Sheri Layral
312 Signers' Hall
474-7964 FYSENAT
For Audioconferencing: Bridge #: 1-877-751-8040
(Passcode: 523297)
Fairbanks: 474-8050
(Chair's Passcode: 628337)
Monday, February 5, 2001
1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Wood Center Ballroom
1:30 I Call to Order - Larry Duffy 5 Min.
A. Roll Call
B. Approval of Minutes to Meeting #98
C. Adoption of Agenda
1:35 II Status of Chancellor's Office Actions 5 Min.
A. Motions Approved:
1. Motion to amend the BBA degree
2. Motion to approve a M.S. degree program
in Statistics
3. Motion to replaced the existing Dual
Enrollment policy with a new Secondary
Student Enrollment policy.
B. Motions Pending:
4. Motion recommending that the "Guidelines
for the Evaluation Process for
Administrators" be adopted. (A request
for a 90 day extension was approved by
the Administrative Committee. Will be
replaced by substitute motion.)
1:40 III A. Remarks by Chancellor M. Lind 10 Min.
B. Remarks by Provost P. Reichardt 10 Min.
C. Guest Speaker - George Happ 10 Min.
Project Director, EPSCoR
2:10 IV Governance Reports
A. ASUAF -S. Banks / GSO - 5 Min.
B. Staff Council - S. Culbertson 5 Min.
C. President's Report - L. Duffy 5 Min.
(Attachment 99/1)
2:25 V Consent Agenda
A. Motion to amend Section 3 (Article V: Committees,
Standing, Permanent) of the Bylaws by deleting E. 9.
(Attachment 99/2)
2:25 VI New Business 20 Min.
A. Motion to approve the Certificate and A.A.S.
degree program in Dental Assistant, submitted
by Curricular Affairs (Attachment 99/3)
B. Motion to approve the Certificate and A.A.S.
degree program in Tribal Management, submitted
by Curricular Affairs (Attachment 99/4)
C. Motion to amend the Foreign Language Advanced
Placement Credit policy, submitted by Curricular
Affairs (Attachment 99/5)
D. Motion to recommend UAF Administrators be
reviewed according to Guidelines, submitted by
Faculty Appeals & Oversight Committee
(Attachment 99/6)
2:45 VII Committee Reports 15 Min.
A. Curricular Affairs - R. Illingworth (Attachment 99/7)
B. Faculty Affairs - P. McRoy (Attachment 99/8)
C. Graduate Academic & Advisory Committee - J. Gardner
(Attachment 99/9)
D. Core Review - J. Brown
E. Curriculum Review - S. Bandopadhyay
F. Developmental Studies - J. Weber (Attachment 99/10)
G. Faculty Appeals & Oversight - G. Chukwu
(Attachment 99/11)
H. Faculty Development, Assessment & Improvement -
T. Robinson (Attachment 99/12)
3:00 ***BREAK*** 10 Min
3:10 VIII Public Comments/Questions 10 Min.
3:20 IX Discussion Items 5 Min.
A. Academic Liaison Faculty Fellow - Call for Nominations
(Attachment 99/13)
3:25 X Members' Comments/Questions 5 Min.
3:30 XI Adjournment
FEBRUARY 5, 2001
President's Comments - Larry Duffy
Welcome to the 21st Century.
During January, President Mark Hamilton led a two-day meeting of UA
administrators, deans, and the Faculty Alliance. A wide variety of topics
were reviewed and discussed with most of the focus on the initiative
program. It became clear than an academic plan should be the driver for
the initiative process and that UAF, UAA and UAS have or are
developing these plans for the next 5 years. President Hamilton also
urged us to change our conservative financial culture to take advantage
of the opportunities arising around the University. We should not dwell
on the past, and although success is likely, we should at least have an
attitude that, if we do fail, it will be going forward.
At UAF, we are in a great position to heed President Hamilton�s advice.
We have a new Mission Statement; the Strategic Plan UAF 2005 is
about ready to come to the Senate; an Academic Development Plan has
been created; and an insightful accreditation self-study has been
drafted by Ron Gatterdam, Dana Thomas and colleagues. It is time for
us in Governance to support this effort by encouraging the entire
faculty in the units we represent to get involved. As UAF is revitalized,
our goal should be to revitalize the Senate and its committees.
FEBRUARY 5, 2001
The UAF Faculty Senate moves to amend Section 3 (Article V:
Committees, Standing, Permanent) of the Bylaws by deleting E. 9.
(Steering Committee, Bachelor of Arts and Sciences Degree Program).
[[ ]] = Deletion
CAPS = Additions
A. An Administrative Committee will be composed of the
chairpersons of all standing Senate Committees and of
permanent Senate committees except [[the University-wide
Promotion and Tenure Committee,]] the Committee to Nominate
Commencement Speakers and Honorary Degree Recipients.
[[, and the BAS Steering Committee. ]]
[[9. The BAS Steering Committee is responsible for overseeing the
BAS degree program. Specific duties of the Committee include:
1) evaluating proposals for including or deleting courses within
the BAS degree and making recommendations to the CLA
Academic Council and the Faculty Senate; 2) developing and
evaluating procedures for advising BAS majors; 3) developing
and assessing the BAS degree program. The Committee is
responsible for establishing procedures for selecting the BAS
coordinator and will select the coordinator for a 2-year term.
The committee shall be composed of one faculty member elected
from each of the following units: (CLA, CSEM, SOEd, CRA); one
faculty member appointed by Faculty Senate; one representative
from the Advising Center; the BAS coordinator; and the Dean of
the School of Education and the CLA dean or dean designee as
ex-officio members. ]]
EFFECTIVE: Immediately
RATIONALE: The School of Education is now responsible for
the establishment of an advisory council for the BAS
degree. The Colleges of Liberal Arts and Science,
Engineering and Mathematics will be responsible for
providing faculty members for the advisory council.
FEBRUARY 5, 2001
The UAF Faculty Senate moves to approve the Certificate and A.A.S.
degree program in Dental Assistant Program which includes six new
EFFECTIVE: Fall 2001
Upon Board of Regents' Approval
RATIONALE: See full program proposal #35-40 and
#41-42 on file in the Governance Office, 312 Signers� Hall.
(Submitted by Health Technology)
35. NEW COURSE: HLTH 152 - Dental Materials and Applications
(2+4) 4 credits; offered As Demand Warrants; effective
Fall 2001 or Upon BOR Approval.
36. NEW COURSE: HLTH 153 - Biomedical Sciences for Dental
Assistants (3+0) 3 credits; offered Spring and As Demand
Warrants; effective Fall 2001 or Upon BOR Approval.
37. NEW COURSE: HLTH 251 - Clinical Chairside 1 for Dental
Assistants (2+4) 4 credits; offered As Demand Warrants;
effective Fall 2001 or Upon BOR Approval.
38. NEW COURSE: HLTH 252 - Clinical Chairside 2 for Dental
Assistants (2+4) 4 credits; offered As Demand Warrants;
effective Fall 2001 or Upon BOR Approval.
39. NEW COURSE: HLTH 253 - Clinical Chairside 3 for Dental
Assistants (2+4) 4 credits; offered As Demand Warrants;
effective Fall 2001 or Upon BOR Approval.
40. NEW COURSE: HLTH 254 - Dental Assistant Practicum (1+12)
4 credits; offered As Demand Warrants; effective Fall 2001
or Upon BOR Approval.
Executive Summary
Certificate & A.A.S., Dental Assistant Program
The field of dentistry has expanded in recent years. The Dental
Assistant Certificate and A.A.S. degree program is designed to
incorporate theory and application. This focused delivery will provide
the student with the knowledge and job skills required for entry-level
employment in the dental field.
There is a current and future need for trained dental assistant. In a
September 2000 analysis of employment of health care occupations in
³ÉÈËӰƬ from 1998-2008, the ³ÉÈËӰƬ Department of Labor and
Workforce Development project a 64% increase in estimated growth of
dental assisting positions in ³ÉÈËӰƬ. This reflects an annual growth of
6.44% per year, for the next eight years. In a report prepared for the
Human Resource Investment Council titled: University of ³ÉÈËӰƬ
Vocational Education Students FY 1998 -- Employment Earnings Before
and After Training, student incomes were studied. Statistics showed
that after successfully completing a dental assisting program there was
a significant rise in total wage and salary earnings.
Dental health care delivery is changing. Dentists are being challenged to
deliver quality patient care as well as contain the rising costs. Managed
care programs, patients loss of dental insurance and reduction in
benefits, cost containment measures, and community pressure have
amplified the market for competent and cross-trained dental assistants.
Hiring Certified Dental Assistants allows the dentist to delegate
advanced functions and thus extends dental services to more people.
To summarize, there is a current need for educated dental assistants,
which is projected to extend into the foreseeable future. The proposed
Dental Assistant Certificate & A.A.S. program will prepare ³ÉÈËӰƬ for
employment in the dental field. Following accreditation of the program,
the graduates will be eligible to take the D.A.N.B. Certification
examination. The modular format also provides early entry into the job
market with completion of specific modules of the course work. This
permits full time work while the student completes the remaining
modules. Implementation of this program will position the College of
Rural ³ÉÈËӰƬ, Tanana Valley Campus to meet the present and increasing
demand for vocational-technical training and provide the dental
community with credentialed dental assistants.
FEBRUARY 5, 2001
The UAF Faculty Senate moves to approve the Certificate and A.A.S.
degree program in Tribal Management Program which includes six new
EFFECTIVE: Fall 2001
Upon Board of Regents' Approval
RATIONALE: See full program proposal #48-53 and
#54-55 on file in the Governance Office, 312 Signers� Hall.
(Submitted by Tribal Management)
48. NEW COURSE: TM 101 - Introduction to Tribal Government
(3+0) 3 credits; offered Fall; effective Fall 2001 or
Upon BOR Approval.
49. NEW COURSE: TM 105 - Introduction to Tribal Finance
Applications (3+0) 3 credits; offered Spring; effective
Fall 2001 or Upon BOR Approval.
50. NEW COURSE: TM 199 - Tribal Management Practicum I,
3 credits; offered Fall and Spring; effective Fall 2001
or Upon BOR Approval.
51. NEW COURSE: TM 201 - Advanced Tribal Government (3+0)
3 credits; offered Spring; effective Fall 2001 or
Upon BOR Approval.
52. NEW COURSE: TM 205 - Advanced Tribal Finance Applications
(3+0) 3 credits; offered Fall; effective Fall 2001
or Upon BOR Approval.
53. NEW COURSE: TM 299 - Tribal Management Practicum II,
3 credits; offered Fall and Spring; effective Fall 2001 or
Upon BOR Approval.
Executive Summary
Certificate & A.A.S., Tribal Management Program
The Interior-Aleutians Campus, College of Rural ³ÉÈËӰƬ, University of
³ÉÈËӰƬ Fairbanks, request approval of a Certificate and A.A.S. degree
program in Tribal Management to be implemented in Fall Semester
Through courses delivered locally in the home communities of our
³ÉÈËӰƬ, the Tribal Management Program will build the capacity of local
governments in rural ³ÉÈËӰƬ villages to take control of assets and
resources for economic enhancement.
In line with the mission of Interior-Aleutians Campus, the TMP will
provide educational opportunities for ³ÉÈËӰƬ throughout the state
without requiring them to change or leave their culture or heritage. The
Interior-Aleutians Campus is committed to educating ³ÉÈËӰƬ Natives and
rural residents, assisting them to affect social changes in their
communities, thereby enriching the quality of their lives and cultures.
Particular consideration is given to the needs of permanent residents
and ³ÉÈËӰƬ in non-traditional settings who seek skills and degrees
suited to the rural economy and to the well being of rural communities.
Due to the boom and bust cycles of ³ÉÈËӰƬ's economic history, coupled
with the thrust of Native peoples into the corporate world, many skills
have been "imported" to regions by persons outside of the community
and most often outside of the state. Many rural areas exist in a
technology deficit, and the residents are becoming part of a "have-not"
society. Given the lack of opportunity for education and employment as
well as an infrastructure of tools for educational use, this challenge is
especially poignant. The Tribal Management program is an oppor-tunity
for ³ÉÈËӰƬ in rural ³ÉÈËӰƬ to attain and maintain skills that sustain
wellness, self-sufficiency, and on-going economic development.
As ³ÉÈËӰƬn tribes and rural workforce take control of local resources and
the local economy, we will continue to see a rise in the need for quality
and relevant education in rural ³ÉÈËӰƬ. As more jobs are created to
meet the economic demand of rural government and business
development, there will be a growing need for adequate skill
development programs. Working in cooperation with organizations like
the Tanana Chiefs Conference, Bristol Bay Native Association and other
regional nonprofits throughout ³ÉÈËӰƬ increases the probability of
success for the Tribal Management Program.
FEBRUARY 5, 2001
The UAF Faculty Senate moves to amend the Foreign Language
Advanced Placement Credit policy (pp. 14-15, UAF 2000-2001
catalog) as follows:
[[ ]] = Deletion
After completing the course in which you were placed (above 101) and
earning a B grade or higher, you may ask to receive [["bonus credit"]]
CREDIT for the two immediately preceding prerequisite courses, if any.
GRADE OR HIGHER). However, credit cannot be awarded for such
courses if university credit has already been granted for them (for
example, through College Board Advanced Placement national tests) or
special topics courses, individual study courses, and literature or culture
EFFECTIVE: Fall 2001
Upon Chancellor Approval
RATIONALE: The existing wording in the catalog permits a
UAF student who has foreign language expertise to receive
credit for the two immediately preceding prerequisite UAF
courses, if any, after completing the foreign language
course in which they were placed (above 101) and after
earning a B grade or higher. This modification allows for
the same credit option to be available for ³ÉÈËӰƬ who
desire to transfer in credit from an accredited institution.
FEBRUARY 5, 2001
The UAF Faculty Senate moves to recommend to the UAF
Administration that the following administrators be reviewed on a four
year cycle according to the Guidelines outlined below:
EFFECTIVE: Immediately
RATIONALE: The Faculty Appeals and Oversight Committee
was tasked with reviewing the policy for the faculty's role
in the evaluation of administrators. The primary
qualification for selection for periodic review by the
Provost's office was administrators holding academic
rank whose positions directly impact the academic
programs and whose performance directly affects the
ability of faculty to carry out their academic duties.
Executive Dean, College of Rural ³ÉÈËӰƬ
Dean, School of Agriculture & Land Resource Management
Dean, School of Fisheries & Ocean Sciences
Dean, Graduate School
Dean, School of Mineral Engineering
Dean, School of Management
Dean, School of Education
Dean, College of Liberal Arts
Dean, College of Science, Engineering & Math
Director, Geophysical Institute
Director, Institute of Marine Science
Director, Bristol Bay Campus
Director, Chukchi Campus
Director, Interior-Aleutians Campus
Director, Tanana Valley Campus
Director of Library
Director, Institute of Arctic Biology
Director, Institute of Northern Engineers
Director, Kuskokwim Campus
Director, Northwest Campus
Director, ³ÉÈËӰƬ Cooperative Extension
Director, Arctic Region Supercomputer Center
Director, International Arctic Research Center
Director, Fishery Industrial Technology Center, Kodiak
Program Chairman, Marine Advisory Program
Director of Fisheries Division, Juneau
Campus/Program Directors in Group "B" should be periodically reviewed
by their immediate supervisory administrator according to a process
established at the discretion of the supervising administrator.
Interim administrators who are still in place after four years should be
considered for evaluation. Administrators holding interim appointment
will be evaluated in their fourth year according to the process outlined
below. Any administrator will be reviewed on an ad hoc basis when
requested by 25 percent of the faculty in their unit.
1. Within the first three weeks of the Fall Semester the
Supervisor of the Administrator to be reviewed will appoint
an Ad Hoc Administrator Review Committee consisting of
five members, at least three of whom must be faculty. (It
is recommended that staff be included on the ad hoc
committee as appropriate.) The chair of the committee
shall be appointed from the Faculty Senate. One of the
three faculty shall be appointed from the Faculty Appeals
& Oversight Committee.
In the case of evaluation of the Dean of the Graduate School,
the Provost will appoint an Ad Hoc Committee consisting
of two faculty drawn from the UAF Faculty Senate's
Graduate Academic & Advisory Committee, one Dean/
Director, one member of the Faculty Appeals and
Oversight Committee, and a student representative
from the Graduate Student Organization.
The Ad Hoc Committee will solicit input from all relevant
constituencies on- and off-campus, including faculty, staff,
and ³ÉÈËӰƬ. This may be accomplished through various
instruments, e.g., a standard questionnaire completed
anonymously and returned to the Committee Chair.
2. The Administrator to be evaluated will prepare a narrative
self-evaluation of activities performed during the three-year
period (academic years) prior to the year of evaluation or since
the last evaluation. This narrative should include reflections
about how adequately s/he has fulfilled responsibilities of
leadership consistent with his/her own performance
expectations and those of faculty, staff, and ³ÉÈËӰƬ in
the unit. Major or otherwise significant accomplishments
should be highlighted. Any issues raised in the last evaluation
should be referenced with a view to what progress has been
made on those items. Finally, the self-evaluation should
identify a limited set of reasonable goals for the unit over
the next three years, with some discussion about specific
strategies that may be undertaken through his/her
administrative leadership.
3. The Ad Hoc Committee will interview a select sample of faculty,
staff, ³ÉÈËӰƬ and others as relevant for further evaluative
comments about the Administrator's performance.
4. The Ad Hoc Committee will interview the Administrator either
in person or by conference call. The interview shall proceed
on the basis of a set of questions which reference the
Administrator's self-evaluation, the results of returned
questionnaires, and the interviews of faculty, staff, and
5. The Ad Hoc Committee will prepare an evaluative summary,
and submit its report to the Provost (in the case of evaluation
of Deans) or to the Chancellor (in the case of evaluation of
the Provost or any other administrator who reports directly
to the Chancellor). The Ad Hoc Committee shall work as
expeditiously as possible in completing its report and submit
it to the Provost or Chancellor as the case may be by March
15 of the Spring Semester.
(a) At a date to be set by the Provost, the Provost or
administrator's supervisor shall meet in joint conference
with the Ad Hoc Committee and the Faculty Appeals &
Oversight Committee for final review, recommendations,
and disposition of the Administrator�s evaluation. The
supervisor of the administrator will thereafter provide
his/her formal evaluation taking into account the Ad Hoc
Committee's report.
(b) At a date to be set by the Chancellor, the Provost and
the Chancellor shall meet to discuss the Ad Hoc
Committee�s evaluation of the Provost. During this
meeting the Chancellor and Provost shall identify
performance priorities for the next review period. The
Chancellor shall meet in joint conference with the Ad Hoc
Committee and the UAF Faculty Senate�s Faculty Appeals
& Oversight Committee to summarize his evaluation.
FEBRUARY 5, 2001
Curricular Affairs Committee Meeting Report - Ron Illingworth, Chair
The Curricular Affairs committee held audioconferenced meetings on
November 29, December 6, and January 24. Our next meeting is
scheduled for 7 February, 2001 from 1145-100 p.m.
All meetings are audioconferenced as well as face to face as several
members of the committee are from outside Fairbanks.
We continued addressing prioritized issues from our list of issues for
discussion this year.
Issue 1: Course prerequisites � are they accurate and valid in the
catalog and can they be enforced?
Old Status: The Registrar's office has devised a memo which will
be sent to each department and which will identify the prerequisites for
each course listed in the catalog. Departments will be requested to
verify the validity and accuracy of these prerequisites. Their input will
be returned to the Registrar's office and the catalog updated.
Then, during registration, the Registrar's office will run a program which
will check a student's records with the prerequisites listed for the
course. Students will not be restricted from classes solely on the basis
of this computer generated sort. However, questionable areas will be
identified to the instructor for resolution before the beginning of the
class. This process will be beta tested in the Engineering Department
before implementation.
New Status: The listing has been sent to all departments for
review and verification. Prerequisite listings have been received by the
Records office and the catalog is being updated as changes are
Issue 2: Status of formation of BAS oversight committee.
Status: This committee of the Faculty Senate has not yet been
formed. In its place several ad hoc committees are attempting to guide
the development of the BAS. This operation seems to be occurring
outside of Senate intentions. Senate leadership intervention appears to
be necessary to either change the Senate position or to bring these ad
hoc committees together under Senate leadership.
New Status: New directions in the School of Education have
resulted in refocusing activities within the BAS. We await School of Ed
proposals in this area.
Issue 3: Institutional integrity in the area of course offerings shown
in the catalog
Status: Two different lists have been produced; one by Institutional
Research and one from the Registrar's office. There are differences
between the two lists.
The Registrar's list will be provided, with a cover memo, to the College
and School Deans for their distribution to their departments. The listing
contains courses which may be subject to consideration for
removal/elimination based on their not having been offered since 1997.
This will be an expedited process outside of the normal course approval
process. However, all recommendations will be reviewed by the
Curriculum Review Committee prior to any removal/elimination action.
New Status: This listing has been provided to Deans and Directors
and is in the process of being reviewed and returned. Changes have
been received from many departments and are being processed through
the Curriculum Review committee.
Issue 4: Transfer credit meeting core requirements for the AAS.
Status: A draft proposal is being created and will be presented at
the next meeting of the Curricular Affairs Committee on 25 October,
2000. Existing policy covers the bachelor's degree but does not
address ³ÉÈËӰƬ who possess a bachelor's degree from another
institution and come to UAF to acquire an AAS.
New Status: Awaiting revision of the AAS degree.
Issue 5: Minor student enrollment in University courses
Status: This is a carry-over from last years discussions. The
committee is agreed to the need for clarification of this policy. A draft
will be presented at the next Curricular Affairs Committee meeting on
25 October, 2000. Policies affecting both dual-enrollment and the
AHEAD program are being reviewed.
New Status: Proposal for modification approved by committee and
forwarded to Senate for consideration. This proposal was approved by
the Faculty Senate, and was scheduled for signature by the Chancellor
the week of January 19th.
Issue 6: Proposed change to degree requirements
Status: Several degree changes were reviewed and approved with
minor corrections as necessary. Submitted to Senate for consideration.
New Status: These changes were approved by the Senate
Issue 7: New Degrees
Status: Two new degrees were forwarded to the Senate and are on
today's agenda for consideration.
Issue 8: Revision to local advanced placement credit for foreign
Status: A revised proposal, submitted by the Foreign Language
department was approved, with modification, and is submitted to
today's Faculty Senate meeting for consideration.
Issue 9: Distance Delivery Policies
Status: The Curricular Affairs committee decided to hold a series of
open forum meetings for all of the UAF community with interests in this
area. Dates are to be determined but it is expected that meetings will
be held no later than March. Information acquired in these meetings will
be used to help develop proposed policy in the area of distance delivery
of courses at UAF.
FEBRUARY 5, 2001
24 January 2001
Committee Members Present: M. Box, M. Davis (delayed), C.P. McRoy
(chair), B. Mortensen, J. Wiens
Old Business:
The meeting basically consisted of a discussion of the agenda for the
coming semester and the overall portfolio of the committee. The
committee will meet at this time on 21 Feb, 21 Mar, 11 Apr and as
1. Term Faculty Promotions:
This is a continuing item brought to the committee last semester by
Dean Leipzig. Mark Box will contact the Dean to arrange a meeting with
the committee to bring the issue to resolution.
2. Research Ethics Committee
An ad hoc sub-committee consisting of L. Duffy, T. DeLaca, P. McRoy
(chair), M. Neumayr and N. Swazo, was appointed by the Administrative
Committee to examine the compliance of UAF with federal regulations
concerning ethics in research.
3. Research Faculty Membership
The representation of research faculty on the Faculty Senate is a
continuing issue that should be resolved this semester.
4. Faculty Hire Procedures
Some faculty members have raised comments over the procedures
involved in search committees and hiring. New rules are in place that
are being enforced by the Equal Opportunities Office. Dorothy Jones
will be invited to a Faculty Affairs meeting to discuss procedures.
5. Legislative Interaction
Mike Davis noted in our last meeting that this is a broad area of
responsibility for Faculty Affairs under the Senate Bylaws. Mike will take
an active role in this area in collaboration with the faculty collective
bargaining units during the legislative session.
Other Items:
An inquiry was raised concerning the PFD status of faculty on sabbatical
FEBRUARY 5, 2001
Graduate Advisory and Academic Committee - Jim Gardner, Chair
GAAC met December 4, 2000 and January 22, 2001. Those attending
the December meeting were Gimbel, Eicken, Kan, Mason, Murray,
Lincoln, Lin, Sankaran, Konar, Richmond, and Gardner. Those attending
the January meeting were Gimbel, Eicken, Murray, Lincoln, Lin, Sankaran,
Konar, Richmond, Gregory, Minassian and Gardner.
The December meeting focused on proposals for new/change Graduate
courses and programs. The committee voted to recommend approval
of the Master's of Science (with project) in Statistics (which was
approved by the Faculty Senate at their December 11th meeting.
The January meeting reviewed the status of new/change Graduate
program proposals still pending, and began to discuss a first draft of
guidelines for the composition of Graduate Advisory Committees. Hari
Sankaran also volunteered to work with the Graduate School to
review/revise definitions of Master's degrees. No other business was
discussed and the committee adjourned to bask in the warmth of an
Arctic winter.
FEBRUARY 5, 2001
Minutes of The Developmental Studies Committee, January 25, 2001
ATTENDING: Nancy Ayagarak, John Bruder, Rich Carr, Jerah Chadwick,
John Creed, Marty Getz, Cindy Hardy, Ron Illingworth, Wanda Martin, Joe
Mason, Greg Owens, and Jane Weber
The committee met and discussed the following items:
Ron reported that he has gotten from PAIR an updated list of statistics
from all areas of CRA and Developmental programs, which he will e-mail
to members of the committee. He expects to have the final draft of the
report finished by the end of the week and will present it to the
committee. He noted a difference between how Developmental courses
are taught on rural campuses and in Fairbanks. At the rural campuses,
these courses are taught by full-time faculty while on the Fairbanks
campuses they are taught primarily by adjuncts and term faculty. He
will highlight this in his report.
Fred Dyen gave a presentation to the committee on the Early Warning
Alert Program. This program is designed to identify ³ÉÈËӰƬ who are at
risk early in their academic career and to intervene on their behalf. The
program was designed based on information from national research,
Banner, and professional organizations. Fred reported that the program
has already earmarked ³ÉÈËӰƬ, who attended during the fall of 99 but
who did not return in the spring, for exit interviews to determine the
factors that caused them to leave. The key element of intervention for
these ³ÉÈËӰƬ will be through advising. Discussion of this presentation
raised concerns with the differences in risk factors between rural and
urban ³ÉÈËӰƬ, the definition of who is and is not a freshman student
(i.e.: what about high school ³ÉÈËӰƬ taking UAF classes or transfer
³ÉÈËӰƬ?), and the difficulties of ³ÉÈËӰƬ who have been denied
eligibility for financial aid.
We discussed the issues we will present to President Hamilton at our
March 5 meeting. Our primary intent is to inform him of our concern
with the number of ³ÉÈËӰƬ, including UA Scholars who are entering the
university with math , reading, and writing levels below the levels we
address. Additional suggestions for related topics include discussion of
the PRAXIS exam and the High School graduation exam (this may be
moot at the moment). We will give him a summary of information on
³ÉÈËӰƬ entering our program to read over before he comes to meet
with us. Wanda may be able to pull this information out of the data for
the Early Warning Program.
Jane and Cindy will draft a memo to Ralph Gabrielli from the entire
committee requesting funding for John Creed and Nancy Ayagarak to
attend this meeting. Joe Mason and John Bruder will be in Fairbanks for
the Faculty Senate meeting, so will be able to attend. Jerah Chadwick
will not be able to attend.
We will meet twice before the Monday, March 5 10:30-12:30 meeting:
Thursday, February 15, 2:00-3:30pm
Thursday March 1, 2:00-3:30pm.
FEBRUARY 5, 2001
Report of the fourth meeting of the Faculty Appeals and Oversight
Committee (1/19/01), Chancellor�s Conference Room: 1.30pm-2.30pm
Present: Godwin A. Chukwu, SME; Victoria Joan Moessner, CLA; Brian
Himelbloom, SFOS/FITC; Mitch Roth, CSEM; Madeline Schatz, CLA
Absent: Kristy Long, CRA/ACE; Dennis Schall, SOED; Rick Steiner, SFOS-
MAP; Oscar Kawagley, SOE; Ed Husted, CRA; George Khazanov, CSEM
Minutes of the faculty Appeals & Oversight Committee meeting of
11/16/00 were read.
Godwin Chukwu (Committee Chair) briefed the committee on the earlier
meeting he had with the Chancellor, the Provost, UAF Senate president
& president�elect (Larry Duffy and Norm Swazo, respectively) regarding
(a) motion to approve guidelines for the evaluation of Administrators,
(b) motion to approve list of Administrators. Both the Chancellor and
the Provost suggested some changes to the motions.
The committee discussed amendments to both motions but could not
vote on them due to lack of quorum. It was agreed to circulate the
discussed/suggested amendments to all members for review and
comments after which the committee�s recommendation would be
forwarded to the Administrative committee of the Faculty Senate.
The motions are part of the agenda.
FEBRUARY 5, 2001
Faculty Development, Assessment & Improvement Committee Meeting
The Faculty Development, Assessment & Improvement committee held
it's meeting on November 21, 2000 as an audio-conference from 11:30
- 12:30 in the Chancellor's Conference Room. Those present: J. Collins,
B. Cooper, L. Curda, R. Dupras, D. McLean-Nelson, J. Morrison, E. T.
Robinson, A. Rybkin, C. Price. Absent: B. Butcher and R. Norris-Tull.
Five items were circulated prior to the meeting: Memo to Provost, IAS;
Motion/resolution; J. Morrison report; minutes of the last meeting; and
the agenda.
The committee was called to order and introductions were made. The
minutes of the 10/17/00 meeting were accepted as presented with the
correction of noting Carol Gold was also in attendance. The chair is to
contact Carol Gold as to her willingness to serve as a member.
The meeting time for the spring semester was discussed with all those
present agreeing that our current day [Tuesday] and time [11:30-
12:30] worked well.
The SAI memo that was drafted by the chair and sent to the Provost
was reviewed. Having temporary drop boxes in major teaching areas
was discussed. Rheba Dupras reported that library courses need to
have drop locations available at numerous times during a semester. Jim
Collins noted that the requirement for drop boxes being available
outside designated offices for the return of the SAI surveys generates a
fire code problem. Linda Curda noted that the current system is not
working for distance courses. Bottom line here is that we need to
continue to work in this area and develop a better system.
Joy Morrison reported on the schedule of faculty development activities
and discussed help received from UAA and their presentation on
education management in higher education. Discussion within the
committee included the need to stress teaching excellence, the need to
put more resources into faculty development, and the need to provide
for a permanent director of faculty development. To aid teaching
excellence the discussion noted the desire to gain insight to a course
mid-term. A feedback questionnaire could involve:
1. What do you like most about this course?
2. What do you like least about this course?
3. What recommendation(s) would you make for improvement in this
4. What can you do to improve your performance in this course?
Teaching awards and sharing the positive approaches to teaching were
noted as very desirable.
The up-coming American Association for Higher Education (AAHE)
annual conference was noted. This conference will be held at the
beginning of February and will include a contingent from UAF. In
addition to Joy Morrison, our committee member Jim Collins will attend
as a team leader. The need to share the results of such participation
was noted and will be addressed.
The next meeting is to be held at 11:30 -12:30, Tuesday, January 23,
2001. The location will be Rasmuson Library, Room 341. It should be
noted that the committee welcomes and invites interested faculty to
join the membership. Contact the governance office (7964) or chair, E
T Robinson at 6526 or
The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, E. Thomas
FEBRUARY 5, 2001
The Faculty Alliance and the President of the University of ³ÉÈËӰƬ are
calling for nominations for the position of Faculty Fellow in the Office of
the President for up to one year beginning July 1, 2001. A description
of the position and the selection process follows below.
Nominations may be made by the applicant, by another faculty member,
or by an administrator within the university system. Nomination packet
should consist of a completed nomination form (??), a letter of
nomination summarizing the nominee�s abilities relative to the position,
three references, and a current curriculum vita.
Nomination packets should be submitted to the nominee�s local faculty
governance leader, listed below.
Jim Liszka Larry Duffy Dave Marvel
An Academic Liaison Faculty Fellow in the President's office gives the
President, the Statewide Academic Council, and the Faculty Alliance a
faculty voice in academic and administrative decision making.
LENGTH OF APPOINTMENT: Up to one year beginning July 1.
1) To serve as an academic advisor to the President and other
statewide administrators; this includes providing a view of academic
issues and traditions. The Faculty Fellow will have no supervisory
2) To facilitate and improve inter-MAU communication with
faculty on systemwide academic issues.
3) To serve as an ex-officio member of the Faculty Alliance.
4) To serve as liaison to the Systemwide Academic Council.
5) To serve as an ex-officio member of the Distance Education
6) To take on special projects as agreed to by both the Alliance
and the President. Such projects should be in line with the primary
nature of this position.
The Fellow will retain his or her current position with the University of
³ÉÈËӰƬ while on this special assignment. The President�s Office will
assume the responsibility of paying the Fellow�s contract, with any
necessary contract extensions from a nine month base.
If the Fellow lives outside of the Fairbanks area, moving expenses to and
from Fairbanks will be reimbursed in accordance with University
Regulation 05.02.06.
Reasonable housing and local telephone costs will be reimbursed if the
Fellow comes from outside the area. When feasible, the Fellow will live
in UAF Faculty housing.
Authorized travel related to Faculty Fellow duties will be reimbursed.
An equipped office will be provided for the Fellow�s use, including a
computer and telephone.
1) The Faculty Alliance, serving as the selection committee, will
honor the diverse characteristics of the faculty in recommending to the
President and the Systemwide Academic Council a minimum of two and
not more than four faculty whom they fully support for the position.
The Alliance will begin their deliberations at their meeting scheduled for
March 6, 2001 and will make their recommendations no later than
Friday, March 16, 2001.
2) To the extent possible, an effort will be made to rotate the
position among MAUs as well as bipartite and tripartite faculty, and to
have it reflect the diverse characteristics of the faculty. Whenever
practical, the Faculty Fellow and the Chair of the Alliance will be from
different MAUs.
3) The President will select the candidate and offer the
appointment by Friday, April 6, 2001, and, if the appointment is
accepted, will buy out the successful candidate's contract for up to one
year, starting July 1, 2001.