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The requirements for specific majors are not being changed so the quality of existing programs is not being lowered. Historically, the interdisciplinary program has been used to provide a path for those ӰƬ who have in excess of 120 credit hours, have satisfied Core requirements and residency and 39 upper division credit requirements but do not have a collection of courses that fit any established program. While it has often been cumbersome to piece together an interdisciplinary program and establish a committee late in the ӰƬ career this has been done. However, this path has only been used for those ӰƬ who learned about it or guided to it by the few advisors who knew this could be done. We expect additional ӰƬ could benefit from a degree completion program like the one proposed. With one of the lowest graduation rates in the nation, UAF should seriously consider a degree completion program. Students who have used the interdisciplinary degree as a pathway for degree completion in the past have been of the three following types in order of prevalence: 1) Students have transferred from other institutions with a substantial number of credits in a major not offered by UAF. By completing our Core, residency, and upper division requirements this proposal would allow an efficient degree completion path for these ӰƬ. 2) Some ӰƬ encounter gateway courses in their major. They make multiple attempts to complete the requirement but continue to fail. For example, in the mathematics program ӰƬ commonly struggle with Abstract Algebra (MATH 405) and/or Advanced Calculus (MATH 401) in their senior year. These ӰƬ typically have completed all the other university requirements for a baccalaureate degree but will not earn a degree in mathematics. This proposal provides a path for degree completion for such ӰƬ. The proposed program requires 130 credits, in part, so that ӰƬ are encouraged to complete any degree they initially declared. 3) Occasionally, a student has a personality conflict with the sole faculty member teaching a major requirement course that prohibits completion of the students original educational goal. This proposal provides such ӰƬ a path for degree completion. Proposed Requirements: The UAF interdisciplinary program provides flexibility to ӰƬ who have well-defined goals that do not fit into one of the established majors offered by the university.two tracks for ӰƬ; first, programs with well-defined interdisciplinary goals that do not fit into established majors and second, a general studies degree completion option. The program for well-defined goals is available to undergraduate and graduate ӰƬ (see page 203 for graduate information). Interdisciplinary studies, for both graduate and undergraduate programs, are administered by located in the Graduate School office. Help with the application process, contact information for faculty advisors and assistance for interdisciplinary ӰƬ is available at 907-474-7716 or see  HYPERLINK "http://www.uaf.edu/gradsch/general/degrees/INDS/" www.uaf.edu/gradsch/general/degrees/INDS/. Interdisciplinary Goals Option Students may submit a proposal for an interdisciplinary program after completing 15 credits at UAF as long as they have at least 30 credits remaining in the proposed degree program. The proposed curriculum must differ significantly from established degree programs at UAF and will require evidence that the necessary facilities and faculty are available to ensure an approximation of a normal undergraduate degree. All general requirements for the B.A., B.S. or B.T. degree must be met. In developing an interdisciplinary proposal, the student should specify the degree (B.A., B.S. or B.T.), include an explanation of how the proposed program differs substantially from established UAF programs, and include a discussion showing that current UAF resources are adequate to meet the requirements of the proposed program. (A minimum of two disciplines is required for the interdisciplinary degree.) The student then obtains an advisory committee of at least three faculty members from the appropriate disciplines and holds at least one formal meeting with the full committee to review the proposal. The committee will appoint a chair, review the proposed program, select a degree title in concert with the student and make its recommendation. Applicants then submit to the vice provost Dean of the Graduate School their proposal for the program they wish to pursue, specifying the degree, proposed curriculum work sheet and rationale. The degree is awarded through the school or college of the chair of the committee, subject to approval by the vice provostDean of the Graduate School. Students interested in pursuing an undergraduate interdisciplinary degree can contact the Office of the Graduate School and Interdisciplinary Programs for help in finding faculty advisors and developing their curriculum proposal. B.A., B.S. or B.T. degree Contact the UAF Office of the Graduate School and Interdisciplinary Programs for materials and procedures. Contact three faculty members to serve as the interdisciplinary studies committee. Prepare rationale/justification letter. Conduct committee meeting to finalize degree proposal, title of degree and assessment plan. Submit proposal to appropriate dean for approval. Submit to the vice provost Dean of the Graduate School approval. Minimum credits required130 credits General Studies Degree Completion Option (may not be used as a double major) Students may not declare this major until they have accumulated at least 100 credits. B.A., B.S. or B.T. degree Contact the UAF Office of the Graduate School and Interdisciplinary Programs for materials and procedures. Prepare and submit a rationale/justification letter Three faculty members serving in the Academic Advising Center or at Rural Campuses will serve as the degree completion interdisciplinary studies committee. Prepare rationale/justification letter explaining the need for the degree completion program. Conduct committee meeting to finalize degree proposal. Submit to the Dean of the Graduate School for final approval. Complete all the requirements for the baccalaureate program including Completing the Core curriculum Completing the residency requirement Completing 39 upper division credits Completing the PRAXIS I pre-professional skills test. This test should be completed when Core requirements are satisfied but may be taken the last semester in the program. Minimum credits required130 credits 89Liklm o ^ _ ` klnķxk[kNx@5h c5OJQJaJhn'hn'5OJQJaJh9d}hn'CJOJQJh9d}h9d}5CJOJQJ\h9d}h9d}CJOJQJh9d}OJQJaJh9d}h9d}5OJQJaJh cOJQJaJhn'h7Y=CJOJQJhn'h c5CJOJQJ\hn'h cCJOJQJh~hOJQJaJh)x5OJQJh7Y=h5OJQJhk5OJQJhkhk5CJOJQJaJ89kln o _ ` ./klmndd[$\$gdn'l 7$8$H$gd9d} 7$8$H$gd c 7$8$H$gd{X $7$8$H$a$gdkr%1 1% !!!I"""䙯ttt`RRhn'hn'>*CJOJQJ&hn'hn'5CJOJQJ\^JaJhn'hn'7CJOJQJ^J(hn'hn'>*B*CJOJQJ^Jph+jhn'hn'CJOJQJU^J%jhn'hn'CJOJQJU^J"hn'hn'5CJOJQJ\^Jhn'hn'>*CJOJQJ^Jhn'hn'CJOJQJ^Jhn'hn'CJOJQJ B(C ) !!!l!m!!!!1$7$8$gdn'l & Fdd7$8$[$\$gdn'ldd[$\$gdn'l!"#z###5$T$y$$K%L%q%r% 7$8$H$gd ch1$7$8$^hgdn'l & F1$7$8$gdn'l & Fdd7$8$[$\$gdn'l "B#y##4$5$K%p%q%r%hn'hn'5OJQJaJhn'hn'CJOJQJ^Jhn'hn'>*CJOJQJhn'hn'>*CJOJQJ^J ,1h/ =!"#$% DyK yK bhttp://www.uaf.edu/gradsch/general/degrees/INDS/D@D "NormalCJOJQJ_HmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRi@R  Table Normal4 l4a (k@(No Liste@ "HTML Preformatted7 2( Px 4 #\'*.25@9B*CJOJQJ^JphH@H k Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJr4t0wwjw.89klno_`./k l m n B(C)lmz5TyKLqt000000000000000000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 tJ00 J00wwjw."r%!r%r%rXl,b$hl=^_8N*:W@0(  B S  ?rIdiIIt2Idh I\IICompObjq  FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q