ࡱ> @B?{ bjbjzz 4$  zzzzz$222222224F7t2z2zz2zz22._1˲#/w2202/774_1_1l7z122"27  @:  Curric Affairs Committee 18 March 2013 AGENDA 9-10 am Reichardt 301 1-800-893-8850 Participants' PIN: 1109306 Convener's PIN (Rainer): 1109371 1. APPROVE MINUTES OF 25 Febr 2. NEW BUSINESS: Document from GERC (enclosed) + DISCUSSION (J. Rosenberg) KEY QUESTION FROM GERC: WHATS THE NEXT STEP? RJNs proposal: clarify some key issues relative to what this would imply about changes in the core curriculum 1. with regards to Communication: Would the 3 credit multimedia communications course replace Comm 131/141 or would it be in addition to Comm 131/141? Alternatively, would the 3 credit multimedia communications course serve instead of the O+W requirement or would it be in addition to the O + W requirement? 2. With regards to Civic Engagement, is this envisioned as a course (but with multiple options) similar to the current required perspectives courses (e.g., equivalent to Hist 100x) or is it instead envisioned as instead something equivalent to the current ethics requirement? If the former, would it really fit in the BOR definition of the required GE social sciences courses (broad survey courses which provide the student with exposure to the theory, methods, and data of the social sciences)? 3. Same questions as above regarding intercultural Knowledge and Competence. Can this also be reasonably included in the category of broad survey courses which provide the student with exposure to the theory, methods, and data of the social sciences? 4. Although no specific mention has been made of such in the document, past discussions suggest that GERC favors replacing the current perspectives requirements by some combination of the above two + a wide variety of CLA courses that satisfy BOR minimum requirements for soc sci/hum. Is this the case? If so, would History fall under general humanities (as specified by BOR regulations) or would it fall under social science (as it does for the BA requirements)? 5. BOR minimum requirements are for 15 credits of soc sci/hum, including 3 credits of art, 3 of general humanities, 6 of soc sci, and 3 unspecified. The GERC document instead calls for 6 credits of general humanities. How strongly is GERC committed to overriding the BOR minimum requirements in this case? 6. The faculty poll of October 2013 indicated a desire to decrease the total number of required core credits to a number closer to the the BOR minimum of 34. In what ways do the proposed conform to that desire? 7. One version of current vs. new core requirements is given below, based on the document provided (and ambiguities). We would like GERC to supply their version. Current TENTATIVELY PROPOSED (??) Engl 111 (3) Engl 111 equiv (3) Engl 211/213 (3) Engl 211/213 equiv (3) Comm 131/141 (3) ???Integrated written, oral, visual (3) ??? Soc/Anth 100x (3) 2 survey social science courses in 2 different fields (6) Econ 100x or PS 100x (3) New intercultural course (3) Hist 100x (3) (BOR indicates HIST is hum not ss) Engl/FL 200x (3) 1 survey course in Phil, FL, Lit, Art, or Hist (3) ART/MUS/THR 200x or HUM 201 Or ANS 202x (3) 1 survey course in visual/performing arts (3) 2 semesters of lab science (8) 1 semester of lab science + 3 credit Q class (7) 1 college math class (3) unchanged (3) Ethics (3) New Civic Engagement course (3) 2 W + 1 O class (integrated into major) unchanged?? ӰƬn Emphasis course (integrated into major?) Capstone experience (integrated into major) 3. OLD BUSINESS: NEW BA IN Secondary Education -- DISCUSSION W/ G. 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