The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #130 on May 2, 2005:


The UAF Faculty Senate recommends to the Board of Regents that the attached list of individuals be awarded the appropriate UAF degrees pending completion of all University requirements.  [Note:  copy of the list is available in the Governance Office, 312 Signers' Hall.]

       EFFECTIVE:              Immediately

RATIONALE:             These degrees are granted upon recommendation of the program faculty, as verified by the appropriate department head.  As the representative governance group of the faculty, we are making that recommendation.


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #130 on May 2, 2005:




WHEREAS, Abel Bult-Ito has served the UAF Faculty Senate in a manner deserving of the UAF Faculty Senate's greatest admiration and respect; and

Whereas, Abel Bult-Ito has served as Senator to the UAF Faculty Senate from 2001-2004; and

Whereas, Abel Bult-Ito has served as a member of the Faculty Development, Assessment, and Improvement Committee from 2001-2003 and as chair from 2002-2003, and as a member of the Faculty Affairs Committee and the Administrative Committee from 2002-2003; and

Whereas, Abel Bult-Ito has served as Chair of the Administrative Committee and as President-Elect of the UAF Faculty Senate from 2003-2004; and

Whereas, Abel Bult-Ito has served as a member of the UAF Governance Coordinating Committee from 2003-2005; and

WHEREAS, Abel Bult-Ito has served as a member of the UA Faculty Alliance and the UA Systemwide Governance Council from 2003-2005; and

WHEREAS, Abel Bult-Ito has served on various Task Forces, Search Committees, and other university and statewide committees representing the interests of faculty to the administration of UAF and statewide; and

Whereas, Abel Bult-Ito has served as President of the UAF Faculty Senate from 2004-2005 and has effectively represented the interests of the UAF Faculty Senate to the administration of UAF; and

WHEREAS, The UAF Faculty Senate wishes to acknowledge the outstanding service rendered the faculty and the University by the work of Abel Bult-Ito as he concludes his term as president; now

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the UAF Faculty Senate acknowledges the many contributions of Abel Bult-Ito and expresses its appreciation for his exemplary service.



The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #130 on May 2, 2005:





WHEREAS, Shirish Patil has served the UAF Faculty Senate in numerous capacities, most notably as a member and chair of the Faculty Affairs Committee, since 2002; and

WHEREAS, Shirish Patil, in service to the Faculty Senate, has made truly outstanding contributions to improving the quality of life at the university through his service on the Master Planning Committee and as chair of the Circulation and Parking Subcommittee; and

WHEREAS, Shirish Patil, as committee chair, has worked with willingness, passion and dedication for issues related to the University of ³ÉÈËӰƬ, and takes responsibilities well beyond what is expected from a faculty senator; and

WHEREAS, Shirish Patil has handled very sensitive issues for the faculty through shared governance; now

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the UAF Faculty Senate recognizes Shirish Patil as Outstanding Senator of the Year for Academic Year 2004-2005.



The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #130 on May 2, 2005:


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #130 on May 2, 2005:



The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #130 on May 2, 2005:


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #130 on May 2, 2005:


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #130 on May 2, 2005:


The UAF Faculty Senate moves to amend Section 1, (Article III:  Membership) and Section 3, (Article V, Committees, Standing) of the Bylaws pertaining to membership and the Faculty Affairs Committee as follows:

[[  ]]  =  Deletion
CAPS = Addition

Sect. 1  (ART III:  Membership)

A.            The membership of the Faculty Senate, hereinafter referred to as "Senate," shall consist of approximately [[41]] 44 members plus one non-voting presiding officer.  Approximately 35 members shall be elected by and from the faculty and will have voting privileges.  Six non-voting members will be selected by and from other university constituencies as follows:  one non-graduate student and one graduate student selected by the ASUAF, one professional school dean and one college dean selected by the Deans' Council; one staff representative from the registrar's office; and one additional staff member selected by the Staff Council.  [[If the staff representative from the registrar's office is APT, the second staff member must come from the classified staff ranks.  If the staff representative from the registrar's office is classified, the second staff member must be APT.]]  THREE ADDITIONAL NON-VOTING MEMBERS WILL BE SELECTED BY AND FROM THE UNIONS AS FOLLOWS:  ONE ELECTED OFFICIAL EACH FROM UNITED ACADEMICS-AAUP/AFT, ACCFT, AND ADJUNCT (UNITED ACADEMICS)-AAUP/AFT. 

Sect. 3  (ART V:  Committees)


2.            The Faculty Affairs Committee shall review issues dealing with faculty prerogative and recommend policy changes to the Faculty Senate.  Issues of faculty prerogative include academic freedom, faculty ethics, research and creative activity, and legislative and fiscal issues that may impact faculty concerns at the university.  The committee will act as a faculty advocate with legislators and candidates.  In its concern for fiscal issues the committee shall monitor budget appropriations to the university and evaluate any notice to the faculty of financial exigency.  In performing these duties, the committee will coordinate as necessary with the relevant officers (and/or their representatives) of the extant collective bargaining units WHO SERVE AS NON-VOTING MEMBERS OF THE SENATE AND EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS OF THIS COMMITTEE. 


RATIONALE:              Representation by three faculty union elected officials on Faculty Senate and Faculty Affairs Committee will open channels of communication and serve as a conduit of information exchange between the unions and faculty senate. The Union elected members, who serve on Faculty Senate and Faculty Affairs Committee will be ex-officio members with no voting rights. This is consistent with the Faculty Senate bylaws.


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #130 on May 2, 2005:


The UAF Faculty Senate moves to approve the Unit Criteria for the Fisheries Division (SFOS). 

EFFECTIVE:          Immediately
                                Upon Chancellor Approval

RATIONALE:        The committee assessed the unit criteria submitted by the Fisheries Division of SFOS.  With some changes, agreed upon by the school representative the unit criteria were found to be consistent with UAF guidelines.


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #130 on May 2, 2005:


The UAF Faculty Senate moves to approve the Unit Criteria for the Institute of Marine Science (SFOS). 

EFFECTIVE:       Immediately
                              Upon Chancellor Approval

RATIONALE:      The committee assessed the unit criteria submitted by the Institute of Marine Science.  With some changes, agreed upon by the school representative the unit criteria were found to be consistent with UAF guidelines.


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #130 on May 2, 2005:


The UAF Faculty Senate moves to approve the Unit Criteria for the Fisheries Industrial Technology Center (SFOS). 

EFFECTIVE:    Immediately
                           Upon Chancellor Approval

RATIONALE:     The committee assessed the unit criteria submitted by the Fisheries Industrial Technology Center.  With some changes, agreed upon by the school representative the unit criteria were found to be consistent with UAF guidelines.


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #130 on May 2, 2005:


The UAF Faculty Senate moves to endorse the 2005-2006 committee membership as attached.

EFFECTIVE:     Immediately

RATIONALE:    New Senate members' preference for committee selection were reviewed and weighted against membership distribution from schools and colleges.


2005-2006 UAF Faculty Senate Committees


Curricular Affairs

Faculty Affairs

Unit Criteria


Committee on the Status of Women

Core Review

Developmental Studies Committee

Faculty Appeals & Oversight Committee

Faculty Development, Assessment & Improvement

Graduate Academic & Advisory Committee


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #130 on May 2, 2005:


The UAF Faculty Senate moves to adopt the following calendar for its 2005-2006 meetings.

            EFFECTIVE:               Immediately

            RATIONALE:              Meetings have to be scheduled and the Wood
                        Center rooms reserved well in advance.




Calendar of Meetings

Mtg. #








1:00 p.m





1:00 p.m

face-to-face **




1:00 p.m





1:00 p.m





1:00 p.m





1:00 p.m





1:00 p.m


Location:  Wood Center Carol Brown Ballroom (face-to-face meetings)
                 Wood Center Conference Room C/D (audioconference meetings)
             **Regents' Conference Room, Butrovich 109


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #130 on May 2, 2005:


The UAF Faculty Senate moves to authorize the Administrative Committee to act on behalf of the Senate on all matters within its purview, which may arise until the Senate resumes deliberations in the Fall of 2005.  Senators will be kept informed of the Administrative Committee's meetings and will be encouraged to attend and participate in these meetings.

EFFECTIVE:       May 2, 2005

RATIONALE:     This motion will allow the Administrative Committee to act on behalf of the Senate so that necessary work can be accomplished and will also allow Senators their rights to participate in the governance process.


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #130 on May 2, 2005:


The UAF Faculty Senate reaffirms that authority for setting the academic calendar traditionally--and for good academic reasons--belongs to the individual universities, i.e., UAF, UAA, and UAS, that comprise the University of ³ÉÈËӰƬ System. 

The UAF Faculty Senate further reaffirms that substantive changes to UAF�s academic calendar can only be made with the explicit involvement of UAF�s Governance Coordinating Committee, which makes a recommendation to the Chancellor.  Substantive changes include a change of the length of the semester or time available for grading.  The Governance Coordinating Committee receives recommendations from UAF faculty (through the Faculty Senate), staff (through Staff Council), and ³ÉÈËӰƬ (through ASUAF).  

The UAF Faculty Senate hereby charges the UAF Registrar to not publish a UAF academic calendar that has not been reviewed by UAF�s Governance Coordinating Committee.

EFFECTIVE:     Immediately

RATIONALE:     UAF faculty, staff, and ³ÉÈËӰƬ are directly impacted by changes to the academic calendar.  These changes can affect academic issues, such as the length of the semester or time available to faculty to determine the course grade of their ³ÉÈËӰƬ.  Therefore, faculty, staff, and ³ÉÈËӰƬ should be part of the decision making process that establishes the academic calendar.  The purpose of this motion is to clarify to all concerned our commitment to shared governance.