ࡱ> PRMNOq` 0bjbjqPqP vJ::.(\\\\\\\$P8l(ԝ" $hb\@\\ȿX\\V˩\\ *SFnd Y4޿0TҞt\lFXDOT$@T\\\\\\ So you want to go abroad?! The following checklist is meant to help you prepare to travel and return safely, with all your participants intact! A.During trip planning process: FORMCHECKBOX 1.Have you established the details for your proposed trip? Oa)Dates Ob)ItineraryOc)Estimated number of participants Od)Number and qualification of leaders needed, including appropriate gender matching and possible first aid/medical training Oe)Necessary qualifications (physical, academic, etc.)Of)Costs: total and per person Og)Source of funding Oh)Basic "to-bring" list, responding to climate and weather? FORMCHECKBOX 2.Have you performed a pre-trip audit of the destination location(s), in which you addressed the following concerns?Oa)Food and water quality and availability Ob)Security of housingOc)Assault/rape probability and prevention techniques Od)Theft probability and prevention Oe)Fire safetyOf)Kidnap & ransom likelihood and available prevention measures Og)Availability and quality of medical care Oh)Transportation safety and procedures Oi)Driving/passenger vehicle risks Oj)Typically accepted means of payment for goods and services FORMCHECKBOX 3.Do you have pre-screening criteria and applications for trip participants, including appropriate releases, assumption of risk and waiver forms? If not, contact UAF Environmental Health, Safety and Risk Management (EHS&RM) for assistance at 474-6164. FORMCHECKBOX 4.Are you sure your pre-screening criteria mention potential risks, address liability concerns, and are compliant with federal laws (ADA, FERPA, etc..)? FORMCHECKBOX 5.Have you determined how you will handle trip participants who become uncomfortable with their participation and desire to cancel or return home? What will be your refund and/or academic credit policies, if applicable, with respect to such participants? Is this information in the application form? FORMCHECKBOX 6.Have you determined what, if any, trip information should be sent to participants' parents or family members? B.During trip preparation process: FORMCHECKBOX 1.Have you distributed and collected applications for each proposed trip participant? FORMCHECKBOX 2.Have you run background checks on leaders, if appropriate? FORMCHECKBOX 3.Have you made travel and lodging reservations as appropriate for all links of the trip? FORMCHECKBOX 4.Have you decided what, if any, cell or satellite phone service would be appropriate for leaders and/or participants on this trip? FORMCHECKBOX 5.Have you confirmed that appropriate insurance coverage is in place for participants, vehicles (if any), and any property traveling away from campus? Contact UAF EHS&RM if you have questions. 474-6164. FORMCHECKBOX 6.Have you determined whether or not to obtain or recommend trip cancellation insurance? FORMCHECKBOX 7.Have you identified a contact person(s) remaining behind at UAF who can be contacted by trip participants 24 hours a day in case of emergencies? (Does your contact at UAF know your expectations for him or her in case of emergencies?) What phone number will be used for such contact? FORMCHECKBOX 8.Have you given your University contact:Oa)Copies of your trip itinerary?Ob)The numbers of cell and/or satellite phones you will be using on your trip?Oc)A list of all program participants, including vital information and contacts in case of emergencies? Od)Photocopies of the passports of all program participants? FORMCHECKBOX 9.Have you prepared and discussed with other leaders and/or participants your contingency plans if:Oa)Luggage or equipment is lost or stolen?Ob)A participant gets lost?Oc)A participant gets arrested?Od)A participant is injured?Oe)A participant is kidnapped or held hostage?Of)A participant dies?Og)Someone is physically or sexually assaulted?Oh)Someone becomes depressed or suicidal?Oi)A leader is incapacitated?Oj)Planned transportation is unavailable?Ok)Adverse weather conditions arise?O1)Primary housing becomes unusable and secondary housing is required?Om)The political situation In your destination country(ies) deteriorates?(IMPORTANT: set benchmarks ahead of time to define "deterioration" and what you will do if this occurs.)On)You need an alternative method to extract your group from the destination country? FORMCHECKBOX 10.Have you registered your trip with the U.S. Embassy or Consulate in your destination country(ies)? FORMCHECKBOX 11.Have you prepared a list of telephone numbers and contact information for;Oa)U.S. Embassy or equivalent in destination country(ies)? Ob)Nearest physician, clinic and/or hospitalEnglish-speaking if necessary? Oc)Nearest dentist? Od)Nearest police station? Oe)Local attorney? FORMCHECKBOX 12..Have you obtained an adequate First Aid kit? FORMCHECKBOX 13.Have you obtained sufficient U.S. and/or local currency or credit to bring along, with reserve for emergencies, including emergency evacuation if necessary? (Note: many foreign hospitals and clinics take only cash for treatment) C.During pre-departure orientation: FORMCHECKBOX 1.Are the passports of all participants valid for at least six months beyond your return date, in case of significant transportation or political problems or other return difficulties? FORMCHECKBOX 2.Have all participants met relevant visa application deadlines and qualifications? FORMCHECKBOX 3.Are any of your participants international ӰƬ? If so, are you sure their U.S. visa status will not be jeopardized by leaving the country? Contact UAF International Programs at 474-5327. FORMCHECKBOX 4.Are there specific locations or activities in the vicinity of your destination that could prove particularly hazardous (crime, topography, etc.)? If so, have you informed the participants and given them instructions on how to reduce risk? FORMCHECKBOX 5.Does the entire group have a firm understanding about protocol for unplanned "free time" and side trips and excursions apart from the main groupsigning out, signing in, what is permitted, etc.? FORMCHECKBOX 6.Does the entire group understand what behaviors and activities are not permitted (e.g., fireworks, vehicle rental, scuba diving, etc.,) and what consequences will occur if they partake in the behaviors and activities that are prohibited? FORMCHECKBOX 7.Does the entire group understand what disciplinary procedures will be in place on the trip? FORMCHECKBOX 8.Do all participants understand what to do and who to contact if they are victims of assault or harassment, either by members of the group or by others? FORMCHECKBOX 9.Have the participants received appropriate vaccinations and/or prophylactic medicines for disease prevention? FORMCHECKBOX 10.Does any participant:Oa)Take medication? If so, is he or she bringing enough for the trip, in original prescription bottles? If not, can prescriptions be filled at your destination? Will the participant bring both generic and brand-name prescriptions in case one or the other can't be filled? Have you verified that this prescription will not be considered narcotics in your destination country(ies)?Ob)Have any food allergies? If so, have you planned your menus accordingly?Oc)Have restrictive health conditions (diabetes, asthma, allergies, etc.) that might require special preparations or medications en route? Do you have plans to deal with these needs? FORMCHECKBOX 11.Have you reminded participants with unique medical problems to wear a medical alert bracelet or carry a similar warning, along with a letter from their physician describing their condition? FORMCHECKBOX 12.Have you collected from all participants the following forms to carry along?Oa)Off-campus program assumption of risk and participation agreement formOb)Medical information and treatment release formsOc)Photocopies of passportOd)Biographical information formOe)Durable power of attorneyOf)Proof of current vaccination statusOg)Proof of medical insurance coverage, either through Stanford or personally, that you are sure will cover participant while abroad FORMCHECKBOX 13.Have you given file copies of all the above forms to your contact back at UAF? FORMCHECKBOX 14.Have you distributed to all participants a packet of information containing:Oa)a list of emergency telephone numbers and destination contact information (with addresses, maps, etc. as appropriate)Ob)Phone, fax, and/or e-mail information for trip contact back at the UAFOc)Consulate advisories on destination locations  D.Upon arrival at your destination FORMCHECKBOX 1.If you had plans to do so, have you rented a cell or satellite phone at the airport, etc. for use within the country? Have you given out this phone number to participants and UAF contact? FORMCHECKBOX 2.Have you scheduled a group orientation meeting immediately upon arrival at your destination(s) to discuss local safety issues? Do you have a representative from the destination country (host, missionary, police officer, State Department staff, etc.) available to address these issues? FORMCHECKBOX 3.Do all group participants know where the nearest phone is located, and how to use it in an emergency? FORMCHECKBOX 4.If no phones are available, do participants know who to contact and how to do it in case of emergency? FORMCHECKBOX 5.Have you checked in with the U.S. Embassy or Consulate (or equivalent) with a list of participants and an itinerary? E.After you return FORMCHECKBOX 1.Have you scheduled a debriefing time with trip participants? FORMCHECKBOX 2.Have you obtained completed evaluation forms from trip participants to help you improve the quality of the trip and the orientation meetings next time?     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