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Please share the actions for your school/college with the appropriate departments. If you have any questions, please contact me at 474-7964. Summary: Undergraduate Courses: SUBMITTED BY SCHOOL OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES (Submitted by Natural Resources Management) 130. NEW COURSE: NRM 360 - GIS and Remote Sensing for Natural Resources, 3 credits (1.5+1.5); to be offered Spring of even years, first offered Spring of 2010. Graduate Courses: SUBMITTED BY SCHOOL OF FISHERIES AND OCEAN SCIENCES (Submitted by Marine Science & Limnology) 32. NEW COURSE: MSL 601 - Professional Development, 1 credit (1+0); to be offered every Fall; effective Fall 2008. 33. NEW COURSE: MSL 602 - Proposal Writing, 1 credit (1+0); to be offered every Fall or as demand warrants; effective Fall 2008. (Submitted by Fisheries) 34. NEW COURSE: FISH 603 - Writing for Fisheries and Ocean Sciences Workshop, 1 credit (1+0); to be offered every Spring, effective Spring 2009. SUBMITTED BY COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS (Submitted by Psychology) 35. CHANGE COURSE: PSY 638 - Proseminar in Community Psychology, 1-3 credits (1-3+0); changing title, description and frequency; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2008. 36. CHANGE COURSE: PSY 652 - Practicum Placement - Clinical I, 1-3 credits (1-3+0); change from 3 credits to 1-3 variable; offered Fall; effective Fall 2008. 37. CHANGE COURSE: PSY 653 - Practicum Placement Clinical II, 1-3 credits (1-3+0); change from 3 credits to 1-3 variable; offered Spring; effective Spring 2009. SUBMITTED BY SCHOOL OF NATURAL RESOURCES & AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES (Submitted by Natural Resources Management) 38. DROP COURSE: NRM 648 Integrative Modeling of Natural and Social Systems, 3 credits (3+0); course already exists as NRM 676 and is cross-listed with BIOL 676; no need for this duplicate; effective Fall 2008. SUBMITTED BY SCHOOL OF FISHERIES AND OCEAN SCIENCES (Submitted by Marine Science & Limnology) 39. NEW COURSE: MSL 605 Controversies in Marine Science, 1 credit (1+0); graded Pass/Fail; not repeatable for credit; to be first offered Spring 2010; effective Spring 2009. 40. CHANGE COURSE: MSL 621 Polar Marine Science, 3 credits (3+0); stack with MSL 431; offered alternate Fall; effective Fall 2008. (Submitted by Fisheries) 41. CHANGE COURSE: FISH 642 Bayesian Decision Theory for Resource Management, 4 credits (3+3); cross-list with STAT 642; offered Alternate Spring, effective Fall 2008. SUBMITTED BY SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT (Submitted by Economics) 42. NEW COURSE: ECON 622 Analytical Methods for Economics and Business, 3 credits (3+0); letter grading; not repeatable; 6 hours of lecture per week for the first 7 weeks of each Spring semester; to be first offered Spring 2009. (Submitted by Business Administration) 43. NEW COURSE: BA 651 Fundamentals of Business, 3 credits (3+0); letter grading, not repeatable; 6 hours of lecture per week for the first 7 weeks of each Fall semester; effective Fall 2008. 44. PROGRAM CHANGE: Masters, Business Administration; changes to the admission process, foundation courses, and allowed electives; effective Fall 2008. Attachments for hard copy distribution: Signature Approval Sheet copies cc: Deanna Dieringer, Registrar Melissa McGinty, Graduation Office Michelle Bartlett, Summer Session Rick Caulfield, Tanana Valley Campus     PAGE  PAGE 2   : ; A ^ ` s x z ( W ߒߒvgߒXL=h;h;CJOJQJaJhsCJOJQJaJh;h89 CJOJQJaJh;h9ApCJOJQJaJhv9CJOJQJaJh;h89 5CJOJQJaJh;hr15CJOJQJaJh;hGCJOJQJaJh;h sCCJOJQJaJh;hs CJOJQJaJh;hs 5CJOJQJaJh;hr1CJOJQJaJ"h;hr15>*CJOJQJaJ   ,RSTifkd$$IflFt"Xx t6    44 la $Ifgdhk` $Ifgd\ gdr1 w $Ifgdhk` $Ifgd\ fkd$$IflFt"Xx t6    44 la $Ifgdhk` $Ifgd\ fkdP$$IflFt"Xx t6    44 la 9 $Ifgdhk` $Ifgd\ fkd$$IflFt"Xx t6    44 la9 : ; ^ r s y z  ^`gdMsgdr1fkd$$IflFt"Xx t6    44 la     ó|l_RC4(hsXNCJOJQJaJhsXNh4rCJOJQJaJhJh4rCJOJQJaJh G5CJOJQJaJh4r5CJOJQJaJh;hJ5CJOJQJaJhJ5CJOJQJaJh;hJCJOJQJaJhN CJOJQJaJh4rh4rCJOJQJaJh;hMs5CJOJQJaJh;hMsCJOJQJaJh;hr15CJOJQJaJh;hr1CJOJQJaJh;hQBCJOJQJaJ M   8 c [\v    2Mgd4r 0^`0gd4r ^`gdJgdN ^`gd4r ^`gdMs 45[\  sQRbc1Ppq>PQ-.wxzζwokh~c)jh~c)U"h;hr15>*CJOJQJaJh;hA*CJOJQJaJh;hr1CJOJQJaJh;hJCJOJQJaJhJCJOJQJaJh4rCJOJQJaJh4rh4rCJOJQJaJh4rOJQJhsXNCJOJQJaJhsXNh4rCJOJQJaJ*IJ+,F/@gdr1 0^`0gd4rgd4r .Qwyz|}h]hgd &`#$gdU wgdr1z{}~h;hr1CJOJQJaJhsXN0JmHnHuhsXN hsXN0JjhsXN0JUh~c)jh~c)Ugdr19 0&P1h:p/ =!"#$% $$If!vh5X55x#vX#v#vx:Vl t065X55x$$If!vh5X55x#vX#v#vx:Vl t065X55x$$If!vh5X55x#vX#v#vx:Vl t065X55x$$If!vh5X55x#vX#v#vx:Vl t065X55x$$If!vh5X55x#vX#v#vx:Vl t065X55xH@H r1Normal CJOJPJQJ_HmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRi@R  Table Normal4 l4a (k@(No List4 @4 Footer  !.)@.  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