Ronald Barry

Ronald Barry

1991  |  Professor of Statistics
University of California, Irvine 1991, PhD
CH 201C 907-474-7226

Much of my work is consulting, where I give statistical advice (on design of studies and experiments, analysis and reporting). Favorite areas include wildlife biology, nutrition research, biochemistry, and fisheries. Most of my research is in spatial statistics, where geolocated data is used to create maps or test spatial models. I both write papers in this area and write software, in the form of R functions and packages. Recent work includes diffusion-based density and nonparametric regression estimators that work with maps that include boundaries and holes. I鈥檓 also working on software to implement nonparametric co-kriging (mapping multiple variables at the same time, using correlations between variables to improve the accuracy of the maps). I鈥檝e also done laboratory work on NMR of chemical mixtures and I鈥檓 working on models for identifying chemicals based on spectroscopy of mixtures of unknown chemicals. Finally, I鈥檓 also starting work on the causes of failure in sentinel node biopsy in melanoma, which will involve analysis of the SEER cancer data.

Highlighted works:

Bernard*, R.P. Barry, J. McIntyre (2021). A Geostatistical Model Based on Random Walks to Krige Regions with Irregular Boundaries and Holes. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics, Under review. 

R.P. Barry, J. McIntyre, (2020) Lattice-Based Methods for Regression and Density Estimation on Complicated Multidimensional Regions. Environ Ecol Stat. 11 August. 27, 571-589. DOI: s10651-020-00459-z 

McIntyre, RP Barry (2018) A lattice-based smoother for regions with irregular boundaries and holes. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics. 27 (2) pp. 360-367. 

Paryani*, O. Awoleke, M. Ahmadi, C. Hanks, and R. Barry (2017) Approximate Bayesian Computation for Probabilistic Decline-Curve Analysis in Unconventional Reservoirs. SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering. Vol. 2, Issue 2. 

J.D. Canary*, L.C. Blizzard, R.P. Barry, D.W. Hosmer, S.J. Quinn. (2017) A comparison of the Hosmer-Lemeshow, Pigeon-Heyse, and Tsiatis goodness-of-fit tests for binary logistic regression under two grouping methods. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation. Vol 47, Issue 3. 10.1080/03610918.2015.1017583 

J.H. Maier*, R. Barry. (2015) Associations among Physical Activity, Diet, and Obesity Measures Change during Adolescence. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism. Vol. 2015, Article ID 805065: 10.1155/2015/805065.

*denotes UAF graduate 成人影片