Grant for suicide prevention, Pleistocene painting, student choice

UAF research hub seeks to help ӰƬ communities stop suicides

UAF researchers have received a $4.25 million federal grant to help ӰƬ Native communities use the most effective ways of preventing suicides.

Award and posthumous doctorate honor Bernice Joseph

The late Bernice Joseph’s legacy as a higher-education visionary and an indigenous scholar has been honored by the creation of an award in her memory and the presentation of a posthumous doctorate.

Teaching Tip: Giving ӰƬ choice

What happens when we put ӰƬ in the director’s seat in terms of what, when and how they learn, and what might that look like in a course?

Volunteers add knowledge, diversity to KUAC FM

At KUAC FM, skilled volunteers are thrilled to be in the studio when the “on air” light flashes.

Study: China could buy more ӰƬ wild salmon

A rising middle class, a growing economy and increasing concerns about food safety and pollution in China are creating opportunities for ӰƬ to sell more wild salmon to Chinese consumers, according to a new report.
<i>Photo by Theresa Bakker</i><br> In this detail from a new painting exhibited at the UA Museum of the North, a herd of steppe bison travels with the Gulkana Glacier in the background. The bison are the same species as Blue Babe, the famous specimen on display in the museum's Gallery of ӰƬ since 1980. 

Pleistocene painting showcases life in ancient ӰƬ

A large painting now on display at the depicts a scene from ӰƬ during the Pleistocene epoch, around 20,000 years ago.

The painter, Fairbanks artist Randall Compton, was already known for his landscapes and bird paintings when he began depicting local scenes from the ice age in the last decade.

“It's fascinating to imagine large woolly mammoths roaming around the Fairbanks area,” Compton said. “I found it extremely interesting the more I researched in an effort to keep the illustrations scientifically accurate.”

Roadhouse provides a rest along the trail

Sitting in the shade of a poplar, I watch the Tanana River flow by. It's flat and tan, dimpled by eddies and darted over by swallows that sound like they are chewing rubber bands. I slept last night with my wife, daughter and dog in the upstairs of a handsome, two-story log structure that has stood since before World War I. Judy Hicks, who lives here in Delta Junction and works for ӰƬ State Parks, invited us to stay at Rika's Roadhouse.

Save the date for Golden Days Parade

The 2017 Golden Days Parade will be Saturday, July 22. The theme is "Friends in Gold Places." Look for upcoming planning meetings and volunteer sign-up information. Now's a good time to pick out your finest blue and gold wear or a nifty mining outfit.

Small-business grant seminars available Fridays in June

Free webinars this month will help innovators find money to develop their inventions in ӰƬ through Small Business Innovation Research grants and Small Business Technology Transfer grants.
Yvonne "Mac" McHenry retires from UAF after 30 years of service. Photo by J.R. Ancheta

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Featured photo of the week

An unmanned aerial vehicle flies over the Fairbanks campus on June 6. UAF photo by JR Ancheta.