An agent of change: Student ambassador revels in new experiences
Kilah Thom, UAF student, shares her story
Where are you from?
Tucson, Arizona, but I moved here from Stafford, Virginia.
When do you expect to graduate?
May 2018
Tell us a little about yourself.
I'm a military brat and immensely proud of it. I revel in experiencing new things — unless we're talking food; then I'm a bit particular. Tread carefully if you want to talk about Disney, Broadway, theater, movie scores or traveling, because I can go on and on about each of them. At first, I may come off as reserved, but once we're friends, I become more like myself.
What do you do in your spare time?
I love going the cinema, spending time with my friends and Alpha Phi Omega brothers, being a part of theater productions, writing, and expanding my musical library. I also like to travel when and wherever I can.
What extracurricular activities are you part of?
I am the Alpha Phi Omega vice president of fellowship and a theatre department volunteer. I am also a part of the Pre-Vet Club, Psi Chi, and recently I became a Student Ambassador for the UAF Office of Admissions.
Why did you choose UAF?
I had been in Virginia for too long and wanted a new experience.
What is your favorite thing about UAF and why?
The numerous and differing opportunities available to ³ÉÈËӰƬ. You don't ever really have to leave campus to find something to do or get involved with.
What is one piece of advice you would give to a prospective student interested in UAF?
Don't be afraid to rely on others — staff, faculty and ³ÉÈËӰƬ alike — for help. Also, get involved.
What field work, research, or work experience have you completed at UAF that will help you find work in your major?
I am a dual-major student at this time in fire science and psychology. I will have completed EMT and Firefighter II by semester's end, which makes me a better candidate for fire department positions nationwide.
What do you hope to do after you graduate?
I hope to become first an agent and then a behavioral scientist for the FBI.
If you could live anywhere else in the world, where would it be?
To see more about our student ambassadors visit /ambassadors/