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Roll Call Members Present:Members Present (contd): Others Present:ALLEN, JaneVALENTINE, DaveASUAF: Robert KinnardARENDT, AnthonyWEBER, JaneOlga Skinner, RSSBAEK, JunghoWILSON, Tim Linda HapsmithBAKER, CarrieCasey Byrne, CDEBARTLETT, ChristaMembers Absent:CAHILL, Cathy ANGER, AndyDAVIS, Mike (audio)BARBOZA, PerryDEHN, JonathanBROCIOUS, HeidiDEHN, LaraFOWELL, SarahDONG, Lily (Craig Wisen)HANSEN, RogerGuest Speaker:GANGULI, RajiveJONES, DebraMark Myers, VCRHIMELBLOOM, Brian (audio)ROBERTS, Larry HOCK, Regine (Anupma Prakash)ZHANG, Xiong JENSEN, KarenJOLY, JulieNon-voting/AdministrativeKADEN, Ute (Joanne Healy)Members Present:KERR, Marianne (audio)Susan HenrichsLARDON, Cecile Dana ThomasLAWLOR, Orion Mike Earnest (audio)MCEACHERN, Diane (audio)Jordan TitusMCINTYRE, JulieMETZGER, AndrewNEWBERRY, RainerCommittee Reps:PALTER, MorrisKen AbramowiczRENES, Sue Josef GlowaREYNOLDS, JenniferLatrice LaughlinTHOMAS, AmberCindy Hardy B. Approval of Minutes to Meeting #173 The minutes were approved as distributed. C. Adoption of Agenda The agenda was adopted as distributed. II Status of Chancellor's Office Actions A. Motions Approved: 1. Motion to Allow Foreign Language Test Exemption and Core Credit Waiver for Qualifying Foreign Students 2. Motion to Address Faculty Concerns about Electronic Student Evaluations B. Motions Pending: 1. Motion to Approve the DANSRD Unit Criteria The unit criteria will be approved in the near future with a signing statement by the Chancellor to clarify some issues. III Public Comments/Questions Tim W. expressed a concern on behalf of his department about services they are charged for by other campus entities, e.g., phones, window blinds. He shared his own experience with needing blinds for his south-facing office. It cost his department $800 as Facilities Services ordered them as a special order. Two different colors of blinds were received, and they paid shipping twice in a two-part order. The services were not competitively priced, and they were not on par with quality that would be expected from a normal vendor. Two door knobs would cost several thousand dollars for their computer lab. Their hands are tied in this matter because the service must be provided internally. At a time of cutting waste, he suggested this needs thoughtful review. Cecile L. said she has noticed the same thing about the cost. Different units charge each other. She heard that maintenance needs to make a profit. If true, were cannibalizing each other in this respect. Provost Henrichs responded that maintenance services do not need to make a profit. She will look into recharge rates and how theyre established and let people know what she finds out. There are sometimes necessary hidden costs, for example for things like building alterations, they must do a building codes review. Perhaps someone from Facilities could come and talk about it. Dana Thomas spoke about student learning and the ETS Proficiency Profile. He brought an analysis prepared for some test results obtained this year. The ETS is one of three approved tests by the Association for Public and Land-Grant Universities for the voluntary system of accountability. First-year and senior ӰƬ were encouraged to take the test. Its an omnibus test looking at critical learning and thinking skills, a broad-based assessment of student learning. The summary shows they had a small sample size, so note the results with some skepticism. Seniors had significantly higher ETS scores than the freshman, which documents learning and gaining in critical skills. The learning gain declines, however, as the entering students ACT score rises. This means theyre having less effect on those who enter college well-prepared. One might interpret this to mean that our core is not as challenging as it could be. The information might be useful as faculty head into the discussion of the core curriculum. Cecile L. asked if it were a cross-sectional study, rather than a longitudinal study. Dana confirmed that he used two independent samples (freshman and seniors) and noted thats a typical application of this test nation-wide. Jane W. asked if this testing effort will be repeated. Dana responded that it depends upon the revision of the core and the discussion about assessment of the core. He likes it as a simpler approach to assessing parts of the core curriculum. Getting ӰƬ to take it is the challenge right now. For seniors it would have to be embedded in programmatic senior-level requirements; and for freshman it could be part of the entrance process. Cecile feels a longitudinal approach would be better in order to have more faith in the results and Dana agreed; but, it would hurt us with our low graduation rates. Amber T. asked about the academic freedom issue Dana mentioned. Dana explained that if the effort became required and, as such, was embedded in a class, then that would affect the instructors teaching those classes where the test becomes required of the ӰƬ. Jane W. introduced Juella Sparks along with Ginny Kinne, co-chairs of the Chancellors Diversity Action Committee (CDAC). Juella participates currently in the academic leadership institute, where she learned recently that there is not a workshop on discrimination and diversity for new faculty. She brought the concern to CDAC. They passed a motion asking for a workshop to be developed. She is asking for faculty to be supportive of this effort. Ginny Kinne talked about the campus climate survey done by CDAC. They had 967 respondents to the survey, of which 41% were staff; 17% faculty; 25% undergraduate ӰƬ, and ~10% graduate ӰƬ. They are just getting into the analysis of the data and can see that further research and investigation is warranted. Rajive G. asked if theres a problem with faculty not recognizing diversity. Juella said they want to be proactive and set the tone on campus for new faculty. Ginny noted that CDAC will write a report and share the results of the survey. The committees web site is: www.uaf.edu/cdac Dave V. asked Dana about tracking GRE scores over time. Dana noted that its too selective of a group to test and GRE actually recommends that not be done for assessment purposes. However, the major field tests are a great tool for outcomes assessment, and several programs already use those here at UAF. IV A. President's Comments Jonathan Dehn Jon mentioned that Faculty Alliance will meet with System Academic Council and Presidents Cabinet prior to the upcoming Board of Regents meeting. They are expecting to learn more about the Strategic Plan. The Academic Master Plan is in the process of being printed. With regard to the senates motion on the health care dependents audit at statewide, at least a couple of items have been responded to including delaying the response time to coincide with open enrollment. Upcoming seminars on open enrollment were mentioned and fliers supplied at the back table. Ongoing concerns include the amount of data going to ConSova which is a fourth party; and the lost opportunity for our human resources office to obtain useful data in this process. B. President-Elect's Report Cathy Cahill Cathy mentioned that the Tuition Task Force will present their first report to the Regents next week. They expect further discussion on the issue of consolidated tuition. Depending upon where the number of credits is set, it could be a problem for UAF or it may be beneficial for getting ӰƬ to graduate faster. Also, the issue of differentiated graduate tuition is being looked upon favorably so far. Cathy commented on the Outstanding Senator of the Year award which goes to Rainer Newberry this year. It was particularly tough for the committee to choose because of the great nominees, including Ken Abramowicz, Orion Lawlor and Dave Valentine. Cathy thanked everyone and there was a round of applause to recognize them. Everyone was reminded that the university is on GVEA power while the coal boilers are down for maintenance. This amounts to a one million dollar increase right now over the usual energy costs. Its time to be very conscious of saving energy; please remind everyone to take all possible measures to conserve. V A. Remarks by Chancellor Brian Rogers Chancellor Rogers reiterated Cathys comments regarding energy conservation, and shared more facts regarding the current situation. It costs $5.50 per thousand pounds of steam for coal, and it costs $26.50 per thousand pounds of steam for oil. It costs three cents per kilowatt for us to produce our own electricity, but it costs19 cents per kilowatt to buy it from Golden Valley. With the combination of our own power and what were buying from GVEA, its costing about $1300 per hour to heat the campus and keep the lights on. Administrations attention is focused on planning for the long term right now. A new power plant is needed, and the options of coal, gas or diesel each present their own difficulties. Cecile L. mentioned Tims concern expressed at public comment about what it costs the units for simple repairs in-house. She gave the example of not being able to even turn off the lights in her office because of how the wiring is configured. The Chancellor responded that when deferred maintenance is addressed, it will be done with an eye toward ways to conserve energy and addressing these types of situations. Common sense is a big part of the equation. ӰƬ 85% of electricity in use is for keeping offices and classrooms and dorms heated and ventilated. Weve saved a lot of money over many years by producing our own power, but the systems are aging and need to be replaced. The state legislature is working through the operating budget this week. Only 50% of the cost of pay raises is being funded by the legislature, placing a larger tax on non-state funds such as tuition and federal money. Ground breaking was mentioned for the Life Sciences Building. On May 12 there will be another ground breaking for the Center for Energy and Power. The legislature is looking at a very significant investment in deferred maintenance of about $240 million system-wide. The challenge will be to sequence and schedule repairs, particularly in classrooms and laboratories. Two projects that will be brought up for the June Board of Regents meeting include public/private partnerships to address dining and housing projects. There would be an addition to Wood Center to replace the Lola Tilly Commons for food service. The Commons would become the bookstore. Further up the hill near the MBS student housing complex, there would be construction of more student housing. Rajive G. who sits on the advisory committee for GVEA suggested that a more broad solution might be for UAF and UAA to consider the Susitna project. The Chancellor responded that the Susitna addresses electricity energy needs, but not heating. Also, the advantage to Susitna is in the years out ahead, but the universitys plant wont last that long. Amber T. asked them to consider solar panels for heating. Upfront costs are high, but, theyre a solution for the long run. Chancellor Rogers said they are looking at solar and wind power, also. How to reallocate funds for the initials costs is an important issue. B. Remarks by Provost Susan Henrichs Provost Henrichs announced the CEM ӰƬ won the regional steel bridge competition at UAA, where the northwest regional competition was hosted. UAA came in eleventh, though we dont want to gloat. Shes been reviewing 87 promotion and tenure review files which have kept her out of sight for some time. She complimented the faculty on their files. The strategic planning process will be one of the main topics at the upcoming meeting of the System Academic Council in conjunction with Presidents Cabinet. She is confident that the President will have an inclusive process that will allow many people to have input into the universitys future. Each of the institutions will report about their program review efforts to the BOR Academic Affairs Committee. UAF has been working diligently on program review, and the Provost thanked faculty for their part in that effort. At the request of Regent Fisher, theyll be talking about halo programs at BOR (which was a concept mentioned in the Fisher Report). Provost Henrichs plans to emphasize that UAF is a small university, but is strong for its size in research. One of the main ways it has excelled in research is by pursuing interdisciplinary problems with an interdisciplinary approach. One example is climate change research. She hopes the classical concept of halo programs is not something the BOR will want to pursue. VI Governance Reports Staff Council Maria Russell Maria mentioned the May 19 Staff Appreciation Day. Shes looking for volunteers from among faculty. Staff Council had two recent motions: one to delay the implementation of a smokers surcharge for the health care plan, and another to address the dependent audit. Theyre looking at another motion to modify the leave cash-in program. Dates and locations were mentioned for upcoming health care forums this month. [These dates and locations were posted on the Governance web sites.] ASUAF Robert Kinnard ASUAF university relations committee will be hosting a faculty senate discussion over the lunch hour from 1-2 PM. Nicole is prepping to go to BOR. C. UNAC Jordan Titus UAFT Jane Weber Jordan announced that today is the deadline to have ballots postmarked for the UNAC executive representative positions. The CBA vote counting coincides with this one (April 16). The next meeting of the Representative Assembly will be in Fairbanks on April 29-30. The meeting is open to all. Jane W. reported that UAFT is still in contract negotiations. VII Guest Speaker A. Mark Myers, Vice Chancellor for Research Dr. Myers addressed three questions that had been provided to him: What is your job (now that youve been here three months)? What are your three highest priorities? If youre planning on doing big initiatives, how will you make them work? Over the last three months hes learned that this is a very complex organization with powerful research institutions and very talented researchers. Communication is a challenge, as it is in all large organizations, because of budget complexity, funding cycles and processes, unsurety of budget, and a mix of university missions. So, in light of his job, he must provide that communication pathway so our research community has a better means to collaborate with each other. As Provost Henrichs noted, a lot of the power of research at this university is in its interdisciplinary approach to problems. At the same time, there are many parallel approaches. We need to establish good communities of practice that share more information across the various institutes and communities to work on the issues. What are the issues? Hes been asking what the strategic research goals of the university are, to help identify them. He has not been able to find a solid research plan, though he observes significant concurrence about what the big issues are and what skills are needed to accomplish those missions and develop a coherent science plan. So, one of his first goals and a high priority is to help develop a strategic plan for the university. At the same time, strategic planning efforts are underway systemwide and our university goals and plans need to be incorporated into that as key components. The plan needs to be a ten-year plan to help implement solid research. It must also have implementation recommendations not just sit on a shelf or web site. Developing such plans brings out the best in people, helps to identify and understand the key challenges being faced, and helps develop the implementation strategies. The research planning group has been reconstituted which will help bring more collaboration across research groups by having the research directors meet and work together. Through reporting lines and working groups they are taking a holistic approach to focus on and identify research goals and provide more internal communication. The day-to-day responsibilities of the job fall under the Center for Research Services which has three components: Office of Intellectual Property and Commercialization Office of Sponsored Programs Office of Research Integrity There are also some funds coming out of indirect cost recovery (ICR) used to match for research and equipment. Only about 1% of ICR is allocated for that. Once again, communication is important so theyre aware of projects they can assist with matching funds. A large component of the job concerns external research funding (NSF, NIH and other federal sources). These sources are becoming more unpredictable in the current political climate. Funding from the state and private sectors is fairly minor. The challenge is to redistribute that mix to make up for the difference. Part of that is having a long-term research plan. Again, one of the big goals is to increase UAF as an epicenter for arctic research. There is still huge opportunity to make this grow. An example is energy, as the Chancellor commented upon. While factors such as the federal standards are outside the universitys control, we can still provide an important knowledge base within and for the state. Thats just one example of where we can bring science, engineering and the social sciences research components to bear on problems and needs of the state and on a broader level. The university has remarkable capacity for remote sensing and computational capacity. Sustaining and supporting these capacities for the long term is the current challenge. He believes the state would invest more in many research areas if we could better explain the benefits of doing so and relate it to good decision-making and success. We must also maintain good relationships with federal and outside entities, and put our best foot forward when talking to congress. One other area of need that really struck him is that we need a data portal for our arctic research data. Our theses and dissertations are not in one place online. All the body of research produced here is not accessible in one place (though we have the computational capacity). Contact lists of researchers are not easily available. These are goals he wants to make are addressed. He emphasized he has an open door policy and wants to be in communication with faculty. We must understand how important having information is when making upper level administration decisions. Cecile L. commented that shes happy to hear about a strategic plan being set to help set direction. She has observed that research directions are often set after obtaining funding, rather than planning and setting a direction and then getting the funding. She asked how does the institution avoid falling in the trap of going after the money instead of sticking to priorities; and, how does he see faculty involved in developing the path choices beyond those who bring in the big bucks? Dr. Myers responded that the reality is faculty are bringing in the funding with grants generated by their proposals; so, part of his job is to assist that process as much as possible. Its an inherently distributed model which is common to universities. Integration is challenging. However, once you have reached a certain level of reputation and capacity in a subject, youre much more likely to get better grants. Its an evolutionary process. If we put together our core areas of strength and match it to societal relevance, and use the institutional structure and manage it well, it leads to becoming more recognized, creates capacity with more people working on projects and having successful grants. Theres a natural progression of success. An organized plan makes it easier for people to see where their efforts are more likely to be successful and enhances the grant process, and allows us to pre-invest in areas identified by our strategic goals. Regarding Ceciles second question about how he sees faculty involved in developing the path choices, Dr. Myers noted that existing structures (the Research Advisory Committee, for example) must feed into the larger structures; there cant be a hundred seats at the table doing a research plan. We need to have the standing committees to provide opportunities for faculty input. The research and academic programs come together in areas of undergraduate research and graduate research which live on the academic side under the Provost. They can offer financial support opportunities in research institutes, and build on that for the first-year ӰƬ on up through the education process. He recognized a need to talk about a mix of approaches with the Provost and then find ways of implementing plans, understanding the risks and complexities that come with the grant-funding aspect. It will take time. BREAK VIII Announcements A. Faculty Forum Discussions on General Education Requirements - April 7. Flyer: http://www.uaf.edu/uafgov/ B. Advanced Mediation Seminar April 11-13. Flyer and registration at: http://www.uaf.edu/oeo/mediation/ C. Promotion and Tenure Workshop on April 29. Flyer and information at: http://www.uaf.edu/files/uafgov/2011_Promotion-Tenure-Workshop.pdf D. Campus Research Day on May 5. Information at: http://www.uaf.edu/research/ӰƬindex/opportunities/researchday.xml The Provost announced that a half-time position for director of the undergraduate research office is opening up soon to internal candidates. Its listed at the UAKJobs web site. IX New Business A. Motion to Approve the A.A.S. in Paramedicine, submitted by Curricular Affairs (Attachment 174/1) Curricular Affairs Chair Rainer Newberry brought the motion to the floor. He explained how this is an existing program and the options or concentrations within the existing degree are being broken out. Breaking them out to stand alone will allow ӰƬ whove earned degrees in other areas of Emergency Services to return and gain more specialized training. Students wishing to return and gain more training were prevented because they could not repeat the same degree program. All courses exist already and they have the faculty. Rajive G. brought up the BOR Summary form and asked about the position noted there for faculty. Rainer clarified that its an existing position thats open. The motion to approve the A.A.S. in Paramedicine was called to question and seconded: The ayes carried the motion unanimously. MOTION: The UAF Faculty Senate moves to approve the A.A.S in Paramedicine. EFFECTIVE: Fall 2012 Upon Board of Regents approval. RATIONALE: See the full program proposal #38-UNP from the Fall 2010 review cycle on file in the Governance Office, 312B Signers' Hall. Requires 69-73 credits comprised of A.A.S. degree requirements, and 6 credits for Emergency Medical Technician, 8 credits in Clinical Rotation, 24 credits in Paramedicine, 12 credits in Paramedic Internship, and 8 credits in Anatomy and Physiology and/or Biology core courses. **** Proposal is on file in the Governance Office, 312B Signers Hall. An overview is included in the Agenda for Meeting 174, which is posted online at: http://www.uaf.edu/uafgov/faculty-senate/meetings/2010-2011-meetings/#174 ------------------------------------------------ B. Motion to Amend the Bylaws of the UAF Faculty Senate, Section 1, Article III: Membership, submitted by Faculty Affairs (Attachment 174/2) Faculty Affairs Chair Jennifer Reynolds brought the motion to the floor. She explained it was needed to address situations where the number of senate reps changes in the middle of a term (CEM / CNSM example with Computer Science). Its more of a housekeeping measure and only serves to clarify the bylaws in different situations of this type. There were no questions. The motion amending the bylaws was called to question and seconded. The ayes passed the motion unanimously. MOTION: The UAF Faculty Senate moves to amend the Bylaws of the University of ӰƬ Fairbanks Faculty Senate, Section 1, Article III: Membership. This amendment adds a new subsection E. Changes in Unit Representation that specifies how changes in unit representation on the Faculty Senate will be implemented, including changes that occur in during a representatives term of office. EFFECTIVE: Fall 2011 RATIONALE: While the existing Bylaws specify how to handle vacancies in existing seats on the Faculty Senate, they do not specify how to implement changes in the number of seats that each unit has, nor changes in unit affiliation of sitting representatives. These issues have arisen in 2010-2011 with the transfer of the Department of Computer Science from CNSM to CEM, and with reapportionment of the Faculty Senate for the first time in at least a decade. The reapportionment takes effect with Faculty Senate elections in Spring, 2011. The amendment to section D. Vacancies broadens the reasons for which an alternate should be appointed to fill a seat on the Faculty Senate. The existing language of the Bylaws, by specifying death, resignation, or transfer of an elected representative of the Senate, limits appointment of alternates to those circumstances. The addition of other reason why an elected representative can no longer represent the unit allows for additional circumstances such as recall (procedure described in section F. Absenteeism), a change in unit affiliation of a sitting representative, or other unforeseen events. The principles underlying the new section E. Changes in Unit Representation are: (1) sitting representatives should serve out their terms; and (2) adjustments to the number of representatives for each unit should be made at the time of regularly scheduled elections or by attrition, whichever occurs first. * CAPS = Addition [[ ]] = Deletion B. Representation shall be by academic or research unit and based on the number of qualifying faculty in each unit as described below. C. Election Procedure D. Vacancies 1. In the case of death, resignation, [[or]] transfer [[of an elected representative of the Senate]], OR OTHER REASON WHY AN ELECTED REPRESENTATIVE CAN NO LONGER REPRESENT THE UNIT, an alternate shall immediately become the representative. The president of the Senate will appoint a replacement FROM AMONG THE UNITS ELECTED ALTERNATES, with the concurrence of the affected constituency[[,]] and the consent of the Administrative Committee. E. CHANGES IN UNIT REPRESENTATION CHANGES IN A UNITS NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVES ON THE FACULTY SENATE SHALL BE IMPLEMENTED AT THE TIME OF THE NEXT SCHEDULED ELECTION. REDUCTIONS IN A UNITS NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVES SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED BY ATTRITION, AS TERMS EXPIRE. INCREASES IN A UNITS NUMBER OF SENATE REPRESENTATIVES SHALL BE IMPLEMENTED THROUGH ELECTION OF ADDITIONAL REPRESENTATIVES AT THE NEXT SCHEDULED ELECTION. REPRESENTATIVES SHOULD SERVE OUT THE TERMS TO WHICH THEY ARE ELECTED. THIS INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO REPRESENTATIVES WHO HOLD OFFICE AT A TIME OF REAPPORTIONMENT OF THE FACULTY SENATE, AND THOSE WHOSE UNIT AFFILIATION CHANGES DURING A TERM OF OFFICE. IF THE REPRESENTATIVE IS NO LONGER AFFILIATED WITH THE UNIT FROM WHICH THEY WERE ELECTED, THEN AN ALTERNATE SHALL BE APPOINTED AND BOTH SHALL SERVE CONCURRENTLY TO THE END OF THE TERM. THIS MAY LEAD TO A TEMPORARY INCREASE IN THE NUMBER OF ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES SERVING ON THE FACULTY SENATE. [[E.]] F. Absenteeism [[F.]] G. Recall -------------------------------------- C. Motion to Reaffirm the Fisheries Division Unit Criteria, submitted by the Unit Criteria Committee (Attachment 174/3) Provost Henrichs noted the criteria contained material regarding curation because they have one person curating at the Museum. The criteria also added how many graduate ӰƬ are expected to be graduated by faculty. The motion was called to question and seconded: Passed unanimously. MOTION: The UAF Faculty Senate moves to reaffirm the Unit Criteria for the SFOS Fisheries Division. EFFECTIVE: Fall 2011 RATIONALE: The committee assessed the unit criteria submitted by the SFOS Fisheries Division. Revisions were agreed upon by the department representative and the Unit Criteria Committee, and the unit criteria were found to be consistent with UAF guidelines. **** These unit criteria are published in the Agenda for Meeting 174 which is posted online at: http://www.uaf.edu/uafgov/faculty-senate/meetings/2010-2011-meetings/#174 The approved criteria are also routinely published at the Provosts Office web site. ------------------------------------------ D. Resolution to Ratify Election of President-Elect (Attachment 174/4) RESOLUTION: BE IT RESOLVED, That the UAF Faculty Senate ratifies the election of President-Elect of the UAF Faculty Senate for 2011-2012 on the basis of the following ballot. BALLOT PRESIDENT-ELECT Please vote for one individual to serve as the President-Elect of the UAF Faculty Senate for 2011-12. __X_ Jennifer Reynolds PERSONAL STATEMENT OF THE NOMINEE: Jennifer Reynolds is Associate Professor of Geological Oceanography, in the School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences. She joined the UAF faculty in 2000, after completing a Ph.D. in Geosciences at Columbia University (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory) and postdoctoral fellowships at the U.S. Geological Surveys Hawaii Volcano Observatory and the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute. Her formal training is in submarine volcanism, but her research in ӰƬ has focused on application of seafloor geology to marine habitat studies. She has supervised M.S. and Ph.D. ӰƬ in Oceanography, Fisheries, and Geology. In addition to the normal tripartite faculty activities, she has a long-term administrative/service role as Associate Director of the West Coast & Polar Regions Undersea Research Center, a NOAA program which has been located at UAF since 1990. Jennifer has served on the Faculty Senate for a total of seven years, in 2003-2005 and 2007-2010. She has experience on two of the Faculty Senate committees, the Graduate Academic & Advisory Committee (2003-2005) and Faculty Affairs (2007-2010), and has chaired the Faculty Affairs Committee for the past two years. In Spring, 2010 she served as a faculty representative on the Provosts Planning & Budget Committee. In Fall, 2010 she was appointed to fill a UAF vacancy on the UA system-wide Faculty Alliance and participated in the Faculty Alliance effort to finalize a UA Academic Master Plan. The faculty of UAF are highly skilled, talented people who have an important role in shared governance of the University. The Faculty Senate is the formal voice of the UAF faculty, and is the forum for collective decisions, judgments, and initiatives. To function effectively, the Faculty Senate should be representative of the faculty, and act constructively to improve the university. Different points of view among the faculty should be seen as contributions toward considering possibilities and reaching a common decision. The better the Faculty Senate functions, the more influence it will have, and that will benefit all of us. --------------------------------------------------- E. OSYA Confirmation, submitted by the OSYA Selection Committee (Attachment 174/5) The majority confirmation of Rainer Newberry as 2011 Outstanding Senator of the Year was completed by secret ballot voting. X Committee Reports See attached reports. A. Curricular Affairs Rainer Newberry, Chair (Attachment 174/6) B. Faculty Affairs Jennifer Reynolds, Chair (Attachment 174/7) C. Unit Criteria Perry Barboza, Ute Kaden, Co-Chairs (Handout) D. Committee on the Status of Women Jane Weber, Chair (Attachment 174/8) E. Core Review Committee Latrice Laughlin, Chair F. Curriculum Review Rainer Newberry, Chair G. Faculty Appeals & Oversight Charlie Sparks, Chair H Faculty Development, Assessment & Improvement Josef Glowa, Chair (Attachment 174/9) I. Graduate Academic & Advisory Committee Ken Abramowicz, Chair (Attachment 174/10) J. Student Academic Development & Achievement Cindy Hardy, Chair (Attachment 174/11) Cindy commented that their discussions have been long ranging, concerning ways of documenting reasons for ӰƬ getting low grades in lower level courses. Theyre still discussing the Student Learning Commons. K. Research Advisory Committee Orion Lawlor, Roger Hansen, Co-Chairs ATTACHMENT 174/6 UAF Faculty Senate #174, April 4, 2011 Submitted by the Curricular Affairs Committee Curricular Affairs Committee Meeting Minutes for 9 March 2011 Voting members: Diane McEachern, Brian Himelbloom, Carrie Baker, Dave Valentine, Rainer Newberry, Anthony Arendt, Jungho Baek, Sarah Fowell Ex officio: Libby Eddy, Lillian Misel 1. AAS Paramedicine Discussion: Its a zero cost program, just a reorganization of a current program, and a must have program. Include vital info in the rationale. Clarify title of program AAS in Paramedicine? or AAS in Emergency Medical Services (we currently have an AAS program in Emergency Services 2. Stacked courses: where from here? Rainer talked with Larry Duffy, who suggested getting some graduate student input. Although, this would potentially be stepping on GAAC's toes. Discussion: Small numbers of ӰƬ may cause a course to not be viable. Two separate syllabi. Ask graduate ӰƬ what they think. Expect varied answers depending on who is asked. Ask undergraduates as well? More work for faculty to teach stacked classes. Take this issue to ASUAF? Send proposal to Deans? Opportunity for faculty to discuss this phenomenon Evaluations and comments Most grad ӰƬ feel that the stacked courses are diluted [coursework there to provide] A professional program would perhaps have more weight on the coursework and should incorporate advanced study Rainer to ask Ken Abramowicz (GAAC) if survey can be conducted 3. UAF courses designed for high school ӰƬ, continued. The fundamental problem: traditionally, courses taught in high school, including those like Calculus (unquestionably college level) are not counted for college credit unless a standardized exam is passed with some minimum score. Should UAF-designed high school courses be any different? And if no standardized exam is available...? Rainer recommends 'we' write up a paragraph or two and send it to deans who will then present it to their department chairs for comment. Any better ideas??? Discussion: If taught in high school-it's a high school class Courses designed to attract ӰƬ into the major regardless of who teaches it its a high school course To what extent can we say these courses must be below 100 level? Two sets of classes (Calculus) vs (Computer Info Systems) What is the origin of this issue? As an incentive to get interest in various programs and to increase enrollment? Solicit feedback? Take to Faculty Senate? How many courses are we talking about? Get a list of trial courses and provide feedback to this group (Libby will investigate) Ask Provost to bring this issue up at the Dean's council. Dave's report on GERC GERC-F.S. meeting on Monday, Dave gave a presentation. Many felt this needs much more time and attention. A forum will be hosted by the senate that describes what is being done. When to do this? After the draft document is ready. Tues or Thurs 1-2 and/or 5-7. Early April allows time to get first draft and possibly be ready in time for the May senate meeting. Rainer agreed to get the ball rolling on the Faculty Forum. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTACHMENT 174/7 UAF Faculty Senate #174, April 4, 2011 Submitted by the Faculty Affairs Committee Faculty Affairs Committee Meeting Minutes for March 4, 2011 Members present: Jane Allen (by phone), Lily Dong, Cecile Lardon (by phone), Andrew Metzger, Morris Palter, Jennifer Reynolds, Roger Smith (by phone). Reapportionment and Research Institutes: Per-unit faculty numbers provided by the Provosts staff had separate listings for the College of Engineering and Mines and the Institute for Northern Engineering, and reapportionment calculations were done accordingly. However, Andrew Metzger and the CEM Deans Office pointed out that INE is administratively within CEM (the Provost confirmed this), and they believed that INE should be represented on the Faculty Senate through CEM rather than as a stand-alone research institute. The Faculty Affairs Committee agreed, and stated that the principle for Faculty Senate representation should be that a research institute is eligible for separate representation if its director reports to the Vice Chancellor for Research (e.g., Geophysical Institute), but not if the director reports to a dean of an academic unit (e.g., Institute for Marine Science in the School of Fisheries & Ocean Sciences). Reapportionment calculations were corrected to move INE back into CEM. The result is that INE does not have separate representation on the Faculty Senate, but CEM gains a 4th senator. This will be reflected in the March, 2011 elections for the two-year terms that begin in Fall, 2011. Accommodating changes in a units numbers of Faculty Senate representatives: For various reasons, the number of senators representing a unit on the Faculty Senate may change. This topic has come up twice during the past year, because of (1) transfer of the Department of Computer Science from CNSM to CEM, and (2) reapportionment of the Faculty Senate. The Faculty Senate Bylaws do not address how to implement these changes. FAC discussed a draft motion to amend the Bylaws and lay out a clear procedure to be followed in the future. This is not intended to address any existing problems, but to prevent problems and confusion in the future. Last fall, the Administrative Committee of the UAF Faculty Senate asked FAC to recommend how to handle a situation created by the transfer of the Department of Computer Science from CNSM to CEM. One of the CNSM representatives to the Faculty Senate was Orion Lawlor, in Computer Sciences, who was beginning the second year of his term. At the FAC meeting on September 27, 2010, the committee recommended the following: (1) When a units representation on the Faculty Senate changes, elected senators should serve out the terms to which they were elected. (2) Any decreases or increases in a units number of Senate representatives should be accommodated in the next election. However, if an increase cannot be rapidly accommodated by election (for example, if the increase occurred during the fall and the next election was not until spring), then the unit should choose one of its existing alternates to fill the new seat. This would result in a one-year overlap between previous and new representation, and a temporary increase in the number of senators. The Faculty Senate Bylaws do not restrict the Senate to a fixed number of elected senators. This recommendation was accepted by the Administrative Committee. The draft motion discussed at the current FAC meeting was intended to broaden and generalize the recommendations so that they could be added to the Bylaws. FAC agreed that (1) senators should serve out their full terms; (2) the term itself should be served to completion, so if the elected senator cannot do this then an alternate should be appointed for the remainder of the term, as for any other seat on the Faculty Senate. Accordingly, if an individual can no longer represent the unit from which they were elected, then an alternate should be appointed from that unit to serve as a full senator for the remainder of the term. This means that a sitting senator and an alternate appointed to the seat may both serve on the Senate for the remainder of the term. And (3) adjustments to the number of a units representatives on the Faculty Senate should be implemented at the next election, and not by special arrangement outside of elections. A revised draft of the motion will be circulated by email. Database on Teaching by Non-Regular Faculty: Colleen Abrams is days away from producing the data files for this project. We are now asking her for data from fall and spring semesters in AY 2007-08, 2008-09, and 2009-10. A student assistant is being hired to work on the database, under Jennifers supervision and with salary from the Faculty Senate office. FAC members reviewed the preliminary files and agreed the project is ready to proceed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTACHMENT 174/8 UAF Faculty Senate #174, April 4, 2011 Submitted by the Committee on the Status of Women Committee on the Status of Women Meeting Minutes Fri, Mar 25, 2011; 3-4 pm, Gruening 718 Members Present: Jane Weber, Derek Sikes, Jenny Liu, Kayt Sunwood, Stefanie Ickert-Bond, (online - Shawn Russell, Melanie Arthur), Nilima Hullavarad, Dan White Members absent: Nicole Cundiff, Jessica Larsen 1. Announcements April 29th - Friday 10-12 Promotion & Tenure Workshop plan, Butrovich 109, Jane might not be able to MC the event, asked for volunteer to replace, Derek agreed. Fliers to be distributed. Tues, Oct 4th, luncheon - Carol Gold speaker Chose May meeting date. May 11th, 3-4pm, Wed. 2. CSW & Worklife Balance Committee - Melanie investigated the mission of the WBC relative to CSW. WBC currently trying to address issue of lactation rooms to comply with new federal health care law. They're trying to find suitable rooms on campus. A member of CSW is supposed to be on the WBC but this has yet to happen. Melanie noted the WBC had said they would setup a website but have yet to. Melanie will invite Kris Racina, the committees chair, to the May 11th meeting to discuss the WBC (overview, charge, composition, etc). 3. Dan White - Idea to raise funds to increase # of senior women on campus, based on Joy Morrison's study on women on campus. Brian Rogers is waiting for a proposal from CSW if we choose to pursue. Many issues remaining to work out e.g. limit to STEM faculty? CSW discussion resulted in a decline on this idea based on the perception that if there is a problem with the process of P&T for women at UAF, bringing in senior women from other institutions where they have succeeded in their own P&T process, wouldn't fix the problems in the process at UAF. 4. CSW discussion of Cecile Lardon's presentation on Feb 18th. Question raised: Do we want to invite Cecile back and/or determine if there is more to the project than what was presented. 5. Andrew Sheeler - journalist (SunStar) writing on issue of gender inequity among faculty. Discussion of past studies (Worklife by CSW, STEM by Joy Morrison) . More men in tenure track positions than women and more women in adjunct positions. More men at higher ranks than women. STEM study interesting but there are fewer women faculty proportionately in STEM disciplines than in non-STEM. Maternity leave at UAF is actually taken from accumulated 'sick leave' - Melanie described giving birth at 6.5 months after starting at UAF at which point she had accumulated 2 weeks of sick leave and then took an additional 1 week of non-paid leave before returning to work. CSW age - 6 years, brain child of Carol Gold. Melanie asked - is it time for CSW to do a new survey? - item for next agenda. Meeting was adjourned at 4:00. Respectfully Submitted, Derek Sikes These minutes are archived on the CSW website: http://www.uaf.edu/uafgov/faculty-senate/committees/committee-on-the-status-o/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTACHMENT 174/9 UAF Faculty Senate #174, April 4, 2011 Submitted by the Faculty Development, Assessment and Improvement Committee UAF Faculty Development, Assessment and Improvement Committee Meeting Minutes for March 9, 2011 I. Josef Glowa called the meeting to order at 8:00 am. II. Roll call: Present: Melanie Arthur, Diane Erickson, Josef Glowa, Kelly Houlton, Julie Joly, Channon Price Excused: Mike Castellini, Alexandra Oliveira, Larry Roberts III. Report from Diane Neil Howes presentations had good turnouts. Josef and CP inquired if the presentations will be available online or DVD for folks who were unable to attend. Diane said that once Neil Howe has previewed and approved them, they will be available as a webstream. There has been no word on travel funding yet, and due to the lateness of the fiscal year, Diane does not think that any more money will be coming in. UNAC can buy out workload units for faculty performing union work, and the difference in the cost of buy-out and what it costs to replace faculty is put towards travel funding. This year, however, the funding went to support the negotiating team. Diane reports that Fiscal Officer Susan Phillips has not heard anything from UNAC yet. IV. Old Business Josef reported that the FDAI committees motion regarding electronic student evaluations was unanimously passed by Faculty Senate. He noted that this continues to be a hot topic and generates lively discussion. A Faculty Senate member suggested that the FDAI committee be in charge of choosing UAFs next student evaluation system. While this is flattering, it is beyond the scope of our committee. Josef reiterated that research needs to be done at the administrative level, while CP stated that whatever system of evaluation is chosen it must have proof that it will be an improvement. Julie noted that Provost Henrichs seems to have taken our concerns regarding electronic student evaluations to heart. After some discussion it was decided that Administration should research the various evaluation systems and recommend up to three systems for the FDAI committee to evaluate as the final step. Diane recommended committee members talk to past UAA Faculty Senate President Kerri Morris about the specific problems encountered with IDEA in Anchorage, particularly ensuring understanding of the new numbers generated by the system and the statistical invalidation caused by low response rates. Another issue with IDEA is that when faculty members enable the evaluation system on Blackboard for their particular class, it is then enabled for all courses the student is enrolled in. Melanie added that IDEA does offer a paper-based system of evaluation as well. Josef reported that the Lilly Arctic Institute was a great success with many attendees from the Lower 48. He stated that it was very interesting and a good opportunity for faculty development. Next years Institute will be held in Kodiak. Our Faculty Forum was attended by CP, Josef, Diane, Mike, and six others: one in person and five via audio conference. Despite the low turnout, the discussion was lively. Diane wondered how we can get more attendance for future Forums. CP suggested the following: 1) choose a site on lower campus (though upper campus was chosen in hopes of encouraging science faculty to attend); 2) advertise the Forum earlier and more broadly (it is an opportunity for faculty to come together and share ideas and experiences); and 3) choose a more specific topic. The committee agreed. V. New Business Electronic student evaluations and future Faculty Forums were already discussed. VI. Next meeting Josef will send out a meeting Doodle to schedule our next meeting during the week of April 11 15. VII. Adjourned at 8:40 am. Respectfully submitted by Kelly Houlton. --------------------------------------------------------------- ATTACHMENT 174/10 UAF Faculty Senate #174, April 4, 2011 Submitted by the Graduate Academic and Advisory Committee Graduate Academic and Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes for February 28, 2011 9:00-10:00 a.m. 408 Rasmuson Library (Kayak Room) Voting members present: Ken Abramowicz (Chair), Donie Bret-Harte (phone), Lara Dehn, Orion Lawlor, Anupma Prakash (phone), Sue Renes, Jen Schmidt (phone). Ex officio members present: Anita Hughes, Laura Bender, Larry Duffy, Karen Jensen. Guest: Jayne (notes) 1. Discussion/modification/approval of agenda Agenda was approved. Laura Bender mentioned the topic discussed last time about academic dismissal from a graduate program, and it was agreed to include this topic at the next meeting. Next meeting is scheduled for March 28. 2. Discussion/approval of minutes from 2-21-2011 meeting Minutes were approved without modifications. 3. Discussion item related to stacked courses (attached) Ken mentioned the most recent changes to Rainers document, which included taking out the content referring to workload credit and adding a statement (in caps) about the importance of stacked courses to masters programs. Lara noted that it would only address new courses, not existing ones. Anupma felt theres a problem with the stipulation that differences in level should be reflected by weekly assignments. A course might not have weekly assignments. Donie agreed, and there was consensus on that point. Homework may also not be given on a weekly basis. New language is needed for this point. Lara suggested getting student input. Larry mentioned graduate student organizations could be invited for discussion or included in a poll. It was pointed out that no question for student evaluations exists on current SOI forms. Could one be added? Or use SurveyMonkey? Anupma noted that there is a wide variety of reasons for ӰƬ taking stacked courses. Ken acknowledged that, noting that stacked courses are a fact of life here at UAF. Its a complex issue, particularly in light of the fact that new programs are not being encouraged right now and reallocation will be on the rise. Everyone agreed that a senate discussion is needed. Open faculty forums could be held down the line. 4. Review of GAAC proposals already discussed (review leader is listed first, followed by the secondary reviewers) 19-GNC_ ATM F666 - Atmospheric Remote Sensing (Donie, Jen, Xiong) Approved on the condition that the reading assignments be written into the syllabus. 25-GNC_ATM F678 - Mesoscale Dynamics (Xiong, Jen, Sue) Numerous syllabus modifications are needed. Ken will contact course instructor to request needed changes. [Modifications were made after the meeting. Approved by email.] 38-GNC_EE F646 Wireless Sensor Networks (Orion, Donie, Lara) Revised syllabus was received by Orion, and looks good to both he and Lara. Approved. 39-GNC_EE F668 Radar Systems (Orion, Donie, Lara) The syllabus revisions were not made. As a result, the proposal was not approved. 40-GNC_EE F675 Robot Modeling and Control (Orion, Donie, Lara) Approved on the condition that the grading process be written into the syllabus. There was discussion about grading on a curve by the committee. Larry noted that the syllabus is very important and is used in a grade appeal. 27-GNP Master of Arts in Political Science and related courses [28-GNC, 29-GNC, 20-GNC] (Ken, Jen, Regine) The committee consensus was that the program needs more work at the department. Not approved. Concerns of the committee include: Difficulty of passing new programs at statewide at this time. Workforce development considerations. Almost all the required courses for the degree are stacked. Potential impact on NORS student numbers. Issue of necessary internal allocation of resources (NORS support is conditioned on keeping all existing TA positions, but new PS degree will require three new TA positions) [especially considering the fact that CLA is currently searching for a new Dean]. Issues with using internship option in lieu of a thesis requirement. Discrepancies related to number of credits required (30-33 for Concentration in Environmental Politics and Policy, 33-36 for Concentration in Arctic Policy). Larry suggested that Political Science might want to consider converting this new degree into a professional degree. The meeting was adjourned at 10 AM. (Remainder of agenda items will be put on the agenda of the 3-28-11 GAAC meeting.) ----------------------------------------------------------------- ATTACHMENT 174/11 UAF Faculty Senate #174, April 4, 2011 Submitted by the Student Academic Development and Achievement Committee March 4, 2011 Minutes of the Student Academic Development and Achievement Committee Attendees: Cindy Hardy, Kate Quick, Sarah Stanley, Amy Barnsley, Margaret Short, Deseree Salvador, Sandra Wildfeuer, Jane Allen, Gabriel Russell, Linda Hapsmith, Nancy Ayagarak Draft Motion: Posting Reasons for D or F Sarah Stanley presented for discussion a draft of a motion to require faculty to record reasons for D or F grades. This could be done through a pop-up menu on UAOnline and would record such reasons for poor performance as non-attendance or illness. Sarah noted that we dont have good data on why our ӰƬ fail and that this would provide this data. However, she did not think this should be used as a factor to deciding on placement overrides for subsequent courses. She also noted that she had discussed this with Dana Thomas, who is interested in the idea. The discussion included the following points: Some committee members expressed concern that noting outside factors would not apply if instructors give a weighted average--all of these things are considered when giving the grade. Another noted that a D or F in a prerequisite means they do not met pre-requisite. This would provide useful information for an instructor when they are reviewing an incoming class list. There was much discussion of prerequisite overrides as a factor in student failure. Students without prerequisite knowledge often fail. There were questions about how this information would be used. Could it be used against an instructor? Are there FERPA restrictions? Could we have the opportunity to check multiple boxes? UAOnline is very public. Is this the right forum for this data? Committee members who do advising were favorable to the idea. This would help in advising the whole student, especially since advisors could look for patterns between classes. Sarah agreed to take committee comments to refine this draft to distribute to the committee. Cindy will bring it to the Admin Committee as a discussion item. Amending Mandatory Placement Motion--Writing Sample (Writeplacer) Cindy reported on an e-mail from Dana Thomas that reports that UAA and UAS are not using Writeplacer. UAF DEVE and English faculty have been unhappy with Writeplacer, as well. The message seems to be that we should have consistent criteria across the MAU. We discussed amending 76the original motion to remove Writeplacer, however the wording of the motion is open-ended: a scored writing sample such as ACT, SAT, or UAF generated writing sample such as Writeplacer. We discussed whether this provides us an opportunity to develop a UAF writing sample and scoring methods; however, there is no money to make changes. We also asked if the money can be reapplied to paying for hand scoring. Linda Hapsmith suggested another route: to change the catalog wording so that the Accuplacer Sentence skills test score takes precedence over Writeplacer. This can be done through Advising and Testing and would not require a change in the original motion. She will follow up on this. We also discussed reading placement. How/ when does this go into effect? Linda noted that reading is not currently noted on the graduation checklist, so is not a required class. Rural faculty expressed a concern that a multiple choice exam is not best format for all ӰƬ. Their much smaller student population means they can hand score or do placement in a more individualized way. They do use Writeplacer, then print and hand score the writing samples. Core revitalization proposals (LEAP, CEM, CAC) Kate Quick gave a short summary of the proposals under review by the Core Revitalization Committee, especially the LEAP learning objectives. We will continue to follow this process. We did not have time for updates on the Learning Commons or retention issues. They will continue to remain on our long-range agenda. Next meeting: April 1, 1:30-3pm. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- XI Members' Comments/Questions XII Adjournment The meeting was adjourned just before 3:00 PM.      *-.6CNOPTZz{|}  : ȪȪȪȟwwi_Qiw_wh..CJOJQJmHsHh_CJOJQJh_CJOJQJmHsHh_CJOJQJh_>*CJOJQJh_OJQJh_5>*OJQJh5>*OJQJhOJQJh.h5>*OJQJh|XOJQJh.hOJQJh#\hOJQJh5>*OJQJh=h=5OJQJh=5>*OJQJ.DZ{|}dh$Ifl gd_gd$a$gd   ~~~dh$Ifl nkd$$IfTlF q"  Y t"    44 laytV3_T  . : L ~~~dh$Ifl nkd$$IfTlF q"  Y t"    44 laytV3_T: K L M g u v w    8 9 : a p q  3 4 5 O _ a b عجh05CJOJQJh05>*CJOJQJh#D6hS6CJOJQJh+lUCJOJQJhS6>*CJOJQJhS6CJOJQJhS6CJOJQJh_CJOJQJh_CJOJQJh05CJOJQJ9L M Z g v ~h~dh$IfgdV3_l dh$Ifl nkd $$IfTlF q"  Y t"    44 laytV3_Tv w ~~hdh$Ifgdl dh$Ifl nkd$$IfTlF q"  Y t"    44 laytV3_T {hRdh$Ifgdl dh$Ifl dh$IfgdV3_l nkd$$IfTlF q"  Y t"    44 laytV3_T ~~~dh$Ifl nkd$$IfTlF q"  Y t"    44 laytV3_T {hhdh$Ifl dh$IfgdV3_l nkd$$$IfTlF q"  Y t"    44 laytV3_T   ~~~dh$Ifl nkd$$IfTlF q"  Y t"    44 laytV3_T  * 8 9 ~~hdh$IfgdAil dh$Ifl nkd0$$IfTlF q"  Y t"    44 laytV3_T9 : S a p ~hRdh$IfgdAil dh$Ifgd6l dh$Ifl nkd$$IfTlF q"  Y t"    44 laytV3_Tp q ~~hdh$IfgdAil dh$Ifl nkd<$$IfTlF q"  Y t"    44 laytV3_T {eRdh$Ifl dh$IfgdSTl dh$Ifgd6l nkd$$IfTlF q"  Y t"    44 laytV3_T {eRdh$Ifl dh$IfgdSTl dh$Ifgd6l nkdH$$IfTlF q"  Y t"    44 laytSTT {hhdh$Ifl dh$Ifgd6l nkd$$IfTlF q"  Y t"    44 laytV3_T  3 4 {eRdh$Ifl dh$IfgdAil dh$Ifgd6l nkdT$$IfTlF q"  Y t"    44 laytV3_T4 5 O ` a {eRdh$Ifl dh$IfgdAil dh$Ifgd6l nkd$$IfTlF q"  Y t"    44 laytV3_Ta b y {eRdh$Ifl dh$IfgdAil dh$Ifgd6l nkd`$$IfTlF q"  Y t"    44 laytV3_T {eRdh$Ifl dh$IfgdAil dh$Ifgd6l nkd$$IfTlF q"  Y t"    44 laytV3_T {eRdh$Ifl dh$IfgdAil dh$Ifgd6l nkdl $$IfTlF q"  Y t"    44 laytV3_T {eRdh$Ifl dh$IfgdAil dh$Ifgd6l nkd $$IfTlF q"  Y t"    44 laytV3_T       - = > ? ^ _ x y    - . ? 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