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Autoclave for 20 minutes using a gravity cycle. 2 m  6(' "U   wAre you autoclaving only solid items, such as new pipet tips, empty glassware, Pasteur pipets, forceps, scissors, etc.?@x    T ,2 8   J    J `B   0Do< < 'zT   #  '     <0 0 4NO f2   6o`B   0Do<  < J 8 J t   t<    B\5  pD  4NO @ J t   J t `B   0DoJ z l2   <oz tj `B !  0Dol  L | } # x`B ,  0Do NN{T  | 1 #  & 2  <h;  z 5YES f2 3  6o |`B @  0Do N|N8 )e   M`B - 0Do){T  | 4 # re 5  <p@  z 5YES f2 6  6o |`B A  0Do  F BF o`<   :  ! G 6\I   Place items in a tray and ensure that caps are not tightly sealed (containers may explode). Separate items to allow steam circulation. 2  I BM o R :   J 6Q  ] ['Autoclave for 20 min on liquid cycle. ( 2( 8 ES )   z # `B ] 0DoE  {T  | ^ # S   _  <8V  z 5YES f2 `  6o |`B a  0Do )   6Z l  :Is the maximum volume in any given tube or bottle <500 mL?*;2   7XB c 0Do m  f Bb Oo'  :   g 6te Xe  YAutoclave for 35 min on liquid cycle. NOTE: very large volumes may require longer times.Z 2Z  j 0j T  &Do the items that you want to autoclave contain any of the following: flammable liquids (ethanol, methanol, acetone, etc.) toxic or reactive chemicals bleach radioactive isotopes animal carcasses or large blocks of tissue  L K n #  ZB o  s *Doh{T  | p # hK q  <Hw  z 5YES f2 r  6o |ZB s  s *Do u Bp{ --o#k  :   v 6~ #  WSTOP! Do not autoclave these materials. Contact EH&S for assistance. x6771 or x5617 $X(2R 8 R  9`B x  0DoRzT  y # r z  <X 0 4NO f2 {  6o`B |  0Dot  0 4t 'Place bag in bin or tray. Add 100-200 mL water to bag just prior to placing in autoclave (to generate steam within bag during cycle). Close bag loosely. Autoclave for 35 minutes using a gravity cycle. After cycle is finished, place bag in gray Autoclaved Waste Disposal bin next to autoclave.0( 2   'RB  s *DonRB  s *DoLdL   6  HAre you autoclaving liquids or a combination of liquids and solid items?@I   '  H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.K`%h 0 `(  X  C PD     S d      H  0j ? 3380___PPT10.r    EH1՜.+,0    QOn-screen ShowUniversity of ӰƬQH  ArialDefault DesignSlide 1  Fonts UsedDesign Template Slide TitlesOh+'0X `hx  Slide 1University of ӰƬ Jock Irons78Microsoft Office PowerPoint@ ұM@ ]K@24,GWg  +g  y--$xx--'--$^u&u&^^---- $^u&u&^--'--$HT>T>HH---- $HT>T>H--'O--$GBGNjNjBGB---- $GBGNjNjB--'@Arial-. (2 FIIs the maximum volume ."System@:-@Arial-. 12 IIin any given tube or bottle .-@Arial-. 2 LI>500 d.-@Arial-.  2 LPmL.-@Arial-.  2 LT?.---$_'_8w8w'_'---- $_'_8w8w'--'--$.?(?(..---- $.?(?(.--'--.$2c0c0d/e/f/r/t0t0u2uuuttrfedcc2c----.%2c0c0d/e/f/r/t0t0u2uuuttrfedcc2c--'f--$ Y Y---- $ Y Y--'@Arial-. '2 AUTOCLAVING FLOWCHART.--- $ %b%b --'@Arial-. %2 bAre you autoclaving .-@Arial-. "2 esolid waste in an .-@Arial-. 2 h autoclave bag.-@Arial-. 2 h , such as .-@Arial-. "2 lcontaminated agar .-@Arial-. (2 oplates, gloves, tips, .-@Arial-. 2 rswabs?.---%TV--'@Arial-.  2 Z NO.---&%V V W X Y Z [ \\\[ZYXWVV--'--%\^--'--%+e+i--'@Arial-.  2 l(YES.---&%*i)i'i&j&k&l'm)m*m,m-m.l.k.j-i,i*i--'--%*q/q--'--%=RAR--'@Arial-.  2 SCYES.---&%EPDPCPBQARBSCTDTETGTHTISIRIQHPGPEP--'--%JRNR--'--.$QPOPNQNRNSN_N`NaObQbbba`_SRQPPQP----.%QPOPNQNRNSN_N`NaObQbbba`_SRQPPQP--'@Arial-. W2 TR5Place items on tray and ensure that any lids are not .-@Arial-. U2 WR4tightly sealed. Separate objects so that steam can .-@Arial-. 92 ZR!circulate completely around them..-@Arial-. N2 _R/Autoclave for 20 minutes using a gravity cycle..-@Arial-. %2 LAre you autoclaving .-@Arial-.  2 L!only.-@Arial-. 2 L' solid items.-@Arial-.  2 L5, .-@Arial-. 2 P such as new .-@Arial-. 2 Ppipet?.-@Arial-. *2 Ptips, empty glassware, .-@Arial-. 2 SPasteur .-@Arial-. 2 Spipets.-@Arial-. .2 S, forceps, scissors, etc.?.---%d8d:--'@Arial-.  2 >.---&%::;<`=a>a?b@d@e@f?g>g=g<f;e:d:--'--%d@dB--'@Arial-.  2 E NO.---%?@--'--&%@ A A B D E F GGGFEDBAA@--'--%GH--'--%(4+4--'@Arial-.  2 5,YES.---&%.1-2+2+3*4+5+5-6.606152524231202.1--'--%2454--'--%w1z1--'@Arial-.  2 2{YES.---&%~/|/{/z0y1z2{3|3~333210//~/--'--%11--'--$;'4.49;@W@^9^.W'----$;'4.49;@W@^9^.W'--'@Arial-. .2 ,9Place items in a tray and .-@Arial-. -2 /9ensure that caps are not .-@Arial-. 02 39tightly sealed (containers .-@Arial-. +2 69may explode). Separate .-@Arial-. '2 99items to allow steam t.-@Arial-. 2 <9 circulation..---$%+3883+%----$%+3883+%--'@Arial-. 2 + Autoclave .-@Arial-. 2 . for 20 min ..-@Arial-. 2 1 on liquid .-@Arial-. 2 4cycle. .---%jFlF--'@Arial-.  2 FoYES.---&%qCoCnDmDmEmFnGoGqHrGtGtFuEtDtDrCqC--'--%uExE--'@Arial-. 2 ,aIs the maximum .-@Arial-. 2 /avolume in any .-@Arial-. 2 3agiven tube or .-@Arial-. 2 6abottle .-@Arial-. 2 6i<500 e.-@Arial-.  2 6omL.-@Arial-.  2 6s?.---%Z+_+--'O--$~:x@xH~NNH@:----$~:x@xH~NNH@:--'@Arial-. '2 >}Autoclave for 35 min .-@Arial-. "2 B}on liquid cycle. .-@Arial-. !2 E}NOTE: very large .-@Arial-. %2 H}volumes may require .-@Arial-. 2 K} longer times..-@Arial-. `2  ;Do the items that you want to autoclave contain any of the .-@Arial-. 2  following:.-@Arial-. U2 4flammable liquids (ethanol, methanol, acetone, etc.).-@Arial-. 02 toxic or reactive chemicals.-@Arial-. 2 bleach.-@Arial-. %2 radioactive isotopes.-@Arial-. F2 "*animal carcasses or large blocks of tissue.---%bd--'@Arial-.  2 fYES.---&%igfeeefgijllmllji--'--%ln--'----$xnnx##----$xnnx##--'@Arial-. 2 zSTOP!h.-@Arial-. !2 uDo not autoclave p.-@Arial-. "2 uthese materials. .-@Arial-. !2 tContact EH&S for .-@Arial-. 2 x assistance..-@Arial-. !2 vx6771 or x5617 .---%%&--'@Arial-.  2 *NO.---&%&&'()+,,-,,+)('&&--'--%-.--'@Arial-. :2 h2"Place bag in bin or tray. Add 100.-@Arial-.  2 h]-.-@Arial-.  2 h]200 .-@Arial-.  2 hbmL.-@Arial-. @2 hh&water to bag just prior to placing in .-@Arial-. g2 k2@autoclave (to generate steam within bag during cycle). Close ba.-@Arial-.  2 kg .-@Arial-. 2 kloosely .--kk-@Arial-.  2 k..-@Arial-. g2 p2@Autoclave for 35 minutes using a gravity cycle. After cycle is .-@Arial-. %2 pfinished, place bag .-@Arial-. [2 s28in gray Autoclaved Waste Disposal bin next to autoclave..---%*m*q--'--%&e+e--'@Arial-. %2 3Are you autoclaving .-@Arial-. 2 6liquids .-@Arial-.  2 6or a.-@Arial-. *2 9combination of liquids .-@Arial-. 2 <and solid items.-@Arial-.  2 <?.-Current User>"_-H nJock IronsJock Irons