ࡱ> IKH%` bjbjٕ 46VVVVVVVjrrrrDj #"""""""$$h'L"V"VV"999:VV"9"99VVd @sJr0!"0 #8,e've'de'Vd`L*69`,)""# #jjjd jjjjjjVVVVVV Background letter for discussion purposes (not a part of the motion): Email dated July 7, 2010 Registrar & Faculty Senate: Im not sure to whom I should address this but either way its an important issue for all at the University. Ive become increasingly concerned that our current optional +/- grading system is not consistent with the thresholds cited in the catalog for good standing, scholarship eligibility, continuing athletic eligibility, minimum grade required for a course in ones major, and other distinctions. There are two aspects to this that warrant consideration: first, the fact that GPAs and CGPAs are calculated under a +/- grading system yet most GPA thresholds cited in the catalog seem to reflect the non +/- system, and second, the fact that were running two grading systems at the individual course level but using only the +/- system to compute GPAs and thresholds for academic standing. Lets look at the first concern. Before the +/- system was implemented, a C indicated >=70 and <80. This was consistent with other catalog standards that stipulated any ӰƬ whose CGPA or GPA fell below a 2.0 would be placed on probation if not already on probation, and disqualified if on probation the prior semester. Also, university policy requires a student athlete to be in good academic standing in order to be eligible to participate in intercollegiate athletic competition. With the recent addition of the +/- system, the calculation process for GPA has changed and de facto a C is somewhere in the range (no standard given here to the faculty) 74-76 (I'm assuming). Either the standard has been raised or the threshold for good standing should be reduced to a GPA .>= 1.7. A student now who gets three Cs and a C- gets a GPA of 1.925 and is subject to probation and other penalties. It is interesting that the one area in the catalog that seems to have recognized the problem is in the criterion for making the Chancellors List which has been changed from a 4.0 to a 3.9. Whether this was done to adjust for the +/- system or for some independent reason is unknown to me. The criterion for the Deans List remains unchanged at 3.5. Students still must achieve a C or better in courses required for their major but now, as mentioned above, a C is considered distinct from a C- and the student must now meet a higher standard. Was that the intent? The second concern just compounds what is already an inappropriate mix of policies. Inequity and injustice are being maximized. We have instituted two grading systems at the course level, but have adopted the +/- system for computing GPAs and CGPAs. Options seem to be: 1. To eliminate the +/- option and retain catalog thresholds. 2. To eliminate the non +/- option but update the catalog thresholds. 3. To go to a required +/- system with a 12 pt GPA system rather than a 4 pt system and redefine catalog thresholds. (ie., A+=12, A=11, A-=10, B+=9, B=8.) 4. Keep it the way it is and acknowledge we've intentionally increased the thresholds for good standing and all other distinctions in the catalog. 5. other ??? This situation has already affected and continues to seriously affect the lives of individual UAF ӰƬ. I urge the registrars office and/or the faculty senate to give this issue its highest priority. Sincerely, John John D. Fox, Jr., Ph.D. Assoc. Prof. of Forest Sciences NCAA/UAF Faculty Athletic Representative University of ӰƬ Fairbanks (907) 474-7084 DRAFT MOTION: The UAF Faculty Senate moves to [clarify] the +/- grading system language as it relates to the C average in terms of the minimum required GPA of C=2.0. [This draft language needs clarification and development. As the wording stands, it seems to support John Foxs #4 item.] EFFECTIVE: Immediately RATIONALE: Current UAF Catalog language referencing the C grade in terms of the GPA (shown below) is clear that 2.0 is the minimum standard for degree requirements. There is, however, confusion in light of the +/- grading system. Use of the +/- grade system for course grading is left to faculty discretion and must be stated clearly in all individual course syllabi. For purposes of the minimum GPA standard, however, it remains that a C = 2.0. **** From the 2010-2011 UAF Catalog: Page 86 How to Earn an Occupational Endorsement: A minimum GPA of 2.0 is required in all work as well as in your major field. Page 92 How to Earn a Certificate or Associate Degree: Table 19 CertificateAssociate DegreeGrade point average required2.0 cumulative and in major2.0 cumulative and in majorMinimum grades required for majorNo grade lower than C (2.0) in courses required for major Page 131 How to Earn a Bachelors Degree: Table 20 CertificateGrade point average2.0 cumulative and 2.0 in both the major and minorMinimum grades required for majorNo grade lower than C (2.0) in courses required for major Page 201 How to Earn a Graduate Degree Grades and Grade Point Average (GPA): You must earn a 3.0 or betterin F400-level courses; a C (2.0) grade will be accepted in F600-level courses for the purposes of satisfying degree requirements, provided you remain in good standing. 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