I The meeting was called to order by President Duffy at 1:30 p.m.
Bandopadhyay, S. Amason, A.
Box, Mark Butcher, B.
Bristow, W. Davis, M.
Bruder, J. Garza, D.
Curda, L. Kramer, D.
Duffy, L. Lin, C.
Eicken, H. Mammoon, T.
Gardner, J. McBeath, J.
Hartman, C. Murray, M.
Illingworth, R. Rybkin, A.
Lincoln, T. (R. Dupras)
Lindahl, M. (C. Read)
Mortensen, B. Ducharme, J.
McLean-Nelson, D. Gregory, G.
McRoy, Peter Layral, S.
Robinson, T. Lind, M.
Rosenberg, J. Reichardt, P.
Roth, M. Trabant, T.
Shepherd, J. Uzzell, S.
Swazo, N.
Weber, J.
Wiens, J.
Zilberkant, E.
Leipzig, J. - Dean, CLA Banks, S. - President, ASUAF
Tremarello, A - Registrar Graduate Student, GSO
Culbertson, S. -President, UAFSC
Collins, J. - Dean, SOM
B. The minutes to Meeting #97 (October 30, 2000) were
approved as distributed via e-mail.
C. The agenda was approved as distributed via e-mail with the
addition of a guest speaker, Richard Hacker, under section III. Adoption
of the agenda passes the item under the consent agenda.
II Status of Chancellor's Office Actions
A. Motions approved:
1. Motion to amend Section 3 (Article V:
Committees, Permanent) of the Bylaws.
2. Motion to approve the M.A. degree
program in Cross-Cultural Studies.
3. Motion to delete the Ed.S.
B. Motions pending:
4. Motion recommending that the "Guidelines
for the Evaluation Process for
Administrators" be adopted. (A request
for a 90 day extension was approved by
the Administrative Committee)
III Comments from Chancellor, Marshall Lind -
Chancellor Lind indicated that Governor Knowles held a press release
today on next year's budget which included the Board of Regents'
request of $16.8 million for the University. This was a result of the
Board of Regents' accepting the administrations recommendation for
the budget for FY02. In addition, they accepted the capital budget
request that included $8 million to complete the UA Museum.
The Board of Regents meeting in November went well. One topic which
needs a lot of additional work has to do with setting the tuition rate.
The rates include an inflationary increase for next year and then a
freeze after that. The Board is trying to figure out how to
accommodate some of the concerns of the ³ÉÈËӰƬ regarding
differentiation between lower division, upper division, and graduate
tuition. Chancellor Lind expects further discussion on this topic at
future meetings.
Chancellor Lind thanked everyone for their comments on the strategic
plan. They are trying to incorporate those changes and to develop
performance indicators. The deans and directors will be working with
faculty to develop performance indicators that make sense.
The BP contribution to the University is very substantial. The
President and Chancellor are very optimistic with what the University
as a system can do with that money. UAF will be a major player in
terms of how that money will be utilized. The President and the Board
of Regents' is developing a plan.
On Thursday, December 14th the Chancellor will be hosting a holiday
reception. Everyone is invited to attend.
Peter McRoy asked about bottlenecks for the strategic plan.
Chancellor Lind indicated that he does not anticipate any problems with
the strategic plan. It will fit together nicely with the academic plan and
mission plan.
Linda Curda thanked the Chancellor for his visit to Bethel. Larry Duffy
asked about the $13 million cut in tuition over the next five years that
the ³ÉÈËӰƬ are requesting. Chancellor Lind does not see how we can
support something of that magnitude. It will slow us down in terms of
rebuilding the university. A recent report card of the University did
not identify tuition as an area of concern.
Comments from Provost, Paul Reichardt -
Provost Reichardt distributed a handout titled UAF Academic Plan
Outline which is a work in progress. Over 130 initiative ideas were
submitted. A group of Deans and Directors met on Wednesday to
review those ideas as well as the strategic plan and the mission
statement. The question was asked what can we do over the next
several years to move UAF forward. This Outline is a draft document
which includes three main areas. One is a set of characteristics which
we believe we should aspire to; second, is a set of seven areas of
emphasis; and the third area is programs of international distinction.
We talked about the value of having a handful of programs at UAF that
are nationally/internationally recognized for their excellence and
accomplishments. Following a writing exercise by members of the
group, Paul Reichardt put together a draft document on the areas of
emphasis and, based upon his analysis, put together a list of
candidates we might consider for programs of distinction. This plan
will be revisited at the Provost Council meeting on Wednesday,
December 13th. UAF will use this plan in the development of the FY03
budget initiative process. Further discussion of the plan will take place
in the fall or in the spring. We have a month to identify elements that
UAF will request in the FY03 budget. As has been the case in the past,
we are going on the assumption that we will be asking approximately
$16-17 million additional dollars in FY03. That request will include half
continuing increased expenses and the other half will be for new
initiatives. At UAF this will be approximately $8 million. There are 11
systemwide initiative areas and UAF has added one more area in
Humanities and Arts. The Provost is asking for faculty to serve on
each of the corresponding UAF committees. Committee members will
look at the ideas and we can begin identifying what will go into the FY03
budget request.
Paul Reichardt also mentioned the death of David Smith over the
weekend. A number of faculty are good friends of David and Perry
Gilmore. David Smith was the first president of the Faculty Senate.
John Leipzig has been appointed the new dean of the College of Liberal
Peter McRoy asked about the creation of the 11 new committees. Paul
Reichardt indicated that UAF needs to pattern our committee
structure after the statewide committee structure for the FY03
budget planning process. Larry Duffy indicated they have pushed
strongly at the Alliance level for faculty involvement in budgeting and
C. Richard Hacker, Faculty Liaison
Richard Hacker spoke about his position as Faculty Liaison. He is a
faculty member from UAS. He is here on a one year special
assignment as a faculty consultant to the President. Richard Hacker
attends the President's staff meetings, SAC meetings, Faculty Alliance
meetings, a newly developed Distance Education committee meetings,
and the Information Technology Council.
Norm Swazo asked about the meeting of an ad hoc group of faculty
that met with the President in November. Richard Hacker indicated
that he was not at that meeting.
Jim Gardner spoke about the BP money and the loss of any additional
money that previously went to departments and research groups. Paul
Reichardt indicated that in his conversation with the President it was
understood that this was additional money and we need to document
what groups are being told about the funding.
Chancellor Lind indicated that through the President�s Council the
Chancellor's will be giving some input into the use of the BP money.
Reichardt indicated that SAC has not been asked to participate as a
group, but as individuals they have been asked for their thoughts.
IV Governance Reports
A. ASUAF - S. Banks
Not available for a report.
B. Staff Council - S. Culbertson
Not available for a report.
C. President's Comments - L. Duffy
Larry Duffy distributed the following as a handout.
Presidents� Report - Larry Duffy
The Faculty Alliance is still involved in the initiative process and
working on getting more faculty representation of the various working
groups. The various MAU education working groups are getting along
well and the UAF School of Education will be bring to the Senate a
modification of the BAS.
The regulation on emeritus professors has been revised in a minor way
and I will ask for UAF Senate input on this issue to pass on to the
Alliance. Also, this brings up the concept of Distinguished Professor
recognition from the Board of Regents. This honor is in policy but is
never used. I would like to suggest that a Senate sponsored Ad Hoc
Committee recommend to the Chancellor every year several possible
names for this honor.
Larry Duffy expanded on his written comments stating that
information comes to us pretty fast. At the Faculty Alliance level they
try to bring it back to individual Senates for comments. In order to
get faculty input on the initiative process the Alliance is pushing to get
more faculty on each of the statewide committees.
Various MAU's are working on the Education issue and are moving
forward with a modified BAS program. The Senate may want to think
about having the School of Education take over the program overview
for the BAS. John Leipzig spoke about an upcoming meeting of the
SOEd. and CLA to discuss this issue.
The issue of emeritus professors has come up in the review of current
policy. Any comments should be directed to the Faculty Affairs
Committee who will be looking at this in terms of current UAF
practice. Also in the Board of Regents policies is a Distinguished
Professor status. Larry Duffy would like to discuss this as a method
of honoring our outstanding faculty. Peter McRoy indicated that this
issue was discussed at the Faculty Affairs committee meeting last
week. There are some specifically endowed chairs that fall into this
category and they did not feel there needed to be another category of
Larry Duffy further spoke about Banner's capability for a faculty
system and asked what should be included.
V Consent Agenda
A. Motion to amend the BBA degree requirements, submitted
by Curricular Affairs
The motion was approved with the adoption of the agenda.
The UAF Faculty Senate moves to amend the Bachelor of Business
Administration degree requirements to the following:
[[ ]] = Deletion
CAPS = Addition
All majors must earn a "C" or better in all Common Body of Knowledge
courses, department-specific general requirements, major specific
requirements, and specific math and statistics requirements.
Core Curriculum Requirements 38-39 credits
B.B.A. Degree Requirements 82-85 credits
Complete the following in addition to the core:
MATH 161 Algebra for Business and Economics 3 credits
(Math 262 should be taken to complete the
mathematics requirement for the core.)
Social Science and Statistics (10 credits):
STAT 200 Elementary Probabilities and Statistics 3 credits
ECON 200 Principles of Economics 4 credits
ECON 227 Intermediate Statistics for
Economics and Business 3 credits
Common Body of Knowledge (31-34 credits):
AIS 101 Effective Personal Computer Use
Or Demonstrated Computer Literacy 0-3 credits
ACCT 161 And 262 Accounting Concepts & Uses 6 credits
AIS 310 Introduction to Information Systems 3 credits
BA 325 Financial Management 3 credits
BA 330 Legal Environment of Business 4 credits
BA 343 Principles of Marketing 3 credits
BA 360 Production/Operations Management 3 credits
BA 390 Organizational Theory and Behavior 3 credits
BA 462 Corporate Strategy 3 credits
ECON 324 Intermediate Macroeconomics or
ECON 350 Money and Banking 3 credits
Major complex* at least 27 credits
Minor complex** (optional) 15 credits or more
Electives 11 or more credits
Minimum credits required for degree 123 credits
Of the above, at least 39 credits must be taken in upper division (300
level or higher) courses.
*Departmental requirements for majors may exceed the minimum
indicated. Specific requirements are listed in the Degrees and
Programs section of the catalog.
**Requirements for minors may exceed 15 credits. Specific
requirements are listed in the Degree and Programs section of the
EFFECTIVE: Fall 2000
Upon Chancellor's Approval
RATIONALE: Changes are a result of a proposed new course
(AIS 316) and is contingent upon approval of AIS 316.
VI New Business
A. Motion to replaced the existing Dual Enrollment policy with
a new Secondary Student Enrollment policy, submitted by Curricular
Ron Illingworth spoke about the proposed changes. The committee felt
that it did not want to treat one category of ³ÉÈËӰƬ differently from
all other ³ÉÈËӰƬ. Students have to meet appropriate course
prerequisites and have permission of the instructor. This policy is for
³ÉÈËӰƬ enrolling in individual courses, not for admission to the
University. After general discussion from senate members, the
motion passed with 3 nays.
The UAF Faculty Senate moves to replace the current High School
Enrollment Policy with the following:
High School Students
UAF offers three opportunities for high school ³ÉÈËӰƬ to enroll in
university classes: dual enrollment, the AHEAD program and TECH
PREP. For information on these programs please contact your high
school guidance counselor or the UAF Admissions counselor phone
(907) 474-7500 or (800) 478-1823, or web www.uaf.edu/admred/
Dual Enrollment
The dual enrollment program allows high school ³ÉÈËӰƬ to register
for UAF classes. This program is open to the following:
* High school seniors with a GPA of 2.5 or above may register for two
classes for a maximum of six credits.
* High school seniors with a GPA of 2.0 to 2.5 may register for one
* High school juniors with a GPA of 2.75 or above may register for one
* All other ³ÉÈËӰƬ are encouraged to contact the director of
Admissions for information on course enrollment at UAF.
*High school ³ÉÈËӰƬ may enroll in vocational and developmental
courses, depending upon program requirements, after obtaining
approval signatures from their parent (guardian), high school official,
the instructor of the class, and the appropriate university program
Pick up a Dual Enrollment Application Form (valid for one semester)
from your high school counseling office. You must file an application
for each semester you wish to attend.
Note: enrollment in UAF courses through the Dual Enrollment program
does not constitute admission to the university.
Secondary School Students
UAF offers three opportunities for secondary ³ÉÈËӰƬ to enroll in
university classes: secondary student enrollment, the AHEAD program,
and TECH PREP. For information on these programs please contact
your high school guidance counselor, your local rural campus, or the
UAF Admissions Office, phone (907) 474-7500 or (800) 478-1823, or
web www.uaf.edu/admred/admissions/docs/highschool/.
Secondary Student Enrollment
The secondary student enrollment process allows secondary ³ÉÈËӰƬ
to register for UAF classes. A student meeting course prerequisites
may enroll in university courses with permission of the instructor.
Secondary ³ÉÈËӰƬ must consult their appropriate school district
officials and school counselors prior to registration for approval if
they wish to use university courses to meet high school graduation
Registering for courses at UAF establishes a permanent academic
record that will reflect student academic performance in all courses
Note: enrollment in UAF courses as a secondary student does not
constitute formal admission to the university for the purposes of
earning a certificate or degree.
AHEAD Program
Remains the same.
TECH PREP Opportunities
Remains the same.
EFFECTIVE: Immediately
RATIONALE: This motion clarifies the process necessary
for the enrollment of secondary ³ÉÈËӰƬ into courses
at UAF and removes obstacles from ³ÉÈËӰƬ who are
eager to learn. Additionally, it allows us to treat
these ³ÉÈËӰƬ the same way we treat older ³ÉÈËӰƬ
who just sign up for a course or two. Streamlining this
process will serve to encourage participation by secondary
³ÉÈËӰƬ who would profit from UAF courses. There are
no changes to the AHEAD Program or the Tech Prep
B. Motion to approve a M.S. degree program in Statistics,
submitted by Graduate Academic & Advisory Committee
The motion was brought before the Senate from the committee and
was seconded by Norm Swazo. Jim Gardner spoke about the new MS
degree in Statistics which formalizes a program that has existed as an
Interdisciplinary Studies program for five years. It does not require
any additional faculty. The motion was approved unanimously.
The UAF Faculty Senate moves to approve a M.S. degree program in
EFFECTIVE: Fall 2001 or
Upon Board of Regents' Approval
RATIONALE: See full program proposal #40 on file in
the Governance Office, 312 Signers' Hall.
Executive Summary
M.S., Statistics
To properly manage the State's renewable and non-renewable
resources and advance scientific enquiry requires the careful
application of statistical methods. The creation of a master's program
in Statistics at the UAF Department of Mathematical Sciences (the
only such master's program in the State of ³ÉÈËӰƬ) will help supply
locally trained biometricians and consulting statisticians for
employment in ³ÉÈËӰƬ. The Department of Mathematical Sciences at
UAF has successfully run an interdisciplinary master's program in
applied statistics for five years, and seeks only to formalize the
program. The creation of a master's program in Statistics will thus
incur no additional costs, while the program will supply University
researchers and State agencies access to highly qualified graduate
³ÉÈËӰƬ in Statistics.
The Masters in Statistics is meant to prepare ³ÉÈËӰƬ for careers in
applied statistics. Graduates of the program could be labeled
quantitative biologist, biometricians, quantitative geologists,
geostatisticians, psychometricians, epidemiologists or mathematical
statisticians, depending upon their specific coursework. As an
organizing principle of the program, we will ensure that all ³ÉÈËӰƬ
meet the requirements of successful employment as a biometrician
for the ³ÉÈËӰƬ Department of Fish and Game and will qualify for the
State of ³ÉÈËӰƬ's Biometrician register. In addition, this program will
prepare ³ÉÈËӰƬ to enter a Ph.D. program in Statistics.
The program combines core courses in statistical theory with elective
courses in statistical methodology. In addition, each student will take
electives in one or more of mathematics, biology, fisheries, wildlife,
geology, forestry, marine sciences, economics or other applied
sciences. Doctoral ³ÉÈËӰƬ in these areas may pursue the Masters in
Statistics simultaneously. The program is intended to take two
academic years to complete. It is designed to work especially well as a
joint program for Ph.D. ³ÉÈËӰƬ in the sciences.
This program has been a successful interdisciplinary graduate program
since its inception in 1996. The ten graduates of the graduate
program have all been successful in obtaining employment.
VII Committee Reports
A. Curricular Affairs - R. Illingworth
A report was attached to the agenda.
B. Faculty Affairs - P. McRoy
A report was attached to the agenda.
C. Graduate Academic & Advisory Committee - J. Gardner
A report was attached to the agenda.
D. Core Review - J. Brown
No report was available.
E. Curriculum Review - S. Bandopadhyay
No report was available.
F. Developmental Studies - J. Weber
The following report was distributed as a handout.
MINUTES of The Developmental Studies Committee
November 16, 2000
Attending: Barbara Adams, Nancy Ayagarak, Patty Baldwin, John
Bruder, Rich Carr, Lisa Buttrey-Thomas, Marty Getz, Cindy Hardy,
Marjie Illingworth, Joe Mason, Jane Weber.
The committee met, discussed, and acted on the following items.
A/B/No-credit grading option:
We have discussed this option for some time as a means of assuring
that ³ÉÈËӰƬ who pass DEV classes will do well in the next level. This
is particularly a problem for ³ÉÈËӰƬ going from DEVM 105 to Math
107. It does not seem to be as much of a problem for the
DEVE/English progression. We discussed concerns that this option
could lead to grade inflation, would not be consistent with the
university's policy of a 2.0 as "Good Standing," and would address
issues in Math but not English. The committee decided to drop
discussion of this option and explore other avenues of addressing
these issues.
DEVM 106:
There will be another section of DEVM 106-a transitional class between
DEVM 105 and Math 107-Spring semester. Jane reported that this
should not overload the 105 classes since it will be geared toward
³ÉÈËӰƬ who drop 107. This, along with appropriate advising for
entering math ³ÉÈËӰƬ, may address the 105/107 issue. Apparently,
these classes are offered at UAA and UAS as 4-credit classes. The
change at UAF was made to accommodate shortened distance delivery
times at UAF. We will look into the history of this to see if the 4-
credit option can be restored, as it seems more appropriate for
student success in these classes.
Student Learning Center:
Jane and Cindy have been in discussion with Wanda Martin and Provost
Reichardt about establishing a Student Learning Center on campus,
similar to and in cooperation with the Learning Assistance Center at
the Downtown Center. This will be part of a FY03 initiative originating
from the Advising Center, proposing this center as an adjunct to the
Advising Center. The initiative will propose a physical space for DEV
faculty, an administrative assistant, tutoring facilities and trained
tutors, and service for ³ÉÈËӰƬ with learning disabilities and
developmental-level ESL. We will continue to track the progress of this
AA/AAS requirement changes:
The committee discussed the changes to the AA/AAS requirements
coming before the Curricular Affairs committee. Members of the
committee were concerned that the changes make it more difficult for
AAS ³ÉÈËӰƬ to go on to other MAU's by reducing or changing the
requirements in English and Math. They also make it more difficult for
AAS ³ÉÈËӰƬ wanting to go on to a BA or BS here at UAF. We agreed
to draft a memo opposing these changes and send it along to the
Curricular Affairs Committee.
Members of the committee raised concerns that we have not yet seen
an accreditation report. We agreed to put this item on the next
meeting's agenda.
John Bruder reported that he has found information on math
placement on a website: www.maa.org/pnw
Information on English placement may be found on the NCTE website.
Next meeting:
The next meeting will be December 14, 2000, 1-2:30 p.m. This is a
change from a previously announced date, December 12.
G. Faculty Appeals & Oversight - G. Chukwu
A report was attached to the agenda.
Larry Duffy indicated that the Administrative Committee will work with
the Provost and Chancellor in resolving the Administrator Evaluation
motion. Norm Swazo said that the Faculty Appeals & Oversight
Committee forwarded two motion to the Administrative Committee and
it was decided to have a conference session with the Chancellor and
Provost to work out a modified motion.
H. Faculty Development, Assessment & Improvement -
T. Robinson
A report was attached to the agenda.
VIII Public Comments/Questions -
Tonya Trabant from Career Services spoke about the Visitor Industry
Job Fair that will be happening January 24 and 25. Shannon Uzzell,
Student Employment Coordinator, spoke about the development of a
student internship program.
IX Discussion Items -
Larry Duffy asked faculty to review their departmental accreditation
notebooks. Faculty representation is needed on the various statewide
and UAF committees to review the budget initiatives.
X Members' Comments/Questions
Peter McRoy indicated that Faculty Affairs has a couple of new issues
they will be looking at and would like comments. One is faculty input on
search committees. Larry Duffy spoke about federal mandates and
compliance issues the University must follow. Norm Swazo suggested
that this might be a good topic for the spring department chair
workshop. Ron Illingworth spoke about the need to have faculty on
faculty search committees. Peter McRoy indicated that the
committees are advisory to the Deans and they can appoint anyone
they want to the search committees.
Ron Illingworth mentioned the prerequisite list that has been going
around and it should be back to Ann Tremarello.
XI Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 3:15 p.m.
Tapes of this Faculty Senate meeting are in the Governance
Office, 312 Signers' Hall if anyone wishes to listen to the
complete tapes.
Submitted by Sheri Layral, Faculty Senate Secretary.