Friday Focus: Forging ahead into a new academic year

Samara Taber, executive director of university advancement
UAF photo by Leif Van Cise
Samara Taber, executive director of university advancement

Sept. 22, 2023

— By Samara Taber, executive director of university advancement

September in Fairbanks holds a special place in my heart. It marks the season of harvest, a time when many of us reap the rewards of our summer and prepare for the winter ahead. Evenings and weekends are filled with last-minute house projects, stacking wood and pulling out our extension cords and winter gear. Personally, I take pride in my tiny garden, which has been flourishing, and I've recently added some baby chickens to my growing homestead.

Another reason I look forward to this time of year is the return of our ³ÉÈËӰƬ to UAF, whether they are coming back for another year or setting foot on our campus for the very first time. One of my favorite annual traditions is assisting the Admissions office in picking up ³ÉÈËӰƬ from the airport and helping them settle into our residence halls during move-in day. This year, I had the pleasure of working alongside Anna Gagne-Hawes, UAF director of admissions. Our UAF shuttle van was constantly on the move! Did you know that we meet every flight for the first 48 hours that ³ÉÈËӰƬ can arrive to campus, connecting them with their room or the staff of Residence Life, ensuring they feel they're welcome here? It means a lot to me to see these same ³ÉÈËӰƬ walk the stage at commencement, knowing I was there at the start of their UAF journey. Witnessing Fairbanks and the Troth Yeddha’ campus through their eyes for the first time is an unforgettable experience.

Last week, I had the privilege of joining our new and returning class of Climate Scholars ³ÉÈËӰƬ for a special welcome reception. Whenever I encounter especially passionate or driven ³ÉÈËӰƬ, I often pose a question: "How do you feel about public speaking?" as I am always looking for opportunities to invite ³ÉÈËӰƬ to speak at engagement events. I found myself asking that question many times over the course of the evening. The word "inspiring" is sometimes overused, but when it comes to our honors ³ÉÈËӰƬ, it's the perfect descriptor. A big shoutout to Alex Hirsch, Eleanor Guthrie, and Sophia May for their outstanding work.

As we welcome our ³ÉÈËӰƬ, we're also embracing a sincere mission. Our residence halls are more than mere structures; they are the birthplaces of lifelong friendships, engaged communities, and incubators for learning, research and service. Creating a welcoming and supportive environment is at the core of our culture here at UAF.

Speaking of missions, I'm thrilled to announce that our Board of Regents has given formal approval for the Troth Yeddha’ Indigenous Studies Center philanthropic campaign plan. This is a milestone in our strategic goal to strengthen our position as global leaders in ³ÉÈËӰƬ Native and Indigenous programs. We want UAF to be the first university in the nation to have an integrated Indigenous Studies Center with student support, academics and research spaces all in one facility that is designed with Indigenous learning and instruction models in mind. There is much work ahead to achieve our ambitious fundraising target and I am optimistic that we can break ground by 2025.

Lastly, our Convocation this year was an absolute blast! Thank you to everyone who joined us for this extraordinary event. If you missed it, . We had the privilege of unveiling an opening video that we had so much fun creating. Special thanks to Maggie King, Kara Nash, and Adam Rubin for their brilliance and hard work.

As we head into this new school year, I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all of you who have been working tirelessly over the past month. Having once been on the student support side of the house, I fully understand the intensity of this period for you and your staff. Thank you. Your dedication, generosity, and commitment to our ³ÉÈËӰƬ are nothing short of remarkable. And thank you, faculty, for your dedication to our ³ÉÈËӰƬ. Together, we are poised to shape an even brighter future for our university and the ³ÉÈËӰƬ we serve.

Oh, and by the way, how do you feel about public speaking? I'm always on the lookout for passionate members of our community to share their stories. Seriously, feel free to shoot me an email.

Wishing you all a fantastic September!

Friday Focus is written by a different member of UAF’s leadership team every week.