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UAFT/UNAC 1:45 VII Guest Speaker 15 Min. A. Rich Collins, Chair Committee on the Integration of Research and Teaching in the Sciences http://www.uaf.edu/chancellor/administration/advisory/cirts/ Topic: Update on the CIRTS Report 2:00 BREAK 2:10 VIII New Business 15 Min. A. Motion to amend the Mandatory Placement Policy, submitted by the Student Academic Development Committee and the Curricular Affairs Committee (Attachment 164/1) 2:25 IX Announcements 5 Min. A. Outstanding Senator of the Year Award (OSYA) Nominations are open. Guidelines are available at back table, and online at: http://www.uaf.edu/uafgov/faculty/09-10_senate_meetings/index.html#164 B. Senate Elections Continuing and Expiring Terms (Attachment 164/2) 2:30 X Discussion Items 15 Min. A. Extension of FS Presidents Term Jon Dehn B. Proposed Changes to Senate Bylaws 2:45 XI Committee Reports 10 Min. A. Curricular Affairs Falk Huettmann, Ken Abramowicz B. Faculty Affairs Jennifer Reynolds (Attachment 164/3) C. Unit Criteria Julie McIntyre, Brenda Konar D. Committee on the Status of Women Jane Weber, Alex Fitts (Attachment 164/4) CSW Brown Bag Lunch Flyer will be available online at: http://www.uaf.edu/uafgov/facultySenate.html E. Core Review Latrice Laughlin F. Curriculum Review Rainer Newberry G. Faculty Appeals & Oversight Charlie Sparks H Faculty Development, Assessment & Improvement Josef Glowa I. Graduate Academic & Advisory Committee Rajive Ganguli J. Student Academic Development & Achievement Cindy Hardy K. Ad Hoc Committee: Advisory Research Committee Roger Hansen 2:55 XII Members' Comments/Questions 5 Min. 3:00 XIII Adjournment ATTACHMENT 164/1 UAF Faculty Senate #164, February 1, 2010 Submitted by the Student Academic Development and Achievement Committee MOTION: The Faculty Senate moves to [[adopt]] AMEND THE 2010-11 CATALOG TO REFLECT a two year placement test expiration and revise the following UAF catalog statement [[in paragraph three]] under the Mandatory Placement heading on page 32, as indicated: CAPS and Bolded - Addition [[ ]] Deletion Mandatory Placement Students who do not meet basic skills standards in reading, writing and mathematics must complete appropriate Developmental Education courses. Such ӰƬ may not enroll in 100-level or above courses that depend on these skills until they have satisfactorily met the exit criteria of the appropriate Developmental Education course(s). Students without appropriate standardized test scores (such as ACT, SAT, ASSET or ACCUPLACER), advanced placement credits, transfer credits or prerequisite coursework must have UAF-approved placement test scores prior to registering for classes their first semester at UAF. Placement exams must be taken within two calendar years prior to the commencement of the course. Students may not enroll in classes unless they meet the placement requirements. Placement into appropriate developmental or core classes must be done with the help of an academic advisor. Placement tests are available at every UAF rural campus as well as Testing Services, Academic Advising Center, Rural Student Services, Tanana Valley Campus, Center for Distance Education and Northern Military Programs at Fort Wainwright, Eielson Air Force Base and Delta Career Advancement Center. FOR PLACEMENT INTO ENGLISH F111X OR ANY DEVELOPMENTAL ENGLISH COURSE, STUDENTS MUST ALSO HAVE A SCORED WRITING SAMPLE SUCH AS AN SAT OR ACT WRITING SAMPLE, OR A UAF-GENERATED WRITING SAMPLE GIVEN ALONG WITH ASSET, COMPASS, OR ACCUPLACER OR OTHER PLACEMENT TESTS. Students who enroll in a DEVELOPMENTAL OR CORE course without meeting the requirements [[will]] MAY be withdrawn from the course through the faculty-initiated withdrawal process. Prerequisite courses [[and/or placement exams]] must be taken within one calendar year prior to the commencement of DEVELOPMENTAL AND LOWER-DIVISION CORE MATH COURSES [[the course]]. Students may not enroll in Perspectives on the Human Condition courses unless they meet the placement requirements for English F111X (including reading). Students may not enroll in Core science classes unless they have placement at DEVM F105 or above and placement into English F111X. Effective: Fall 2010 Rationale: Placement test expiration periods are inconsistent across the UA system. Students attending different institutions within the system are confused by the differences. A common message is requested. ATTACHMENT 164/2 UAF Faculty Senate #164, February 1, 2010 CURRENT UAF FACULTY SENATE: TERMS ENDING (May 2010) & CONTINUING (May 2011) (College/School (total # of reps/alts)Representatives Terms EndingContinuing RepresentativesAlternates Terms EndingContinuing Alternates 2008-20102009-20112008-20102009-2011College of Liberal Arts (8 Reps, 4 Alts) 1 extra Alt Divisions: Arts & Communication English & Humanities Language & Culture Library Social Sciences Applied & Distance Programs At-LargeTerms will end in May 2010: Arts & Comm.: Carrie Baker Library Science: Anne Christie Social Sciences: John Heaton Will now be Cecile Lardon English & Humanities Rep: Amber Thomas Language & Culture Rep: Timothy Wilson Applied & Distance Pgm: Heidi Brocious At-Large (Two 2-yr. terms): Larry Roberts; Morris PalterTerms will end in May 2010: English & Humanities: Chris Coffman Lang. & Culture: Josef Glowa Applied/Distance Programs Arts & CommunicationLibrary Science: Karen Jensen Social Sciences: Melanie Arthur At-Large: Todd Sherman College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics (6 Reps, 3 Alts)) Terms will end in May 2010 Rainer Newberry Regine Hock Julie McIntyre Sarah Fowell Falk Huettmann Orion Sky Lawlor  Chung-sang Ng Anupma Prakash Donie Bret-HarteCollege of Rural Community Development (6 Reps, 2 Alts) Terms will end in May 2010: Mike Davis (BBC) Jane Weber (CRCD)Jane Allen (KUC) Andy Anger (TVC) Christa Bartlett (TVC) Debra Moses (TVC) On leave during Spring 2010Term ends in May 2010: Keith Swarner (TVC)Diane McEachern (KUC)Cooperative Extension Service (2 Reps, 1 Alt)Term will end in May 2010: Sonja KoukelMarianne KerrTerm ends in May 2010: Leslie Shallcross College of Engineering & Mines (3 Reps, 2 Alts) Terms will end in May 2010: Seta Bogosyan Kenan HazirbabaRajive Ganguli  Xiong ZhangSchool of Education (2 Reps, 1 Alt) Term will end in May 2010: Beth LeonardUte Kaden Sue RenesSchool of Fisheries & Ocean Sciences (3 Reps, 2 Alts)Terms will end in May 2010: Brenda Konar Ray RalondeJennifer ReynoldsAlex Oliveira Brian HimelbloomSchool of Management (2 Reps, 1 Alt) Term will end in May 2010: Ken Abramowicz Lily DongOne vacancySchool of Natural Resources & Agricultural Sciences (2 Reps, 1 Alt)Term will end in May 2010: Jingjing LiangJulie Lurman Joly  Dave ValentineResearch Institutes (2 Reps, 1 Alt) (IARC, GI, IAB, INE)Term will end in May 2010: Meibing JinRoger Hansen One vacancy ATTACHMENT 164/3 UAF Faculty Senate #164, February 1, 2010 Submitted by the Faculty Affairs Committee Faculty Affairs Committee Meeting Minutes for December 9, 2009 Members present: Jane Allen (by phone), Anne Christie (by phone), Lily Dong, Roger Hansen, Morris Palter, Jennifer Reynolds, Roger Smith. Promotion of Non-Represented Faculty: This was the Committees second discussion of the topic. Non-represented faculty are not represented by a faculty union (UNAC or UAFT) because they supervise other faculty and/or have less than 51% faculty duties. The most common situation is people who whose workload is 51% administrative/49% faculty. This workload division is used by UAF to give the person supervisory authority. People in these positions are usually full professors, but when they are not, the question of promotion arises. The normal procedures for promotion of tenure-track and research faculty, as defined in the Collective Bargaining Agreement, do not apply to non-represented faculty. At present, promotion review is handled in an ad hoc manner under the Provosts direction. The Faculty Affairs Committee is discussing formal promotion review procedures for non-represented faculty. At this meeting, discussion focused on four aspects of the issue: (1) Should people in a primarily administrative position be eligible for promotion as faculty? There are both philosophical and practical considerations here. One philosophical question is whether someone should be promoted based on performance in a minor part of their job. (2) A faculty member might be non-represented because of supervisory authority over other faculty, and/or because of a workload with less than 51% faculty activities. Do these two situations always occur together? If not, should separate policies be developed? (3) From a practical standpoint, there would be little difference between the faculty performance required of someone with 49% versus 51% faculty workload. Thus it should be possible to effectively evaluate the 49% faculty with respect to unit criteria for promotion. What level of faculty activity would be too low for effective evaluation? (4) Performance review by other faculty is an essential aspect of the promotion process. Under CBA procedures for represented faculty, the unit peer review committee is selected by unit members, with the concurrence of the dean, director, or designee and the university-wide peer review committee is appointed by the Provost. However, in cases where the candidate supervises other faculty, those faculty cannot serve on the evaluation committees, and there may be other conflicts as well. Appropriate unit peer review and university-wide review committees would have to be appointed. Who should be responsible for selecting and appointing these committees? The Committee agreed to continue this discussion at our next meeting. ATTACHMENT 164/4 UAF Faculty Senate #164, February 1, 2010 Submitted by the Committee on the Status of Women Committee on the Status of Women, Meeting Minutes for Tuesday, 19 Jan 2010 2-3PM, Gruening 718 Members Present: Alexandra Fitts, Jenny Liu, Derek Sikes, Diane Wagner, Kayt Sunwood, Elizabeth Allman, Stefanie Ickert-Bond, Jessica Larsen. Members absent: Janet McClellan, Jane Weber Alexandra prepared & pass out the agenda: Promotion & Tenure workshop will be on April 23rd. Ideas needed for panelists & structure. Last year: Roxie Dinstel (Cooperative extension), Paul Layer (CNSM); Alexandra moderated. Carol Gold, Renate Wackerbauer; Jessica Larsen suggested Anupma Prakash who went for full professor last year (less commonly are full professors on these panels). Chris Coffman, tenure last year. Email Alexandra with any other suggestions. Committee felt structure of last year seemed perfect, well moderated & very helpful to those who attended. Elizabeth Allman, who achieved full professor last year, volunteered for this year's panel. Leave-share resolution. Written by A. Fitts. Draft handed out to committee. The resolution asks UAF / UA to expand the use of the leave share program to include cases of pregnancy, childbirth, and adoption. This simple change would improve the support of faculty & staff with families by UAF / UA and also help with recruitment and retention. Alexandra will revise & send out via email. Brown Bag lunches. Open topic lunch, meet people, attendees can bring issues to the committee. Probably only time for one lunch this semester, Feb 16th 1-2pm. Alexandra will book room, prepare flier & send out reminder. Dates for spring meetings. Next - Feb 23rd, 1-2pm. March 23rd, 1-2pm, April 20th 1-2pm (prepare for P&T workshop which is on April 23rd). News. Kayt Sunwood informed the committee of a director position search for the Northern Leadership Center, by the School of Management. One of the candidates, Nicole Cundiff, will speak on leadership, gender / perception issues on Thursday Feb 4th, 1-2pm Bunnell (room TBA). Other candidates speak on Feb 2nd and Thursday Jan 21st. Diane Wagner informed the committee that the Family Friendly Taskforce no longer exists and has been replaced by (evolved into) the UAF Work Life Balance Committee (WLBC), which is expected to be a permanent committee containing representatives of faculty, staff, and ӰƬ. At least initially, the committee will be chaired by Kris Racina. A long-term more permanent group. Membership of WLBC is uncertain at this point. Diane expects there will be a formal nomination process. Meeting was adjourned at 2:50PM; Respectfully Submitted, Derek Sikes      ,-ABJd   1 > G H I {skchOJQJhe OJQJh@`OJQJhOJQJhlOJQJhAhOJQJh]0;OJQJhOJQJh/OJQJh.h, 5>*OJQJhahpB5OJQJhkOJQJhr6OJQJhOJQJhXrOJQJhskOJQJhL:OJQJh.h, OJQJ#-Kd  Q ` 2 N  0`0gdR 8gd]0; pgdR gdl$a$gd, ^gd, ==I J 1 2 3 4 7 8 @ G M N O S X q s w ʾҶҫxph`hU`h.hugOJQJhugOJQJhOJQJh_z OJQJhd OJQJhOJQJhe OJQJh-h]0;OJQJh]0;OJQJhR OJQJh&]hR OJQJhOJQJh[B*OJQJphh@`OJQJh.hlOJQJh]0;OJQJh*#ZOJQJh.h, OJQJhoOJQJN O  ; q r  4 } bgdU#*gd@` bgdY P b^gdY Pgd : & p@ P !gdGw x y {     . 0 1 ݽݵ襝ݕݽݍݝ}umhtYOJQJhH/OJQJh}#OJQJhBOJQJhOJQJh4"YOJQJh, OJQJh%OJQJh OJQJhhcOJQJhe OJQJhlOJQJhOJQJhNOJQJh.h, OJQJhOJQJhoOJQJhYOJQJ'1 2 4 5 : ; @ K b g h j k p q r t v x y z ŽХtldtlt\tTthOJQJhe OJQJh}#OJQJh :OJQJh.h :OJQJh.h, OJQJhBOJQJh2.SOJQJh.h^WOJQJhiOJQJhoOJQJh OJQJhgOJQJh.hgOJQJhFOJQJhogOJQJhYOJQJh)OJQJhLjOJQJhzaOJQJ       , 3 4 6 | }  ʿ||qiaVaKhY PhhPOJQJh zMh zMOJQJh zMOJQJhOJQJhY PhY POJQJhU#*hY POJQJhU#*OJQJh@`OJQJhnOJQJhFzOJQJhWOJQJhzPOJQJhYOJQJh.h~OJQJh.h, OJQJhBOJQJh OJQJhR OJQJh.h :OJQJh :OJQJ      0 M ] ` ʺ|tld\TLhB OJQJhI&OJQJhbOJQJhY POJQJh:6OJQJh!4iOJQJhogOJQJh.h, OJQJhYOJQJhNOJQJh:OJQJhAOJQJhgh, OJQJh`OJQJhOJQJh[OJQJh OJQJh zMhhPOJQJhOJQJhY PhhPOJQJhhPOJQJ  ^ -m%V}~L gd$Hg bgd%! pgdxv] pgdVdE bgd b^gdY PgdQgd : ,/46Plmn}umueuZh>b hA^OJQJh);OJQJh}OJQJhA^OJQJhhOJQJhOJQJh7cOJQJhOJQJhpOJQJhQOJQJhGpOJQJhOJQJh:6OJQJh!4iOJQJh~OJQJh\ OJQJhOJQJhB OJQJhI&OJQJhmOJQJ#$%*UV[d|}~ȸ訜ynf^VhqJ=OJQJh/OJQJho9OJQJhwDh, OJQJh.h, OJQJh~OJQJhoOJQJhOJQJhAKB*OJQJphh^ OJQJhgOEOJQJhmOJQJh$HgOJQJh :OJQJh%!OJQJhOJQJhxv]OJQJh!4iOJQJh>OJQJhm89OJQJ-./K^qrs}}ume]UMUh OJQJhX/tOJQJhOJQJh/OJQJh, OJQJh#OJQJh1OJQJh)zOJQJhWOJQJh2aOJQJhwDh, OJQJh);OJQJhB OJQJhOJQJhOJQJhOJQJh/OJQJho9OJQJhXOJQJhuOJQJhqJ=OJQJhOJQJL ,T>~PQYZ#gdX#gd`#gdi{#gdF7sgdA pgd^ gd$Hg Z]Zgd$Hg #+BCbtuv./01<=ʺ§|tldh^ OJQJhkt)OJQJheOJQJhCh4OJQJhq/OJQJhV!lOJQJh/OJQJh/4OJQJhwDh, OJQJhqJ=OJQJhOJQJh2aOJQJhY3#OJQJh3hOJQJh3h3OJQJhX/tOJQJh3OJQJhOJQJ%=>B}~ºʲʢʊzodXLh%kCJOJQJaJhLKCJOJQJaJh :h :OJQJh :hOJQJh, OJQJhYOJQJhc3OJQJhoOJQJhOJQJh'_OJQJhw5zOJQJhbOJQJh~OJQJhAKOJQJh.h, OJQJh/OJQJhMhCOJQJhCOJQJhCOJQJhgOJQJ01OPQW0OZ`~X?Hbw)+ĸĠo`oNoooooo"h-hX5CJOJQJ\aJh-h-CJOJQJaJh-hX5CJOJQJaJh-hXCJOJQJaJ"h-hX5>*CJOJQJaJhs>CJOJQJaJh7N]CJOJQJaJhCJOJQJaJhi{CJOJQJaJhF7sCJOJQJaJhCJOJQJaJhGaCJOJQJaJhCJOJQJaJZPQ}~@AHIHYp$$Ifa$gd9opl $a$gd"_#gdt#gd##gd`#gdX+pGHIWXYZnopƺ{n^nTnFn<^hh"_>*aJhh"_>*OJQJaJh"_OJQJaJhh"_5>*OJQJaJhh"_OJQJaJhrh"_5OJQJh"_5OJQJhO5OJQJht5OJQJh+CJOJQJaJhtCJOJQJaJh"_CJOJQJaJhXpCJOJQJaJhWhi{CJOJQJaJh-hX5CJOJQJaJh-hXCJOJQJaJp$~$If]~a$gd9opl $$Ifa$gd9opl &,8 ! 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