ࡱ> MOL%` 2bjbjٕ .4(     ` ` ` t 8$Dt ++t("!!!*******$,hE/*` !!!"!!*  *&$&$&$!j  8*&$!*&$&$t)h H &*h \""):F*d*0++*/"/ &*/` &* &$!!!**#^!!!++!!!!t t t dt t t t t t        Peer Observation Worksheet for Seminar Teaching Pre-observation The peer observer and the instructor should meet in advance of the date of the class that will be evaluated to discuss the goals of the course and of the specific class period. The observer and the instructor should both be familiar with the evaluation worksheet before the observation takes place. The instructor may request that the observer pay particular attention to certain aspects of his/her teaching. This process is meant to be a partnership and a positive experience, which provides useful information to the instructor. The observation is to remain confidential between the observer and the instructor unless the instructor chooses to disclose the observers comments. Observation 1. INTRODUCTION Suggested considerations: How does the session start? Is a topic introduced, are objectives stated, or is an agenda created? Does the instructor establish a climate of mutual respect and the appropriate intellectual level? Is there a sense of cohesiveness? What does the instructor do to gain attention and motivate ӰƬ to participate? Comments: 2. GROUP PROCESS MANAGEMENT A. ACTIVE PARTICIPATION OF STUDENTS Is active participation and group interaction encouraged? Does the instructor stimulate interest in the topic? What is the quality of the questions? Do they clarify and stimulate thought? Is there time for reflection (e.g., small silences)? How many ӰƬ speak? Is the discussion dominated by a few individuals? Does the instructor defend ӰƬ' right to take unpopular stances? Do any or all ӰƬ appear to be withdrawn from the discussion? What were the most energetic moments? And what were the most listless? B. RESPONSIVENESS OF INSTRUCTOR Does the instructor exhibit enthusiasm? Does the instructor respond to ӰƬ' signals (verbal, nonverbal)? Does the instructor listen attentively to what ӰƬ are asking or telling? Does the instructor respond to questions raised by ӰƬ or elicit a response from the group? If the instructor talks a lot, why do you think this is? Does the instructor invite/encourage ӰƬnon-verbally (e.g. gestures, facial expressions, nodding, smiling, etc.)? Does the instructor pressure ӰƬ or put anyone on the spot? Does the instructor show appropriate humility (i.e. allowӰƬ to shine and share their discoveries)? C. FOCUS OF DISCUSSION How does a topic emerge? Who is responsible for its emergence? Does the instructor keep the discussion on track? Does the instructor summarize key ideas periodically? Who initiates changes of direction? Are these always initiated by the instructor? Is there a sense of spontaneity? D. STUDENT PREPAREDNESS How does the instructor deal with differences in preparedness for the class? How did the instructor handle interruption by latecomers? Irrelevant observations? Students without copies of the text? Those who hadnt done the preparation? Reluctance to carry out a specified task? E. PACING OF DISCUSSION What did you notice about the pace of the seminar? How does the instructor deal with the multiple pacing needs of the ӰƬ? Comments: 3. CONCLUSION Does the instructor summarize key concepts? Is new material introduced? Does s/he provide closure or stimulate further thought ? Did something "happen" in the classroom? Comments: 4. STRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT Was the learning task appropriately adapted to the group size? What kind of resources (visuals, handouts, cases, demonstrations) were used to promote discussion and interaction? Was the physical environment arranged to facilitate learning? Comments: 5. OVERALL a. STRENGTHS: (e.g. encourages active participation by, positive feedback, encourages non-verbal actions, keeps discussion on track, allows ӰƬ to shine, etc.) b. Suggestions for Improvement: (e.g. give time for reflection, work on your non-verbal communication, make sure discussion is not dominated by few ӰƬ, etc.) Observation Notes TimeObservationsImpressions/Questions POST-OBSERVATION The observer will provide the instructor with specific, constructive suggestions and answers all questions. Misunderstandings concerning the observations made by the observer and the recollections of the instructor should be discussed and resolved before the observer provides the faculty member with the final report. Confidentiality is paramount throughout the entire process. SOURCES The above draft adapted ideas from the following sources: "The Art of Discussion Leading: a class with Chris Christensen." Includes classroom scenes, reflections on teaching by Professor Christensen, and interviews with participants. VHS, 30 min. A checklist for peer observation form The Higher Education Academy English Subject Centre, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey:  HYPERLINK "http://www.english.heacademy.ac.uk/explore/resources/seminars/checklist.php"http://www.english.heacademy.ac.uk/explore/resources/seminars/checklist.php A peer observation form used at the University of Washington School of Dentistry:  HYPERLINK "http://www.dental.washington.edu/departments/restorative/pdfs/resources/PeerEvalSmSeminar2009-0425.pdf"http://www.dental.washington.edu/departments/restorative/pdfs/resources/PeerEvalSmSeminar2009-0425.pdf     PAGE  PAGE 4   PAGE 4 0 $ _ i k r {PR=MRay!s_,dLW^w02۲Ӡ𜘑 hehehehs[hehs[;\hehs[6hehs[6]_H nH tH !hehs[B*_H nH phtH hehs[\hehs[_H nH tH hehs[5 hehs[hehs[>*701AB $ _ ` k l m n o p q r 1$ & F & F7$$1 # p 8{ R=aby & F 1$gds[ & F1$gds[ & Fh1$^h`!s_`jklmnopqr7$1$ & F1$gds[ & Fh1$^h`,-789:;<=>[\LMWXYZ7$ & F7$ & F & F hh^h` & F hh7$^h`Z[\]^i$G$Ifl QJ7$^7$><Xkd$$If`F~@"w K    4a$G$Ifl QJVkd$$IfF~@"w K    4a"&h]hgds[ &&`#$gds[^"#{|} $%+,-.12㨤he0JmHnHu hs[0Jjhs[0JUhs[jhs[Uj[hehs[Uhehs[\_H nH tH hehs[0JjRhehs[U hehs[jhehs[Uhehs[_HtH, !"#$/012&&h]h &&`#$gds[ ,1h/ =!"#$% $$If!vh55w 5K#v#vw #vK:V 55w 5K/ / / / 4 a$$If!vh55w 5K#v#vw #vK:V `55w 5K/ / / 4 a DyK yK http://www.english.heacademy.ac.uk/explore/resources/seminars/checklist.php?DyK yK http://www.dental.washington.edu/departments/restorative/pdfs/resources/PeerEvalSmSeminar2009-0425.pdf+d@d Normal$*$1$A$a$+B*OJQJCJmH sH PJ^JaJ_HtHDA@D Default Paragraph FontZi@Z  Table Normal :V 4 l4a _H(k(No List 2O2 WW8Num1z0OJQJ2O2 WW8Num2z0OJQJ2O2 WW8Num3z0OJQJ2O!2 WW8Num4z0OJQJJO1J Absatz-Standardschriftart2OA2 WW8Num1z1OJQJ2OQ2 WW8Num1z2OJQJ2Oa2 WW8Num2z1OJQJ2Oq2 WW8Num2z2OJQJ2O2 WW8Num3z1OJQJ2O2 WW8Num3z2OJQJ2O2 WW8Num4z1OJQJ2O2 WW8Num4z2OJQJDA@D Default Paragraph Font.)@. 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