The UAF Faculty Senate Administrative Committee passed the following at its meeting on May 12, 2006:


The UAF Faculty Senate moves to approve a Certificate in Automotive Technology.

EFFECTIVE:              Fall 2006 and/or Upon Board of Regents' Approval.

RATIONALE:          See full program proposals #145 from the Fall 2005 review cycle on file in the Governance Office, 312 Signers' Hall.

The Certificate in Automotive Technology requires 34 credits in Automotive Technology courses.  Related Instruction in Communication, Computation, and Human Relations is embedded in discipline-related courses  


Certificate in Automotive Technology

The proposal for a new Certificate in Automotive Technology is part of a larger package of changes to the current Certificate and AAS Degree in Maintenance Technology.

It is important to note that while the request is a "new" certificate in Automotive Technology such a program already exists and has for many years at TVC/UAF.  It is currently offered as a concentration under the Certificate in Ground Vehicle Maintenance Technology.  TVC has long had a regular faculty position (1.0 FTE) in Automotive Technology and a budget for adjunct faculty, administrative support, and commodities.

Our goal is to enhance and expand quality offerings in this area. Among other changes, this proposal separates out the auto program from what is now known as Maintenance Technology and allows it to stand alone.


UAF's automotive offerings are currently part of the Certificate and AAS degree in Maintenance Technology.  Our goal is to "unpack" these certificates and degrees so that their requirements are clear and each is easily found in the UAF catalog.  Students and community members alike tell us that each should stand alone so that the career pathways associated with them are evident. Doing so also allows them to be listed separately in the UAF catalog and marketed properly at distinct programs.  At the same time, we propose updating our curriculum and delivery methods to align with industry standards and expressed community needs.

The new Certificate in Automotive Technology aligns UAF's program with related offerings at UAA.  The Anchorage program offers Ford and GM factory service programs that may be of interest to UAF ³ÉÈËӰƬ (it is unlikely that these factory programs will be offered in Fairbanks in the foreseeable future).  This alignment of UAF and UAA programs enables those ³ÉÈËӰƬ interested in these factory programs to move on to the UAA program if desired (something not now easily done).



College of Rural and Community Development
Tanana Valley Campus

(907) 455-2809

Minimum Requirements for Certificate: 34 credits

The TVC Automotive Technology Certificate program provides ³ÉÈËӰƬ with the education and training needed to become an entry level Automotive Technician. The automotive service industry is one of constant change as cars become more complicated. As we venture through the new millennium, the automobile isn�t something that can be properly fixed by a weekend mechanic. Highly trained technicians are needed to be able to understand, diagnose, and repair modern automobiles.

The program emphasizes hands-on training and in-class experience as ³ÉÈËӰƬ perform preventive maintenance inspections, determine causes of equipment problems and make necessary repairs and adjustments to the complex systems that make up today�s cars. The certificate training qualifies ³ÉÈËӰƬ for entry-level positions within the automotive service and repair industry in the areas of Electricity/Electronics, Brakes, Suspension and Alignment, and Engine Performance.

Successful graduates from the TVC Automotive Technology program go on to careers in dealerships, independent shops, service/IM stations, fleet repair facilities, and aviation ground support. Salaries vary depending on job placement and the student�s skill level.  Many opportunities exist in the automotive service field for technicians, service writers, parts counterpersons and service sales.

1.            Complete the certificate requirements.


Communication content is imbedded in the following discipline-based courses:
AUTO 102, 110, 122, 131, 150, 162, 190, 202, 222, 227


Computation is imbedded in the following discipline-based courses:
AUTO 102, 110, 131, 150, 162, 227

Human Relations

Human relations is imbedded in the following discipline-based courses:
AUTO 102, 122, 131, 222, 227

2.            Complete the following major requirement courses: 

AUTO 102 Introduction to Automotive Technology               3 credits
AUTO 110 Basic Electrical Systems                                      3 credits
AUTO 122 Engine Theory and Diagnosis                             3 credits
AUTO 131 Automotive Electrical II                                      3 credits
AUTO 150 Brake Systems                                                     4 credits
AUTO 162 Suspension Alignment                                         4 credits
AUTO 190 Automotive Practicum I                                        1-6 credits
AUTO 202 Auto Fuel and Emissions Systems                        4 credits
AUTO 222 Automotive Engine Performance                           3 credits
AUTO 227 Automotive Electrical III                                        3 credits


University of ³ÉÈËӰƬ Board of Regents
Program Approval Summary Form

MAU:   UAF/Tanana Valley Campus (TVC)
Title: Certificate in Automotive Technology

Target admission date:   Fall semester 2006

How does the program relate to the Education mission of the University of ³ÉÈËӰƬ and the MAU?

The University of ³ÉÈËӰƬ system has an expressed commitment to providing workforce development, vocational and occupational instruction, and programs specifically designed to be responsive to the needs of local communities and to adult learners in particular (UA Strategic Plan 2009). The UA and UAF strategic plans both speak about responsiveness to job training and workforce development needs in the state.

Automotive Technology is not new at UAF and TVC. This proposal for a new certificate simply repackages those offerings which are now found as a concentration under the Maintenance Technology AAS. Doing so allows us to expand enrollments and successful graduates through improved curriculum, expanded marketing, increased program visibility, and greater community support.

Importantly this new UAF certificate will improve articulation between the UAF, UAA, and UAS programs so that ³ÉÈËӰƬ can move easily between programs if desired (this proposal was developed with active support from faculty in other MAUs). This proposal was developed through active consultation with automotive industry employers in the Fairbanks area. They have endorsed these changes and expressed a willingness to expand their support for program ³ÉÈËӰƬ.

What State Needs are met by this program?

³ÉÈËӰƬ's construction, oil and gas, mining, and related industries�all critical to ³ÉÈËӰƬ's resource-based economy�need skilled workers and technicians to operate and maintain fleets of automobiles, trucks, and heavy equipment. The same is true for the tourism and hospitality sector, which maintains fleets of tour buses and automobiles for rental markets. ³ÉÈËӰƬ's climate is tough on private automobiles and trucks as well; service technicians are essential to repairing and maintaining these vehicles, tuning them to address emissions standards, and assisting in making ³ÉÈËӰƬ's vehicles safe for both drivers and passengers.

³ÉÈËӰƬ faces a severe shortage of skilled automotive technicians in the coming years. The ³ÉÈËӰƬ Department of Labor and Workforce Development reports that workforce needs in this area are growing and that the existing workforce is 'graying'�over 40% of bus, truck, diesel, and heavy equipment repair personnel and operators are over 50 years of age. A major conference on ³ÉÈËӰƬ's workforce development needs in Kenai in April 2005 highlighted these concerns. Business, labor, and university participants alike expressed common concern about a coming 'perfect storm' where ³ÉÈËӰƬ's resource development opportunities are expanding but in the end could be hampered by a lack of skilled technicians, operators, and other workers.

Transportation and construction have been on the ³ÉÈËӰƬ Workforce Investment Board's short list of high-need "job clusters" since at least 2003 due to their growth potential (see Commonwealth North report "³ÉÈËӰƬ's Jobs for ³ÉÈËӰƬ's people," June 2003, p. 5). In the Fairbanks area, employers and community leaders have confirmed these high-demand, high-growth trends in three advisory committee meetings held in the past year.

What are the Student opportunities and outcomes?  Enrollment projections?

In October 2005, TVC received a $1.99M federal grant to expand offerings in automotive technology and other program areas. The basis of this enhanced funding is a model of fulltime enrollment in job training over a 9-12 month period�a model that expedites opportunities for ³ÉÈËӰƬ to move into gainful employment. This proposed Certificate of Automotive Technology is key to implementation of this new opportunity for ³ÉÈËӰƬ.

We expect to enroll a minimum of 15 ³ÉÈËӰƬ each year in this program and to produce at least 75 new automotive technicians in the coming five years.

Describe Research opportunities:

This proposal is part of a broader redesign of TVC's Automotive Technology program that will expand collaboration between the university and the automotive industry. Representatives of industry believe that expanding the program in this manner will open up opportunities for having top-quality factory training in university facilities that will benefit ³ÉÈËӰƬ, faculty, and community.

Describe Fiscal Plan for development and implementation:

TVC's FY06 budget contains approximately $75K for the automotive program, including salary and benefits for one FTE faculty member plus support for adjuncts. We expect this to continue into the future.

New grant funding from the US DOL "President's Community-Based Job Training Grant" program provides approximately $150K annually for enhancements to the program. This includes up to $100K for each of three years (FY06-09) for leased shop space (approx. 8100 sq.ft. of shop, classroom, office, and storage. It also includes additional funding for adjunct faculty plus tools and other commodities.

³ÉÈËӰƬ Economic Trends, September 2004; Statewide Employment Forecast, p. 4.



The UAF Faculty Senate Administrative Committee passed the following at its meeting on May 12, 2006:


The UAF Faculty Senate moves to approve an Associate of Applied Science degree program in Construction Management. 

EFFECTIVE:              Fall 2006 and/or Upon Board of Regents' Approval.

RATIONALE:          See full program proposals #200 and the course proposals #189-199 from the Spring 2006 review cycle on file in the Governance Office, 312 Signers' Hall.

Designed to provide ³ÉÈËӰƬ with the interdisciplinary skill set needed to succeed in construction management.  Requires 13 credits in general AAS degree requirements, Human Relations is embedded in discipline-based courses; 52 credits in major requirement courses in ABUS, CM, DRT, MATH, and PHYS; total credits 65.



Tanana Valley Campus (TVC)
College of Rural and Community Development

TVC�s Construction Management (CM) AAS program meets growing needs in the construction industry by training entry-level construction managers and by providing continuing education for construction employees.

Construction managers plan, direct, and are responsible for managerial oversight of construction projects.  They are responsible for coordinating and managing people, materials, and equipment; budgets, schedules, and contracts; and safety of employees and the general public.  Construction managers determine construction means and methods and the most cost-effective plans and schedules.  They track construction costs and administer contract changes to the project budget to maximize profitability.  Construction managers monitor work progress to ensure compliance with architectural and engineering drawings and specifications. 

Construction managers work in all phases of the construction business � public and private owners; small multifamily projects to the largest of skyscrapers and industrial projects; rural roads to major highways.  Construction managers work closely with architects, engineers, owners, and the various contractors on a construction job.  The construction manager�s duties are varied, challenging, and rewarding.

UAF�s Construction Management program mirrors that offered at UAA and was developed with input from local contractors and professional industry organizations and provides ³ÉÈËӰƬ with a broad knowledge of building systems and construction techniques.  CM graduates understand basic principles of business and have knowledge of the technical aspects of the construction industry.  Graduates are able to function both in the construction office and on the job site.

The CM Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree requires 4 to 5 semesters to complete. While not a prerequisite, we recommend that ³ÉÈËӰƬ applying for admission have experience in the construction industry.


All ³ÉÈËӰƬ are encouraged to meet with their academic advisor each semester for the purpose of reviewing their academic progress and planning future courses.  It is particularly important for ³ÉÈËӰƬ to meet with their advisor whenever academic difficulties arise. 

Students are encouraged to consult the faculty in the Construction Management program for assistance in designing their course of study to ensure all prerequisites have been met and that university and major degree requirements are understood and followed.


Students seeking the Associate of Applied Science degree in Construction Management should prepare for entrance into the program by completing the following high school courses:

MathematicsAlgebra II (Skill level as demonstrated by ACT, SAT, or a placement test to qualify for enrollment in MATH F107X.)

EnglishComposition (Skill level as demonstrated by ACT, SAT, or placement test to qualify for enrollment in ENGL F111X.)

The University offers courses to help ³ÉÈËӰƬ without this preparation to meet the skill level required in the Construction Management program.  Insufficient preparation will increase the number of semesters required to complete the degree.



1.            Complete the general university requirements.

2.            Complete the AAS degree requirements.*

  a.            COMMUNICATIONS

ENGL 111X - Introduction to Academic Writing                         3
ENGL 212 - Business, Grant, and Report Writing                         3
COMM 131X - Fundamentals of Oral Communication: Group Context
or COMM 141X - Fundamentals of Oral Communication: Public Context               3 cr.

  b.            COMPUTATION:

MATH 107X - Functions for Calculus                                     4

  c.            HUMAN RELATIONS

Human Relations is embedded in the following discipline-based courses:    CM F163, CM F201, CMF 202, CM F205

3.            Complete the following program (major) requirements (52 credits)*

ABUS F101 - Principles of Financial Accounting I              3
ABUS F201 - Principles of Financial Accounting II            3
CM F102 - Methods of Building Construction                     3
CM F123 - Codes and Standards                                          3
CM F142 - Mechanical and Electrical Technology               4
CM F163 - Building Construction Cost Estimating               3
CM F201 - Construction Project Management                      3
CM F202 - Project Planning and Scheduling                        3
CM F205 - Construction Safety                                            3
CM F213 - Civil Technology                                              4
CM F231 - Structural Technology                                       4
CM F263 - Civil Construction Cost Estimating                    3
CM F299 - Construction Management Internship                3
DRT F170 - Beginning AutoCAD                                      3
MATH F108 - Trigonometry                                               3
PHYS F103X - College Physics                                          4

4.            A total of 65 credits is required for the degree.

* Students must achieve a grade of �C� or better in all courses required for the degree.


University of ³ÉÈËӰƬ Board of Regents
Program Approval Summary Form

University of ³ÉÈËӰƬ Fairbanks           
Tanana Valley Campus (TVC)
College of Rural and Community Development

Target Admission date: Fall semester 2006

Associate of Applied Science in Construction Management

How does the program relate to the EDUCATION mission of the University of ³ÉÈËӰƬ and the MAU?

UAF�s Tanana Valley Campus proposes to offer the Associate of Applied Science degree program in Construction Management (AAS-CM) already approved by the Regents for delivery at UAA.  TVC�s proposal is to adopt program requirements and curriculum identical to those offered at UAA and to make them available to UAF ³ÉÈËӰƬ.

By training ³ÉÈËӰƬn construction managers, this program meets high-demand job needs and provides a path into the challenging and rewarding careers available in industry. The proposed program is aligned with the University of ³ÉÈËӰƬ mission to meet state and local needs and to provide opportunities to all who can benefit from educational programs of high quality.

Specifically, the program addresses UA Strategic Plan 2009�s goal of responding flexibly to state needs in the areas of workforce development (UA Strategic Plan 2009, Goal 5). The program fulfills the Regents� commitment to the university�s community college mission, developing new and relevant programs, and increasing collaboration across campuses (ibid, goal 2).

The AAS-CM program is designed to provide ³ÉÈËӰƬ with the interdisciplinary skill set needed to succeed in construction management. The program has been designed in accordance with the accreditation Standards and Criteria for Associate Degree Programs (Form 103A) published by the American Council for Construction Education (ACCE). This program was created with high academic standards while providing a broad foundation of technical knowledge. 

TVC�s expansion of the AAS-CM to UAF is being done in active collaboration and partnership with industry and construction professionals in the Fairbanks and Interior ³ÉÈËӰƬ areas, with deans and faculty in UAF�s College of Engineering and Mines and School of Management, and with UAA Construction Management faculty.

What State Needs are met by this program?

Construction contributes about 7.5% of the approximate $25 billion annual gross state product. According to ³ÉÈËӰƬ Economic Trends, May 2005, �Over the last five years construction jobs have grown at the remarkable average rate of 5.5% annually. The Fairbanks Daily News-Miner quotes the Executive Director of the Associated General Contractors reporting a 6% shortfall in the construction industry, which is expected to compound every year for the coming decade. The industry will need 1,000 new workers per year, the majority of them for construction in oil and gas and mining.

The BOR approved UAA�s offering of the AAS-CM in 2004. Planning for UAA�s initial offering of the degree involved interested groups from within the University and extensive involvement of business and industry. These discussions culminated in a thorough Design a Curriculum (DACUM) exercise in February of 2003.

In considering this proposal for the Fairbanks area, TVC held a meeting on October 18, 2006 with construction industry leaders as well as UAF faculty from SOM and SOE. All reviewed the rationale for the proposed degree, the curriculum, and the plan for seeking approval. All voiced strong support for TVC�s proposal (see proposal package for letters).

What are the Student opportunities and outcomes? Enrollment Projections?

Bringing the approved AAS-CM to TVC/UAF opens up new opportunities for ³ÉÈËӰƬ in Fairbanks and Interior ³ÉÈËӰƬ to advance their skills in construction management. Anticipated enrollment in the TVC/UAF program is 15 ³ÉÈËӰƬ for the first year. After the first year enrollment and advising data will be analyzed and decisions will be made whether to limit enrollment and/or add sections as necessary.

Describe Research opportunities.

This program is primarily focused on building a skilled workforce in Construction Management through lecture and hands-on instruction. Research is not a major element although we anticipate possibilities for future research collaboration with development of the Cold Climate Housing Research Center and its activities.

Describe Fiscal Plan for development and implementation.

TVC expects the total cost of the AAS-CM in Year One to be $225,000. This includes personnel (1 FTE faculty, .25 FTE administrative staff, adjunct faculty) and a CADD facility with 20 stations. The program will be housed in the TVC Downtown Center/Chena Building. In subsequent years annual program costs are expected to be approximately $175,000. Funding at the level shown is anticipated from UA Statewide workforce development sources and from industry and labor support.

The regular faculty member/coordinator will have primary responsibility for instruction, program coordination, advising, and hiring of adjuncts. A drafting faculty member, now being hired through separate funding, will be offering CADD courses of relevance to AAS-CM ³ÉÈËӰƬ. Funding will also be provided to hire 2-3 adjunct faculty each semester who will supplement faculty resources.

Importantly, TVC�s CM program will have an advisory committee led by industry to guide its development and strategic direction. Like other TVC programs, this committee will have between 7-9 members and will meet at least quarterly.


The UAF Faculty Senate Administrative Committee passed the following at its meeting on May 12, 2006:


The UAF Faculty Senate moves to approve a New Occupational Endorsements Request (Format 3A).   

EFFECTIVE:              Immediately.

RATIONALE:          We need an expedited process for approving Occupational Endorsement requests. 


Submit original with signatures + 4 copies


(UA Regulation 10.04.02)

Submit the request according to the following format: (Please number pages and include a table of contents.)

I.             Cover Memorandum should include:

                  A.       Name of person preparing request

                  B.       Brief statement of the proposed endorsement, industry objectives and abbreviated student learning outcomes assessment and implementation plan.

                  C.      Provision for review signatures of preparation:

Industry or advisory council representative
Program head responsible for the transcription request and completion checklist
Dean of school/college housing the occupational endorsement
College of Rural and Community Development Academic Council

Signatures for approval:

Curricular Affairs Committee chair
President, UAF Faculty Senate
Chancellor or designee
President or designee (designated by BOR as approving authority)

II.        Identification of the Endorsement  (All pages should be numbered.)

                  A.      Description of the Occupational Endorsement

                        1.      Occupational Endorsement title
                        2.      Admissions requirements and prerequisites
                        3.      Course descriptions of required catalogue courses.  (Endorsements use existing courses.)
                        4.      Requirements for the endorsement. (Include a sample course of study and a 3-Year Cycle of course offerings.  Also include a proposed general catalog layout copy of the endorsement.)

                  B.      Endorsement Goals

                        1.      Brief identification of objectives and subsequent means for their evaluation
                        2.      Relationship of endorsement objectives to industry needs
                        3.      Occupational/other competencies to be achieved
                        4.      Relationship of courses to the endorsement objectives

                  C.      Describe Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Plan, and identify the individual (by position) who will be responsible for directing its implementation.

III.      Personnel Directly Involved with Program

                  A.       List current faculty teaching the required and elective courses and titles, including brief statement of duties and qualifications

                  B.       Administrative, coordinating and classified staff personnel associated with the endorsement

IV.      Enrollment Information

                  A.      Projected enrollment

                  B.         How determined/who surveyed/how surveyed

                  C.         Maximum enrollment which endorsement can accommodate (endorsement capacity)

V.      Need for Occupational Endorsement

                  A.      Employment market needs:

                        1.       Who surveyed? How? (Standard procedures with industry/advisory council listed)
                        2.       Job opportunities now, and two, five, and ten years from now. How were these predictions determined? (Local, regional, State surveys, periodic review will ensure the currency.)
                        3.      How have positions been filled to date?

VI.      Other

         Any justification for the endorsement, which might not fit under III and IV above.

VII.      Relation of Endorsement to other Programs within the System

VIII.      Implementation/Termination

                  A.      Date of implementation

                  B.      Plans for recruiting ³ÉÈËӰƬ

                  C.      Plans for phasing out endorsement if it proves unsuccessful

                  D.      Assessment of the endorsement.  (Include a Student Outcomes Assessment Plan.)