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106 on February 4, 2002:}{\author Governance Office}{\operator Governance}{\creatim\yr2003\mo4\dy17\hr17\min1}{\revtim\yr2003\mo4\dy17\hr17\min1} {\printim\yr2003\mo4\dy8\hr10\min24}{\version2}{\edmins0}{\nofpages14}{\nofwords2951}{\nofchars16826}{\*\company Governance}{\nofcharsws20663}{\vern115}}\margb720 \widowctrl\ftnbj\aenddoc\hyphhotz0\sprstsp\otblrul\brkfrm\sprstsm\truncex\nolead\msmcap\lytprtmet\hyphcaps0\fracwidth\viewkind4\viewscale100\pgbrdrhead\pgbrdrfoot \fet0\sectd \sbknone\linex-32767\endnhere\sectdefaultcl {\*\pnseclvl1 \pnucrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl2\pnucltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl3\pndec\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl4\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl5 \pndec\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl6\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl7\pnlcrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl8\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl9\pnlcrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid {\f20 The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #115 on April 7, 2003: \par \par \par }{ \par RESOLUTION: \par ========== \par \par BE IT RESOLVED, That the UAF Faculty Senate ratifies the election of Abel Bult-Ito as President-Elect of the UAF Faculty Senate for 2003-2004 by affirmation. \par \par \par }{\f20 \par \par }{\page }{\f20 The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #115 on April 7, 2003: \par \par \par }\pard \qj\fi-720\li720\widctlpar\adjustright {RESOLUTION: \par ========= \par \par WHEREAS, Ron Illingworth has served the UAF Faculty Senate in numerous capacities, often in leadership roles, since 1988, and \par \par WHEREAS, Ron Illingworth, in service to the Faculty Senate, has made truly outstanding contributions to improving the academic quality of the university, and \par \par WHEREAS, Ron Illingworth has worked tirelessly for ALL UAF 成人影片, both urban and rural, through his Faculty Senate representation, and \par \par WHEREAS, Ron Illingworth has helped to make the UAF Faculty Senate a critical element in the retention of 成人影片 throughout UAF, and \par \par WHEREAS, Ron Illingworth has made major contributions to 成人影片' welfare, to faculty's ability to carry out their duties and responsibilities, and to the betterment of UAF as an institution of higher education, \par \par THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the UAF Faculty Senate recognize Ron Illingworth as Outstanding Senator of the Year for Academic Year 2002-2003. \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright { \par \par \page }{\f20 The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #115 on April 7, 2003: \par \par \par }{\cf1 MOTION: \par ====== \par \par The UAF Faculty Senate, upon recommendation of the Faculty Development Assessment, and Improvement Committee, moves to approve the following Faculty Mentoring Program Policy: \par \par \par }\pard\plain \s16\widctlpar\adjustright \cf1\cgrid {\f7 \tab \tab FACULTY MENTORING PROGRAM POLICY: \par \par \tab The Provost, in consultation with the Director of the Office of \par \tab Faculty Development, and the Faculty Development Assessment, \par \tab and Improvement Committee, will establish and implement a \par \tab comprehensive and effective Faculty Mentoring Program for \par \tab new/untenured faculty members no later than by the fall 2003 \par \tab semester. \par \par \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid {\cf1 \tab EFFECTIVE: \tab Immediately \par \par }\pard\plain \s16\widctlpar\adjustright \cf1\cgrid {\f7 \tab RATIONALE: \tab This Faculty Mentoring Program Policy will \par \tab \tab provide a framework for effective mentoring of \par \tab \tab new/untenured tenure-track faculty members. Currently, \par \tab \tab the mentoring of new/untenured faculty members is \par \tab \tab variable, from non-existent to effective. Too many \par \tab \tab new/untenured faculty members appear to receive \par \tab \tab inadequate mentoring, because guidelines and \par \tab \tab expectations for mentoring are not well developed. \par \tab \tab This policy remedies this situation. \par \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid {\f20 \par }\pard\plain \s16\widctlpar\adjustright \cf1\cgrid {\f7 \tab \tab \tab \tab * \par \page \par SUGGESTED GUIDELINES FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE FACULTY MENTORING PROGRAM POLICY: \par \par These guidelines are to be evaluated periodically for effectiveness by the Provost, the Director of the Office of Faculty Development, and the Faculty Development Assessment, and Improvement Committee, and adjusted whenever necessary: \par \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid {1.\tab New/untenured faculty members will be assigned (a) mentor(s) \par \tab by their dean/director during their first semester or as soon \par \tab as possible thereafter. \par 2.\tab The Office of Faculty Development hosts a luncheon or other \par \tab type of gathering for new/untenured faculty and their assigned \par \tab mentors each fall semester. Deans/directors are to strongly \par \tab encourage attendance at this meeting. Guidelines and \par \tab expectations for mentoring are discussed then. A Handbook on \par \tab Mentoring is given to each new/untenured faculty member. \par 3.\tab In addition to the fall semester activities, deans/directors seek \par \tab out senior faculty volunteer mentors who will be given Service \par \tab credit on their Workloads to meet at regular intervals with a \par \tab small group of new/untenured faculty in the spring semester. \par \tab Small groups of new/untenured faculty will be assigned to each \par \tab of these mentors depending on their discipline. Faculty members \par \tab are encouraged to seek out their mentor(s) of choice. \par 4.\tab A template of the Annual Activities Report is added to the \par \tab Orientation Kit for new/untenured faculty members so they \par \tab know what to expect at the end of the year. \par 5.\tab The senior mentors have examples of Annual Activities Reports \par \tab and Fourth Year Reviews to show to their groups of \par \tab new/untenured faculty members. \par 6.\tab Both mentors and mentees report on their meetings in their \par \tab Annual Activities Report. A section is added to the online Annual \par \tab Activities Report template for this information. Also a section \par \tab be included in the Narrative about mentoring meetings. \par 7.\tab A training workshop is offered in fall for all mentors. \par 8.\tab The individual and/or group mentor(s) assist(s) the \par \tab new/untenured faculty members with preparation of the Annual \par \tab Activities Report up to the fourth year review. \par 9.\tab At the dean/director level, a list of new/untenured faculty \par \tab members and their mentors is maintained.}{\cf1 \par 10.\tab Untenured faculty members are encouraged to maintain an \par \tab effective mentoring relationship through their tenure and \par \tab promotion review. \par \par }{\page }{\f20 \par The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #115 on April 7, 2003: \par \par \par }{MOTION: \par ====== \par \par The UAF Faculty Senate moves to amend the administrator review guidelines (passed at Meeting #99, February 5, 2001) to establish a timeline and process for Group "B" administrators and to add Director of the Museum to the Group "B" list. \par \par \par \tab EFFECTIVE: \tab Immediately \par \par \tab RATIONALE: \tab The current administrator evaluation process \par \tab \tab defined two groups of administrators, Group "A" and \par \tab \tab Group "B". Group "A" administrators are being reviewed \par \tab \tab by the established process. However the Group "B" review \par \tab \tab process was not well defined in the original motion. Under \par \tab \tab this motion, the process for Group "B" administrators is \par \tab \tab less involved than for Group "A", and relies on the Faculty \par \tab \tab Appeals and Oversight committee to run the process. \par \tab \tab The Director of the Museum is at the same administrative \par \tab \tab level as other Group "B" administrators but was not \par \tab \tab included on the original list and should be included in the \par \tab \tab review process. \par \par \par }{\f20 \par }{\tab \tab \tab \tab **** \par \par \page \par Process for Evaluation of Group "B" Administrators \par \par Campus/Program Directors i n Group "B" (as listed below) are to be reviewed annually by their immediate Supervisor. On July 1st, Group "B" Directors shall submit a report/evaluation form to their Supervisor on the previous year's activities/accomplishments and include goals for th e upcoming year. The performance of the Director under review shall be ranked 'Satisfactory' or 'Unsatisfactory'. \par \par On a 4-year cycle the evaluation shall be more extensive. By October 15 the Campus/Program Director being reviewed will submit a vita, posit ion description, brief self-evaluation and past annual evaluations to the Faculty Appeals and Oversight Committee (FAOC), who will conduct the review. The FAOC may form a subcommittee or subcommittees of 3 or more faculty from FAOC to conduct the review and report back to the committee as a whole. If appropriate, a staff member from the Campus/Program Director's unit may be added to the subcommittee. \par \par The FAOC shall set procedures for soliciting input from all relevant constituencies on- and off- campus i ncluding faculty, staff and 成人影片 based on the Director's performance during the previous three years. This will be accomplished through a standard questionnaire completed anonymously and returned to the Ad Hoc Director Review Committee chair and thro ugh interviews with a select sample of faculty, staff, 成人影片 and relevant others, if appropriate, and may include an interview with the administrator being reviewed.}{\i \par }{ \par The FAOC will prepare an evaluative summary, and submit its report to the Director's Supervisor by March 1. \par \par At a date to be determined by the Supervisor of the Director under review, the Supervisor shall meet in joint conference with the Faculty Appeals & Oversight Committee to share his/her preliminary evaluation of the Director under rev iew. The Supervisor will then complete the review process. \par \par Supervisory Administrators may add additional administrators to this review list (for review in the 2007-2008 cycle), with approval from the Faculty Senate. \par \par \page Review Cycle: Every four years beginning with: \par \par 2003-2004 \par \tab \tab Director, Geophysical Institute \par \tab \tab Director, Interior-Aleutian Campus \par \tab \tab Director, Institute for Northern Engineering \par \tab \tab Director, Cooperative Extension Service \par \tab \tab Director, University of 成人影片 Museum \par \par 2004-2005 \par \tab \tab Director, Institute of Arctic Biology \par \tab \tab Director, Bristol Bay Campus \par \tab \tab Director, Tanana Valley Campus \par \tab \tab Director of Fisheries Division, Juneau \par \tab \tab Director, International Arctic Research Center \par \par 2005-2006 \par \tab \tab Director, Institute of Marine Science \par \tab \tab Director, Chukchi Campus \par \tab \tab Director of Library \par \tab \tab Director, Northwest Campus \par \tab \tab Program Chairman, Marine Advisory Program \par \par 2007-2008 \par \tab \tab Director, Kuskokwim Campus \par \tab \tab Director, Fishery Industrial Technology Center, Kodiak \par \tab \tab Director, Arctic Region Supercomputer Center \par \tab \tab Director, Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station \par \par }{\f20 \par }{\page }{\f20 \par The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #115 on April 7, 2003: \par \par \par }{MOTION REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE: \par ============================== \par \par \par MOTION: \par ====== \par \par The UAF Faculty Senate moves to approve the Unit Criteria for the School of Management. \par \par \par \tab EFFECTIVE: \tab Immediately \par \tab \tab \tab \tab Upon Chancellor Approval \par \par \tab RATIONALE: \tab The School of Management (SOM) has \par \tab \tab developed Unit Criteria which set very specific standards \par \tab \tab for promotion and tenure. The proposed criteria were \par \tab \tab submitted by the SOM Dean with approval of a majority \par \tab \tab of SOM faculty. The Unit Criteria proposal incorporates \par \tab \tab minor changes in format and wording requested by the \par \tab \tab committee. The resulting criteria have been found to be \par \tab \tab consistent with UAF guidelines. \par \par }{\f20 \par \par }{\page }{\f20 \par The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #115 on April 7, 2003: \par \par \par }{MOTION REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE: \par ============================== \par \par }{\f20 \par }{\cf1 MOTION: \par ====== \par \par The UAF Faculty Senate, upon recommendation of the Faculty Affairs Committee, moves to approve the following Spousal Hiring Policy: \par \par \par \tab EFFECTIVE: \tab Immediately \par \par }\pard\plain \s16\widctlpar\adjustright \cf1\cgrid {\f7 \tab RATIONALE: \tab Currently, UAF does not have a policy by \par \tab \tab which all tenure-track faculty candidates and their \par \tab \tab academic spouse/partner are treated equally across \par \tab \tab different departments/academic units. This situation \par \tab \tab results in ad hoc decisions about hiring decisions of a \par \tab \tab spouse/partner that vary substantially among units and \par \tab \tab can be perceived as unfair to the candidate, the \par \tab \tab spouse/partner, the faculty member seeking a retention \par \tab \tab offer, or the receiving department/academic unit. This \par \tab \tab Spousal Hiring Policy will provide guidelines for the hiring of \par \tab \tab spouses/partners of new tenure-track faculty members, \par \tab \tab or those who seek a retention offer, that are transparent, \par \tab \tab include all parties involved, and treat all candidates and \par \tab \tab their spouses/partners equally. To be able to hire and \par \tab \tab retain the best faculty, UAF also needs to recognize the \par \tab \tab importance of accommodating dual-career couples. \par \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid {\f20 \par }\pard\plain \s16\widctlpar\adjustright \cf1\cgrid {\f7 \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid {\page }{\f20 \par \par The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #115 on April 7, 2003: \par \par \par }{MOTION POSTPONED: \par =============== \par \par MOTION: \par ====== \par \par The UAF Faculty Senate, upon recommendation of the Faculty Affairs Committee and the Ad Hoc Committee on Classified Research, moves to approve a UAF Policy on Classified and Proprietary Research as follows. \par \par \tab EFFECTIVE: \tab Immediately \par \par \tab RATIONALE: \tab BOR Policy P10.07.02 specifies that the \par \tab \tab university may engage in classified research, subject to \par \tab \tab approval of the Chancellor, but no procedures or guidelines \par \tab \tab are in place for faculty review and advice on such \par \tab \tab contracts. The suggested guidelines provide for oversight \par \tab \tab and faculty review of classified and proprietary research \par \tab \tab contracts while honoring ongoing agreements with \par \tab \tab university constituents. \par \par \par \tab \tab \tab \tab \par \page \par }{\b UAF Policy Concerning Classified and Proprietary Research \par }{ \par \par This statemen t of policy and procedures addresses the issues of whether and, if so, under what conditions, classified and proprietary research should be conducted at the University. The goal of this policy is to establish a rigorous procedure guaranteeing that any cla ssified or proprietary research be conducted in a responsible and ethical manner consistent with the mission of the University of 成人影片 Fairbanks. \par \par The conduct of classified research restricts participation of 成人影片 and limits faculty who work on such r esearch. The results of classified research may not be contained in theses nor used for faculty review or advancement. The University seeks a policy, in principle, of complete disclosure of research activities and sources of funds. \par \par At times, freedom of d iscourse and dissemination might conflict with the greater, immediate needs of society. Research funded by industrial organizations may involve patent applications that require a short delay of publication of a thesis resulting from that research. Faculty members may also wish to act as consultants on classified research projects not involving the use of university facilities. \par \par For reasons such as the above, proposals to conduct classified and proprietary research will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the University campus chancellor and the UAF Faculty Research Oversight Committee, with disclosure to the University Faculty Senate, following the guidelines set forth below. \par \par Definitions \par \par }{\ul Classified Research}{: Research that has a security classification established by a federal agency. \par \par Various agencies of the federal government may designate some federally sponsored research project, either all or a portion of a particular project, as Top Secret, Secret, or Confidential. Under the terms of this policy, re search projects so designated are considered classified. \par \par }{\ul Proprietary Research}{: Industrially sponsored proprietary research for which the sponsor requires a delay in publication of the results after submission of the final report. \par \par }\pard\plain \s17\widctlpar\adjustright \cgrid {\b\f7 \par GUIDELINES ON NEGOTIATING CLASSIFIED AND PROPRIETARY RESEARCH CONTRACTS OR ACTIVITIES}{\f7 \par \par \par }\pard\plain \s18\widctlpar\adjustright \f1\cgrid {\f7 1.\tab The University will under no circumstances enter into any agreement or contract for which the direct primary purpose of the research or application of the results is the destruction of hu man life or harm to humans. The University will undertake only those contracts and activities that do not compromise the safety and/or well-being of 成人影片ns and that honor existing agreements with the diverse peoples of 成人影片. \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid { \par 2.\tab The University will make every reasonable effort to keep classified information and activities separate from the normal academic functions of the University. \par \par 3.\tab No thesis that may not be published because it contains federally classified or proprietary information will be accepted toward fulfillment of the requirements for an advanced degree. \par \par 4.\tab For proprietary research, the University will not enter into or renew any contract or accept any grant that prohibits the open publication or dissemination of research results within a reasonable period, typically (and expected to be) no more than 60 days or a period negotiated at the time of the contract initiation. \par \par 5.\tab No University courses given for credit shall be classified in any part. \par \par 6.\tab The University will not accept any contract that cannot be publicly acknowledged. The University will maintain an open record of all classified and proprietary research contracts. \par \par 7.\tab The University will permit the participation of faculty members in classified research of their choice by means o f normal consulting arrangements or leaves of absence without pay. Faculty shall not use classified research work in consideration for tenure, promotion, or post-tenure review. \par \par 8.\tab Any unique security costs associated with classified or proprietary research will be borne by the unit within which the contract is sponsored. \par \par 9.\tab The University will supply a Facilities Security Officer to ensure the compliance of all classified agreements with the law. \par \par 10.\tab A Faculty Research Oversight Committee, elected from e ach unit (college, school and institute) for staggered 2 year terms, and confirmed by the Faculty Senate, shall review all classified and proprietary proposals, grants and contracts to advise the chancellor of their compliance or lack thereof with univers ity policy. The committee shall consist of members elected from the pool of faculty who are qualified to be members of the senate. Committee membership must broadly represent the university community with no more than 1 member being from the same unit. \par \par 11.\tab The committee will offer changes to this policy as needed through periodic reviews occurring no less than once every 5 years. \par \par \par }{\ul Basic Principles \par }{ \par The UAF mission statement proclaims that the University of 成人影片 Fairbanks is \ldblquote the nation\rquote s northernmost L and, Sea and Space Grant university and international research center, [which] advances and disseminates knowledge through creative teaching, research and public service with an emphasis on 成人影片, the North and their diverse peoples\rdblquote (BOR Policy 10.01.03) . Through exercising the fulfillment of that mission, the University has enabled relationships with government and industry presenting intellectual and professional opportunities to faculty and 成人影片 that they would not otherwise have. Concomitant with the open and full pursuit of that mission comes our understanding that the pursuit of knowledge must be tempered by ethical obligations to society; hence our concern with an ethical approach to permitting classified and proprietary research on campus. \par }\pard\plain \s17\widctlpar\adjustright \cgrid {\f7 \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid {The purpose of academic research in the University is the education of 成人影片, at all levels, and the generation of new knowledge. It is important that the University undertake research of high quality and originality. Ongoing research strengthens the Un iversity in a variety of ways: \par *\tab through the stimulation of creative and intellectual \par \tab investigation by faculty and 成人影片, \par *\tab through the discovery and dissemination of new knowledge \par \tab that benefits society, \par *\tab through participation in a learning process that is unique \par \tab to research and creative investigation, \par *\tab through transmission of new knowledge to 成人影片 in \par \tab the classroom. \par \par \par }{\ul \page Obligation \par }{ \par The university guarantees each member of the academic community the freedom to inquire and affirms the right of e ach member to access to all available information in his or her field. A basic function of the University is to carry out research in an open and unrestricted manner with complete freedom to publish or otherwise disseminate the results of its search for k nowledge. The requirements of secrecy and restrictions on freedom to publish, which are inherent in security classification or the restrictions on dissemination which derive from proprietary rights of privately sponsored research, are in direct oppositio n to this function. \par }\pard\plain \s17\widctlpar\adjustright \cgrid {\f7 \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid { Exercising this function does not, however, prohibit self-imposed restrictions based on the professional ethics of a particular discipline. It also does not prohibit the existence of classified information to reside on campus such as so metimes arises, for instance, in connection with consulting work. This policy is directed towards maintaining a separation between classified information and the teaching and research functions of the University.}{\kerning28 \par }{ \par The review process for classified and proprietary research proposals shall be as follows: \par \par \tab * The Faculty Oversight Committee shall use a checklist to determine if a project requires formal review. \par \tab * The Faculty Oversight Committee shall review classified or proprietary proposals and offer recommendations to the chancellor in an expedited fashion. \par \tab * The Faculty Oversight Committee will publish a report on the status of classified and proprietary contracts, grants and proposals to the UAF Faculty Senate on an annual basis. \par \tab * The Faculty Oversight Committee should include faculty representation (see above), a person from the Office of Sponsored Research, the Facilities Safety Officer, and a designee of the Chancellor. \par \par \par }{\f20 \par }}