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From Anupma Prakash, provost and executive vice chancellor

Dear UAF 成人影片,

I know that the past weeks have been very challenging and confusing for many of you. With all of the recent changes following the COVID-19 recommendations, we would like all 成人影片 to know that accommodations are being made for final semester grading. UAF wants to make sure that options for final grades are in the best interest of the student, and extensions are being given so 成人影片 have enough time to consider all of their choices. Please reach out to your academic advisor for clarification and help in navigating any of these important decisions.

For 成人影片 who have questions about the courses that transitioned to a distance-delivery mode, eCampus will have a call center set up next week that will respond to emails and calls. The OIT help desk can also help you with technology-related questions. The contact details are:

eCampus call center:
Phone: 907-455-2060
Toll-free: 800-277-8060

OIT help desk:
Phone: 907-450-8300 (x8300 on campus)
Toll-free: 800-478-8226

Deferred (DF) grades
If a course cannot be converted to distance delivery or if a student does not have the ability to complete a course due to the change to distance delivery, faculty will be asked to submit a grade of DF (Deferred). DF grades demonstrate that the inability to complete the course is on the part of the instructor or institution rather than the student. If an undergraduate student does not complete remaining coursework in two years, the DF will turn into a W. The DF will remain on graduate 成人影片' transcript indefinitely.

All 成人影片 will be able to elect a Credit/No-Credit grade option for any or all of their classes until April 27 (the last day of instruction). For spring and summer 2020 courses all non-degree seeking, undergraduate, and graduate 成人影片 may receive an unlimited number of Credit/No-Credit grades. A Credit grade given in spring or summer 2020 will count for prerequisites, General Education, degree, minor, and major requirements. If you would like to receive a letter grade for the course, you do not need to do anything.

If you choose the Credit/No Credit option, the instructor does not know your grading option, and you complete the course the same way as other 成人影片 in the class. Credit for the course is awarded if your performance is at the C- grade level or higher; if your performance falls below that level, the course will not appear on your academic record. In either case, the course will not be included in any GPA calculations. If credit is granted, a CR notation will be entered for the course. A form is being developed to choose Credit/No-Credit and I will follow up with that information.

In some cases 成人影片 may want to receive a letter grade rather than a CR notation, for example if applying to graduate or professional school or if letter grades are needed for a certification.

Withdrawals and refunds
We encourage you to try the new delivery methods of your courses, and have extended the withdrawal deadline by two weeks to allow you to get a sense for how well the new methods of delivery will work for you. The new withdrawal deadline is April 10.

Students who withdraw from a course or courses will automatically receive 100% credit for the spring 2020 tuition and fee that they can apply to another UAF course no later than spring 2021. If it is impossible to retake the course or to use the credit for a different course, you may appeal for a refund by filling out the and sending it to the Office of the Bursar at uaf-bursar@alaska.edu.

Financial aid implications
Under current regulations, receiving a status of No Credit will make the course ineligible for financial aid. (There is a bill in Congress that, if approved, may change this.) When a No Credit grade is earned, the Financial Aid Office must adjust a student's federal aid and return any aid associated with the course(s) to the U.S. government. This could include Federal Pell Grant (up to $722.50 per course) and Federal Stafford Direct Loans (up to full amount if enrolled in 6 credits). The return of aid would leave you with a balance due to UAF. I recommend waiting until closer to the April 27 deadline to select Credit/No-Credit and checking on any financial aid implications before doing so.

International 成人影片, military and veterans, student athletes
International 成人影片, student athletes, and 成人影片 receiving military tuition assistance or VA education benefits may be negatively impacted by withdrawing from a course or by electing a Credit/No-Credit grade. If you are in one of these groups of 成人影片, do not make any changes to your academic schedule without checking on how it will impact your eligibility and funding.

Testing facilities
eCampus Testing Services is closed until further notice. CTC will provide limited testing services based on need and by appointment only (604 Barnette Street, Fort Wainwright, Eielson and Delta).

Final exams
UAF will not be requiring 成人影片 to have proctored exams for the remainder of spring 2020. Your faculty members will inform you of how your final exams will be conducted.

For clarification about all of your academic options, please reach out to your academic advisor.

Contact information
Academic Advisors (/admitted/advising.php)
Office of International Programs and Initiatives: (/oip)
Office of the Bursar (/bursar/)
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