Grapefruit Rocks Climbing | 08.25.2024

Students $45/Staff $55

Max Participant Size: 10

Climber at Grapefruit Rocks

Sunday, August 25th

9:00am                - Meet at Outdoor Adventures, load up and head to Grapefruit Rocks

10:00am              - Arrive at Grapefruit Rocks and start climbing

4:00pm               - Return to vehicles and head back to UAF

5:00pm              - Arrive at UAF


Trip description:

Grapefruit Rocks is a great local crag that has a wide variety of climbing options.  We will hike out to the rocks and spend the day enjoying moving up a wide variety of rock routes.

Things to bring:

  • Climbing Shoes 
  • Sturdy boots or shoes to hike into the crag
  • Daypack
  • Non cotton climbing attire
  • Fleece jacket or wool sweater and/or vest
  • Light gloves or mittens in case hands get cold while waiting to climb
  • Hiking socks
  • Warm wool or fleece hat 
  • Snacks and lunch for a long day out on the crag
  • 2 liters of water
  • Climbing Harness
  • Climbing Helmet
  • Chalk Bag

Bold Items can be provided by OA as a part of the trip.



Refund Policy:

Payment in full is required to sign up for a trip. A 100% refund is available if you notify the Outdoor Adventures office of the cancellation more than two weeks (14 days) before the first day of the trip.  Cancellation two weeks to 3 days (13 to 3 days) before the trip entitles the participant to a 50% refund. No refund is provided if the participant does not show up or cancels 2 days or less prior to the trip.


Safety and Risk Management:

Due to the nature of outdoor travel there are certain inherent risks in all of Outdoor Adventures’ trips. Acceptable risks include but are not limited to: hiking up and down steep inclines with muddy and loose footing, hiking in winter conditions. Conditions may include below freezing temperatures, thunderstorms, rain, sleet and high winds.  Driving risks may include slick roads, poor visibility and wildlife. ³ÉÈËӰƬ is a wild place - you need to take ultimate responsibility for your own safety as only you can. For your protection we require you to carry health insurance. You can purchase insurance for $2.60/day from the University (ask for details). All info is subject to change due to safety, weather, current conditions, etc.!