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Step 1: Salary Survey Information The Provosts Office can provide you with this information.If the candidate will be UNAC, get the OSU data for their proposed rank:  FORMTEXT       Step 2: Adjust for Highest DegreeIf the candidate does not currently hold a PhD, subtract 10% from the target Salary figure above:  FORMTEXT       Step 3a: List the number of years of experience in a Faculty position (including w/in UA): Rank InstitutionTenure Track? %FTEYears EmployedYesNo FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMCHECKBOX  FORMCHECKBOX  FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMCHECKBOX  FORMCHECKBOX  FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMCHECKBOX  FORMCHECKBOX  FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMCHECKBOX  FORMCHECKBOX  FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       Line A Total: FORMTEXT      Step 3b: List the number of years of professional-level experience within candidate s discipline (professional experience can include post-doctoral experience, experience as a manager in a governmental agency, industry research, etc.; but should not include experience in positions that do not normally require a terminal degree): Position TitleType of ExperienceName of Employer %FTEYears Employed FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       Line B Total: FORMTEXT    &(DFTVjlnprtvxz|    2 4 6 8 : < > @ B D F T V j ҹڮҹڣҹژҹjhUMUjxhUMUjvhUMUjh42UmHnHujhUMUjh42Uh42hKDh$5CJ aJ h:5CJ aJ h$h$5CJ aJ 9F| D Hkd$$Ifl0,"LL t0644 lapyt*$If)$$d%d&d'dNOPQa$gdKDD F | xrr$Ifkdd$$Ifl0,"LL t0644 lapyt*j l n p r t v x z |         < > R T V X Z \ ^ ` b d f | ~ ڹڮڣjVhUMUjhUMUjhUMUjhhUMUjfhUMUh42jh42UmHnHujh42UjhUMU@  d xrr$Ifkd$$Ifl0,"LL t0644 lapyt*d f xrr$IfkdT$$Ifl0,"LL t0644 lapyt* d e D F G    XZִ󬬨{{{{{wsheh$jhkgUmHnHuj hUMUjhkgUhkgh*h6hh*h5h*h420J6CJaJ&jXh*h426CJUaJ jh*h426CJUaJh*h426CJaJh42jh42U- xJ.$$$d%d&d'dIfNOPQa$gd*kd$$Ifl0,"LL t0644 lapyt* F $Ifpkd$$Ifl ,"" t0644 lap yt*F G $Ifpkd3 $$Ifll,"" t0644 lap yt*Xvtn$Ifkd- $$Ifl0,"LL t0644 lapyt*XZ H$Ifnkd $$Ifl,"" t0644 lap yt* "68:<>@BDFHJLXZ*FHR`rtvxÿjhUMUj"hUMUjhUMUh_qh!h*h425h*h!5jhkgUmHnHuj? hUMUhkgjhkgUh>HJLvtn$Ifkd $$Ifl0,"LL t0644 lapyt**FHR`r$IfmkdE $$Iflt"" t0"44 lap yt* rtvx0***$Ifkd $$Ifl4rTlt"`` `` t0"44 lap2yt*$Ifkd $$Ifl4ֈTdlt"      t0"44 lap<yt*$Lt$If "$&:<>@BDFHJLNbdfhjlnprtvxj3hUMUjhUMUjGhUMUjhUMUjhkgUmHnHujhUMUj hUMUhkgjhkgUh_q;tv$Ifkdl$$IflֈTdlt"  t0"44 lap<yt*6^$If  $&(*,.02468LNPRTVXZ\^`bvxz|~jDhUMUjhUMUjZhUMUjhUMUjhUMUjhkgUmHnHujhUMUhkgh_qjhkgUjhUMU:^`$Ifkd $$IflֈTdlt"  t0"44 lap<yt* H$If "68:<>@BDFHJL`bdfhjlnprtjWhUMUjhUMUjmhUMUjhUMUjhUMUj0hUMUh_qjhkgUmHnHujhUMUhkgjhkgU:HJr$Ifkd$$IflֈTdlt"  t0"44 lap<yt*r 2$If   "$&(*,.0246>@B  "$&(*,.02@D̺~zvvvhKDh42h*h425jhUMUhh!#h*h!56fHq h*hfHq #h*h56fHq h*h!56jhUMUhkgh_qjhkgUmHnHujhkgU.24$IfkdC$$IflֈTdlt"  t0"44 lap<yt*02tkd$$Ifl0lt" t0"44 lapyt*$If./0:;<  $&(*,.02468LNPRTVXZ\^`tvxz|~j}!hUMUj!hUMUjhkgUmHnHuj hUMUj hUMUjharUjhUMUhkgjhkgUh!@.$Ifmkd9$$Iflt"" t0"44 lap yt*./6^2,,,$Ifkd$$IflrTlt"  t0"44 lap2yt*^,kd!$$IflrTlt"  t0"44 lap2yt*$If "$&(*>@BDFHJLNPRfhjlnprtvxz|j%hUMUj$hUMUj4$hUMUj#hUMUjH#hUMUjhkgUmHnHuj"hUMUhkgjhkgUh!?(Px$Ifxz2,,,$Ifkd %$$IflrTlt"  t0"44 lap2yt*  02468:<>@BDFZ\^`bdfhjlnj,)hUMUj'hUMUja'hUMUj&hUMUju&hUMUhkgh!jhkgUjhkgUmHnHu@BDl,kdM($$IflrTlt"  t0"44 lap2yt*$If  2ֵڣ~hh*hfHq #h*h56fHq #h*h!56fHq j+hUMUj*hUMUj*hUMUhkgh!jhkgUmHnHujhkgUj)hUMU1l $If t2,,$Ifkdz+$$IflrTlt"  t0"44 lap2yt*2ttttt tttttttttttttttttuu uJuuuuuuuuuuuy h7Hh!h7Hh*h7H56#h*h7H56fHq #h*h56fHq h*h56jf-hUMUh*h!56UjhkgUmHnHujY,hUMUhkgjhkgUhh!.   Divide Line B by two (2): FORMTEXT       Line C Add lines A and B: FORMTEXT       Step 4: Adjust for ExperienceIf hiring at the Assistant Professor level: add 2% for each year of experience totaled in Line C above to the candidate s target salary:Completed Target Salary  FORMTEXT      If hiring at the Associate Professor or Professor level: If the candidate has more than 4 years of experience in Line C, add 2% for each of the years greater than four to the target salary. For example, if the candidate had 7 years of experience in Line C, they have 3 additional years of experience, and their target salary would increase by (3 x 2% =) 6%. If the candidate has less than 4 years of experience in Line C, subtract 2% for each year from the target salary. For example, if the candidate had only three years of experience listed in Line C, their target salary would decrease by (1 x 2% =) 2%. Completed Target Salary  FORMTEXT       Step 5: Adjust for Exceptional Circumstances, if applicableIf needed, adjust the above figure to accommodate exceptional circumstances (describe in detail below). This can include exceptional education, experience, or certification; the necessary use of another market salary comparator (for example, State of Alaska average salary information); etc. Describe circumstances:  FORMTEXT      Target Salary  FORMTEXT       Completed by:  FORMTEXT       Date:  FORMTEXT       When completed, upload a copy to the Provost s Office Faculty Documentation site with the offer letter, and place the original in the faculty member s file.     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