at large that our graduates have a very specific intellectual experience when they have earned a degree from UAF. The central component of that intellectual experience is UAF's CORE Curriculum. Faculty of the College of Liberal Arts, which houses the Perspectives on the Human Condition area of the CORE Curriculum, and the CORE Review Committee believe that we must make good on that claim for all of UAF's graduates. ATTACHMENT 130/9 UAF Faculty Senate #130 MAY 2, 2005 SUBMITTED BY FACULTY AFFAIRS MOTION: ====== The UAF Faculty Senate moves to amend Section 1, (Article III: Membership) and Section 3, (Article V, Committees, Standing) of the Bylaws pertaining to membership and the Faculty Affairs Committee as follows: [[ ]] = Deletion CAPS = Addition Sect. 1 (ART III: Membership) A. The membership of the Faculty Senate, hereinafter referred to as "Senate," shall consist of approximately [[41]] 44 members plus one non-voting presiding officer. Approximately 35 members shall be elected by and from the faculty and will have voting privileges. Six non-voting members will be selected by and from other university constituencies as follows: one non-graduate student and one graduate student selected by the ASUAF, one professional school dean and one college dean selected by the Deans' Council; one staff representative from the registrar's office; and one additional staff member selected by the Staff Council. [[If the staff representative from the registrar's office is APT, the second staff member must come from the classified staff ranks. If the staff representative from the registrar's office is classified, the second staff member must be APT.]] THREE ADDITIONAL NON-VOTING MEMBERS WILL BE SELECTED BY AND FROM THE UNIONS AS FOLLOWS: ONE ELECTED OFFICIAL EACH FROM UNITED ACADEMICS-AAUP/AFT, ACCFT, AND ADJUNCT (UNITED ACADEMICS)-AAUP/AFT. Sect. 3 (ART V: Committees) STANDING 2. The Faculty Affairs Committee shall review issues dealing with faculty prerogative and recommend policy changes to the Faculty Senate. Issues of faculty prerogative include academic freedom, faculty ethics, research and creative activity, and legislative and fiscal issues that may impact faculty concerns at the university. The committee will act as a faculty advocate with legislators and candidates. In its concern for fiscal issues the committee shall monitor budget appropriations to the university and evaluate any notice to the faculty of financial exigency. In performing these duties, the committee will coordinate as necessary with the relevant officers (and/or their representatives) of the extant collective bargaining units WHO SERVE AS NON-VOTING MEMBERS OF THE SENATE AND EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS OF THIS COMMITTEE. EFFECTIVE: IMMEDIATELY RATIONALE: Representation by three faculty union elected officials on Faculty Senate and Faculty Affairs Committee will open channels of communication and serve as a conduit of information exchange between the unions and faculty senate. The Union elected members, who serve on Faculty Senate and Faculty Affairs Committee will be ex-officio members with no voting rights. This is consistent with the Faculty Senate bylaws. ATTACHMENT 130/10 UAF Faculty Senate #130 MAY 2, 2005 SUBMITTED BY UNIT CRITERIA MOTION: ====== The UAF Faculty Senate moves to approve the Unit Criteria for the Fisheries Division (SFOS). EFFECTIVE: Immediately Upon Chancellor Approval RATIONALE: The committee assessed the unit criteria submitted by the Fisheries Division of SFOS. With some changes, agreed upon by the school representative the unit criteria were found to be consistent with UAF guidelines. (Criteria will be distributed by email later in the week and will also be available as a handout at the meeting.) ATTACHMENT 130/11 UAF Faculty Senate #130 MAY 2, 2005 SUBMITTED BY UNIT CRITERIA MOTION: ====== The UAF Faculty Senate moves to approve the Unit Criteria for the Institute of Marine Science (SFOS). EFFECTIVE: Immediately Upon Chancellor Approval RATIONALE: The committee assessed the unit criteria submitted by the Institute of Marine Science. With some changes, agreed upon by the school representative the unit criteria were found to be consistent with UAF guidelines. (Criteria will be distributed by email later in the week and will also be available as a handout at the meeting.) ATTACHMENT 130/12 UAF Faculty Senate #130 MAY 2, 2005 SUBMITTED BY UNIT CRITERIA MOTION: ====== The UAF Faculty Senate moves to approve the Unit Criteria for the Fisheries Industrial Technology Center (SFOS). EFFECTIVE: Immediately Upon Chancellor Approval RATIONALE: The committee assessed the unit criteria submitted by the Fisheries Industrial Technology Center. With some changes, agreed upon by the school representative the unit criteria were found to be consistent with UAF guidelines. (Criteria will be distributed by email later in the week and will also be available as a handout at the meeting.) ATTACHMENT 130/13 UAF Faculty Senate #130 MAY 2, 2005 SUBMITTED BY FACULTY AFFAIRS FACULTY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE REPORT Monday, 11 April 05 Duckering 535 Conference Room, 2.00pm-3.30pm Committee Members Present: Sine Anahita, CLA, Scott Bailey, CNSM, Karen Erickson, CLA, Jon Genetti, CNSM, Joan Leguard, CLA, Shirish Patil, CEM, Anupma Prakash, CNSM, Mingchu Zhang, SNRAS Committee Members Absent Michele Hebert, CES, Craig Wisen, SOM, Denis Wiesenberg, SFOS (Ex-Officio) Electronic Faculty Workload Project Hild Peters met with the Faculty Affairs committee to show the e-workload demo. This was first update to faculty and the demo did not work due to wireless connection, however, Hild walked us through the project. Faculty Affairs members would like to know more but are generally favorable towards the project. Faculty needs to see this and hear about it. Now through next academic year, Hild plans to meet different faculty groups and show the demo and seek faculty feedback. FA raised following concerns: 1. Faculty members have general lack of confidence with the integrity and reliability of Banner data. There is a sense that much of the data is "wrong". FA would want some sort of assurance regarding the accuracy of data and how frequently it will be updated. 2. Transparency of reporting and open access to information is needed. There are some concerns regarding use of data and FA members expressed that it should be available to them as well as administrators. Also, faculty would like to see this be more of an open process. 3. Tampering of data and how to monitor this. This ties into the union's original concern of the "Big Brother" feeling when they first heard about this. Some benefits of the e-processes to faculty that we came up with were: 1. UAF better able to show its competitiveness. 2. Time savings overall for faculty (and staff) by reducing the need to re-key the same information into different formats (ex: comprehensive activity reporting for promotion-tenure process). 3. Back up to data if individual computers crash. 4. Ease of reporting and creating different versions and layouts of the same data set and availability to all parties. FA will continue to provide feedback to the working group as members learn more about the e-workload project demo. Union Representative: Faculty Senate and Faculty Affairs: Cooperation between Faculty Senate and union would be great; however, there are two faculty unions. Will the Faculty Senate provide opportunity for representation from both unions? Union representation, if allowed at the FS/FA, it should be limited to serve as a conduit of information with prerogative to speak at the FS/FA meetings as an observer and would not have voting rights. If union representatives are allowed to vote at the FS/FA meetings, we will be setting a bad precedence by allowing a non-elected senate member to vote. Role of student evaluations in teacher promotion and tenure decisions (Chronicle article). FA members will discuss this at length during the April 25 meeting. Jordan Titus, chair of sociology, has been doing research on student evaluations for several years, and has published at least one article on the subject. She is invited (audio conference) to join us at April 25 Faculty Affairs. We hope to tap on her insights as we ponder the role student evaluations should play in the P&T decision and other issues. Emeritus Policy: No discussion (Tabled for next meeting). ------------------------------- FACULTY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE- ANNUAL REPORT Submitted by Shirish Patil, Chair Faculty Affairs Committee reviewed and recommended actions on following focus issues for 2004-05: Emeritus Faculty Policy Constitution Change re: Elections & Membership Policy on Distinguished Faculty Bylaw Change re: Elections & Membership Faculty Rights and Responsibilities in Classroom (National Student Movement) Revision of UA P10.06.01 as well as P10.05.03 Classified Research Health on Campus (Healthy food options on campus) Electronic Faculty Workload Project Union Representative: Faculty Senate and Faculty Affairs Role of student evaluations in teacher promotion and tenure decisions Emeritus Status Faculty Affairs reviewed the Emeritus Policy and came up with a procedure/guidelines for review of Emeritus nominations that are consistent with the UAF Regulations in line with Regents' Policy & Regulations.These changes provide a more rigorous review of nominations. The UAF Faculty Senate passed the motion proposed by Faculty Affairs during its Meeting #126 on December 13, 2004. Constitution/Bylaw Change re: Elections & Membership The UAF Faculty Senate upon recommendation of Faculty Affairs passed a motion to amend Article III and IV of the UAF Faculty Senate Constitution. These changes were recommended to preserve Faculty Senate's integrity and to assure that the members and/or officers of the Senate are held at highest professional, academic, and ethical standards. The UAF Faculty Senate passed the motion at its Meeting #126 on December 13, 2004. Policy on Distinguished Faculty The UAF Faculty Senate upon recommendation of Faculty Affairs moved to recommend the amendment of Regents' Policy 04.04.040 A.1.e, regarding Distinguished Faculty. In line with common practice, the title is changed to Distinguished Professor. The addition of the process of review and recommendation was to bring it in accord with usual university practice in the matter of faculty appointments. The UAF Faculty Senate passed the motion at its Meeting #127 on February 7, 2005. Bylaw Change re: Elections & Membership The UAF Faculty Senate upon recommendation of Faculty Affairs moved to amend Section 1 (ART III: Membership) of the UAF Faculty Senate By-laws. These changes were necessary to address issues related to unethical and/or unprofessional conduct by any elected officer or member of the senate. The motion also allows the Faculty Senate to call for vote of no confidence and hence a recall. It was also recommended that, in order to recall an elected officer or member, the senate must have a 2/3 majority vote of its total membership. This was thought to be necessary to preserve Faculty Senate's integrity and to assure that the members and/or officers of the Senate are held at highest professional, and ethical standards. The UAF Faculty Senate passed this motion at its Meeting #127 on February 7, 2005. Faculty Rights and Responsibilities in Classroom (National Student Movement) The Faculty Affairs Committee reaffirmed that the rights and responsibilities of UAF faculty are adequately outlined by several pre-existing documents, including: the individual contracts agreed to by individual faculty members and the University collective bargaining agreements that ACCFT and UNAC hold with the University, and which outline faculty rights, responsibility, and academic freedom AAUP statements on academic freedom and faculty rights and responsibilities University policy statements on faculty academic freedom, and faculty rights and responsibilities No further action by Faculty Affairs was deemed necessary and the discussion was considered complete. Revision of UA P10.06.01 as well as P10.05.03 (Policy on Assessment) Faculty Affairs reviewed the SAC proposal regarding UA P10.06.01 as well as P10.05.03. After several weeks to review and discussion Faculty Affairs approved the draft presented by UA at the Faculty Senate meeting with recommendation that the Performance Based Budgeting section be removed from the policy. Classified Research In order to uphold the principles of shared governance and the recognize the expressed intent of Chancellor Jones, Faculty Affairs Committee moved to adopt a resolution on Classified or Proprietary Research. Faculty Senate unanimously passed the resolution at its March 2005 meeting. Health on Campus (Healthy food options on campus) Faculty Affairs have concluded after a memorandum from Robert Holden, Associate Director of Auxiliary and Business Services, UAF, several choices are available to the campus community. As to vending machines, the highest selling item in the vending machines on campus is water, by a margin of two to one over any other product. No further discussion was held on this issue. Electronic Faculty Workload Project Hild Peters met with the Faculty Affairs committee to show the e-workload demo. Faculty Affairs members would like to know more but are generally favorable towards the project. Faculty needs to see this and hear about it. Faculty Affairs Committee raised several concerns and identified several benefits of the project. Faculty Affairs will continue to provide feedback to the working group as members learn more about the e-workload project demo. Union Representative: Faculty Senate and Faculty Affairs Cooperation between Faculty Senate and union would be great; however, there are three faculty unions. Faculty Affairs Committee has recommended Union representation on Faculty Senate and Faculty Affairs. Faculty Affairs also recommended that the representation by Union Officials should be limited to serve as a conduit of information with prerogative to speak at the FS/FA meetings as an observer but without any voting rights. At the May Faculty Senate meeting a motion forwarded by Faculty Affairs will be discussed. Role of student evaluations in teacher promotion and tenure decisions FA members discussed this at length during the April 25 meeting. Jordan Titus, chair of sociology, who has been doing research on student evaluations for several years, and has published at least one article on the subject made several recommendations. The discussion on this issue is incomplete and would continue through the next academic year. ATTACHMENT 130/14 UAF Faculty Senate #130 MAY 2, 2005 SUBMITTED BY COMMITTEE ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN Minutes - Committee on the Status of Women Monday, 11 April 2005 1:00 - 2PM Present: Joan Braddock, Charley Basham, Qwynten Richards, Denise Thorson, David Koester, Uma Bhatt, Carol Gold, & Jane Webber I. Survey updates: - 48.5% returns. Quite a few people commented that the survey could identify them, so they were not willing to fill it out. Last survey 20-30% return, this is the survey that prompted this one. By the end of April the data will be input into the database. Information collated in April, we can meet in May to discuss this. II. Event for the Fall, Move it to September 20 Tuesday, 12:30-2:30 with program at 1pmish. Buffet lunch, Jane and Carol will get Chancellor lunch. Written invitations through campus mail, send out first week of class. Lunch for Women Faculty, Ask Chancellor to sponsor this. 20 in CNSM, 5 Engineering, CLA - ?. RSVP a good idea, force the mingling by having seating assignments (place cards?) Welcome to the year for new women faculty, How to get the name of new women faculty at beginning of semester? call the appropriate dean. Mentoring relationships, no easy way to find mentors, so if we have social events then we can help facilitate this. It was suggested that a list of senior female faculty with a brief description about their work/teaching be available so junior female faculty can contact roving mentors who are answer questions in their area of specialty or their professional strength. III Salary information Good banner data back to 1997 from Institutional Research. There may be some Dept of Education data that goes back further and we can draw on a database. It was decided for now to work just with the banner data as a first step. IV Database Analysis Denise Thorson and David Koester Denise is working on formatting the database, time to promotion and time to full, men and women. New data has more information about people who did not get promotions. Denise is formatting this and will get us some plots for next time. She has information on how long people have been in a particular position. She also has information on who has left. There 1183 people in this data base that goes back 20 years, though quality of data degenerates as you go back. She can divide it up by department. Want to understand why the 50% females hired do not progress as fast as the 50% males who are hired! Key question to understand. ------------------------------------ Committee on the Status of Women 2004-05 Annual Report The Committee on the Status of Women (with financial support from the provost) wrote and mailed a Survey on Faculty Work Life at UAF to all UAF faculty on 2/13/05. We had a 51% return rate and are currently entering the data from the survey. We will begin to analyze the survey information in May. In Progress: Creating and maintaining a current list of women faculty at UAF and contact information. Creating a database on time to tenure and promotions at UAF for female versus male faculty. Gathering historical data information with gender on time to tenure and promotions, rank, and salary information for faculty at UAF for at least the last 10 years. Comparing gender for term funded and adjunct faculty. Mentoring for new and mid-career women faculty. The Committee is planning a fall gathering (tentatively September 20, 2005) for all women faculty, both in Fairbanks and by audioconference to our rural sites, to kick off the 2005-06 academic year. The Committee is also planning a tenure and promotion workshop for all women faculty in Spring 2006. ATTACHMENT 130/15 UAF Faculty Senate #130 MAY 2, 2005 SUBMITTED BY CORE REVIEW CORE REVIEW ANNUAL REPORT 2004-2005 CORE Review has spent the year assessing the changes to the CORE Curriculum that have been made in the past which have come to our attention by the occurrence of large numbers of continuing petitions. We believe that most areas of the CORE have been made student friendly save for the "O" and "W" requirements, which are petitioned mostly by ӰƬ who have transferred to UAF from other Universities. We would strongly suggest that transfer ӰƬ advisors make those ӰƬ aware of our requirement as soon as possible after their transfer. A continuing problem is that ӰƬ who transfer from other UA MAUs are at a distinct advantage to ӰƬ who begin at UAF. Courses that count for CORE Curriculum credit are quite numerous from other UA schools as transfer-in credit, yet our own ӰƬ cannot take these courses for CORE credit. Further, some transfer credits make little sense (e.g., BA 151 from UAA counts as HIST 100X at UAF; or macroeconomics being used for ANTH 100X credit). A committee of CLA faculty, in support of our CORE Curriculum, have worked over the past year to sort out the Table of Transfer Credit, both from outside the UA system and from within UA. Both tables were brought to the Administrative Committee of the Senate in the form of motions. The motion regarding credit transfer from outside the UA system was accepted for the agenda. The within UA motion was questioned regarding its potential to violate an existing agreement with our other MAUs. Provost Reichardt will take the matter to SAC. The Committee greatly misses Doug Schamel. ATTACHMENT 130/16 UAF Faculty Senate #130 MAY 2, 2005 SUBMITTED BY FACULTY DEVELOPMENT, ASSESSMENT, & IMPROVEMENT Faculty Development, Assessment, & Improvement Committee Meeting on April 15th, 2005 Minutes submitted by Lee Haugen & Corky Corkern In Attendance: Corky Corkern, Susan Henrichs, Tom Robinson, John Kawula, Christie Cooper, Joy Morrison, Mike Davis, Marjorie Illingworth, Lee Haugen, chair. The meeting was called to order at 1:13 pm. The minutes from the last meeting were approved as written. Discussion/New Business Marjorie recently had a discussion with the chancellor about a Service Learning Conference to be held in Anchorage from 18-20 August. Moreover, speakers from the conference (including Patty Clayton of NC State) will be on UAF campus on August 22nd. Joy added that she and Tony have been meeting with the committee to provide professional development opportunities to faculty (including audioconference session for remote locations), and that the chancellors office will provide funds for two faculty members to attend the conference in Anchorage. In the meantime, she has several DVDs for those who are interested in Service Learning. They will be available soon and she will update FDAI at the next meeting. Grade Inflation Sub-Committee Lee reported that she and Susan had met and discussed parameters for the grade distribution longitudinal study. Susan added that she had made the connection with Institutional Research and had secured their cooperation to launch the study soon. We anticipate that the FDAI committee will have specific data by the beginning of the fall semester 2005. Professional Development Sub-Committee FDAI discussed the variety of upcoming events being offered through PD Office in April. The list is impressive and available at the UAF Office of Professional Development web site for details. Lee requested that Joy investigate the possibility of bringing professional development speakers and/or workshops to the rural campuses next year. Joy indicated that she is already making plans. SOI Assessment Sub-Committee: Although there has been little movement on the overall discussion regarding IASs, Marjorie reported that the Provost Office had piloted an electronic IAS project utilizing Pete Pinneys courses this semester. They were pleasantly surprised that the effort resulted in an 86% return of the forms. FDAI discussed the advantages of an outcomes assessment on the web. Joy asked the question, are they reporting what we think they are reporting? Having recently attended a workshop with Wayne Jacobson (the University of Washington Office of Educational Assessment) on the use of IAS forms, she was encouraged by the variety of forms available, but sees a need to use more than just these forms for promotion and tenure. The verbal/written comments (the yellow sheets) from ӰƬ need to be addressed and perhaps enhanced as a resource for evaluation. For further information regarding the IAS forms and options, see the web site for University of Washington Office of Educational Assessment. Next FDAI Committee meeting is to be held in September 2005. -------------------------- 2004-2005 END OF YEAR REPORT FACULTY DEVELOPMENT, ASSESSMENT AND IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE Submitted by Lee Haugen, chair The Committee agreed to focus on three items for the year. Grade Distribution & Inflation In the fall of 2004 the provost asked the committee to review documents (a 2000-2001 study) relating to grade distribution at UAF and report possible recommendations and actions. Initially concerned about grade distribution percentages, the provost requested that we articulate possible explanations or variables that may contribute to the percentages. The committee generated several possibilities related to inflation (see report) and recommended two approaches, an institutional level approach and a departmental approach. In a Department level approach, grade inflation is addressed through teaching excellence as a professional development focus within departments, colleges, and schools. These efforts would engage faculty in conversations to improve academic standards and expectations in house. In an institutional level approach to grade inflation, the committee and the Senate membership agreed that additional data is needed to define the extent of the problem at UAF. FDAI discussed parameters for the grade distribution longitudinal study and engaged the cooperation of Institutional Research to launch the study this summer. FDAI anticipates having current, specific data by the beginning of the fall semester 2005. Once the new data is available, comparisons to national trends should offer a clearer picture of the issue at UAF. At that time the committee will bring the issue to the Senate for further discussion. Perhaps at that time an on line campus wide survey could be useful for collecting information on faculty perceptions of the issue. SOI/IAS Assessment Concerned that a mere 10% of course evaluations from the rural areas were normally Returned, especially when ӰƬ are registered at campuses outside of CRA, the committee discussed three areas. the possibility (probability) that on-line surveying will tap a different population than pencil survey, that the rural situation is different enough that the current options do not address rural needs and we may need to consider out own, that faculty evaluation and program assessment not be too closely linked in an instrument. Although there has been little movement on the overall discussion regarding IASs, FDAI, was encouraged that the Provosts Office had piloted an electronic IAS project and were pleasantly surprised that the effort resulted in an 86% return of the forms. Secondly, with a variety of forms available, FDAI sees a need to use more than just these forms for promotion and tenure. In addition, the verbal/written comments (the yellow sheets) from ӰƬ need to be discussed and perhaps enhanced as a resource for evaluation. FDAI suggests that these issues be pursued in 2005-2006. Professional Development FDAI discussed and suggested that the Office of Professional Development bring professional development speakers and/or workshops to the rural campuses next year. FDAI is in the process of developing a vision, some goals, and approaches to enhance faculty development in the area of excellence in teaching. In addition discussions continue about sponsoring an annual excellence in teaching/adult learning conference possibly drawing on national and international resources such as the Lilly Conference and Council for Adult and Experiential Learning. The first conference would not likely take place until the spring or summer 2006. This item is still in discussion and planning stages and will be addressed in the fall of 2005. ATTACHMENT 130/17 UAF Faculty Senate #130 MAY 2, 2005 SUBMITTED BY GRADUATE ACADEMIC & ADVISORY COMMITTEE GAAC Minutes for April 12, 2005 Members Present Ex-Officio Members Present Mary Ehrlander Dean Susan Henrichs Patty Gray Tim Stickel Russ Hopcroft Gayle Gregory Catherine Koverola Christa Mulder Graduate Students: Joan Parker-Webster Bob Bolton Richard Wies Susan Hazlett We approved the following course proposals and program changes: Blue# Course # Course Title 75 (Creating Writ. MFA) clarification on literature seminars 76 LING/ANL 651 Topics in Athabascan Linguistics 85 CHEM673 Microbial Biochemistry & Bioenergetics (Drop) 86 CHEM657 Molecular Foundations of Gene Expression 88 Chem &BioChem Prog add neuroscience option 90 CE634 Structural Dynamics (new course) 95 GE Program Add GE665, MIN621 and GE 692 to program requmts 98 ED689 change to P/F (note: the course description change was Not approved; Ed is withdrawing that pending discussions between UAF admin. & Juneau that was request #101) 103 NRM 601 Research Methods (change from 3 credits to 2 credits) 104 NRM Program Change Program requirements to reflect above change The only outstanding requests are: 77 NORS 611 Environmental History (holding for syllabus clarifications) 87 CHEM 674 Membrane Biochemistry & Biophysics (holding for clarification) We will act on these through email correspondence. Other business: Post-baccalaureate certificate: We discussed it further and had no objections to the proposal. We could only envision benefits for the institution and for ӰƬ. Course proposal forms: We discussed the value of adding a box to check on the course proposal forms to indicate whether this would be a required course in the program or in a concentration within the program. Mary said she would check with Sheri about whether a committee was going to review forms to see how they might be improved. Classroom Upgrades: Tim asked for our input regarding classroom upgrades. The following comments and suggestions were noted: Arm chairs arent user friendly, especially for large or disabled ӰƬ. On the other hand, arm chairs are easier to move when classes need to reconfigure desks, for instance to form circles for seminar classes. Theres a great need for more smart classrooms. Overhead projectors wont suffice. On the other hand, its frustrating when the technology is so complicated to use that we waste valuable classroom time trying to get it to function. More uniformity of smart room ensembles would be appreciated. The idea of reconfiguring classrooms so that ӰƬ enter from the back received broad approval. Change of Process when Graduate Committee Member Resigns: Dean Henrichs is talking with the College Deans about developing this process. -------------------------- Annual Report of the Graduate Academic and Advisory Committee (GAAC), 2004-2005 April 25, 2005 Submitted by: Christa Mulder and Mary Ehrlander, co-chairs. Members (parentheses indicate membership during part of the year): (Ron Barry), Cathy Cahill, Mary Ehrlander, Patty Gray, Catherine Koverola, Christa Mulder, (Doug Reynolds), (Jennifer Reynolds), Joan Parker-Webster, Richard Wies, (Russ Hopcroft) Ex-officio: Laura Bender, Joan Braddock, Gayle Gregory, Susan Henrichs, Timothy Stickel, Pauline Wilson, Sue Hazlett (graduate student), Bob Bolton (graduate student). A. Fall Semester 2004 Courses reviewed: We reviewed 36 graduate course requests and 8 stacked or post-baccalaureate courses. We initiated review of 32 new courses for the Psychology Joint Ph.D. Program. Motions submitted to the Faculty Senate Change to Deficiency Requirements for Graduate Students. This motion clarified that the graduate committee would both determine how to remedy any deficiencies and the minimum level of performance required. It also established that a grade of B or better must be achieved in graded deficiency courses. This motion was passed on November 1, 2004. Amendment of Graduate Degrees General University Requirements. This motion clarified that 400-level courses relevant to the graduate degree could be counted towards the 6-credit per year minimum for which graduate ӰƬ must register. This motion was passed on November 1, 2004. Amendment of the Cooperative Ph.D. requirements. This motion clarified that graduate programs could have requirements different from the generic ones for cooperative programs, but that these must have been approved by the Faculty Senate. This motion was passed on November 1, 2004. Deletion of the Engineer of Mines degree. This action was requested by the Engineering Department based on the fact that there had been no enrollments in the program since 1987. The motion was passed on Dec. 3 2004. Amendment of policy on special or reserved courses. This motion was aimed at clarifying that courses with the -98 designator should not be used by ӰƬ doing thesis research. This motion passed. Other issues addressed. We developed some guidelines for evaluating a new and trial course, to be passed on to next years GAAC. We had a discussion on interdisciplinary programs such as IGERT, particularly regarding trade-offs between depth and breadth of the program. Gary Kofinas came to one of the meetings and explained the history of the program and rationale for its set-up. We discussed the motion regarding acceptable degrees at the request of Rainer Newberry we generally supported it although we objected to some of the language. We initiated discussion of the Joint Ph.D. Program between UAA and UAF in Clinical-Community Psychology with a Rural Indigenous Emphasis. Catherine Koverola, the director of the initiative at UAF, gave a lengthy explanation of the program and how it came into being. We agreed to initiate reviewing the 32 new course proposals as soon as possible but to delay approval of the full program until all courses had been reviewed, and to make approval of all courses conditional on program approval. Spring Semester 2005 During most of the spring semester we were occupied with thoroughly reviewing the academic merits of the Ph.D. in Clinical-Community Psychology with Rural Indigenous Emphasis. We approved 1 trial course, 9 new courses, the dropping of 7 courses and various other program and course changes. One program change in Education and one new course were pending clarification as of our final meeting. We approved the 32 courses in the proposed Ph.D. in Clinical-Community Psychology with Rural Indigenous Emphasis and we unanimously approved the program itself. Note: co-chairs Christa and Mary, as well as several other GAAC members spoke in favor of the program at the April 4 Faculty Senate meeting and the Senate approved the program. Additional issues discussed: We discussed whether we should expand the list of changes that are considered minor and decided that this was a good idea and that we should work with Sheri and Gayle on this. Dean Henrichs noted that the Graduate School is considering the need for an English instructor for ESL graduate ӰƬ who need assistance in preparing their theses and dissertations. We merely discussed the issue. Dean Henrichs proposed a procedural change regarding the process for a faculty resignation from a graduate committee, whereby the department chair, dean of the school or college, and the dean of the graduate school would have to approve the resignation. The rationale was essentially that due process should take place, including open communication with direction being given to ӰƬ, and that resignation of committee members should not be used as a substitute for documenting poor student performance. The committee agreed that Susan should proceed with discussing this matter with the Deans and propose a new form for graduate committee member resignations that would require the signatures of the above-mentioned administrators. We discussed UAA's proposal for the post-baccalaureate certificate and decided that it appeared to offer benefits to the ӰƬ and to the institution. We had no objections. We discussed the benefits of revising course proposal and change forms to make them more user friendly, and Patty Gray offered to serve on a committee advising Sheri on form revisions. Nothing was done on the matter this year. At his request, we offered Tim Stickel our thoughts on classroom configurations and desk and equipment needs, as he is working on those issues. ATTACHMENT 130/18 UAF Faculty Senate #130 MAY 2, 2005 SUBMITTED BY UNIT CRITERIA UAF Faculty Senate Unit Criteria Committee Annual Report, April 25, 2005 The Unit Criteria (UC) committee met seven times during AY04-05 on the following dates: Oct 15, Nov 12, Dec 3, Jan 26, Feb 16, April 25 and April 27. The status of UC proposals received this year as of April 25 is as follows: UnitDate ReceivedDate RevisedStatusMarine Advisory Program (MAP)Sept 2004Nov 2004approved by SenateCollege of Natural Science (CNS), Sciences criteriaSept 2004Jan 2005approved by SenateFisheries Industrial Technology Center (FITC)Sept 2004Mar 2005pending revisionsInstitute of Marine Science (IMS)Feb 2005pending revisionsSchool of Fisheries, Fisheries DivisionFeb 2005pending revisions We are awaiting revisions to language regarding minimum number of publications for the FITC, IMS and Fisheries criteria and anticipate being able to forward these to the Senate for the May 2 meeting. No other UC proposals have been received to date. The committee considered several other issues related to university regulations for the evaluation of faculty. changes to Blue Book. Provision for separate university-wide review committees for 4th-year and post-tenure review. Action: Motion to amend regulations forwarded to the Senate and approved. Labels for levels of evaluation There is some inconsistency between the labels for levels of evaluation in Board of Regents policy and university regulation. Current policy provides for four levels: satisfactory, good, very good, and excellent. It has been suggested that the level needs improvement should be added. Action: The committee discussed this issue briefly and agreed in principle to draft a motion to amend BOR Policy to provide for five levels of evaluation in P&T reviews. Composition of unit peer committees when reviewing candidates for promotion to full professor Committee discussed a suggestion from the provost to change the composition of unit peer committees when reviewing candidates for promotion to full professor. Specifically, there is a question of whether Associate Professors should participate in the review process, given that they are likely to be reviewed for promotion in the future by these candidates. The UC committee noted several reasons for retaining the current 5 tenured, 3 full composition. Under current regulations, member of unit peer committees can choose not to participate in the evaluation process if they feel there is a conflict with a particular file. This can be done either officially, via an abstention, or unofficially. The small size of many peer units means that it is already difficult to garner the required 3 full faculty. Increasing this number would be an additional burden. There are plenty of opportunities for overly-generous peer reviews of candidates for promotion to full professor to be overturned at higher levels of review. Action: committee recommends no action on this issue. Evaluation of adjuncts. On Feb 15 the UC chair met with the provost to discuss the issue of evaluation of adjunct faculty. The provost informed the chair that the Deans Council is moving forward with a proposal to evaluate adjuncts in their fifth consecutive year of service. This move is being driven in part by an accreditation requirement that all faculty be evaluated on a regular basis. There are apparently no CBA issues preventing this move. Outstanding questions concern what the review should consist of and how faculty can participate. One concern is that while units such as CLA have regular peer review committees in place which could handle adjunct review, units within CRA and CDE may not. The UC committee discussed the adjunct evaluation issue further at its Feb 16 meeting. The committee is in principle supportive of the 5-year evaluation cycle and feels that it could potentially be beneficial to faculty. The following suggestions were made: UAF faculty emeriti should be exempted from the process The burden on the faculty member under review should be minimal. Faculty should have the option to contribute materials to a review file but should not be required to do so. A minimal set of relevant materials (IAS scores, teaching evaluations) would be compiled by the dean or director. The review process should include faculty peer review through a committee which makes a recommendation to the dean. Where no peer committee is available (e.g., CDE), the dean/director should appoint a faculty committee for such purpose, with approval of the senate. The faculty member being reviewed should have a formal opportunity to respond to both peer and dean reviews, and these responses should be part of the record. The criteria for determining the 5th consecutive year of service must be made explicit. Some concern was expressed by the committee that certain adjuncts are missing from the current list while other should not be on it. Action: The UC committee will work together with the Deans Council and representatives of CLA and CRA to further develop this process. The committee feels it crucial to involve adjunct faculty in the development of this process. Evaluation of non-represented faculty. The faculty positions in this group are something of a mixed bag, with some being more administrative and some being more like faculty. Each will have to be handled differently. This seems to be beyond the scope of the UC committee. We recommend that a relevant committee, such as FAO, examine each position individually to determine whether it should be evaluated via the regular faculty review process or as an additional Group C administrator process. Those positions to be reviewed as faculty could be reviewed according to the current regulations. Action: issue referred back to admin committee Participation of co-op in peer review process The committee also discussed the participation of Co-op faculty in the Biology & Wildlife peer review process. The committee is supportive in principle of this idea and is awaiting a formal proposal from the unit before drafting changes to current regulations. Action: committee is awaiting formal proposal from the unit Submitted by Gary Holton, chair, with the assistance of Glenn Chappel, co-chair and secretary ATTACHMENT 130/19 UAF Faculty Senate #130 MAY 2, 2005 Usibelli Award Nominees 2005 Teaching Dana Thomas Professor, Statistics CNSM R Kim Aragon-Stewart Instructor, Foreign Lang. & Lit.: Spanish CLA John D. Fox Professor, Forest Sciences SNRAS Alla Grikurova Instructor, Foreign Lang. & Lit.: Russian CLA J. Leroy Hulsey Assoc. Professor, Civil & Environ. Engr. CEM Herb Kuss Adjunct Professor CRA-TVC Patty Meritt Associate Professor, Early Childhood CRA-TVC Channon Price Associate Professor, Physics CNSM Paul Robinson Adjunct Professor CRA-TVC Joseph Thompson Term Assistant Professor, Philosophy CLA Jane Weber Associate Professor, Developmental Ed. CRA Research John Eichelberger Professor, Volcanology, Geol/Geophysics CNSM/GI R Larry Hinzman Research Professor, Water Resources CEM/INE Gerald McBeath Professor, Political Science CLA David McGuire Professor and Leader, Biology & Wildlife; AKCFWRU CNSM Roger Ruess Professor, Biology & Wildlife CNSM/IAB Thomas Shirley Professor, Fisheries SFOS Service Abel Bult-Ito Assoc. Professor, Biology & Wildlife CNSM/IAB R Shannon Atkinson Professor and Science Director, ӰƬ SeaLife Center, Marine Science SFOS Richard Boone Associate Professor, Biology & Wildlife CNSM/IAB Carol Gold Professor, History CLA Roger Hansen Research Professor, State Seismology GI Michele Hebert Professor, Land Resources & Comm. Dev. CES Joel Irish Associate Professor, Anthropology CLA Michael Jennings Assoc. Professor, Philosophy & Humanities CLA Oscar Kawagley Assoc. Professor, Education SOEd Charles Mason Professor, Journalism CLA Matt Nolan Research Assoc. Professor, WERC/INE WERC/INE Shirish Patil Assoc. Professor, Petroleum Engineering CEM Larry Roberts Asst. Professor & Human Services Coordinator, Health Programs CRA Peter Schweitzer Professor, Anthropology CLA Fred Sorenson Professor & Agent, Land Res., Extension SNRAS/CES Dan Walsh Professor, Mineral Prep. Engineering CEM ATTACHMENT 130/20 UAF Faculty Senate #130 MAY 2, 2005 Emeriti for AY2004-2005 Dr. Vera Alexander SFOS, Dean and Professor of Marine Science, Emerita Dr. Don Button CNSM/ SFOS, Professor of Marine Science and Biochemistry, Emeritus Dr. Robert Carlson CEM, Professor of Civil Engineering, Emeritus Dr. Keith Echelmeyer CNSM/GI, Professor of Geophysics, Emeritus Dr. Raymond Highsmith SFOS, Professor of Marine Science, Emeritus Dr. David Ogbe CEM, Professor of Petroleum Engineering, Emeritus Mr. E. Thomas Robinson SOM, Professor of Accounting and Information Systems, Emeritus Dr. Richard Stolzberg CNSM, Professor of Chemistry, Emeritus Ms. Sheryl Stanek CES-CRA, Professor of Extension and Home Economics, Emerita ATTACHMENT 130/21 UAF Faculty Senate #130 MAY 2, 2005 SUBMITTED BY ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE MOTION: ====== The UAF Faculty Senate moves to endorse the 2005-2006 committee membership as attached. EFFECTIVE: Immediately RATIONALE: New Senate members' preference for committee selection were reviewed and weighted against membership distribution from schools and colleges. 2005-2006 UAF Faculty Senate CommitteeS STANDING COMMITTEES Curricular Affairs Jodie Anderson, CRA/CES (07) Anna Berge, CLA (07) Ataur Chowdhury, CNSM (07) Katrin Iken, SFOS (06) Rainer Newberry, CNSM (06)--convener Tony Rickard, SOEd. (07) Joseph Thompson, CLA (06) Faculty Affairs Scott Bailey, CNSM (06) Liz Brown, SFOS (07) Jim Collins, SOM (07) Mike Davis, CRA (07) Jon Genetti, CNSM (06) Anupma Prakash, CNSM (06) Mingchu Zhang, SNRAS (06) Chris Wolsko, CLA (07) Unit Criteria Glenn Chappell, CNSM (06) Gary Holton, CLA (06)--convener Brenda Konar, SFOS (06) Ping Lan, SOM/SNRAS/SOEd (06) Debasmita Misra, CEM (06) Julie Riley, CRA/CES (07) PERMANENT COMMITTEES Committee on the Status of Women Sine Anahita, CLA (06) Uma Bhatt, CNSM (06) Carol Gold, CLA (06) Cindy Hardy, CRA (07) Denise Thorsen, CEM (06) Renate Wackerbauer, CNSM (07) Jane Weber, CRA (06), Senate rep.--convener Wendy Zhou, CEM (07) Core Review Robert Arundale, Comm. CLA (Fall 05) Jin Brown, Comm., CLA (Spring 06)--convener Mark Box, English, CLA (07) Karen Callahan, Social Sciences, CLA (07) Suzan Hahn, Library Ann, Musco, Humanities, CLA (07) Scott Rupp, SNRAS (06) Alexei Rybkin, Math, CMS (06) , Sciences, CNSM (06) Developmental Studies Committee Jane Allen, Kuskokwim Campus (05) Patty Baldwin, RSS John Bruder, Bristol Bay Campus (05) George Guthridge, Bristol Bay Campus (05) Richard Carr, English (05) John Creed, Chukchi Campus (06) Brian Rasley, Sciences (07) Cindy Hardy, Developmental Education (06) Marjorie Illingworth, Tanana Valley (06) Ron Illingworth, Interior-Aleutians (06) Greg Owens, Math (06) Wanda Martin, Advising Center Joe Mason, Northwest Campus (06) Elena Schlotfeldt, SSSP Rural campus student services Faculty Appeals & Oversight Committee Carol Barnhardt, SOEd. (07) Larry Duffy, CNSM (06)--convener Rajive Ganguli, CEM (06) Ed Husted, CRA/CES (06) Terry Johnson, SFOS (06) Victoria Joan Moessner, CLA (06) Robert Perkins, CEM (07) Michael Pippenger, SOM (07) Maria Reyes, SOEd (06) Milan Shipka, SNRAS (07) Fred Sorensen, CES (07) Norm Swazo, CLA (07) vacant, CNSM (07) vacant, SFOS (07) vacant, SNRAS (06) vacant, SOM (06) Faculty Development, Assessment & Improvement Christine Cooper, CLA (07) Clifton Corkern, CRA/KCC (06) Lee Haugen, SOEd. (06)--convener Susan Herman, SOM (07) Marjorie Illingworth, TVC (07) John Kawula, CLA, Library (06) Joy Morrison, Faculty Development Office Channon Price, CNSM Larry Roberts, CRA (07) Graduate Academic & Advisory Committee Derick Burleson, CLA (07) Cathy Cahill, CNSM (07)--convener Patty Gray, CLA (06) Heinz Wiechen, CNSM (07) Joan Parker-Webster, SOEd. (06) Richard Wies, CEM (06) David Maxwell, CNSM (06) Laura Milner, SOM (07) Sini Tuttle, CLA (07) , SFOS (07) ATTACHMENT 130/22 UAF Faculty Senate #130 MAY 2, 2005 SUBMITTED BY ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE MOTION: ====== The UAF Faculty Senate moves to adopt the following calendar for its 2005-2006 meetings. EFFECTIVE: Immediately RATIONALE: Meetings have to be scheduled and the Wood Center rooms reserved well in advance. ** UAF FACULTY SENATE 2005-2006 Calendar of Meetings Mtg. # Date Day Time Type 131 9/19/05 Monday 1:00 p.m. audioconference 132 10/31/05 Monday 1:00 p.m. face-to-face 133 12/12/05 Monday 1:00 p.m. audioconference 134 2/6/06 Monday 1:00 p.m. audioconference 135 3/6/06 Monday 1:00 p.m. face-to-face 136 4/3/06 Monday 1:00 p.m. audioconference 137 5/1/06 Monday 1:00 p.m. face-to-face Location: Wood Center Carol Brown Ballroom (face-to-face meetings) Wood Center Conference Room C/D (audioconference meetings) ATTACHMENT 130/23 UAF Faculty Senate #130 MAY 2, 2005 SUBMITTED BY ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE MOTION: ====== The UAF Faculty Senate moves to authorize the Administrative Committee to act on behalf of the Senate on all matters within its purview, which may arise until the Senate resumes deliberations in the Fall of 2005. Senators will be kept informed of the Administrative Committee's meetings and will be encouraged to attend and participate in these meetings. EFFECTIVE: MAY 2, 2005 RATIONALE: This motion will allow the Administrative Committee to act on behalf of the Senate so that necessary work can be accomplished and will also allow Senators their rights to participate in the governance process. 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