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Approval of Minutes to Meeting #128 C. Adoption of Agenda 1:05 II Status of Chancellor's Office Actions 5 Min. A. Motions Approved: 1. Motion to amend the UAF Regulations for the Appointment and Evaluation of Faculty "Blue Book". B. Motions Pending: 1. Motion on the UAF Academic Calendar. 2. Motion to approve a Certificate and A.A.S. in Construction Trades Technology. 1:10 III Public Comments/Questions 5 Min. 1:15 IV A. President's Comments - Abel Bult-Ito 10 Min. B. President-Elect's Comments - Paul Layer 5 Min. 1:30 V A. Remarks by Chancellor S. Jones 5 Min. 1:35 VI New Business 30 Min. A. Motion to establish a uniform procedures for UAF student registration, submitted by Curricular Affairs (Attachment 129/1) B. Motion on grades in prerequisite courses, submitted by Curricular Affairs (Attachment 129/2) C. Motion to amend the computation requirements for the Certificate and AAS degree, submitted by Curricular Affairs (Attachment 129/3) D. Resolution on Faculty Research Oversight Committee, submitted by Faculty Affairs (Attachment 129/4) E. Confirmation of Outstanding Senator of the Year Award, submitted by OSYA Screening Committee (Handout) F. President-Elect nomination & election (Attachment 129/5) 2:05 VII Discussion Items 10 Min. A. New academic programs and funding B. Special Senate meeting, April 11, 3:30-4:30 p.m. or April 14, 1-2 p.m. 2:15 ** Break** 10 Min. 2:25 VIII Guest Speakers A. Roger Smith, Director, GI 10 Min. Strategic Planning Committee 2:35 IX Governance Reports 5 Min. A. Staff Council – Josh Steadman B. ASUAF -Thom Walker / GSO 2:40 X Committee Reports 20 Min. A. Curricular Affairs - Rainer Newberry (Attachment 129/6) B. Faculty Affairs - Shirish Patil (Attachment 129/7) C. Committee on the Status of Women - Jane Weber/Carol Gold (Attachment 129/8) D. Core Review - Doug Schamel E. Curriculum Review - Rainer Newberry F. Developmental Studies - Joe Mason/Cindy Hardy G. Faculty Appeals & Oversight - Larry Duffy H. Faculty Development, Assessment & Improvement – Lee Haugen I. Graduate Academic & Advisory Committee – Christa Mulder/Mary Erhlander (Attachment 129/9) J. Unit Criteria - Gary Holton 3:00 XI Members' Comments/Questions 10 Min. 3:10 XII Adjournment ATTACHMENT 129/1 UAF Faculty Senate #127 APRIL 4, 2005 SUBMITTED BY CURRICULAR AFFAIRS MOTION: ====== The UAF Faculty Senate moves to establish the following uniform procedures for UAF student registration: a. Every department at UAF will have at least one designated person that can use Banner to allow a student to register (‘pin’ a student). For small departments this person can be from a different department, but in a location convenient to the łÉČËÓ°ĆŹ of the department. This person or persons agree to (1) not pin a student unless presented with a completed and signed registration form (2) to collect the registration form and (3) to send it to the registrar’s office. A faxed or other electronic copy of the advisor’s approval, attached to the registration form, is acceptable. b. A department that does not currently have a designated pinner will have one by April 2005. Any departmental faculty or staff with banner access can become a designated pinner by emailing the Registrar’s office (registrar@uaf.edu) with such a request. If/when a department-designated pinner permanently leaves the department, that person must notify the department regarding the need for a new pinner. A department-designated pinner should be physically available during usual working hours at registration and pre-registration periods. c. All faculty in every department will be informed that there is a department-designated pinner and who that person is. During registration-related advising, advisors will inform łÉČËÓ°ĆŹ that they have a choice between turning in the registration form at Signers' Hall and to the departmental pinner. EFFECTIVE: Immediately RATIONALE: Currently some łÉČËÓ°ĆŹ know that they can register without going to the Registrar's Office; most do not. The purposes of this regulation are (a) to allow all łÉČËÓ°ĆŹ the option of not going to the registrar's office, (b) to allow for flexibility in showing advisor's approval of courses (electronic approval is an option), and (c) to let all łÉČËÓ°ĆŹ and undergraduate advisors know that łÉČËÓ°ĆŹ have these options. ATTACHMENT 129/2 UAF Faculty Senate #127 APRIL 4, 2005 SUBMITTED BY CURRICULAR AFFAIRS MOTION: ====== The UAF Faculty Senate moves to establish the following policy on minimum grades needed for prerequisite courses. Undergraduate łÉČËÓ°ĆŹ should not register for a course for which they have not taken--and received a grade of "C" or higher in--all the prerequisite courses, unless they have received the instructor’s explicit permission. Course instructors have the right to withdraw a student who has not received a grade of "C" or higher in all prerequisite classes for a given course, if that student has not received the instructor’s permission to register. EFFECTIVE: Immediately RATIONALE: Many undergraduate łÉČËÓ°ĆŹ do not recognize the vital importance of mastering a particular subject before moving on to the next higher level of instruction. The most direct way of impressing łÉČËÓ°ĆŹ with the importance of this concept is to publicize the threat of faculty withdrawal. Sufficient mastery can be demonstrated by a course grade or other means, but it is incumbent on a student to demonstrate such mastery. Although this regulation leaves the enforcement up to individual faculty members, the threat that it could be enforced will presumably motivate łÉČËÓ°ĆŹ with questionable course qualifications to contact the instructor. Instructors can readily determine the academic qualifications of łÉČËÓ°ĆŹ signed up for classes from the UA web site. ATTACHMENT 129/3 UAF Faculty Senate #127 APRIL 4, 2005 SUBMITTED BY CURRICULAR AFFAIRS MOTION: ====== The UAF Faculty Senate moves to amend the computation requirements for the Certificate and Associate of Applied Science degree as follows: EFFECTIVE: Fall 2005 RATIONALE: This amendment adds PRT 155 to the list of courses in the Related Instructional areas of Computation. [[ ]] = deletion CAPS = addition Computation Any course at the 100 level or above in mathematical sciences (math, computer science, statistics) (3) or ABUS 155 -- Business Math (3) or CIOS 116 -- Business Math Using Calculators (3) or DEVM 105 – Intermediate Algebra (3) or ECE 117 – Math Skills For Early Childhood Education (3) or HLTH 116 -- Mathematics In Health Care (3) or HSV 117 – Math Skills For Human Services (3) or PRT 155 - MATHEMATICS FOR TECHNICIANS (3) or TTCH 131 -- Maintenance Mathematics (3) or other program approved discipline-based computation course or discipline-based courses with embedded computation content ATTACHMENT 129/4 UAF Faculty Senate #127 APRIL 4, 2005 SUBMITED BY FACULTY AFFAIRS The UAF Faculty Senate, upon recommendation of the Faculty Affairs Committee, moves to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: ============ WHEREAS, Classified and Proprietary research is subject to Regents’ Policy 10.07.02, University Regulation, laws, regulations, and MAU rules and procedures applicable to research; and WHEREAS, Classified and Proprietary research will be conducted in a responsible and ethical manner consistent with the mission of the University of łÉČËÓ°ĆŹ Fairbanks; and WHEREAS, The UAF Faculty Senate at its Meeting #116, unanimously passed a motion to establish a UAF policy on Classified and Proprietary Research; and WHEREAS, The UAF Faculty Senate at its Meeting #117, passed a motion to establish a Reconciliation Committee after a Chancellor's veto; and WHEREAS, The UAF Faculty Senate at its Meeting #122, unanimously passed a new motion based on recommendations from the Reconciliation Committee to establish a policy on Classified and Proprietary Research, which called for the formation of a Faculty Research Oversight Committee; and WHEREAS, The UAF Faculty Senate at its Meeting #124, unanimously passed a motion to amend Section 3 (Article V, Committees, Standing) of the Bylaws pertaining to membership and adding the Faculty Research Oversight Committee; and WHEREAS, The UAF Faculty Senate at its Meeting #128, adopted a motion to override the veto of the motion to amend Section 3 (Article V, Committees, Standing) of the Bylaws pertaining to membership and adding the Faculty Research Oversight Committee; and WHEREAS, The process laid out in the Board of Regents' regulation now supercedes the UAF Faculty Senate motion passed at its meeting #122; now THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That to fulfill and uphold the principles of shared governance and to recognize the expressed intent of Chancellor Jones towards the Faculty Senate position on Classified and Proprietary Research, the Faculty Senate recommends a process of mutual consultation that will lead to an amicable agreement about the composition of the committee. ATTACHMENT 129/5 UAF Faculty Senate #127 APRIL 4, 2005 RESOLUTION: ========= BE IT RESOLVED, That the UAF Faculty Senate ratifies the election of President-Elect on the basis of the following ballot. BALLOT PRESIDENT-ELECT Please vote for ONE individual to serve as the President-Elect of the UAF Faculty Senate for 2004-2005. ___ Shirish Patil ___ _________________________ PERSONAL STATEMENT: Shirish L. Patil: Shirish Patil, Associate Professor of Petroleum Engineering, has taught at UAF since fall 1991. He is very active in teaching and has maintained aggressive research with sustained funding, and service to the university, professional society and the community. Shirish has served in a number of capacities for the UAF Senate: as a faculty senator, as a member of Faculty Affairs Committee, member of Reaffirmation of Accreditation Committee. He is currently the Chair of the Faculty Affairs Committee, Chair of the UAF Circulation and Parking Subcommittee of MPC, member of UAF Strategic Planning Committee and Faculty Senate Administrative Committee. Shirish has successfully developed MOA/MOU between the UAF and the University of Pune, India for faculty and student exchanges and to put UAF in global competition in an ever expanding global competition for universities. Recognizing the potential for this kind of alliance, FNSB Mayor signed a sister city agreement with Pune, India for the benefit of the UAF and FNSB, with support from UAF, UA administration, the Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce, and the Fairbanks Economic Development Corporation. An active member of Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), Shirish also serves as a member of SPE International Committee of Engineering Accreditation. At UAF, he serves as a faculty advisor to SPE Student Chapter and the Namaste India Student Club. Shirish chairs the FNSB Public Transportation Advisory Commission and is a member of FNSB Sister City Commission. Shirish holds a B.E. in Mechanical Engineering (University of Pune, India, 1981), M.S. in Mechanical Engineering (University of Pittsburgh, PA, 1983), M.S. in Petroleum Engineering (University of łÉČËÓ°ĆŹ Fairbanks, 1987) and a M.S. in Engineering Management (University of łÉČËÓ°ĆŹ Fairbanks, 1995). His primary interest in governance lies in a desire to see UAF continue its progression towards attaining high academic and moral standards amongst faculty, staff and łÉČËÓ°ĆŹ in a partnership for a common mission and strive for a common bond of institutional strength in years of financial uncertainty ahead through shared governance. ATTACHMENT 129/6 UAF Faculty Senate #127 APRIL 4, 2005 MINUTES Curricular Affairs Committee Monday, MARCH 21, 2-3:15 p.m Present: Steve Cysewski, Katrin Iken, Jeannette Smith, Tim Stickel, Rainer Newberry, Joseph Thompson, Carol Barnhardt, Gayle Gregory 1. New Business from the Provost (an ooopsie). “It turns out that Summer Sessions has for a couple years offered some 500-level courses "compressed" to two days per credit (rather than the 3-day limit for all other credit-bearing courses). They did this based upon an understanding (turns out it is a misunderstanding) that the Faculty Senate blessed this practice a couple years ago. She brought me a report from Curricular Affairs submitted to the Faculty Senate at a Dec 9, 2002 meeting (Attachment 112/14) that says the committee approved a change to course-compression policy to allow 500-level courses to be compressed to as little as 2 days per credit and that this proposal "has been forwarded to the Faculty Senate." Apparently it was never forwarded, but Summer Sessions thought it was a done deal. Summer Sessions has already made some arrangements for a few "compressed" 500-level courses for 2005 assuming 2 days/credit is OK. I told Florie to just do nothing until your committee had a chance to figure out what it wants to do--revisit the proposal that apparently was never forwarded to the Senate or tell Summer Sessions that there's no interest in the proposal (then maybe Summer Sessions will need some sort of waiver for this summer since they already have stuff in the works).” The committee minutes state: “The committee approved a change to course compression for 500-level courses establishing a policy that they not be compressed into fewer than 2 days per credit. This proposal has been forwarded to the Faculty Senate.” In consequence, this motion was considered: “500-level courses that are compressed into no fewer than 2 days per credit may be offered.” Discussion centered on, ‘exactly what does summer sessions have in mind?’ We couldn’t figure out which courses were affected and what they were like. Enough objections to giving this carte blanch that we agreed to delay our deliberations for a bit. NOTE: SUBSEQUENT investigations show that several 2 credit classes that are scheduled to meet for 4.5 days are on the books. Ouch. Talk about packing a whole lot into a little bit of time. 2. The advisor / registration/ signature business Rainer proposed a solution, which was eventually amended to read: The UAF Faculty Senate moves to establish the following uniform procedures for UAF student registration: a. Every department at UAF will have at least one designated person that can use Banner to allow a student to register (‘pin’ a student). For small departments this person can be from a different department, but in a location convenient to the łÉČËÓ°ĆŹ of the department. This person or persons agree to (1) not pin a student unless presented with a completed and signed registration form (2) to collect the registration form and (3) to send it to the registrar’s office. A faxed or other electronic copy of the advisor’s approval, attached to the registration form, is acceptable. b. A department that does not currently have a designated pinner will have one by April 2005. Any departmental faculty or staff with banner access can become a designated pinner by emailing the Registrar’s office ( HYPERLINK "mailto:registrar@uaf.edu" registrar@uaf.edu) with such a request. If/when a department-designated pinner permanently leaves the department, that person must notify the department regarding the need for a new pinner. A department-designated pinner should be physically available during usual working hours at registration and pre-registration periods. c. All faculty in every department will be informed that there is a department-designated pinner and who that person is. During registration-related advising, advisors will inform łÉČËÓ°ĆŹ that they have a choice between turning in the registration form at Signers' Hall and to the departmental pinner. This was unanimously accepted by the committee. 3. ‘In order to enroll in a course a student must either earn a grade of ‘C’ or better in all prerequisite courses or secure the permission of the instructor.’ Rainer proposed a modified version, which was amended to read: ‘Students should not register for a course for which they have not taken—and received a grade of ‘C’ or higher in-- all the prerequisite courses, unless they have received the instructor’s explicit permission. Course instructors have the right to withdraw a student who has not received a grade of C or higher in all prerequisite classes for a given course, if that student has not received the instructor’s permission to register.’ This was unanimously accepted by the committee. Further, the committee agreed to submit this motion to GAAC to elicit their response. If they didn’t concur, the word ‘undergraduate’ would be inserted before ‘course’. 4. RE-defining ‘s’ designators. Rainer proposed the following revised wording: “Courses are designated Social Science according to the following criteria: a. Content is directly defined by major models or theories of the Social Science disciplines of Anthroplogy, Economics, Geography, History, Justice, Military Science, Political Science, Psychology, Social Work, or Sociology. b. Excludes courses whose primary focus is on research skills or techniques, practicum experience, or professional or vocational skill development. c. Courses approved for ‘s’ designators prior to May 2005 will retain their ‘s’ designator. The committee unanimously agreed to send this to the Deans of CLA, TVC, and SOM for their responses, with the intention of bringing this to the senate floor if there were no serious objections. 5. Disqualification regulations. Given the impracticability of disqualifying a student over Christmas break, we agreed to leave that requirement alone (disqualification only happens in the spring). What we didn’t deal with is spelling out better who will be disqualified. This is the current wording: Undergraduate łÉČËÓ°ĆŹ only — Undergraduate probation łÉČËÓ°ĆŹ whose semester and cumulative GPAs are less than 2.0 at the end of spring semester may be disqualified from degree-seeking status. Disqualified łÉČËÓ°ĆŹ may continue their enrollment at UAF only as non-degree łÉČËÓ°ĆŹ and are limited to a maximum of 9 credits per semester. To be eligible for reinstatement in an academic degree program, the student will normally be expected to earn at least a C grade in all courses taken as a non-degree student. To be restored to degree-seeking status, the student must apply for readmission. The committee considered changing ‘may’ to ‘will’ so that the revised 1st sentence would read: “Undergraduate probation łÉČËÓ°ĆŹ whose semester and cumulative GPAs are less than 2.0 at the end of spring semester will be disqualified from degree-seeking status” The advantages to the revised wording: the whole business would be less arbitrary and capricious. The disadvantages: there would be considerably less flexibility. No consensus being reached, the chair challenged those who opposed the proposed change to come up with some wording that made the disqualification process less arbitrary. 6. Common Start Date—back (sort-of) in our court see attachment below, from the AVP We discussed with Tim the need for a full year’s academic calendar for approval. He agreed to solicit opinions with Registrars from the other MAUs about a spring start date and then prepare a proposed academic calendar for our consideration at the next meeting. 7. Yet another issue for next meeting. Suggestion: any course that is not a prerequisite for another course and is not required for a degree program that has not been taught in 5 years will be dropped. Registrar annually notifies department and curriculum review committee of such courses. If department does not object, curriculum review committee will submit paperwork for removing the course. 3:15 arrived and the committee scattered. ATTACHMENT 129/7 UAF Faculty Senate #127 APRIL 4, 2005 FACULTY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE REPORT Monday, 21 March 05 Duckering 535 Conference Room, 2.00pm-3.30pm Committee Members Present: Sine Anahita, CLA, Scott Bailey, CNSM, Karen Erickson, CLA, Jon Genetti, CNSM, Joan Leguard, CLA, Shirish Patil, CEM, Anupma Prakash, CNSM, Craig Wisen, SOM, Mingchu Zhang, SNRAS Committee Members Absent: Michele He’bert, CES, Denis Wiesenburg, SFOS (Ex-Officio) Classified Research In order to uphold the principles of shared governance and the recognize the expressed intent of Chancellor Jones, Faculty Affairs Committee moved to adopt a resolution on Classified or Proprietary Research. Electronic Faculty Workload Project We expect to invite Dave Veazey to our next meeting and work with Faculty Development Committee on this project. Due to time limitations, no progress was made on this subject at the Faculty Affairs Meeting. Emeritus Policy Revisions: Faculty Affairs has reviewed the information forwarded to it by the UAF Campus wide P-T committee. Faculty Affairs feels strongly that recognition of individual’s contributions to the profession and institution should not be treated as 3rd or 4th promotion review within the institution, when nominated for the Emeritus Award. A clear line needs to be drawn between promotion and emeritus award. To overcome the current difference of opinion between P-T Committee and FA, FA proposes: Perhaps a different campus committee (other than P-T committee) needs to be formed. We need to discuss what should be the qualifications of individuals to serve on this committee? Recognize ahead on that this is a subjective process and not meant to be a quantitative evaluation, such as, P-T with unit criteria etc. BOR when stated, “highest honor”, perhaps, it was meant to be a subjective process. If this is agreeable to Faculty Senate, FA can discuss the composition of Emeritus Award Committee. FA members are reluctant to develop criteria and guidelines for the award of Emeritus Professor in an attempt to maintain the “Highest Honor”. Health on Campus (Healthy food options on campus): Faculty Affairs have concluded after a memorandum from Robert Holden, Associate Director of Auxiliary and Business Services, UAF, several choices are available to the campus community. As to vending machines, the highest selling item in the vending machines on campus is water, by a margin of two to one over any other product. ATTACHMENT 129/8 UAF Faculty Senate #127 APRIL 4, 2005 Minutes: COMMITTEE ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN March 21,2005 1-2:30, Room 718 Gruening Attending: Jamie Walker, Qwynten Richards, Jane Weber, Cindy Hardy, Denise Thorsen, Joan Braddock, David Koester, Carol Gold, Uma Bhatt, and visitors Joanne Keaton from U of Kansas and Christine Cooper 1) Survey update from Jamie -200 of ~600 were returned in the first go around -400 more have been sent to those who did not reply and they should be returned in the next 10-14 days. -They are entering the information in the database from the surveys. 2) What Next? - UAF Fact book was passed around, available on web from statewide annually 3) Salary History, how can we get at this information? - What historical data is available? - Do we want to recommend that this information be kept in an organized manner with the desired fields for future analysis of salary history? - Get information from Statewide and from Earlina, cobble together - Check this out more... 4) Current list of women faculty and their contact information - ask Sheri's office to maintain this. We will look through Hild Peter's 15 April 2005 list and extract the information about female faculty and use that as a place to start this ongoing database. - desired fields: name, hire date, promotion date, unit/dept, time to tenure, time to full 5) Category of people leaving - Exit interviews are being done by HR. - How effective will they be since people are not comfortable being totally truthful? What is asked? Who does it? There is not a long history here but it is a start. 6) Data base analysis by Denise and David; database from Institutional research - People who did not get tenure, break up into male and female - Time to tenure or departure 7) Joanne Keeton was asked for her thoughts, as she has been dealing with similar issues at U of Memphis and now at U of Kansas. She provided us with what they have done, pretty interesting. Some tidbits... - Mentoring as a group since each of us has a different strength - In Memphis and Kansas she found lack of data common with what we were discussing today. - Her thoughts on exit interviews - won't work or we will not get the information that we need. People feel they can not be honest at that time and they may not know themselves and need to wait a couple of years to mature their thinking on the topic. - Be visible to gain credibility. They began with an informal group. They met in various visible locations (deans conference rooms). They got good turnout for their meetings as they were viewed as people who took action. In the end, she was made Ombudsman for the group to liaison with the university, which was an effective position. - Befriended the librarians who are faculty, they provide a good connection to research materials. 8) Plans for what we do next - Begin to plan an event for fall to kick off the year with all women faculty on campus. IF we want to do this we must begin to plan this semester. Provide a venue that allows a network to build. - Plan workshop for next spring on 'tenure and promotion'. Carol has done these in the past. It would be a few hours on a Saturday or an evening. 9) Next time Meet at 1pm on April 11, 2005. Salary information database will be provided by David. Denise will make plots similar to those she did for the last data base (years to promotion) to compare the two databases. She will bring her laptop with the database so we can try to interactively answer some other relevant questions at the meeting. - Plan fall meeting - Think about Promotion and Tenure workshop. ATTACHMENT 129/9 UAF Faculty Senate #127 APRIL 4, 2005 GAAC Minutes for March 22, 2005 Members Present Ex-Officio Members Present Cathy Cahill Dean Susan Henrichs Mary Ehrlander Dean Joan Braddock Patty Gray Gayle Gregory Russ Hopcroft Tim Stickel Catherine Koverola Pauline Wilson Christa Mulder Laura Bender Richard Wies Joan Parker-Webster Student Members: Bob Bolton Susan Hazlett The Committee approved the following course proposals: Blue # Course # Course Title 55 Psych 641 Program Evaluation and Community Consultation I (3) 56 Psych 642 Program Evaluation and Community Consultation II (3) 70 Psych 686 Predoctoral Internship (6) 71 Psych 687 Multicultural Psychological Assessment II (3) The Committee unanimously approved the new degree program Ph.D. Clinical-Community Psychology with a Rural Indigenous Emphasis – Joint UAA/UAF proposal. Dean Henrichs proposed a procedural change regarding the process for a faculty resignation from a graduate committee, whereby the department chair, dean of the school or college, and the dean of the graduate school would have to approve the resignation. The rationale was essentially that due process should take place, including open communication with direction being given to łÉČËÓ°ĆŹ, and that resignation of committee members should not be used as a substitute for documenting poor student performance. The committee agreed that Susan should proceed with discussing this matter with the Deans and propose a new form for graduate committee member resignations that would require the signatures of the above-mentioned administrators. We distributed for review by individual members the new course proposals and changes received this semester. We will begin addressing them at our April 5 meeting. 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