Details on campus parking lots, snow removal

An estimated three inches of snow fell in Fairbanks yesterday due to another winter storm, according to the National Weather Service. This precipitation, in addition to the more than one foot of snow received last week, created a tremendous burden on snow removal efforts on the UAF campus. While Facilities Services crews work to maintain roads, stairs and walkways continuously, they have also cleared parking lots from West Ridge to the campus core. Snow removal will continue across campus tonight and throughout the weekend.

The following parking lots are cleared as of Jan. 6: West Patty, Student Recreation Center, Ballaine, Butrovich, Chapman, Copper Lane, Biological Research and Diagnostics Facility, Virology Lab, Irving, West Arctic Health, Fine Arts, Brooks, Duckering, Forestry, along with lots near the Moore-Bartlett-Skarland complex and Cutler Apartments.

By Monday, Jan. 9, the Haida lot and Ambler Lane will be cleared and, possibly, the Power Plant and Wood Center roundabout.

Taku and Nenana lots will not be cleared until later because many vehicles were parked in those lots over the winter break and remain there.

Nine Facilities Services employees are working around the clock to ensure the campus is cleared of snow. The removal process has taken more time than expected due to strong winds, more snow and equipment breakdowns. Thank you for your patience.

For more information, please feel free to call the Customer Service Center at UAF Facilities Services at x7000.

— Karrah Hearns, UAF Facilities Services customer service manager