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Rainer asked if there any objections to the motion. Dave V. asked about transfer ӰƬ they would be subject to the current catalog, so would be accepted this year. It was agreed this motion could go forward to the Senate. Motion re + grading clarification: Rainer summarized the attached letter and draft motion. John Foxs letter addresses the catalog and how it should be interpreted. Dave is comfortable with a C and understands that its different than a C-. Usage of + is optional for faculty in their courses. Question raised about courses taught in sections one is taught with and the other without +. Rainer acknowledged the continual risk of that and other uncontrolled ambiguities different instructors, etc. The + policy really impacts ӰƬ who habitually keep a life on the edge approach to classes, because their low Cs may turn into C- grades. Typical ӰƬ are as likely to receive a B+ in one class as an A- in another, and the differences basically even out.. We should be very explicit, esp. in the Catalog use numbers. Reaffirm the 2.0 requirement for good standing. One place on page 43 of the Catalog needs clarification (Faculty-initiated drop or withdrawal section). Dave V. asked if this really needs to be a motion. Rainer pointed out this makes faculty more aware of the issues by bringing it to the Senate. Motion language: senate affirms that a C means 2.0. The motion wouldnt read each page of the Catalog but the committee should look at that detail and review it. Ideally, the committee should be able to say they looked at every catalog entry. Be picky here and now at the committee level, and then educate the faculty through the Senate. Question asked if standards are being raised by this. John Fox feels its unfair to some ӰƬ who now get a GPA less than 2.0. But, the majority support setting C=2.0. They are raising the standard only in the sense of raising standards for those on the edge. All faculty know a C grade counts for a major course, and can grade accordingly. Page 35 of Catalog transfer ӰƬ can bring in a C-, and its counting as a C in Banner (a 2.0). Traditionally has been done this way (before Banner). Issue of practice brought into question Mike E. said this can be addressed now in Banner and brought more in line with the widely stated policy so that two standards arent continued any longer. Linda H. noted the issue of a passing grade = D-, but a D is not specified in numbers. Internal transfer issues. The table on page 47 needs to be clarified about D- (vs. D) being a passing grade. Dave proposed a blanket motion to clarify policy. Keep the language simple. Have an addendum with current examples. Dont vote on each one of those. Mike E., LJ Evans, and Linda H. will look at the catalog and send out e-copies at least three days before next meeting for discussion Future meetings: Every other Tuesday is good and the next meeting will be Sept. 21st at 2:00 PM. All members were OK with online voting and voting early if they couldnt make a meeting. Carrie raised the topic of the ad hoc committee for the Baccalaureate Core. Rainer will include this in the next meeting and we will definitely discuss those issues.     PAGE  PAGE 1 "&,49@At 9 : _ i { |  5 O P c n  5 O p s ͽhgh+6Cha<hd5hth-P{h6hhrh\5hrhP L5hrh=j5hrhZh^zh hBhBhi6hOh<5 hO5 h5 hA5hOhO57AB P Q r s   Y Z } ~ ef?@)*78?d   Y Z d e f } ~ " . 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