DMS Colloquium Lecture Series
2016 Colloquium Calendar
- Tuesday, January 26
Elizabeth Allman (University of 成人影片 Fairbanks)
Ranks of Matrices and Tensors
1:00 p.m. Chapman 106
2015 Colloquium Calendar
- Tuesday, November 24
Jody Gaines (University of 成人影片 Fairbanks)
Methodology of modeling undular bores in Turnagain Arm using the Korteweg-deVries
1:00 p.m. Gruening 413
- Tuesday, November 17
Margaret Short (University of 成人影片 Fairbanks)
Statistical models for the movement of halibut in the Gulf of 成人影片
1:00 p.m. Gruening 413
- Tuesday, September 8
Jim Isenberg (University of Oregon)
Cosmic Censorship and the Nature of Singularities in the Solutions of Einstein Equations
1:00 p.m. Chapman 106
- Tuesday, February 17
Brook Russell (Colorado State University)
Data Mining for Extreme Behavior with Application to Ground Level Ozone (PDF)
1:00 p.m. Chapman 106
- Thursday, February 12
Lubov Ziefman (University of 成人影片 Fairbanks)
New two-dimensional basis set: the circularly symmetric basis, with application to
the Hubble Space Telescope point spread function (PDF)
1:00 p.m. Chapman 106
- Thursday, February 5
Scott Goddard (Texas A&M University)
Most Powerful Bayesian Testing for Reproducible Science (PDF)
1:00pm Chapman 106
2013-14 Colloquium Calendar
- Thursday, November 7, 2013
Mattew Harris and John Pender (University of 成人影片, Fairbanks)
Solving the Tsunami Run-up Problem (PDF)
1:00pm Chapman 104
- Thursday, November 21, 2013
Dr. Sergei Avdonin (University of 成人影片, Fairbanks)
Riesz Bases of Exponentials (PDF)
1:00pm Chapman 104
- Thursday, January 30, 2014
Dr. Ed Bueler (University of 成人影片, Fairbanks)
What is ... A Variational Inequality? (PDF)
1:05pm Chapman 104
- Thursday, February 6, 2014
Dr. Mondal Anirban (Texas A&M, Quantum Reservoir Impact)
Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification in Large Scale Spacial Inverse Problems (PDF)
1:05pm Chapman 106
- Thursday, February 20, 2014
Dr. Yeonwoo Rho (University of Illnois at Urbana-Champaign)
Inference for Time Series Regression Models with Nonstationary Errors (PDF)
1:05pm Chapman 106
- Thursday, February 27, 2014
Dr. Emily Casleton (Iowa State University)
The Local Structure Graph Model (PDF)
1:05pm Chapman 106
2012-13 Colloquium Calendar
- Thursday, September 20, 2012
Ralph Faudree (University of Memphis)
Saturation Numbers
1:00pm Chapman 104
- Thursday, September 27, 2012
Daniel Pellicer (Instituto de Matematicas, UNAM)
Symmetric Polyhedra in Projective Space
1:00pm Chapman 104
- Thursday, October 4, 2012
Gordon Wiliams (UAF)
The Monodromy Group and Minimal Covers of Polyhedra
1:00pm Chapman 104
- Thursday, October 11, 2012
Jeremiah Harrington, Matthew Harris and Lander Ver Hoef (UAF)
Tsunami Modeling in Trapezoidal Shaped Bays
1:00pm Chapman 104
- Thursday, November 15, 2012
Ranis Ibragimov (University of Texas at Brownville)
Lie group analysis - a microscope of physical and engineering sciences
1:00pm Chapman 104
- Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Qi Zheng (Clemson University)
Adaptively Weighted Kernel Regression
1:00pm Chapman 104
- Thursday, April 4, 2013
Tuan Vu (University of West Georgia)
Irregular Samplings in Paley-Wiener and Hardy Spaces
1:00pm Chapman 104