ࡱ> CEB#` bjbjmm 40(((((((< $ <Vh0 0 0 0 0 $h& ( ((0 0 %%%(0 (0 %%%r T(( 0 $ pwxt F]&0Vk$!L$! $!(  LW 6% , *  V<<<@ <<<@ <<<(((((( Curricular Affairs Committee 10/5/2010 proposed Minutes Present: Anita Hughes, Dave Valentine, Rainer Newberry, Carrie Baker, Libby Eddy (phone), Carol Lewis, Dana Thomas, Rajive Ganguli, Anthony Arendt, Donald Crocker, Linda Hapsmith, Jungho Baek, Jayne Harvie (phone) 1. Request for someone else to take minutes of the meetings. Libby E. volunteered for the next meeting. Rainer and Jayne will attempt to do so today. 2. Revisions & Approval of previous meeting minutes: Minutes from 9/21 meeting were approved as amended. Amendments: added Rajive Ganguli to the list of those present, and removed Mike Earnest who was not present. 3. Discussion of the re-re-revised suggested membership for the new-and-improved core revision committee. The pros and cons of proposed representation were discussed at length. But, it was agreed that all schools and colleges should be represented on the subcommittee because the Baccalaureate Core affects all of them, as well as all ӰƬ. As a result, some changes were made to the list on the proposal hand-out. Revised version is as follows: Dave Valentine, SNRAS + Curricular Affairs Carrie Baker, CLA (Arts) + Curricular Affairs CLA (English) + Core Review CLA (Communications ) could be Core Review SOM rep with particular regards to social sciences as well as SOM per se CNSM (Math) (Latrice Laughlin? (Core Review experience) or Jill Faudree? (ditto) CNSM (Science) (Mike Harris? Or Diane Wagner?) Was on core revitalization is CNSM curric review representative Student representative CEM suggest RAJIVE GANGULI SOE (School of Education) possibly current member of curric review committee SFOScurrent member of curric review committee? -- CRCD (AA/AS + 2 bacc) presumably a member of SADA Dana Thomas ex officio Linda Hapsmith exofficio VOTING MEMBER Mike Earnest ex officio TOTAL: 13 voting members We agreed that this proposal would be reviewed with Jon Dehn and Cathy Cahill. To finalize membership on the subcommittee, letters will be sent to each of the deans, providing names (as reflected above, in some cases) along with criteria for selection. The charge to the subcommittee needs to be written, which includes soliciting input on proposing new intended learning outcomes for a revised Core. Their second charge will be crafting the actual revised Core. Goal over the next two weeks is to finalize the membership list. 4. Report from the 2.0 = C Grading Policy subcommittee: Dave V. reported on the subcommittees meeting yesterday afternoon. Anita Hughes, Nicole Carvajal (student), Rainer Newberry and he were present at the meeting. Students and faculty need to be educated on what the use of +/- grades mean with regard to C grades in ones major, for the degree overall, and for Core courses. One means is to include a clear statement in the Syllabus Requirements list (by motion to the Senate). Another means is to have deans provide the information to all faculty in their units. Students could be provided written notification of the grading policy in all their classes. Rainer creatively suggested use of the electronic T&T sign at the main campus entrance, clearly a popular idea until the possibility of creating traffic jams (and hence, office of safety intervening) killed it. Page 47 of the UAF Catalog needs revision, so that the GPA calculation example (Table 10) includes + grades. Also, in the table of Grade Points per Credit, the C- should be explained. Another suggested motion is to request the Board of Regents give more points weight to the grade of A+ than an A grade, since use of + grades brings down the overall GPA calculation. Someone asked if Banner allows this calculation. Anita said she would look into it. A motion is needed to standardize transfer credit, including the bringing in of + grades from outside ӰƬ. One possibility is that D- counts toward the total number of credits toward a baccalaureate degree, but not toward a major, or for passing a Core course. Dana expressed concern relative to accreditation. Standardizing across the MAUs also needs to be addressed. (hahahah). An alternative to lowering the bar for credit transfers outside of UA is to internally raise the bar. In particular, change the situation so that a minimum grade of C- is required for any core (X) class. Rainer was volunteered to craft motions for the next CAC meeting, with the goal of taking these before the Faculty Senate in November. Anita has sent a request to PAIR to find out how the change to + grading has affected GPAs overall since the policy change. 5. New business: (referred to CAC from the Curriculum Review committee.) Background of issue: A UAF trial course was proposed that is meant primarily for high school ӰƬ. Several others are in the works. The question: should such a course be given a 100-level course number? (That is, should we essentially admit that 100-level UAF courses are high school level?) Based on email conversations with Dana Thomas, Rainer crafted the following: 'UAF courses that are designed primarily for high school ӰƬ can receive a 1xx course number if the course prerequisites include HS GPA > 2.5 and completion of > 3/4 of high school core curriculum (the AHEAD admission criteria).' Libby shared other examples of courses being taught for local high school ӰƬ were shared, and asked who would be checking the high school GPA and class records. It was also asked how this would tie into Banner. Currently, any high school student (and any person, period) may enroll in a 100-level course that does not require college prerequisites. Further discussion is needed. Dana suggested a Tech Prep person (Pete Pinny) be invited to the discussion. 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