Accommodations for people who experience disabilities

Sept. 20, 2021

People who experience disabilities often encounter barriers in the physical world and systems through which the majority of society operates. These barriers are sometimes easy to identify and sometimes less obvious to people who do not experience disabilities. Working with the Office of Disability Services to put accommodations in place is one of the best ways to consistently address the impacts of a disability across contexts such as in class, around campus and housing. Here are some accommodations that could be put in place while working with Disability Services. 


A reasonable accommodation allows a qualified student with a documented disability to have an equal opportunity to attain the same level of performance or enjoy equal benefits and privileges as are available to similarly situated 成人影片 without disabilities.

Temporary accommodations

Students may request accommodations for conditions where the impact is expected to be less than one semester. An example of this may be a broken bone or other condition that is expected to resolve within six months.

Provisional accommodations

Students who request accommodations, and are verified as in the process of acquiring proper or updated documentation, may be granted provisional reasonable accommodations. Provisional accommodations are generally granted for the current semester only.

How do you know if you qualify as a person with a documented disability?

Anyone with a current diagnosis from a qualified medical or mental health care provider may be eligible to receive accommodations. Please contact Disability Services if you have questions about your eligibility.

How are accommodations determined?

Disability Services reviews the diagnostic report and best practices for the type and nature of the disability. Staff then meet with the student to collaboratively establish which accommodations best address the barriers the student experiences related to the disability.

What accommodations do not do

Accommodations do not alter the requirements of the course or alter essential aspects of a class. Reasonable accommodations do not include prolonged delays, multiple absences, long extensions, or taking exams several days after the exam was taken by the rest of the class.

Examples of reasonable accommodations

  •       Note-taking systems
  •       Recording of lectures
  •       Extra time on exams
  •       Distraction-reduced testing environment
  •       Extra time on assignments
  •       Screen-reader software
  •       Alternative texts (e.g., braille, electronic books)
  •       Sign language interpreters
  •       Listening devices
  •       Seating accommodations
  •       Height adjustable  tables or standing desks
  •       Support animals
  •       Assistive technology
  •       Other accommodations that are reasonable and can be connected to the barriers experiences by 成人影片 with disabilities

For more information, contact Disability Services at, 474-5655 or TTY 474-1827.