Nina Avdonina

2003 | Adjunct Professor
St. Petersburg (Leningrad) State University 1979, PhD
CH 107 | 907-474-7273
My main research has concentrated on the developing new methods of mathematical physics and applications of these methods to solving modern problems of theoretical atomic and nanoscience physics.
Highlighted works:
G.M. Alam*, S. Avdonin and N. Avdonina, Control problems for the telegraph and wave equation networks, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1847 (2021), 012015.
Sergei Avdonin, Nina Avdonina, Julian Edward, and Karlygash Nurtazina, Control and inverse
problems for the heat equation with strong singularities, System and Control Letters, (2021), v. 148, 104852.
Avdonin, N. Avdonina and Y. Zhao*, Boundary control problems for the wave equation on tree graphs, 3rd IFAC Workshop on Control of Systems Governed by Partial Differential Equations and XI Workshop on Control of Distributed Parameter Systems, Oaxaca, Mexico, May 20-24, 2019, IFAC PapersOnLine, (2019), 52, no. 2, 30-35.Al-Musallam, S.A. Avdonin, N.B. Avdonina and J.K. Edward, Control and inverse problems for
networks of vibrating strings with attached masses, Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, (2016), 7, no. 5, 835-841.
B. Avdonina, S. Belov*, Z. Feli, M. Marletta, A.Z. Msezane,and S. N Naboko, Semiclassicalapproach to Regge poles trajectories calculations for nonsingular potentials: ThomasFermi type, J.
Phys. A: Math. Gen 37, (2004) 6943-6954.
B. Avdonina, S. Belov*, Z. Feli, A.Z. Msezane, and S. N Naboko, New semiclassical approach for calculating Regge pole trajectories for singular potentials, Phys. Rev A 66, (2002) 022713.* denotes UAF graduate 成人影片